HomeMy WebLinkAboutAll Proclamations - May
1f"Geretll, The Office of the Municipal Clerk, a time honored and vital
part of local government exists throughout the world; and
1f"Gereu, The Office of the Municipal Clerk is the oldest among public
servants,; ~nd>
1f"Gereu, The O~~~"ofthe Municipal Clerk proviCles the professional
linl~l'fjetween the citizens, the local governing bodies and
~e~des of government at other levels; and
1f"Gereu, Municipal Clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their
neutrality and bnpartia ity, rendering equal service to all.
1f"Gereu, The Mun,lcipal C rves as the informali'tion center on
functions of I~cal ent and community. ,
1f"Gereu, Municipal ontinually strive to improve the
administration 0 e affairs of the Office of the Municipal
Clerk through p cipation in education programs, seminars,
workshops and t annual meetings of their state, province,
county and inter onal professional organizations.
1f"Gereu, It is most appnj that we recognize the accomplishments
ofthe omce 01 ~ icipal Clerk.
~ g~ I, Scott V~, Ma r of the City of Ocoee, do hereby
proclaim the week of May 4 through M~Y ~
~rzo L ..
~um~ 1r'ee{
and further extend appreciation to our Municipal Clerk, Beth Eikenberry and the entire
staff of Ocoee's City Clerk's Department, and to all Municipal Clerks, for the vital services
they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent.
Dated this 6th day of May, 2008
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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Wfwt.ea6, tfvumgA OU/t, ~ efI.cvd6 ro~" CItilkal ~ "afdy
i6"ue6 in tire 6uilt uwiIt.omtwd tIuU a/ted OU/t, cili..un6 J &Jtfr, in ~ tile
and in tim.e6 oJ di6a6Wt,
Wfwt.ea6, ~ ~ .. 6uilding "af.ebJ comptiana and fiu
pWJmtUm otficiai", cvtdUted6, ~ ,~~ and otIwt6 oJ
tire iIulu6Wy" WOJtft tp-a't IUJUIId ro en6Wte tire "afe iMtallation and ulil.M.aIio.n
oJ elecbtk; and
Wfwt.ea6, tfte6e dediamd tnem8.eM oJ tire em; oJ (9rou implenwrt tire ~t-
quality. ~ co.de.6 ro pwted OU/t, cili..un6 in all ~ wfwt.e elecbtk i6
ptte6en.t; and
Wfwt.ea6, tfte6e nr.o.deJtn ~ "af.ebJ co.de.6 af.6o. indu.de "afeguauL6 ro
pwted tire puMk 6l; p'tefl.ellting {.bre6, "fuu:ft ~ and ~; and
Wfwt.ea6, u.N atimud Ued1dcal Saf.ebJ .M.ontA," wnind6 tire puMk a&u.d tire
CItilkalIWh oJ OU/t,~' ~ unIuw.wn ~ oJ tire puMk
"af.ebJ -- OU/t, t.o.cal code ~---w/w. fr.elp p~ ~" {.bre6 and
acdd.ent6; and,
Wfwt.ea6, u.N atimud Ued1dcal Saf.ebJ .M.ontA", en.c.cu.vtage" ~ ro '<<We
auJafie/Ie.6" oJ tire impOJttatra ro p'tadia ~ "af.ebJ, and f!IU!JVjIJ
con.6ew.alion; and
Wfwt.ea6, tfW tp-a't, a6 we o&ew.e .N atimud Ued1dcal Sa.f.ebf .M.ontA, we a61i
~ ro con.6id.e1t. p~ ro imp'i(UU!, ~ "af.ebJ at fumu, in OU/t,
leaIt.nin.g facilitie", WOJtft pla.c.e6 and in tfte.bt, ~, and ro adnowledge
tire ~"entiat "e1WiCe p'UWided ro all oJ"'" 6l; OU/t, t.o.cal, "taU and {.ede1tal
tkp~ pwUdinIJ &.e.., and P'"'1'eWf;
.N lUlJ., ~, it i6 ~ p'Uldaimed tIuU tire m.ontA oJ ~ 2008 i6
.N atimud Ued1dcal Saf.ebJ .MontIt in tire cibJ oJ (9rou, fJtMida. ~,
OU/t, cili..un6 wte ~ ro io.in. ~ acw6" ll.tn.eJtka ro pwdicipate
in.Natimud Ued1dcal Safdy.M.ontA adiuitie6.
SUJned and "eahd, tfU6 6tft elm; oJ~, in tire tp-a't fjwo. fjfwwand and
S. Sadt V~ , Mayo4 ~co.e.e, gf.oJUda
'WJll.E~, throughout human history, dogs have played an important
role in the lives of people, servings as our friends, protectors, and companions;
'WJll.E~, medical studies have shown that dogs provide the benefits of
lower blood pressure, reduced stress, decreased incidence of illness, and lower
cholesterol levels among people who are dog owners; and
'WJll.E~M, working therapy dogs have therapeutic benefits on the lives
of many Americans by assisting with physical therapy in hospitals, prisons,
psychiatric institutions, nursing homes, and schools; and
'WJll.E~, therapy dogs and their handlers volunteer their time to their
respective communities on a daily basis;
~ fJ!JI!E~PCJtl(lA I, Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor of Ocoee,
Florida, liThe Center of Good Living", by virtue of the authority vested in me, do
hereby proclaim May 10th, 2008 as
In the City of Ocoee, Florida, and in doing so, urge all citizens to join in a national
effort to raise the awareness of the therapeutic benefits of therapy dogs.
.~d Further: Appoint Kirsten Coleman a 16-year-old sophomore at South Sumter
~gh School in Bushnell, Florida as special ambassador for our city on promoting
therapy dog awareness by inspiring young people into action.
I have set my hand and caused the Seal
of the City of Ocoee, Florida to be
affixed this 15th' day of April, 2008.
S. Se<<t1/~,