HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 Award of Engineering Contract to CPH, Inc. for Relocation of Utilites Associated with SR 50 AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: David A. Wheeler, P.E. 407-905-3100, Ext. 1504 Meeting Date: May 6, 2008 Item#~3 Reviewed By: ~\.~' /\~ . Department Director: _~'_ City Manager: Subject: Award of Contract to CPH, Inc. for Consulting Services Related to the Widening of SR 50 by the Florida Department of Transportation Background Summary: The Florida Department of Transportation has planned for and prepared design drawings for the widening of SR 50 - West Colonial Drive. The City has been informed that some if not all of our water and sewer pipelines will be required to be relocated to not be in conflict with the FDOT proposed facilities. The City's water and sewer facilities are not the only utilities that are required to be relocated. All of the utilities within the right-of-way are affected; telephone, cable TV, electrical, natural gas, and others. The funding has not been secured for the construction of the road widening project, so there is no set timeline on the project, at this time. Earlier this year the City selected CPH, Inc. through the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act as its engineer of record for this project. Staff has negotiated the fee proposal for the project and is ready to start working with FDOT on our design project. The proposal currently does not anticipate designing the relocation of every linear foot of water main, gravity sewer, and sewer force main. CPH and the City do not believe that all the pipelines need to be relocated, however we have not had detailed discussions with FDOT, yet. CPH, Inc. proposal is for $356,186.62 and includes tasks for Preliminary Engineering; Survey, Geotechnical and Environmental Investigations; Preparation of Construction Documents; Permitting; Public Meeting and Construction Notification; and Bidding Assistance. The proposal does not include Construction Assistance at this time because of the lack of schedule from FDOT and the scope of the work. The construction assistance may be added in the future as necessary. While the initial tasks need to be completed within a year, the 100% construction documents, permitting, and bidding assistance will not need to be performed until FDOT sets their schedule. The City will pursue a Joint Participation Agreement program with FDOT, to include the City's work in the FDOT road project. However, some of our work may be accomplished as part of a development project prior to the road widening project. Issue: Should the City Commission award the Utility Relocation Consulting Service to CPH, Inc. Recommendations The Engineering and Utilities Departments recommend the Consulting Service for the Utility Relocation Within the SR 50 Corridor is awarded to CPH, Inc. and authorize staff to proceed with the work through the Purchase Order process. Attachments: Proposal from CPH, Inc. I " Financial Impact: The Utility Enterprise Fund has budgeted the funds for this project. The engineering design for this project was budgeted at a $500,000 level over two fiscal years, $250,000 each in this fiscal year and next fiscal year. The funds for the construction will be in future years depending upon FDOT's schedule. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk == Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 -dfAtJ- N/A N/A N/A 2 March 19, 2008 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 I) .\R 2 0 2008 Phone: 407.425.0452 Fax: 407.648.1036 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 www.cphengineers.com Attention: Mr. David Wheeler, P.E. RE: Proposal for SR 50 - Station 737+37.82 to Station 903+50.00 Utilities Relocation Project - Good Homes Road to SR 429 CPH Project No. 06000.00 Dear Mr. Wheeler: Attached please find our proposal for the SR 50 - Station 737+37.82 to Station 903+50.00 Utilities Relocation Project. This project involves the relocation of utilities from approximately Good Homes Road west to SR 429 to accommodate the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) roadway widening within the project limits. As a result of the roadway widening and other utility relocations this area becomes further congested within the FOOT rights-of-ways (ROW's) and the relocation of the City's facilities will require a maximum amount of investigation to prevent conflict with other utilities. The City has water and sanitary facilities throughout