HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-25-2008 Minutes MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING MARCH 25, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Godek called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Code Enforcement Board to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Member Lowery led the Invocation and Member Ballard led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was called and a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Godek, Vice Chair Chancey, Members Ballard, M. Godek, Lowery, Stanley, and Alternate Member Elliott. Also present were Code Enforcement Supervisor Loeffler, Code Enforcement Officer Delgado, Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez, Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, Division Chief Stanley, Permitting Clerk Everett, Attorney V ouis, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt. ABSENT: Member Sais and Alternate Member Alexander were absent excused. GUESTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD, IN WHICH CASE THE CHAIRMAN WILL INSTRUCT THE BOARD CLERK. TO REMOVE THE ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. The Consent Agenda consisted of approval of Items A, B and C. *Note: Consent Agenda was amended A. Minutes of the February 26,2008, Code Enforcement Board Meeting B. Dismissal or Compliance. (Case Numbers 08-053, 08-055, 08-076, and 08-080 were transferred to consent.) Case Number Respondent Location of Violation 1. 08-014F Jose M. and Maria C. Valdovinos 107 E. Circle Key Drive 2. 08-018F Clarke Rd, Inc, Lena Nails, Dung H. 1596 E. Silver Star Rd 3. 08-053 Richard Kohlmeier 465 Meadow Sweet Court 4. 08-055 Jean Luxon Aurelien 3304 Dozer Court 5. 08-072 Louis G. and Concetta R. Sarvo 6936 Log Jam Court 6. 08-076 Fernando and Maria L. Rodriguez 1102 Center Street 7. 08-077 Burgos Mech.Corp, C.Burgos, & 615 Lyman Street 8. 08-078 Michelle Nasser 1678 Glenhaven Circle 9. 08-079 Luis and Magall Perez 402 Hager Drive 10. 08-080 Village Mkt PL, Charger Const. 10880 W. Colonial Drive n____ J Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 C. Order of Continuance (April 22, 2008, Meeting). 086 were transferred to Consent). Case Number Respondent 1. 08-075 Theresa Morales 2. 08-086 Michael and Pamela Crabb (Case Numbers 08-075 and 08- Location of Violation 1714 Palmerston Circle 711.E Lakeshore Drive Member Ballard. seconded bv Member Lowerv. moved to approve the Consent Aflenda with the amendments presented bv staff. Motion carried unanimouslv. Permitting Clerk Everett administered the oath to Code Enforcement Supervisor Loeffler, Code Enforcement Officer Delgado, Code Enforcement Officer Rodriguez, Code Enforcement Officer Siegrist, Division Chief Stanley, and anyone intending to speak regarding a case. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS None HEARINGS OF STATEMENTS OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO THE HEARING RULES ADOPTED BY THIS BOARD ON JUNE 27, 1995, VARIOUS DOCUMENTS ARE USED BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN EACH CASE AND ARE REPORTED IN THE CASE TESTIMONY GIVEN BY THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. IN THESE MINUTES THE TITLES TO THOSE DOCUMENTS WILL BE ABBREVIATED AS FOLLOWS: ACFD . AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FOR DEMOLITION, AOC - AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE, AONC - AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COMPLIANCE, ATF-APPLICATION TO FORECLOSE, CO - COMPLIANCE ORDER, CMFD - COMMISSION MEETING FOR DETERMINATION, CS - CONTINUED STAY, CTR - COPY TO RESPONDENT, ECO - EXTENDED COMPLIANCE ORDER, EX-EXlllBITS, FS- FEES STAYED, LDC - Land Development Code, NOCV - NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION, NOH - NOTICE OF HEARING, NS-No Service, OAF - ORDER AUTHORIZING FORECLOSURE, OIF/L- ORDER IMPOSING FINE/LIEN, ONC - ORDER OF NON-COMPLIANCE, OOC . ORDER OF CONTINUANCE, , ORF - ORDER REDUCING FINE, PDFS _ PER DAY FINE SUSPENDED, POS - PROOF OF SERVICE, RFR - REQUEST FOR REHEARING, RFRDUC-REQUEST FOR REDUCTION DENIED UNTIL COMPLIANCE, ROF- REDUCTION OF FINE, SFH - SUBPOENA FOR HEARING, SOY - STATEMENT OF VIOLATION (S) and WD - WITHDREW. Vice Chair Chancev. seconded bv Member Lowerv. moved to move UP the followinfl cases on the Consent Agenda. Case Numbers 08-003. 08-009. 08-082. 