HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #07 Approval of Partner with Unicorp, Inc. to Construct Turn Lane Meeting Date: May 20, 2008 Item # 1 ~~- Contact Name: Contact Number: David A. Wheeler, P.E. 407 -905-3100, ext. 1505 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Approval to Partner with Unicorp, Inc. to Construct Turn Lanes on Maguire and Moore Roads Background Summary: This is the third and final phase of this project to improve the intersection of Maguire and Moore/Roberson Roads. The first phase was to relocate and underground of the Progress Energy distribution lines on the south side of Moore Road and across the intersection. This was because of the conflict with the design for the new mast arm type traffic signal. Phase two was the new mast arm type traffic signal that has been ordered and should be installed this summer. As part of the original Westridge PUD development and the Meadowridge commercial project, those projects required deceleration turn lanes on Maguire and Moore Road at turn ins to the commercial project. The City staff determined that a right turn lane from north bound Maguire Road onto Moore Road would be needed for existing and future traffic flow improvement. As part of the Developer Agreement negotiated with the developers of the overall Westridge PUD and the Meadowridge commercial tract, the City agreed to pay for the portion of the turn lane between the two deceleration lanes. Staff has been working very closely with the Unicorp staff to finalize this last phase of the overall intersection improvements. The coordination of the work between Progress Energy, Chinchor Electrical, and Unicorp has not allowed staff to bring the entire project to the City Commission as one approval. Unicorp has finally presented the costs for the breakdown between the City's share and their share. The proposed costs of $92,343.22 for the City's share of the turn lane are reasonable and keep the entire project with budget. By partnering with Unicorp, Inc. the City was able to save some money on overlap of design and construction if we both did separate work. The entire intersection project will cost $305,811.47 including the electrical line relocation/undergrounding, new traffic signal, and turn lane. Staff originally budgeted $500,000 for the overall intersection Improvements based upon the City doing all the work if it was required prior to the development occurring. Issue: Authorization and approval for the City of Ocoee to partner with Unicorp, Inc. for the construction of a turn lane at the intersection of Maguire and Moore Roads. Recommendations Staff recommends that the City Commission authorize the partnering with Unicorp, Inc. for the construction of a turn lane at the intersection of Maguire And Moore Roads and award a purchase order in the amount of $92,343.22 to Unicorp, Inc. for the turn lane. Attachments: 1) Proposal from Unicorp, Inc. Financial Impact: This project is phase three of the CIP project which will improve the intersection of Maguire and Moore/Roberson Roads and is funded from the Road Impact Account. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by () -df4t+ N/A N/A N/A 2 May 5, 2008 Mr. David Wheeler City of Ocoee Engineering Department 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 ~l UNICORP NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS, INC Subject: Meadow Ridge Turn Lane Work Cost Breakdown Dave, Please find attached a breakdown of the cost for the Maguire and Moore turn lane work, in accordance with the scope limits that we have previously discussed. Mobilization One is Unicorp's responsibility, and Mobilization Two is the City's. It is summarized as follows: Mobilization One - (Unicorp ) Mobilization Two - (City of Ocoee) Blue Ox/Scherer McIntosh Design McIntosh CA services Surveying Unicorp TOTAL Blue Ox/Scherer McIntosh Design McIntosh CA services Surveying Unicorp TOTAL $174,796.16 $28,636.71 $3,167.00 $3,350.00 $20,928.00 $230,877.87 $69,359.93 $11,363.29 $1,583.00 $1,650.00 $8,387.00 $92,343.22 The City's contribution is therefore $92,343.22. As discussed, any field coordination work required from our civil engineer will be provided on an hourly basis. I apologize for the delay in getting this information to you, and please let me know if you have any questions. 