the extent of this project area. Our initial review of the FOOT plans indicate that there is approximately 1,900 LF of gravity sanitary sewer, at a minimum, that needs to be relocated, which assumes the lines can be relocated without having to extend the work further due to elevational constraints; 6,400 LF of water main ranging in size from 8 inch to 12 inch and 4,150 LF of forcemain ranging in size from 6 inch to 12 inch. Also, additional relocations may be necessary depending upon the City's desire to have their facilities moved from under the travel lanes of SR50. Our design effort will be based on receiving 100% drawings from FOOT's roadway consultants. CPH proposes our scope of services to consist of preparing design plans, permitting, public notification and bidding services for the utility relocations as outlined in this document below and the attached manhour summary for the estirnated fee amount of $268,229.62. The surveying and geotechnical services for this project for the estimated amount of $87,957.00 This would result in a combined total amount of $356,186.62 as outlined in the services described below. The services outlined in task 2 will only be utilized with specific approval/authorization of the City. This proposal is being submitted in accordance with the selection made under RFQ No. 0801, between the City of Ocoee (CITY) and the firm of CPH Engineers, Inc., (ENGINEER). The purpose of this Proposal is to specify the required services of the Engineer for preparation of plans, and specifications for the SR 50 - Station 737+37.82 to Station 903+50.00 Utilities Relocation Project. Engineers . SfU11eyors . Architects (AA26000926) . PlIIrmers . LAtulsCIJpe Architects . Emriromrrefltlll Scientists.. Constnu:tion Mllftllgement . Duign/BIliU TASK 1 - Preliminary Enaineerinq The purpose of the preliminary engineering phase is to present Project completion alternatives to the City in a manner that will allow the City to make informed decisions as to how the Project shall proceed. 1. Collect and review available information such as maps, aerials, surveys, easements, ROW records, plans, record drawings, soils investigation reports, privately owned utility system data, zoning classification, building codes and standards that may be pertinent to execution of the Project. Review the requirements of known agencies having jurisdiction over the Project. Collect and review any other information that may have a bearing and impact on the planning, design, approval, permitting, construction or operation of the Project. Review required permit requirements. 2. Evaluate existing conditions along the proposed pipe installation route by site visitation with City staff. Consider current field conditions and any proposed site improvements and/or changes that may impact the Project and recommended location of the proposed pipeline. 3. Obtain 100% FOOT construction plans for the roadway to use as base sheets for the utility work. Convert the FOOT base plans from Microstation format to AutoCAD 2004. 4. Prepare 30% plans showing the preliminary layout of proposed construction alignment of the water mains and wastewater mains (force and gravity) that are indicated by the plans, Additionally, present any other pertinent information necessary for the City to evaluate the proposed alignment and system alterations. 5. Prepare a preliminary opinion of probable construction costs for the Project based on the 30% drawings. 6. Submit to the City at the 30% design level, seven (7) sets of the preliminary construction plans (3 sets of 11" x 17" plans and 4 sets of 24" x 36" plans; Plan Only, no profile), including a "Design Memorandum" which presents the findings and conclusions that resulted from the Preliminary Engineering effort; at a minimum, include illustrative sketches/plans (pipe alignment layout), possible alternatives of bidding the project or pursuing a Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with the Florida Department of Transportation, permit requirements, future plans of other utilities and agencies that may affect the Project (if applicable). CPH will revise and finalize the Memorandum following comments received from the City. TASK 2 - Survey. Geotechnical and Environmentallnvestiaations The following items will require specific approvals from the City staff before work is performed. 