08-083, 08-084, and 07-174. Motion carried unanimouslv. HEARINGS ON STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS PURSUANT TO NOTICES OF HEARINGS Case No. 08-003 - Akm and Christina M. Hussain, J&J Fence Co. c/o Jorge E. Rios 901 Nola Drive Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 105.4 11-19-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 12-06-07 12-12-07 SOY 12-12-07 NOH Meeting Date: 01-22-08 12-12-07 POS Regular and Certified Mail 01-22-08 OC Meeting Date: 02-26-08 02-26-08 OC Meeting Date: 03-25-08 03-03-08 POS Regular and Certified Mail Observation: Failure to obtain any required final inspections for a fence, permit #0601602, issued on June 3, 2006. Page 2 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and further stated, as of today, the fence is in non-compliance. Vice Chair Chancey inquired about the last hand delivery. Officer Rodriguez stated it was hand delivered on March 20th. Akm Hussain, 901 Nola Drive, stated that the first inspection did not pass. The fence contractor told him he spoke with an inspector in the City who stated it failed for not being 25 ft. from the property line. Mr. Hussain further stated he was also told by the contractor that the inspector told him that the 25 ft. setback may change so they should wait before they move the fence. Mr. Hussain stated after several letters from the City and no change in the setback requirements he told the contractor to move it, which they did; however, they did not measure the 25 ft. from the end of the sidewalk so the inspection did not pass again. Mr. Hussain stated that the contractor told him that the fence was off by 1.5 ft., so he would try to talk to someone in the City to see if it could stay that way without having to move it again since the fence is not obstructing any view of the street. He further stated that is the last conversation he had with the inspector who had also told him he would be present tonight to speak before the board, but he has not arrived yet. Vice Chair Chancey inquired if the fence was located in the front of the house. Mr. Hussain stated the fence is located on the side of his property. Member Lowery informed Mr. Hussain he should have gone by what the City was requesting and not by what the contractor was telling him. Mr. Hussain stated he blames himself because he should not have relied on the contractor without going out there to measure the property himself. He stated he assumed since the contractor was moving the fence on their cost that it would have been done correctly when they went out the second time. Member M. Godek inquired if the contractor would be going by to fix the fence tomorrow. Mr. Hussain stated the contractor assured him that he would clear his schedule to go by tomorrow. Member M. Godek, seconded bv Member Lowerv. moved in Case Number 08-003 to find the respondents in violation as cited as of December 3, 2007, and be fliven until March 28, 2008, to complv or be fined $100/ a day thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 08-009 - Marlene Gonzalez and Arturo Bal'Zaga 1004 Marlene Drive Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 105.4 11-14-07 NOcV 12-12-07 SOY 12-12-07 NOH 12-12-07 POS 01-22-08 OC 01-24-08 POS 02-26-08 OC 03-03-08 POS Re-Inspection Date: 12-03-07 Meeting Date: 01-22-08 Regular and Certified Mail Meeting Date: 02-26-08 Regular and Certified Mail Meeting Date: 03-25-08 Regular and Certified Mail Page 3 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 Observation: Failure to obtain any required fmal inspections for a fence, permit #0700394, issued on March 8, 2007, and expired September 9, 2007. Officer Rodriguez gave a detailed history of the case and further stated, as of today, the property is in non-compliance. Chairman Godek inquired as to why they had continuances for this case. Officer Rodriguez stated at the time they did not have any proof of service. Vice Chair Chancey inquired about the violation and as to how much of the project was started. Officer Rodriguez stated the owner called her and informed her that they were having financial problems with finishing the fence. The fence is currently partially up and the violation is for not completing the fence. Officer Rodriguez stated she has not been out to the property but was told by the building inspector that there are a couple of panels that have been put up. Chairman Godek inquired if the respondent would be able to reapply for a permit for the section that was completed. Officer Rodriguez stated that would not be allowed since she already has an existing permit open. Marlene Gonzalez, 1004 Marlene Drive (translator Officer Rodriguez), stated she has half the fence done but can not fInish it because her son who was helping purchase the materials is currently not working. She does not have the money to finish the work but is requesting an extension of 6 months to try to complete the fence. Member M. Godek inquired if she had the material to finish the fence. Ms. Gonzalez stated she does not have the material which is why she is requesting an extension. Vice Chair Chancey inquired as to what part of the fence was completed. Ms. Gonzalez stated the left side of her yard and a portion of