7505 W Sand Lake Rd . Orlando, FL 32819 . 407999.9985 . Fax 407999.9961 . unicorpdevelopmentcom 235 LONGWOOD ST. . LONGWOOD FL. 32750 PH 339-4800 FAX 339-4639 ~Qcl ~ \",,,, PROPOSAL FOR: MEADOW RIDGE OFF-SITE Date: 11/8/07 MOBIL/ZA T/ON ONE Phase Description Qty Units Price Total STORM 1 18" RCP 0-6 200 L.F. $ 35.59 $ 7,118.00 2 18" RCP 6.8 35 L.F. $ 38.32 $ 1,341.20 3 24" RCP 0-6 354 L.F. $ 48.81 $ 17,278.74 .. DOG.HOUSE MANHOLE 1 EA. $ 3,499.18 $ 3,499.18 5 MANHOLE CONVERSIONS 1 EA. $ 1,717.31 $ 1,717.31 6 P-5 INLET 0-8 3 EA. $ 3,103.33 $ 9,309.99 7 lYPE D INLET.0-8 1 EA. $ 2,346.79 $ 2,346.79 8 TIE-INS 0-8 2 EA. $ 2,190.15 $ 4,380.30 I STORM TOTAL $ 46,991.51 I Phase Description Qty Units Price Total PAVING 1 EXCAVATION & GRADE 1 L.S. $ 3,996.60 $ 3,996.60 2 MOT 1 L.S. $ 5,940.00 $ 5,940.00 3 ASPHALT 1" 1413 S.Y. S 5.70 $ 8,054.10 .e ASPHAL T 2.5" 1413 S.Y. S 14.40 $ 20,347.20 5 L1MEROCK 10. 1413 S.Y. $ 15.95 $ 22,537.35 8 STABILIZ.ER 6" 1777 S.Y. $ 3.21 $ 5,704.17 7 TYPE F 690 L.F. $ 11.07 $ 7,638.30 8 4' TRAFFIC SEPARATOR 197 L.F. $ 21.35 $ 4,205.95 9 SIDEWALK 6' 4"THICK 280 L.F. $ 20.24 $ 5,667.20 10 SIDEWALK 5' 4"THICK 388 L.F. $ 16.24 $ 6,301.12 11 WHEELCHAIR RAMP 4 EA. $ 1,020.00 $ 4,080.00 12 PVMT MARKING 1 l.S. S 3,311.76 $ 3,311.76 13 R/VII SOD 665 S.Y. $ 1.79 $ 1,190.35 14 R/W& MISC. GRADING 1 L.S. $ 900.80 $ 900.80 15 SAWCUT PAVEMENT 1 L.S. S 325.00 $ 325.00 I PAVING TOTAL $ 100,199.90 ( Phalo Description Qty Units Price Total MISC. 1 SURVEY 1 L.S. S 1,413.75 $ 1,413.75 2 MOBILIZATION 1 l.S. $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 3 CERT ASBUILTS 1 L.S. $ 780.00 $ 780.00 .eDEMO 1 l.S. $ 7,720.00 $ 7,720.00 I MISC. TOTAL $ 11,113.751 i MOBILIZA TJON TWO Phase Description Qty Units Price Total STORM 1 MANHOLE CONVERSIONS 2 EA. $ 1,717.31 $ 3,434.62 I 2 P-B INLET 0-8 1 EA. $ 3,528.34 $ 3,528.34 i I STORM TOTAL $ 6,962.96 I Phase D8scrlpUon Qty Units Price Total PAVING 1 EXCAVATION & GRADE 1 l.S: $ 4,329.65 $ 4,329.B5 2 MOT 1 L.S. $ 3,904.80 $ 3,904.80 3 ASPHAlT 1" 506 S.Y. S 6.00 $ 3,036.00 I " ASPHALT 2.5" 506 S.Y, S 15.10 $ 7,640.60 5 L1MEROCK 10" 506 S.Y. $ 15.95 $ 8,070.70 6 STABILIZER 6" 633 S.Y. $ 3.21 $ 2,031.93 7 lYPE F 380 L.F. $ 11.07 $ 4,206.60 8 SIDEWAlK 6' 4"THICK 220 L.F. $ 20.24 $ 4,452.80 9 SIDEWALK 5' 4"THICK 277 L.F. $ 16.24 $ 4,498.48 10 WHEELCHAIR RAMP 4 EA. $ 1 ,020.00 $ 4,080.00 ! 11 PVMT MARKING 1 L.S. $ 5,099.04 $ 5,099.04 12 RfW SOD 633 S.Y. $ 1.79 $ 1,133.07 13 R1W& MISC. GRADING 1 L.S. $ 900.80 $ 900.80 14 SAWCUT PAVEMENT 1 L.S. $ 325.00 $ 325.00 ~ PAVING TOTAL $ 53,709.47 I Phlle Description Qty Units Price Total MISC. 1 SURVEY 1 l.S. $ 1,440.00 $ 1,440.00 2 MOBILIZATION 1 L.S. $ 942.50 $ 942.50 I MISC. TOTAL $ 2,382.50 I MOBILlZA TlON ONE STORM TOTAL $ 46,991.51 PAVING TOTAL $ 100,199.90 MISC. TOTAL $ 11,713.75 MOBILlZA nON TWO STORM TOTAL $ 8,962.96 PAVING TOTAL $ 53,709.47 MISC. TOTAL $ 2,382.50 I TOTAL $ 221,960.091 Notes: 1 Construction layout Is Included for Contractors scope of work only 2 Proposal Is wfthout Geotechnical data. 3 Proposal Is baaed on no unsultabll/contamlnatad materIlIl ramoval and/or raplllC8ment. .. Contractors echedule is subject 10 rsvIalon should adverse or changld oondillona occur. 5 This proposal Is subject 10 a mutually agreed upon oonlraot II1d payment schedule. S All Pipe v<<n Is bid wflh Ihe sssump~on lhat on-sltI Rills acceptable baokflll matarial. 7 No Irrigation or landscaping In lhls proposal. S Maintenance of Traffic reql.ired between mobilizations not Included 9 Aspahll prices on Mob #2 II I~ to change due to unknown dale of pavement schedule. Price based on paving by 311/08 , ~~ ~o .....It) --' . 00 ~@ "'~"'" ~b,~:~,; lb::' .- <x;. '" W Ck:: o o ~""" c' . . 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N I- :2: (/) w W 0- <( () (f) o Z; Jl')~O~ L&J .0..- Q-:8re~ 1=+-> N~~:?: ..!.~w~ j ,or z ~o Oz 05<;( -l>- <;(.