1. Provide limited topographic survey for alternate routes for utility line replacements as required for the preparation of the City of Ocoee construction drawings outside of the limits of the SR 50 FOOT plans. Depending upon the relocation services required and the possibility of these lines not being able to be relocated with the SR 50 corridor, it may be necessary to obtain additional topographic route surveys for alternate areas. The surveyor will obtain information pertaining to existing easements and/or deeded right-of- ways and related pertinent right-of-way maps, maintenance maps, plats, and similar documents. Additional title information may be required for lines that are already outside of the ROW, or for placement of new lines outside the ROW or construction easements may be required where the line is so close to the ROW that construction equipment cannot be placed wholly within the ROW. Existing underground utilities flagged by the respective utility owners shall be located by the survey. This is an allowance item and will only be billed as required and approved by the County. 2. Determine by "soft-dig" excavation, the horizontal and vertical location of existing pipelines at selected locations (locations to be determined by engineer after consultation with City and completion of the PDR) and of existing utilities at critical utility crossings. Excavation costs will be based on a unit cost (per location) as identified in the surveyors scope of services and the City will only be charged for the excavations actually performed. This is an allowance item and will only be billed as required and approved by the City. 3. CPH and the Surveyor to provide assistance with easement subordinations and acquisition of additional easements that may be necessary to provide for utility line relocations and installations. This is an allowance item and will only be billed as required and approved by the City. 4. Perform limited geotechnical investigation within the limits of the additional topographic survey route(s) off of SR 50 under Item 1 of this section required to facilitate design of the proposed mains and construction within the alternate areas of the project. The results of the geotechnical investigation shall be summarized in a report that includes the following: a. Soil boring logs and classifications; b. Existing groundwater levels and estimated seasonal high levels; c. Pipe trench preparation and backfill recommendations; and, d. Other concerns as appropriate. The report shall be submitted to City and an unbound copy shall be included with the unbound technical specifications submitted for bidding purposes. This is an allowance item and will only be billed as required and approved by the City. TASK 3 - Preparation of Construction Documents 1. Prepare Project construction drawings to include all necessary Plan and Profile views and all necessary cross sections, construction details and notes. Prepare the technical specifications for the project manual. The construction documents can follow either the City or FDOT plan preparation standards. Since coordination with FDOT on JPA projects often require additional review meetings and comments, electronic signing and sealing and often modifications of the City's standard details to fit the requirements of FDOT, we have included separate tasks that will be used only if the City enters into a JPA agreement with FDOT. The construction documents shall be complete and meet all requirements for a construction contract utilizing competitive bidding and subsequent construction of the Project. All documents shall comply with current requirements of the City Development Standards. Provide a quality assurance and "constructability" review prior to all submittals to the City. 2. Submit to the City at 60% level three (3) sets of 11 "x1 T' construction drawings and three (3) sets of 24" x 36" construction drawings, six (6) sets of technical specifications, one (1) preliminary construction cost estimate and one (1) draft FDOT Utility Work Schedule. Submit to FDOT seven (7) sets of the construction drawings (11 "x17"), seven (7) sets of technical specifications, one (1) preliminary construction cost estimate and four (4) draft Utility Work Schedule. The minimum requirements of a 60% level of completion are defined as a complete set of plan and profile drawings indicating all survey and topographic information, all existing utility locations, all utilities connections, all applicable construction details and a preliminary draft of all sections of the technical specifications. Meet with the City to discuss the 60% submittal, prepare a written list of City comments, submit to City for verification and subsequently revise the construction documents per the City and FDOT's comments. 