HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Ocoee Car Wash Waiver Request AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 3, 2008 Item # cg Contact Name: Contact Number: Bobby Howell, MPA 407 -905-3100, Ext. 1044 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~ ~--- Subject: Ocoee Car Wash Waiver Requests Project # SS-2007 - 006 Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners grant four (4) waivers from the Land Development Code for the Ocoee Car Wash Small-Scale Site Plan? BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Ocoee Car Wash site is located on the north side of SR 50, west of the Denny's restauran~ Th~ Ocoee Car Wash small-scale site plan proposes the construction of a car wash facility with associated detail bays. The subject property is approximately 1.79 acres and is zoned C-3 (General Commercial), with a Commercial future land use designation. On March 6,2007 the City Commission approved three waivers from the Land Development Code for a Preliminary Plan in order to enhance the streetscape along SR 50 and the help screen the car wash activities from the road. DISCUSSION: In order to proceed with approval of the Small-Scale Site Plan, the applicant has requested four additional waivers from the requirements of the Land Development Code. The City Commission has sole discretion to approve waivers from the Land Development Code based upon four criteria: 1. If the project is part of an integrated and master planned development 2. If the project is compatible with surrounding developments 3. If the project imposes no impacts on City infrastructure greater than that generated by other uses normally permitted in the underlying zoning districts; and lor 4. If the project provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. The First Waiver the applicant is requesting is to Section 6.14(C)(2)(g) of the Land Development Code. This section of the Land Development Code requires a minimum of a 25-foot wide buffer to be provided adjacent to wetlands. The applicant received a waiver from this requirement of the Land Development Code in 2007 to allow a reduction of this buffer from 25-feet to 14.5-feet along the western portion of the property to allow drive aisles to encroach into the required 25-foot wetland buffer. The applicant is requesting an amendment to this waiver to allow a further reduction from the 14.5-feet that was approved to permit a 1.5-foot wetland buffer for approximately 117 linear feet along the western portion of the property. This waiver is being requested since the Turnpike Enterprise is installing a digital message sign along SR 50 where the applicant originally proposed the site entrance. Due to this, the applicant had to relocate the entrance further to the west to avoid conflicts with the sign and the equipment associated with it. This modification has required to applicant to encroach further into the buffer than originally anticipated for approximately 117 -feet. The applicant has justified this request by dedicating a 10-foot utility easement to the City along the SR 50 frontage of the property. Staff will support this request if the applicant can provide a letter from the Turnpike Enterprise stating this location is the only feasible location where the sign can be placed. With this letter, staff will support the request as it provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable to the City in the form of the utility easement. The Second Waiver the applicant is requesting is to Section 6.14 (C)(1 )(h)(2) of the Land Development Code. This section of the Land Development Code requires sidewalks to be constructed along public streets to facilitate direct pedestrian connections from surrounding neighborhoods and adjacent development. The applicant has requested a waiver to this requirement of the Land Development Code to allow no sidewalk along the portion of the property that fronts SR 50. This waiver is being requested since the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) is not recommending a sidewalk along the SR 50 frontage since there is no connection to the west (please see attached letter from FOOT). The applicant has justified this waiver request by dedicating a 10-foot utility easement to the City along the SR 50 frontage of the property. It is acknowledged that there is no sidewalk connection to the west, but as those properties develop, it is anticipated sidewalks will be constructed by each developer. Staff is recommending denial of this waiver request due to three factors which are discussed below. First, all permitted commercial developments in the City have provided sidewalks along their street frontages dating to at least 1986. The Ocoee Town Square shopping center, which was the former site of Wal-Mart, was constructed in 1986 provided a sidewalk along its SR 50 frontage at the time of construction. The Denny's restaurant located to the east of the subject property provided a sidewalk along their frontage with no connection to the west; this site was constructed in 1991. The West Orange Investments storage facility that was recently permitted at the corner of SR 50 and Marshall Farms Road has agreed to construct a sidewalk in accordance with this provision of the Land Development Code. It is the intent of this provision of the Land Development Code to ensure pedestrian safety, and to ensure a connective system of sidewalks will be provided citywide in the future as a viable alternative to automobile travel. A waiver to the sidewalk requirement could set a precedent where multiple developers would argue that they would be constructing a "sidewalk to nowhere" if they were required to construct a sidewalk that did not connect with an existing sidewalk. If this were to occur, the City would have great difficulty creating a safe pedestrian sidewalk network. Second, the subject property is within the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA). The Finding of Necessity overview in the CRA Plan determined this area of the City as having a predominance of unsafe conditions stemming from an insufficient amount of