the back is completed. The front yard is not going to be fenced in. Chairman Godek inquired about the post and if they were up. Ms. Gonzalez stated the posts are up since she was replacing her existing fence. Member M. Godek inquired why they pulled the permit if they did not have the material. Ms. Gonzalez stated her son was working at the time and was helping buy the materials to replace an existing rotting fence. He lost his job so now they cannot afford the material. Member Lowery inquired about the' portion of the fence that was up and if the respondent could revise the permit and only have the permit for the fence that is up and if she could remove the posts for the section that was not completed until she can afford the material to finish. Officer Rodriguez stated that it is up to the board to give Ms. Gonzalez an extension to see if the building department will give her a revision for what is currently up. Member Ballard, seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case Number 08-009 to find the respondents in violation as cited. and be given until April 29. 2008. to comply or be fined $50/ a dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Page 4 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 Case No~ 08-082 - Eyeglass World, LLC., DDRM West Oaks Town Center, LLC. c/o Developers Diversified Realty Corp. 9571 W. Colonial Drive Officer Siegrist Violation Cited: 51-13, 8-6(A) 01-15-08 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 02-18-08 03-11-08 SOY 03-11-08 NOH Meeting Date: 03-25-08 03-11-08 POS Regular and Certified Mail Observation: Work without a permit. New store front sign ("Eyeglass World" ) and banner sign(s), flags, pennants, and balloon, used as advertising. Officer Siegrist gave a brief history of the case and provided exhibits. He further stated, as of today, the property is in non-compliance. Two of the three signs might be o.k. but the north wall sign appears much larger and is not approved. He stated originally the permit was denied yet the signs were put up anyways. Then in February a permit was pulled but the signs did not match the approved plans. Lori Rafael, DDRC West Oaks Town Center, stated she spoke with Principal Planner Rumer yesterday and they are in compliance. She stated all they needed was the final inspection and when she drove by the property yesterday the final inspection was being done. Ms. Rafael stated by what she had understood the front sign that was being questioned was because the City and sign company had lost the information on the specs for the sign. She further informed the board that the first signs that were put up without permits were removed and the correct signs were installed. Member M. Godek inquired if Ms. Rafael had anything in writing to prove her conversation with the City Planner. Ms. Rafael stated she was seen by Permitting Clerk Everett. Officer Siegrist provided Exhibit "E" which was an inspection report from March 24th stating that there were no plans on site. Ms. Rafael stated she believes the sign company has been calling Mr. Rumer to discuss what has been going on with the plans since they did get a partial inspection. Chairman Godek inquired as to how much time they would need to get things sorted out. Ms. Rafael stated she would like for everything to be done by tomorrow but she does not really know because she needs to get with the sign company. Member Lowery explained to the respondent that the permit needs to be displayed and she needs to relay that back to the contractor. Vice Chair Chancev, seconded bv Member Ballard. moved in Case Number 08-082 to find the respondents in violation of 51-13 as of February 15, 2008, and be given until April 15, 2008. to complv or be fined $200/ a dav thereafler. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Case No. 08-083 - Steven Rocci, Chrysoyla Lile-Pashoe 910 Nola Drive Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 5-1, 108-24 02-13-08 NOcV Re-Inspection Date: 03-18-08 03-19-08 SOY 03-19-08 NOH Meeting Date: 03-25-08 Observation: Zoning violation. Single family dwelling utilized as a multi-family dwelling. Multi-family Page 5 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 dwelling only pennitted within areas zoned as R-3. 