3. Submit to the City at 90% level three (3) sets of 11 "x1 T' construction drawings and three (3) sets of 24" x 36" construction drawings six (6) sets of technical specifications, one (1) updated opinion of cost and one (1) FDOT Utility Work Schedule. Submit to FDOT seven (7) sets of construction drawings (11 "x17"), seven (7) sets of technical specifications, two (2) preliminary construction cost estimate and four (4) Utility Work Schedule. The minimum requirements of a 90% level of completion are defined as the incorporation of all City and FDOT comments received and verified after the 60% submittal. At the 90% level of completion, the construction drawings and technical specifications shall be at a level of completion that will allow the Project to be bid. Meet with the City to discuss the 90% submittal, prepare a written list of City comments, submit to City for verification and subsequently revise the construction documents per the City's and FDOT comments. 4. Submit to the City, at 100% level, two (2) sets of construction drawings 24"x36", two (2) sets of technical specifications, and final opinion of cost, all signed and sealed. The minimum requirements of a 100% level of completion are defined as the incorporation of all City and FOOT comments received and verified after the 90% submittal. TASK 4 - PermittinQ 1. Prepare and submit required Project related permit applications and supporting documentation necessary to obtain required permits for construction and operation of the Project from agencies such as the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Department of Transportation. 2. Respond to all requests for additional information from permitting agencies. Pay fee for permits. City will reimburse permit application fees paid by the Engineer. TASK 5 - Public Meetina and Construction Notifications 1. CPH shall provide a public notification flyer to identified owners of property adjacent/affected by the proposed utility infrastructure construction. 2. CPH shall coordinate with City staff, regarding preparation and printing of the notifications. The affected property owners will be identified by examination of the area of the project utilizing tax maps, etc. 3. CPH shall attend and conduct a community meeting to review route and proposed work activities. 4. CPH shall mail the notification to the affected property owners. TASK 6 - Biddina Assistance Bidding services will be utilized only if the project or portions of the project are not done as a JPA project with FDOT. The services outlined 1. The ENGINEER shall furnish fifteen (15) sets of 24-inch by 36-inch construction drawings, one (1) electronic and one (1) unbound, single page-sided, set of technical specifications with Index of Specifications Sections and an Index of Construction Drawings, Bid schedule to the CITY for use during the bidding phase of the project. This information shall be provided in the most current version of Adobe Acrobatâ„¢ (.pdt) format. 2. The ENGINEER shall attend a pre-bid conference, prepare minutes of the pre-bid conference and submit to the CITY. 3. The ENGINEER shall consider written questions from bidders related to the project and prepare all addenda as required to interpret, clarify or expand the Biding Documents. The addenda shall be submitted to the CITY in a timely manner that allows reception of the addenda by all bidders no later than a minimum of five (5) days prior to bid opening date. 4. The ENGINEER shall review and evaluate the apparent low bidder's unit prices, prepare a tabulation of bids, review the bidders and verify bidder's experience and references and make recommendations to the CITY regarding the award of the construction contract. We are providing a detailed cost proposal spreadsheet that outlines the man-hours and sub- consultant costs for the work outlined for this scope of services. Should additional areas of work or scope of services, such as lift station design is required we will provide the City with a separate scope for these services. We have also not included at this time the scope of services for construction administration. Once the extent or need for these services is specifically identified, we will submit a separate proposal to the City for review. We understand that this project is of high importance to the City and we will do what is necessary to assist you in meeting the schedule. We anticipate that once awarded this project expenditures for this fiscal year would be approximately 30% of the estimated fees in this proposal. CPH Engineers, Inc. appreciates this opportunity to provide our services to the City of Ocoee. If you have any questions, or if you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, c Attachments: J:\06000.00\Contract\SR 50 Station 737+37.00 to Station 903.50.00.doc .. <) Gl '2 a. c ~ os <) o a; a: ~ :;:: _:J =~ o. g-a: Q:~ g:~ OM <)0 0'" .... C o 0 l;-:; uiii o .. "" M + "" M "" C o :;:: OS iii o It) a: (/) '" Q) ~ ~ :E~ UJ I I I I I ~I ~I "': , I I , I II Ii I , 'E n! "5 '" '" o t.