sidewalks being provided along SR 50. The overview acknowledges accidents involving pedestrians would diminish in the redevelopment area if there would be more sidewalks for pedestrians to walk on. Additionally, the Finding of Necessity acknowledges there is a lack of quality public infrastructure in the redevelopment area, among the most notably absent quality infrastructure are sidewalks and other pedestrian-oriented amenities. The lack of safe sidewalks in the redevelopment area helped the City to determine this area to be blighted in accordance with the blight definition as prescribed per State Statute. The construction of said facilities is seen as a priority in the implementation of the CRA Plan. Moreover, it is one of the main objectives of the CRA Plan to improve pedestrian safety to positively transform the visual and general perception of the City of Ocoee redevelopment area. Third, the Comprehensive Plan requires the City to ensure sidewalks are provided in the City. Objective 2.8 of the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan states "the City shall assist with improving mobility and energy efficiency through non-automobile travel modes". Furthermore, Policy 2.8.1 further elaborates "the City shall ensure connectivity of the sidewalk network and monitor number of sidewalk miles added." Objective 3.2 of the Transportation Element requires the "City to make Ocoee a safe place for bicycles and pedestrians". Policy 3.2.1 states the "City shall support the existence of facilities, which allow bicycles and pedestrians to travel separately from vehicles." 2 Approval of this waiver request would be contradictory to these provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, which are implemented via Section 6.14 (C)(1 )(h)(2) of the Land Development Code. Based on the information presented above, staff is not of the opinion that this request satisfies one of the four criteria for the City Commission to approve a waiver from the Land Development Code. The Third Waiver the applicant is requesting is to Section 6.14 (C)( 1 )(h)(1) of the Land Development Code. This section of the Land Development Code requires the front of each building to have a direct sidewalk connection to the sidewalk that is adjacent to the nearest public street. This waiver is being requested as a result of the waiver that is being requested above. The applicant has justified this waiver request by dedicating a 10-foot utility easement to the City along the SR 50 frontage of the property. Staff has evaluated this request and recommends denial based on all the information presented in the previous waiver request. Staff is not of the opinion that this request satisfies one of the four criteria for the City Commission to approve a waiver from the Land Development Code. The Fourth Waiver the applicant is requesting is to Section 6.14 (C)(2)(a)(3) of the Land Development Code. This section of the Land Development Code requires all edges of the building to have a foundation planting of shrubs and groundcover at a minimum that comprise a minimum of 50-percent of the required open space. The applicant is requesting a waiver to this section of the Land Development Code to permit no foundation plantings along the northern portion of the building. Typically, when perimeter landscaping such as the foundation shrubs cannot be placed against a portion of a building, they are placed elsewhere on site. Due to the constrained nature of this site, the applicant has indicated this plant material cannot be feasibly placed on site and has requested a waiver from this requirement along this portion of the building only. Staff believes this landscaping can be placed within the 25- foot front buffer of the property and recommends denial of this request. WAIVER REQUESTS: Since a small-scale site plan is administratively reviewed, the City Commission will not be acting on the site plan approval. The City Commission will be reviewing the waiver requests only. After the City Commission takes action on the waiver requests, Staff will complete its review of the site plan, ensuring that it is consistent with all Land Development Code requirements except for any waivers that may be approved by the City Commission STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve waiver request 1, and deny requests 2, 3, and 4 due to the reasons outlined in the staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Ocoee Car Wash Small-Scale Site Plan, Cover Sheet, Sheets 7,11 Letter from FOOT, dated March 31, 2008 CRA Plan, Sheets 4,5,16,18,19 FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. 3 TYPE OF ITEM: (please mark with an Ox") Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: Consent Agenda Public Hearing -X- Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) Z <C ..J 0- W I- - en W ..J <C o en ..J ..J <C :E en x N/A N/A N/A t- O W .., O<C c a:ii: 0.0 :I:ii C/)n <ettl 3=8 a:o <eU- oe w!::: WO o o o 4 , , ~ ~~5i :i~! ~~d' ~~~~ ~i~~ ;!ihs .~!i!:.le l~'!f I ;in~ it ! , 00 ~;~ W" w!~ ~. 00 ~~!~ "' [~ ~~~. .. ~ ~r ~. .. ~ ., ~3 Ii . 8~ lH , 0 W~ Ou 8bJ "~ ~~d ,", 0 ..J -I . . n a: en 0 Cl u. C Z w - D. 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RE: Driveway Permit Conceptual Review Ocoee Carwash SR 50, Section 75050 Orange County Dear Mr. Young: Thank you for the conceptual submittal for the above mentioned project. Our office has completed the review of the plans. Please revise the plans accordingly per the attached sketch along with the following comments: · Traffic Operations is not recommending a sidewalk since there is no connection to the west. · There should not be an acceleration lane exiting the driveway · The current acceleration lane should be striped to show a right turn only into the driveway. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Ian Middlemas of this office at (407) 977-6530. Sincerely, :J-~ 7J-A2, James E. Wood, Jr., P.E. Oviedo Maintenance Engineer cc: Mr. Ian Middlemas www.dot.state.fl.llS - :J o .S2 a> - ctl :J a> "0 ctl C .... o a> > +:: U ~ a> "0 ..... 0- C/) a>Ll.. 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