910 Nola Drive is within a area zoned as R-1AA. Additionally, multiple complaints involve vehicle parking, number of persons entering and leaving and rented rooms. Junk, debris: Old TV set, landscape debris/weeds around house. Officer Loeffler gave a brief history of the case and provided exhibits. He further stated, as of today, the property is in non-compliance. Jami Warren, 900 Nola Drive, stated she was present tonight because her neighbors as well herself have great concerns about the renters. She has four children and has no way of knowing if sex offenders are living next door. She lives in a great community and would like to keep it that way. Steve Rocci, 910 Nola Drive, stated he was married once but is recently separated and he was lonely so was looking to have roommates to keep him company. He stated he started looking for roommates by hanging flyers on the bulletin board in Home Depot, the company he works for. Prior to that in August and September of 2007 he went to a roommate service company that matches up roommates. Chairman Godek inquired if the roommate service had asked him if it was legal for him to do this in his neighborhood. Mr. Rocci stated they did not. He further stated he interviewed a bunch of people and narrowed it down to the man that had similar interest to him. Mr. Rocci stated it was nice to have someone in the house since it is a big house and expensive to run and they do help him out. He further stated he feels uncomfortable speaking without an attorney since he did not know roommates could be such a complicated issue. He did not know he was doing anything wrong and this is a temporary situation since the house is going to be on the market soon. Mr. Rooci stated that the exhibit that was produced regarding the search for a roommate was the only format available for that website and he realizes it was not the right choice of words. Mr. Rocci stated as far as the car situation he has a six car parking space and the guys who live their work 12 hours a day so they are not usually home. He tried to retain a counsel to be present tonight but was not able to find one. The men living with him are just roommates and a couple of the guys will only be there for about another month. Chairman Godek inquired as to how many guys were living in the home. Mr. Rocci stated he has five guys living in the home plus himself. He further stated he has a six bedroom house and did not add any bedrooms. Mr. Rocci stated he really wanted to have a legal counsel present because there are other legal issues involved. He spoke with Judge Thomas Smith to try to get the documents that would show that his soon to be ex-wife has relieved herself of all the responsibilities of the home but he was not able to get them. He wanted to make sure that the board is aware that if he was renting out the rooms as a business he would not be trying to sell the house. Mr. Rocci further described his relationship with his roommates. Officer Loeffler briefly stated that if Mr. Rocci's wife has been removed from the home's title the property appraiser's office has not been updated to reflect that. Page 6 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 Chrysoyla Lile-Poshoe, co-owner of the property, stated she is getting a divorce and wants the board to know that she is not involved with the renting of the rooms. She stated after complaints from her neighbors who she is good friends with she felt she had to do something about the situation since her name is still on the title. Ms. Lile-Poshoe briefly described the relationship she had with Mr. Rocci. She further stated the house is not on the market because if it was her attorney would be the first to know. Ms. Lile-Poshoe stated she is still co-owner of the property and there are no forms that she has signed stating otherwise. She would like to clear her name from this situation since she does not have anything to do with it. Member Stanley inquired if they have had any problem with the HOA or the security letting the roommates in. Mr. Rocci stated he has not had any issues with either one. City Attorney V ouis inquired about the definition of a family unit and if Officer Loeffler had that with him. Officer Loeffler stated the charging per rooms is what brings the property into a multi-family use of the house; however, there are different laws governing occupancy and family unit. City Attorney V ouis added that there is a fine line between a boarding house and having roommates. Officer Loeffler stated he would not have a case if it was not for the internet advertisement and multiple complaints. He further stated there are square footage occupancy rules for the number of people verses size of bedrooms and bathrooms. This property was not zoned nor constructed for multi-family use. City Attorney Vouis stated if the respondent would like to retain an attorney she would strongly suggest that they give him that time. Vice Chair Chancey inquired if the code defined what a family is. Officer Loeffler stated the code does define what is a family; however, they are only addressing the use of a single-family dwelling zoned R-1AA being used for a multi-family rental environment. The case before them is not to define if they are a family unit or not, but that the use of the land is being used as multi-family. City Attorney Vouis briefly explained