> .c " (/) 01 o .,; N "'- I I "'J ;;> I ~ Q) > Q) :;:::lU III '" '::'Ill "'- .- '" .~ 'w E '" '0<( <( -!~ I I ~. I I i N (")('N II 1 1 I I I ,N I ! I ; I ~! ~I ! i- I ii' Iii ii' i N,~,a:>1 a:> I ia:> I I~III I I. I _1~1~1a:> ~ '" I ~1a:>1 ~I ~I III I I II I I ~llN N1 -1"1 ~I ": , I !; i I : Ii! 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C ::J o E <( .... t) ro .... ..... c o () ro .... o I- o ('I") N a:i CD N f:I7 1--;;- ~ I- ~ ~ 0 0 z 00 00 LU 0 0 () CD CD 0:: ..- ..- LU c.. Z I- 0 0 0 0 0 z L{) Lri ~ :::> N N 0 ..- ..- c.. 2 ('I") ('1")- () <( ~ ~ i= f:I7 f:I7 0:: <( c.. LU co ~ C/) 2 Q) t) .~ Q) CJ) c g 0 ~ 'C ro Q) .9- Q) t) c -E '0: ro c c.. 2 LU ro 0:: .....J ..... u:: c.. 0 -, I- ~: JPL Engineering ~~ 15230 East Colonial Drive ---',;.tl;'~ ""~'" Orlando, Florida 32826 '" " Tel. 407-568-9555 Fax 407-568-9333 March 15, 2008 Mr. David E. Mahler, P.E. CPH Engineers, Inc. 1117 E. Robinson Street Orlando, FI. 32801 RE: Proposed Scope of Services/Cost Estimate - CADD Technician & Design Services for the City of Ocoee SR 50 Utility Relocation Project from Good Homes Road to SR 429. Dear David: Per your request, we are providing CPH with the following cost estimate to provide CADD and design services for the above referenced project: Scope of Services JPL Engineering (JPL) will provide CADD technician services to assist CPH in the production of the project's preliminary and final construction plans. These plans include: Cover Sheet Location Map and General Notes Plan & Profile Sheets Cross Section Sheets Construction Details 30% Completion - 155 Hours @ $75.00/hr. = $ 11,625.00 60% Completion - 180 Hours @ $75.00/hr. = $ 13,500,00 90% Completion - 180 Hours @ $75.00/hr. = $ 13,500.00 100% Completion - 60 Hours @ $75.00/hr. = $ 4,500.00 Total Budget = $ 43,125.00 We look fOlWard to working with you on this project. Please call me at (407) 568-9555 if you have any questions. Sincerely, flLI Gilda N. Perez JPL Engineering IIMACTEC engineering and constructing a better tomorrow March 12, 2008 Mr. David E. Mahler, P.E. Vice President CPH 1117 E Robinson Street Orlando, FL 32801 sent via email to: D Mahlerai;cphem:rineers. com RE: City of Ocoee State Road 50 Utility Relocations Dear Mr. Mahler: It \vas a pleasure to meet with you and Mr. Morris concerning the above referenced project. From tl1at meeting we understand that there may be a need for surveying and mapping services to support your efforts in looking out for the interests of the City in relocating utilities along the State Road 50 corridor from Florida's Turnpike to Good Homes Road. Please find below and on the following pages a proposed scope of work and budget to provide these services. Additional Route Sunreys It is recognized that to accommodate utility relocation that additional deign survey along alternative routes may be required. Specifically there is about 9000' of potential alternate route: 3800' along Maine Street, 1300' along Blackwood Ave, 2700' along the southerly extension of Blackwood Ave and Old \\'inter Garden Road, and 1200' along State Road 50. The design surveys along these corridors would extend from right-of-way to right-of-way and locate all existing above ground utilities and the horizontal location! designation of subsurface utilities. In addition sufficient work would be done to identify the location of at least one of the right-of-way lines defining the corridor, It is Wlderstood that all or none of these corridors will require surveying and mapping services. As such the following cost has been developed: 9000' of design survey $ 54,000 ($6.00/ lineal foot) Existing Utility Line Surveys A review of the existing FDOT construction plans indicate that there is missing utility infomlation, namely pipe inverts of certain sanitary sewer lines. Based on the construction plans vertical datum we will open up to fifteen (15) manholes to determine pipe