-J >z 00 ~z wo 0:::_ '-..,1- (f) <;( . z~(f) 00:::8J i=O~ <(~o u- g~ >- WOOJ O:::LLW wwz .-J 0::: 0 0<(0 a. zw ,,0:::0 OJ wWw I-~ ...J 008J-l Z 0... :r: ;:= I _, f\.\ j. 'c' ry' r" I "1;) o 0..1 {'J -+:' 0 ' n ~ Vl, ~ f{b ~(OI(Y' \...) .~ I i I- 00 Zz ...J<( -l <(>- I...J (f)...J <( VJZ w(5 a.::> 01- .-J6w (f)zo... 0...00 ~-l-l <( (f) O::::!(f) .. (f) ~~o ;ioO::: ..~wu ~wt5~ 09xl.() Z(f)W~ ,~ ~ ~ L a <. :;: c <- Ie S a a ct,' . .J ,;", ;---" .., i';~ , i r' '~~"'" ': [ '''--:.1': , I ' I ' . '. \". . ' IPJl DONALD W. MciNTOSH ASSOCIATES, INC. CiVIC ENGIM;ERS lAND PLANNERS SURVEYDRS -. 2200 Park Ave. North Winter Park. FL 32789-2355 Fax 407-644-8318 407-8444088 http://www.cwma.com 1'.. j March 27, 2006 Revised May 18, 2006 Mr. Doug Puvogel pulte Home Corporation 490 I Vineland Road, Suite 500 Orlando, FL 32811 \P Re: Meadow Ridge Commercial Offsite Improvements DWMA Job No. 26045.0005 - 26045.0063 Dear Doug: PROPOSAL Fax Mail Don John Su rvey Const~..-f PM~ Acci-:sr- Acet . Bev M. Bill ORIGINAr . LOG We are pleased to present this Letter Agreement for the referenced project. We agree to provide the following Basic Services for the itemized fees and expenses set forth below which shall be invoiced in four week increments subject to this Letter Agreement and its Attachments, incorporated herein by reference. The Attachments consist of the Hourly Rate Schedule, CLIENT Billing Infonnation Sheet, Basis for Proposal and CLIENT Responsibilities, and the Tenns of Agreement documents. BASIC SERVICES & ITEMIZED FEES The nature, scope and schedule (if any) of basic services (hereinafter referred to as "Basic Services") to be perfonned by us under this Agreement, are set forth below. You may, from time to time, request us to perfonn services in connection with the Project which are outside the scope of the services listed herein. Should we agree to perform those, any such services (hereinafter referred to as "Additional Services") shall be subject to and governed by the provisions of this Agreement. Additional Services and Basic Services to be provided under this Agreement shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as "Services." PART I _ PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING & MAPPING A. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND SKETCHES - Preparation of miscellaneous legal descriptions for the following: Additional right-of-way dedications Easements New site boundaries Other The professional services will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule with an estimated fee of B. ADDITIONAL SURVEY SERVICES - Additional survey services requested by CLIENT will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule with an estimated fee of '4l F:\cONTRAcnp\cp662oa.doc o .. o o r:P~ $5,000.00 . b ( 'i)\"? $7,500.00 ,Q SCAN #012..3 [~I Mr. Doug Puvogel Pulte Home Corporatiolt Re: Meadow Ridge Commercial Offsite Improvements DWMA Job No. 26045.0005 - 26045.0063 March 27,2006 Revised May 18, 2006 Page 2019 PART II - CML ENGINEERING A. OFFSITE ROADWAY - Design and preparation of construction drawings and technical specifications for right turn lane adjacent to the commercial parcel along Maguire Road and right turn lane and left turn lane into commercial tract along Moore Road (No utility relocation and traffic signal design included) [assumes all required right-of-way is in place]. B. MEETINGS - Representation at staff meetings, negotiations and public hearings associated with final design and permitting, if required, will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule. The professional services will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule with an estimated fee of C. COORDINATE CONSULTANTS - Coordination of consultants. To be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule. The professional services will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule with an estimated fee of D. COORDINATE LEGAL CONSULTANTS - Coordination with assistance to legal consultants. To be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule. The professional services will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule with an estimated fee of E. ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES - Additional civil engineering services requested by CLIENT will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule with an estimated fee of SUBTOTAL PART II (Excluding Un priced Hourly Items) PART III - CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES o,;t $12,000.00. Q .1 $5,000.00 o! o $3,000.00 01; 00 $2,500.00 . ~1Ir;) Oe $5,000.00 . $40,000.00 Construction phase services are not included in this proposal but may be provided under separate contract or on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule. CLIENT shall understand that construction certifications are required by most regulatory agencies. PAYMENT OF FEES & REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES You shall pay us for our Basic Services, such lump sums, fixed fees and hourly rate compensation, as are indicated above next to each specific item of Basic Service, plus Reimbursable Expenses. Expenses shall be calculated at 5% of invoiced amount and include all consultant provided expenses (excluding agency fees, project co-consultant fees and bid sets). F;\CONTRACT\Plcp6620a .doc , DONALD W. McINTOSH Associates, Inc. 2200 PARK AVENUE NORTH. WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789.2355. (<107) 644-4068 . FAX 1407164<1.8318 l~1 Mr. Doug Puvogel Pulte Home Corporation Re: Meadow Ridge Commercial Offsite Improvements DWMA Job No. 26045.0005 - 26045.0063 March 27, 2006 Revised May 18, 2006 Page 3 019 Progress payments as applicable shall be made every four weeks, based upon the percentage of completion in each progress billing for lump sums or fixed fees, and based upon DWMA time expended in each progress billing multiplied by the hourly rates on the Hourly Rate Schedule, as applicable, plus Reimbursable Expenses as defined above. We are prepared to begin work on your Project as soon as we have received an executed copy of this Agreement and the completed CLIENT Billing Information Sheet. Based on current and projected workload, we expect to complete]the project within 2 weeks from authorization. We thank you for this opportunity and look forward to working with you on your project. Sincerely, m/sal (12) ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT BY: [Signature] [Date) [Name and Title] [Company] F :\CONTRACnpIcp6620a.doc DONALD W. MciNTOSH Associates, Inc. 2200 PARK AVENUE NORTH. WINTER PARK FLORIDA 32789-2355. [4071644-4066. FAX {4D7! 644-8318 !r---'~l ,,?"r'-i~--- . 6s~ ;I',~ ",I: \ !II, ~ DONALD W. McINTOSH ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS SURVEYU~S '" 2200 Park Ave North Winter Park, FL 32789-2355 Fax 407-644-8318 407-644-4068 http://I/WIIW.dwma .com March 24, 2008 Mr. Paul Batt Unicorp National Development, Inc. 7505 West Sand Lake Road Orlando, FL 32819 Re: Meadow Ridge-Maguire Road and Moore Road Improvements DWMA Job No. 28063.0003 - 28063.0073 Dear Mr. Batt: PROPOSAL Fax 0 Mail 0 Don John Survey Constr. PM [J [J Accl~ IY'"""" Accl - Bev 0 M. ilill 0 ORIGINAL. LOG We are pleased to present this Letter Agreement for the referenced project. We agree to provide the following Basic Services for the itemized fees and expenses set forth below which shall be invoiced in four week increments subject to this Letter Agreement and its Attachments, incorporated herein by reference. The Attachments consist of the Hourly Rate Schedule, CLIENT Billing Information Sheet, Basis for Proposal and CLIENT Responsibilities, and the Terms of Agreement documents. BASIC SERVICES & ITEMIZED FEES The nature, scope and schedule (if any) of basic services (hereinafter referred to as "Basic Services") to be performed by us under this Agreement, are set forth below. You may, from time to time, request us to perform services in connection with the Project which are outside the scope of the services listed herein. Should we agree to perfonn those, any such services (hereinafter referred to as "Additional Services") shall be subject to and governed by the provisions of this Agreement. Additional Services and Basic Services to be provided under this Agreement shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as "Services." CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES A. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE Attendance and coordination of project preconstruction conference if required. B. CONTRACTOR PAYMENT REQUESTS - Contractor payment requests, review and approvals (for construction related to DWMA designs) and appurtenant site observation (based on one visit per month for 6 months), ifrequired. C. SHOP DRAWINGS - Review (one time) shop drawing information (limited to review for general conformance with the design intent and with information given in construction documents.). Detailed geometric review along with means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction and all safety precautions is not included and remains Contractor's responsibility. ~ FICONTRACnpIcp7884.doc o 14 , QMI 00 o -iJ,eee.QQ t,s:-o ~ Mr. Paul Ball Unicorp National Development, Inc. Re: Meadow Ridge-Maguire Road and Moore Road Improvements DWMA Job No. 28063.0003 - 28063.0073 March 24, 2008 Page 2 of9 D. SITE VISITS - Make site visits for observation of water, sanitary sewer and drainage system materials and construction for the specific purpose of providing certifications listed below. Visits to be at discretion of DWMA based on contractor's submitted construction schedule for various elements. Schedule to be required and kept current by contractor. E. FINAL PROJECT CERTIFICATION - Provide final project certification to City of Ocoee. F. RECORD DRAWINGS - Preparation of II Record Drawings" from contractor furnished data. G. COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION ISSUES - Coordination of construction issues: meeting attendance, contractor issues, assistance with change orders, expediting government processes, etc., if required, will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule with an estimated fee of H. SITE VISITS FOR RE-TESTING - Construction phase testing resulting from failures or no-shows, and therefore requiring additional site visits shall be additional services and will be billed on an hourly basis per the attached rate schedule. TOTAL (Excluding Unpriced Hourly Items) T~~~ C~>.) ~, $2,500.00 ~ $1,500.00 ~ J 00.0 ~{.....-- 1<.~ ~ ""$5,QOo.oQ.. /~'\ ~ PAYMENT OF FEES & REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ( You shall pay us for our Basic Services, such lump sums, fixed fees and hourly rate compensation, as are indicated above next to each specific item of Basic Service, plus Reimbursable Expenses. Expenses shall be calculated at 5% of invoiced amount and include all consultant provided expenses (excluding agency fees, project co-consultant fees and bid sets). Progress payments as applicable shall be made every four weeks, based upon the percentage of completion in each progress billing for lump sums or fixed fees, and based upon DWMA time expended in each progress billing multiplied by the hourly rates on the Hourly Rate Schedule, as applicable, plus Reimbursable Expenses as defined above. F\CONTRACnplcp7884 doc DONALD W. MciNTOSH Associates. Inc. 2200 PARK AVENUE NORTH. WINTER PARK. FLORIDA 32788-2355 . (407) 644-4068 . FAX [407} 644-8318 Mr. Paul Batt Vnicorp National Development, Inc. Re: Meadow Ridge-Maguire Road and Moore Road Improvements DWMA Job No. 28063.0003 - 28063.0073 March 24,2008 Page 3 of9 We are prepared to begin work on your Project as soon as we have received an executed copy of this Agreement and the completed CLIENT Billing Infonnation Sheet. We thank you for this opportunity and look forward to working with you on your project. Sincerely, DONALD W. McINTOSH ASSOC1ATES, INC. ~~ Michael R. Todd, P.E. Director of Construction Services MRT/Is (14/5) ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT BY: [Signature] [Date) [Name and Title) [Company] FIcoNTRAcnPlcp7884.doc DONALD W. MciNTOSH Associates, Inc. 2200 PARK AVENUE NORTH, WINTER PARK. FLORIDA 32789-2355 . (407)644.4068 . FAX (407) 644.831 B