HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 Lakesjore Drive Phase II Improvements center of Good L . ~t6 AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 6, 2008 Item # 't ~~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Stephen C. Krug 6002 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: lakeshore Drive Phase II Improvements. Background Summary: The Commission awarded the construction contract for the Lakeshore Drive Phase II Improvements on December 18, 2007. Public Works is requesting the Commission to allocate $42,000.00 of additional funds to the project. These funds would cover costs for geotechnical testing services, right of way I acquisition settlement and miscellaneous design changes during construction. Construction materials testing services with Nodarse & Associates, Inc., will require $9,447.00. These services will provide the standard quality assurance testing to ensure the roadway contractor is constructing the new road in accordance with the contract specifications. Nodarse & Assoc. is one of the ! City's continuing geotechnical engineering services firms. Right of way property acquisition was required at the Black Property, 33 Lakeview Street, in order to harmonize the new roadway with the property. The settlement for the acquisition requires the City to construct a new driveway apron, an approximate increase of $3,000.00 to the construction contract. A portion of the remaining funds will be utilized for the design engineer, PEC, to complete the plan revisions due to conditions encountered in the field. The exact amount for this work is still being negotiated. The remainder of the $42,000.00 would be applied to any potential additional construction costs for said field revisions. The $42,000.00 of additional funds for the project would reallocate $17,000.00 from the miscellaneous sidewalk construction capital outlay account plus $25,000,00 from the Hawaii Drive sidewalk project. Issue: Request reallocation of $42,000.00 of additional funds to the Lakeshore Drive Phase II Improvements project for geotechnical testing services, right of way acquisition settlement and miscellaneous design changes during construction. Recommendations Recommend approval of the reallocation of $17,000.00 from miscellaneous sidewalk construction capital outlay and $25,000.00 from the Hawaii Drive sidewalk project for a total of $42,000.00 to the Lakeshore Drive Phase II Improvements project. Attachments: Nodarse & Assoc. Proposal. Financial Impact: $42,000.00 from the miscellaneous sidewalk construction capital outlay account, 001-541-10-6303. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution x Commission Approval . Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUlTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING MAIEIIALS TESTING THRESHOLD INSPEaION DRIlliNG SERVICES & ASS 0 C I ATE S~ INC. March 14, 2008 Project No. 01-05-1171-206 Mr. Otis Patton City Of Ocoee - Engineering Division 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Proposal to Provide Construction Materials Testing Services Lakeshore Drive Phase II Improvements Ocoee, Orange County, Florida Dear Mr. Patton: Nodarse & Associates, Inc. (N&A) is pleased to present our proposal to perform construction materials testing & inspection services for the above referenced project. This proposal presents our understanding of the proposed project, outlines the anticipated scope of services required, and provides a cost estimate for these services. Our understanding of the project scope and requirements is based on our reVIew of the following documents: . A copy of Civil, Architectural and Structural Drawings prepared by Professional Engineering, Inc., September 27,2007. The project site is located at Lakeshore Drive, between E. Oakland Avenue and Lakewood Avenue in Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. Based on our review of the above mentioned documents, we understand that the project is planned for the improvements of approximately 1,200 LF of roadway along Lakeshore Drive with the associated site work. N&A proposes to provide the proposed construction materials testing services on a unit cost basis. We estimate a total budget of $9,447.00 using approved rates by the City of Ocoee. The attached Cost Estimate is based on the type and frequency of testing specified in the project documents reviewed and our experience with similar projects. Therefore, actual quantities may vary from these required quantities. If desired we are amendable to revising this testing scope and budget, if deemed appropriate. Any additional testing that may be required outside the proposed scope will be billed with your prior authorization at the approved unit rates. I I I I I I 16751fF ROAD I WHI!ff, I'!IRK, IIIlRIDA 3//8') P 407/'\Oi>111l I SIIIl'i)/,1/15 II !1l7l1l1t.112 \'IWV: IH1DARSF rOil, Lakeshore Drive Phase II Project No. 01-05-1171-206 20f2 Services will be provided an as called basis, as requested by you or your designated representative. To authorize us to proceed with this project, please return to us a purchase order number or other written authorization in accordance with the continuing contract. Authorization should be indicated by the person responsible for payment of our invoice. N&A appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal and we look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions, or if we can provide any additional information, please feel free to call us at your convenience. Sincerely, c. APter Ene. o Q) o .~ Q) CJ) .... o Q).!l 0. CO o 'i: o Q) CJ)ns "C:E Q) E: ~ 0 c.;::; o 0 L. :::::I a. L. - o E: o U 0J!} B E: ,- Q) (: E Q) Q) CJ)~~ C)L.N E: 0. I E~ - 'r"" - 'r"" I Q)1l) 00 CO I .c'r"" 0.0 Q) 0 ,~ Z L._ a 0 o .!. Q) 0 L. L. 00. .c o Q) .:.c: CO ...J ;::; o Q) I- u Z UJ" (J)'" "... ~: c... :I~ 1: ~ o E <( Ui o o - '2 ::l - '2 ::l 1: ClI ~ a c: Q) ~ C" ~ LL Ui Q) f- Q) E ClI z Q) III ClI .c: a.. o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 gctctg C'} '<t '<t ...... NN EA- EA- EA- EA- o 0 0 0 0000 NNNO NNN<Xl EA- EA- EA- EA- 1i) iii 5 U) .!! .!! ~ .!! LO~~N ...... ...... ...... ~ ~ ~ N ~ N ~ ~ ~ c:- ~ ~ ~ Q) > Q) 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ 0. U !!! 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