size and material, direction and pipe invert elevations. Survey 15 manhole locations $ 3,900 MAOEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 4150 N. John Young Parkway. Orlando, Fl 32804-2620 · Phone: 407.522.7570 · 407.522.7576 www_madec.com I" March 12,2008 Page Two V erify Vertical and Horizontal (VVH) Position of Subsurface Utilities To support utility design we will utilize "soft-dig" technology to excavate, identify and locate up to 30 (15 in dirt and 15 in pavement) subsurface utilities at locations speclfied by your staff. This data will be presented in the form of test hole reports and associated mapping products. VVH of 30 utility locations $ 12,000 ($ 300NVH in dirt) ($ 500NVH in pavt) Utility Subordination and Associated Legal Descriptions/Sketches We have performed the initial mapping of the proposed subordination documents and recognize there may be more work required in this area as well as the preparation of legal descriptions and sketches for easements that may be needed to support the utility relocation. As it is not currently known the extent of this work effort the following is otTered as a basis for this cost: Mapping ofFDOT related subordination documents $ 1,200.00 (16 hours @ $75.00/hour) Fee for legal descriptionsl Sketches up to 15,000 square feet (estimate 5) $ 1,600.00 ($3201 unit) Fee for legal descriptionsl Sketches up to 43,560 sq ft (1 acre) (estimate 5) $ 2,000.00 ($400/unit) Additional Services Approved services above and beyond those described hereon would be billed at the following rates: Principal Surveyor $ 145/ hour Professional Land Surveyor $ 11 Olhour Survey Technician $ 75/ hour 3 Person Survey crew $ 147/hour March 12,2008 Page Three Additional Services (continued) 2 Person Survey crew $ lIO/hour Expenses $ cost + 5% We greatly appreciate your considering us for this assignment. If you bave any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 407.253.5501 or at nnionesi'Ciimactec.com . Sincerely, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. ::~~fZ Project Manager I! ~ Charles B. Gardiner, PLS Principal Surveyor l n.f:.,/riformntion 14."'.. .To Build On EngIneering . Consulting . 7i!sting March 17, 2008 CPR Engineers, Ine. 1117 E. Robinson Street Orlando, FL 32801 Attention: Mr. Jay Morris, P.E. Project Manager RE: Proposal Geotechnical Engineering Services State Road 50 Utility Relocation City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida PSI Proposal No.: 757-8-080 Dear Mr. Morris: Pursuant to your request, Professional Service Industries, Inc. (pSI) is pleased to submit the following proposal for performance of a subsurface exploration program at the site of the referenced project. The subsurface exploration will be conducted to provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed utility relocation project in Ocoee, Florida. Proiect Information The project site is located in Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. More specifically, the overall scope of' work consists of two separate projects. The first project consists of the installation ofa force main by directional drilling below Lake Lotta along State Road 50. The second project consists of the installation of new water and possibly sewer lines along an alignment beginning at the intersection of Old Winter Garden Road and Ocoee Commerce Parkway and extending east along Old Winter Garden Road to Blackwood Avenue. The alignment then beads north along Blackwood Avenue to Maine Street where the alignment heads west along Maine Street to South Bluford Avenue. If any of the noted information is incorrect or bas cbanged, PSI should be notified so appropriate changes can be made to our scope. Scope of Geotechnical Services The purpose of this subsurface exploration program is to obtain information on the soil and groundwater conditions in the area proposed improvements. The subsurface materials encountered will then be evaluated with respect to the proposed construction. In this regard, geotechnical engineering assessments related to excavations, utility installation and general construction issues will be formulated. P;ofessional Service Industries, Inc.. 1748 33rd Street. Orlando, FL 32B3g. Phone 407/304-5560. Fax 407/304-5561 Engineering Certificate of Authorization 3684 CPHEngineers, Inc. PSI Proposal No. 757~8-080 March 17, 2008 Page 2 of4 The following services will be provided to achieve the preceding objectives. 