her concern with the code definition on roommates and stated she feels there may be some issues. She advised the board that she felt this case should be continued. Member Ballard inquired about the debris and why the yard was allowed to get out of control. Mr. Rocci stated the debris in the yard were items his wife had requested in meditation that she would be picking up. He stated she called him up the night before and he put all the items outside in the driveway for her, she did go by to claim most of the items but some were left behind. Since he was not aware if she was coming back he left the items out there for a few days. The lawn being out of control was because he could not afford a professional landscaper so he had to purchase a self-propelled mower so he could do it himself. Officer Loeffler briefly stated that the City's position by testimony and advertisement is that they have five rental rooms in one home. Chairman Godek stated it seems that at the advice of the attorney they should continue the case for another month. City Attorney V ouis stated it is the board's decision. Vice Chair Chancey stated he has not heard any definition for what Page 7 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 a multi-family is. Officer Loeffler read the definition for a single-family dwelling since he did have that in front of him. Brief discussion ensued regarding the zoning and the violations presented before them. Vice Chair Chancev, seconded bv Member Ballard. moved in Case Number 08-083 to continue the case to the Avril 22, 2008, Code Enforcement Board Meetinfl, uvon the advice of the Attornev. Member M. Godek stated he disagrees and feels Mr. Rocci is in violation and upon further investigation he will be found in violation. He further stated, in his opinion, they should find him in violation, assess a fine and give him until the next meeting to come back with an attorney. After a brief discussion motion failed 1-6 with Chairman Godek and Members Ballard, M Godek. Lowery, Stanlev, and Elliott ovposinfl. Member M. Godek. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case Number 08-083 to find the respondents in violation of 5-1 of February 29, 2008, and be given until April 22, 2008, to comvlv or be fined $200/a day thereafter. Motion carried 6-1 with Vice Chair Chancev opposing. Recess 8:39 - 8:43 p.m. Case No. 08-084 - Delia and Rafeal Gonzalez 1208 Russell Drive Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 168-6,168-4,43-7,43-8 02-07-08 NOcV Re-Inspection Date: 03-14-08 03-19-08 SOY 03-19-08 NOH Meeting Date: 03-25-08 03-19-08 POS Hand Delivery Observation: Off-street parking violations; private vehicles routinely parked/stored on the front lawn grass and upon the public easement between the sidewalk and the roadway. Live-stock, farm animals prohibited within residential area. Neighbor(s) complaining about barnyard animal noise and aggressive rooster behavior involving children. Pig(s) running on property. Live-stock slaughter in garage. Officer Loeffler gave a brief history of the case and provided exhibits. He stated that, as of today, the property is in non-compliance. Delia & Rafeal Gonzalez, 1208 Russell Drive, stated she has given the pig away. The pig had been given to her and she was not aware that she could not have it in the neighborhood. As for the ducks they come onto her property she does not collect the ducks and put them on her property. The lake is in her backyard so she can not help it if the ducks come into her yard. She stated she does still have the roosters but she will be giving the roosters away this Page 8 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 Thursday. Member Elliott inquired about the livestock slaughter in her garage. Officer Loeffler stated they had received a lot of complaints regarding the livestock slaughter but he never witnessed it himself. Ms. Gonzalez stated she does not have any animals in the garage. Member M. Godek inquired as to how many rooster cages they had and what they were going to do with them. Ms. Gonzalez stated they can give the cages away or sell them. Member Ballard, seconded bv Vice Chair Chancev, moved in Case Number 08-084 to find the respondents in violation of 43-7 (a)] and 43-8 (a.b) as of Februarv 23, 2008, and be given until Avril 8, 2008, to comvlv or be fined $200/a dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimouslv. Member M. Godek, seconded bv Member Lowerv, moved in Case Number 07-174 to re-hear case for reQuest for reduction of fine. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Case No. 07-174 - Robin Osman and Palma Argentina 1100 Oakwood Lane Officer Delgado Violation cited: 115-5, 115-6, 115-3 08-09-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 08-23-07 09-10-07 SOV 09-10-07 NOH Meeting Date: 09-25-07 09-10-07 POS Regular and Certified Mail 09-12-07 POS Posting 09-25-07 CO Given until 10-08-07 to comply or be fmed $100/a day 10-23-07 OIF Found still in violation of 115-6 10-30-07 POS Regular and Certified Mail 11-02-07 AC 10-09-07 to 11-02-07; 24 days total due: $2400.00 03-25-08 Request for rehearing/reduction offme Observation: Overgrown grass/weeds, swimming pool dirty and green. Misc. junk, debirs, on property. Officer Delgado gave a brief history of the case and provided exhibits. She stated the property is in compliance and the total fine due is $2400.00. Fernando Palma, on behalf of the respondent, stated he is the cousin of the owner and resident; he was not living in the home when the violation was accessed. The violation letters were being sent to the home but they were returned to the City because his cousin had just purchased the home and the name on the home had not been changed. He stated he only found out about the violation when Officer Delgado called him. He immediately came to the board meeting and was given a time frame to fix the violation. He purchased the chemicals for the pool and called Officer Delgado but when she went out to inspect the pool, the chemicals did not work as quickly as he thought it would, so it was not in compliance. He was not aware that they were not in compliance and is requesting a reduction. Mr. Palma stated they are having a pool pump installed to help keep the pool maintained. He further stated it was not until his cousin did a public records check that he realized a lien was placed on his home by the City. Page 9 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 Chairman Godek inquired if the respondent had called right away for an inspection. Officer Delgado stated Mr. Palma had called right before the violation date was up but when she went out it was not in compliance. She went out again right before the board meeting on October 21st and the water was still not clear, which is what she had testified at the October meeting. Vice Chair Chancey inquired from Officer Delgado how she knew that the pool was in compliance on November 2. She stated she did not get a call from the respondent but she knew he was working on it so she decided to drive by the property. Member M. Godek, seconded bv Alternate Member Elliott. moved in Case Number 07-174 to request to the Citv Commission to reduce fine to $2000.00. Member Stanley stated she feels the respondents were trying to comply and the fine is a little to high. She is more in favor of $400-$500. Brief discussion ensued regarding the fine amount. Member Lowerv, seconded bv Vice Chair Chancev, moved to amend fine to $1500.00. Motion failed 3-4 with Members Ballard, M Godek, Stanley, and Alternate Member Elliott opposing. Vote was taken on original motion and carried 5-2 with Members Lowery and Stanley ovposing. Case No. 08-019F - Springline Corp., (Great Clips), Robert Washburn and Clark Road Inc. 1586 E. Silver Star Road Division Chief Stanley Violation cited: NFPA, 02-12-08 NOcV Re-Inspection Date: 02-12-08 02-19-08 SOY 02-19-08 NOH Meeting Date: 03-25-08 02-21-08 POS Certified Mail Observation: Exit light not working, electrical panel blocked, fire extinguisher out of date. Division Chief Stanley gave a brief history of the case and provided exhibits. He stated as of March 24th the property was still in non-compliance. Vice Chair Chancev. seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case Number 08-019F to find the respondents in violation as cited as of February 15, 2008, and be fliven until Avril 1, 2008, to comvlv or be fined $200/ a dav thereafter. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Case No. 08-020F - Family Dollar stores of FL. Inc. The Prentice Hall Corp. and A&D Ocoee Plaza, LLC. 15 W. Silver Star Road Division Chief Stanley Violation cited: NFPA 7.9 03-04-08 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 02-14-08 03-04-08 SOY 03-04-08 NOH Meeting Date: 03-25-08 Page 10 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 03-05-08 POS Certified Mail Observation: Emergency lights were not working when tested. Division Chief Stanley gave a brief history of the case and stated this is a repeat violation. The property is in non-compliance. Vice Chair Chancev. seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case Number 08-020F to find the respondents in violation as cited as a reveat violator as of Februarv 14, 2008, and to impose fine of $200/a dav accruing February 1lh until compliance. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 08-062F - Kangaroo Express, The Pantry, Inc. and Peter J. Sodini 10 E. Silver Star Road Division Chief Stanley Violation cited: NFPA chapter 12, 02-26-08 NOcV Re-Inspection Date: 03-03-08 03-05-08 SOY 03-05-08 NOH Meeting Date: 03-25-08 03-07-08 POS Certified Mail Observation: Missing ceiling tiles, exit light not working. Division Chief Stanley gave a brief history of the case and stated as of March 13th the property was in compliance. They are asking for an administrative cost of $142.3 7. Member M. Godek, seconded bv Member Ballard, moved in Case Number 08-062F to find the resvondents in violation as cited as of March 3, 2008, and in comvliance as of March 13, 2008, with no fine to be assessed at this time but resvondent to vav administrative cost of $142.37. Motion carried unanimouslv. Case No. 08-074 - Fernando Rodriguez and Edith Mendoza 2691 Horn Lake Circle Officer Rodriguez Violation Cited: 105.4, 51-128g 01-30-08 NOcV Re-Inspection Date: 02-27-08 03-10-08 SOV 03-10-08 NOH Meeting Date: 03-25-08 03-10-08 POS Regular and Certified Mail Observation: Failure to obtain any required fmal inspections for a screen room, permit #0600992, issued on April 28, 2006, and expired on November 1,2006, and $25.00 due for re-inspection fee. Officer Rodriguez gave a brief history of the case and stated, as of today, the property is in non-compliance. Member Ballard, seconded bv Alternate Member Elliott, moved in Case Number 08-074 to find the resvondents in violation as cited as of February 13. 2008, and be fliven until April 8, 2008, to complv or be fined $200/ a dav thereafter and to pav the Citv's two re-insvection fees. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Page 11 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 Case No. 08-085 - T D and Amanda Pennington Parcel ID# 20-22-28-0000-00-066 Officer Loeffler Violation Cited: 115-3 03-12-08 NOCV Re-lnspection Date: 03-12-08 03-13-08 SOV 03-13-08 NOH Meeting Date: 03-25-08 03-13-08 POS Property posted Observation: Small parcel ofland adjacent to and bordering residential structures and property. Parcel contains excessively tall and overgrown weeds and grass and several large dead and decaying trees which are near residential structures within the Prima Vista neighborhood. Multiple complainants are concerned about fIre, rodent, and falling tree danger. County and state records do not indicate ownership address or physical address of parcel. All records researched specify "unknown". Officer Loeffler gave a brief history on the case and stated they did not have anyone to mail the notice to and could only post the property. He inquired from the attorney if the board could move to have the City advertise a notice to help notify the owner. City Attorney V ouis stated the board could do so since the statute does call for posting and advertising at the same time. She further inquired as to who was paying the taxes for the property. Officer Loeffler stated that the County informed him that the address of the people paying the taxes is not available. A brief discussion ensued regarding advertising to find the owners of the property. Vice Chair Chancey inquired if they can find the property in violation, not impose a fine and abate the nuisance, and then impose the abatement as a lien against the property. Vice Chair Chancev, moved to find the resvondents in violation as cited as of March 12, 2008. and be fliven until Avril 22, 2008, to comvlv and authorize the City to abate the nuisance after that date. Motion was rescinded. Vice Chair Chancev, seconded hv Member Ballard, moved to continue the case to the Avril 22, 2008, Code Enforcement Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Case No. 08-042 - Antonio D. Harman and Kimberly Heard 728 N. Lakewood Avenue Violation Cited: 165-3, 115-3, 6-4 11-12-07 NOCV Re-Inspection Date: 11-29-07 12-19-07 SOY 12-19-07 NOH 12-19-07 POS 01-22-08 OC 01-24-08 POS 01-31-08 POS 02-26-08 CO 03-13-08 ANc Observation: One (1) Chevy Malibu/white/FL tag #B08-2AL, expo July 2007, on blocks w/flat right rear tire and one(1) Saturnlwhite/FL tag #H31-SVM, expo June 2007, both parked in front yard, and six (6) vehicles misc. in various states of disrepair parked in backyard. Also misc. trash and debris, including car parts and engine in Officer Siegrist Meeting Date: 01-22-08 Regular and Certified Mail Meeting Date: 02-26-08 Regular and Certified Mail Hand Delivered Given until 03-12-08 to comply or be fmed $250/ a day Page 12 of 13 Code Enforcement Board Minutes March 25, 2008 front and backyard. Also approx. four (4) trailers in backyard. Also weed/grass growth over 10". Fence in disrepair. Officer Siegrist stated the case is before them to impose fine. Vice Chair Chancev, seconded bv Member M. Godek, moved in Case Number 08-042 to imvose fine of $250/ a dav starting March 13, 2008, until in comvliance. Motion carried unanimouslv. COMMENTS None ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ilttest: {I/ IJuIt~ JJ.t . Melanie Sib bitt, Deputy City Clerk AP~ Robert Godek, Chairman Page 13 of 13