HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #15 Request for Reduction of Fine and Release of Lien - Board Case No. 07-078 AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Ralph W. Jones III (407) 905-3104 Meeting Date: May 6, 2008 Item # 15 Reviewed By: ~ Department Director: City Manager: --===- Subject: Request for.Reduction of Fine and Release of Lien Code Enforcement Board Case No. 07-078, Fernando M and J E Macon and JPFD Investment Corp. Background Summary: On May 15, 2007, Code Enforcement Officer Theresa Rodriguez observed violations of city code on the property located at 2405 Johio Bay Drive, Ocoee, Florida. The violations observed were overgrown grass/weeds on a vacant lot. A Notice of Code Violation and a Notice of Hearing were sent to the property owner Fernando M and J E Macon and JPFD Investment Corp, on June 6, 2007 to appear at the Code Enforcement Board on June 26, 2007, A Compliance Order was issued by the Code Enforcement Board giving the Respondent until July 10, 2007 to comply or pay a fine of $100.00 per day until the property was brought into compliance. An Order Imposing Fine and Lien was ordered at the Code Enforcement Board Meeting on July 24, 2007. The fine accrued daily until the property was re-inspected on January 31, 2008 and found in compliance, The total amount of the fine is $20,400.00. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission consider the property owner's request for a reduction of fines and release of lien on Code Enforcement Board Case No. 07-078 established on May 15, 2007 at 2405 Johio Bay Drive, Ocoee, Florida? Recommendations: The Code Enforcement Board recommended a reduction of fines to $2,500,00 if paid within 7 days of the Commissions approval. It is staff's recommendation to support the decision made by the Code Enforcement Board, Attachments: 07-078 Docket and Reauest for Rehearina/ Reduction of fine Financial Impact: A reduction of fines as recommended by the Code Enforcement Board would compensate the city for time and processing expenses associated with this case. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'? Public Hearing For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Ordinance First Reading _ Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading _ Public Hearing Resolution _ Regular Agenda ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Rev~ewed by Finance Dept. ~f Reviewed by ( ) ~ X N/A X N/A N/A CITY OF OCOEE CASE HISTORY RESPONDENT: FERDINAND M and J E MACON CASE NUMBER 07-078 and J P F Dlnvestment Corp, Location/address: 2405 Johio Bay Drive, Ocoee Violation Cited: 115-7 Officer: T. Rodrie;uez Date Observed: May 15, 2007 Compliance Date: 05-29-07 Service Type: Mail (91 710821333931 2793 8961) Received on: 06-07-07 Service Tvpe: Mail (91 71082133 3934 12573815) Received on: 07-13-07 Observation: Over grown grass/ weeds on lot. DOCKET 05-16-07 NOTICE OF CODE VIOLATION RE-INSPECTION DATE: 05-30-07 BLE 06-06-07 STATEMENT OF VIOLATIONS BLE 06-06-07 NOTICE OF HEARING MEETING DATE: 06-26-07 BLE 06-06-07 PROOF OF SERVICE CERTIFIED MAIL BLE 06-26-07 COMPLIANCE ORDER FOUND IN VIOLATION AS CITED BLE AND GIVEN UNTIL 07-10-07 TO COMPLY OR BE FINED $100.00 A DAY. 07-17-07 AFFIDA VIT OF NON COMPLIANCE BLE 07-24-07 ORDER IMPOSING FINE BLE 4-22-08 REQUEST FOR REHEARING 7-11-07 TO 1-31-08204 DAYS BLE REDUCTION OF FINE TOTAL DUE $20,400,00 4-22-08 RECOMMENDA TION TO BOARD RECOMMEND REDUCTION COMMISSION OF FINES TO $2,500.00 IF PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS OF COMMISSION APPROV AL FRCl'1 M.~ c~ CUU~ c:44~" FAX NO. : 4074225450 t........,y U~ UL:Ul:.1:. ar. 27 2008 04:27AM P2 1U'/~~:J~ij p. C CODEBNFORC~TBOARD ern' OF OCOKE 150 NORTH LAXESHORE DRIVE OCOEE. FLORIDA 34761 CEBCaICNo. Ol-07~ REQUEST Jl'OR RJ:..BEARINGlUDVcrJON OF nNE INSTRUCTiONS: Plea,. indicate if you arc requesting to have your cast' re,.heard or if )IOU are rOlluesq a rodu.clian of flee. Please fill tbJ. form OUI completely. Be specific when writina ~ stat.emlDl. Pleu. return thl. &>rm to the Code Enton:cmcnt Board Clerk within 15 days prior to the IIeXt reaululy scheduled Code I'mbl\\erJUmt Board Mcot1oa. The l'Cquest will tbm be: proaentcd to the Board atlbe next replarly Ic:hoduled meeting for coD.idcration. It you have any quationa, pl,a.e call the Codo EaforceJ1Ull'll Boaro Cleric, Bl'Uldy Evordt at (407) 905-3100 =eten.ion 1002. Check one: [ ] Requ~t fol bbeariDg ~ Request for Rcductll)ft ofFme PropcrtyOwner.. NIIIM :J;.lJ: 'D. :rn t/IS.f-~.f-- a,1(ftJ~.lip~ Prgpert)' Addralll ~ I/O.!> :;- OJ /, ,.. 0 /3p~ Dr-; ve Phone Number ~e)'O~ ~an be reached during tlu: dlY? BIn 7) fl 'I!!- 3.5;" 72- b the property now in compliDnc~.Ji... YOI_No (ifno. elICplaift in detatl) lfthe propnt)' o~l_r i. \luble to coJDpleto this t"orm, Jist.l1ImC: of per50a who is authorized to lOt fo, the Property Owner. thoir rellltio118mp, IUlcJ attach notarized p',..-or-of-attomey: --.....,..--.....-- Dileo' ortde.l CBB Meetin&.-.-~~~ ~JiaMe Date Speoiflcd b)' Boerd ., .., 0 -0& pmelt)' luuecl by Board \t \00. ()C,) 'f\o ~ Al1 y., tII'tI '''<<1.,,,..1110 ontllf(/ tIN nllJd BtlfINI ",.~tbt6 0,. IA. i_ IIc".rlul.tI tQ ,,,.. J'fJ1I NIt .. P,....", Mr. ",,,, r.f"e.' /tIt". IV "up... fI' /1M ,.tl,,~tID. I. ~t1If6i4f1,."d. ,fJ'you..,., /INN"', .,.d "" a_IUd ,,..,.,, II ""''''111, dr. ..I'd "'flY 4,elll,1t) ,.,"'" you 111 prwellt )'()UP ~IU' l/r.t ."'4 .1' ""U' tlecitk IrI ~r Y.I/' MI, 0,. III ,uN.,,,.,,, dtitrl for wI"~Ir)'flll wat b. p,ovlt/MI "Me. "' II ftll," fl.*'- l/ytIU "'" NIl JINHII' )1(1" wlU Ill. """/114 ,,/ rlae .ll,N",I'. i.culD" till. .,,1td/,., ttr not to ,N'" yDlI tl No- INtlrilt61 .,,4 If" ,.-.It'''''''' ,. 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