1. Review readily available published geologic and topographic information. This published information will be obtained from the appropriate quadrangle map published by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the "Soil Survey of Orange County, Florida" published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS). 2. Execute a program of subsurface sampling and testing. As requested, PSI will perform two (2) Standard Penetration Test (Spn borings in the area of Lake Lotta where the directional drilling work will be completed. The borings will be 30 feet in depth. In addition, PSI will complete twenty-six (26) auger borings to a depth of seven feet along the Old Winter Garden to Maine Street alignment The borings will be field located measuring from existing features/s1ructures at the site. The borings will be completed off the edge of pavement within the right-of-way and no streets will be. closed during the performance of our work. 3. Visually classify and stratify representative soil samples in the laboratoI)' using the Unified Soil Classification System. Conduct laboratory testing on select samples to aid in the classification process and to determine pertinent engineering parameters. Identify soil conditions at each boring location and form an opinion of the site soil stratigraphy. 4. Collect groundwater level measurements and estimate normal wet seasonal high groundwater levels. 5. The results of the field exploration and laboratoI)' tests will be used in the engineering analysis and in the formulation of our design level geotechnical recommendations_ The results of the field and laboratoI)' work, including the recommendations and the data on which they are based, will be presented in a written report. Schedule We are in a position to start work on the assignment immediately upon receipt of authorization to proceed. W eanticipate two to three days to complete the drilling work. Engineering and laboratoI)' testing will be initiated thereafter, requiring a further 10 to 15 work days to complete. From notice to proceed through submittal of a report will require on the order of 2 to 3 weeks. Verbal recommendations can be provided prior to issuance of our final report, within 4 to 5 days of completing drilling, to facilitate the design schedule. ~;J '1:!:f!!!U. ~ ~~ " ~ r ~ f I [ l , ? I' I' CPH Engineers, IDe. PSI Proposal No. 757-8-080 March 17, 2008 Page 3 of4 Service Fee It is proposed the fee for performance of the above-outlined services be determined on a unit price basis, in accordance with our attached Schedule of Services and Fees, and the work be performed pursuant to our General Conditions. Copies of our Schedule of Services and Fees and General Conditions are enclosed herewith and incorporated by reference into this proposal. On the basis of the estimated quantities and the Schedule of Services and Fees, it is estimated the fees will be $5,387.00. We appreciate the opportunity to offer our services to your project and look forward to working with you. If this proposal is acceptable, please sign below as notice to proceed and return one (1) copy of this proposal intact to our office. Should you have any questions in regard to this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. Kenneth L. Symonds, Jr., P.E. Project Engineer Robert A. Trompke, P .E. Geotechnical Department Manager KS\ 757-8'{)80 (SR 50 Utility Relocation).pro Attachments: Schedule of Services and Fees General Conditions AGREED TO THIS BY (please Print): TITLE: COMPANY: SIGNATURE: DAY OF l"~;l u."'. CPH Engineers, Ine. PSI Proposal No. 757-8-080 March 17, 2008 Page 4 of4 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES AND FEES S.R. 50 Utility Relocation City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida Description I. FIELD INVESTIGATION A Mobilization of Men & Equipment B. Utility Coordination/Boring Layout C. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Borings (2 @30 feet) D. Auger Borings (26 @ 7 feet) II. LABORATORY TESTING A Allowance for Visual Classification and Limited Index Testing Unit Total Quantity Unit Rate Cost 1 Trip $450.00 $ 450.00 12 Hours 45.00 540.00 60 L.F. 10.50 630.00 182 Days 8.50 1,547.00 Subtotal Field Investigation $3,167.00 1 $ 450.00 Lump $450.00 Sum Subtotal Laboratory Testing $ 450.00 III. ENGINEERING SERVICES A Senior Geotechnical Engineer 2 Hours $135.00 $ 270.00 B. Project Engineer 12 Hours 85.00 1,020.00 C. CAD Drafting 6 Hours 50.00 300.00 D. Clerical 4 Hours 45.00 180.00 Subtotal Engineering Services $1,770.00 TOTAL ALL SERVICES $5,387.00 l "" tI!!> -I ~..,. -- -----