HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 Approval of Special Event Permit for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages Mavor S. Scott Vandergrift center of Good L . ~~e ..l~~ Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel F. Keller, District 4 City Manag-er Robert Frank SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT TO AUTHORIZE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES APPLICATION FORM IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR A COMMUNITY EVENT, YOU MUST BE A NONPROFIT CIVIC ORGANIZA TION. Estimated Number of Partici ants: 0..2.0 Who will provide clean-up (trash, etc) after event? CITY o All alcoholic beverages as dermed by the City of Ocoee. ~Only beer, as defined in Florida State Statute 563.01, and wine, as defined in Florida State Statute 564.01, shall be permitted to be served with this application. City ofOcoee' ]50 N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee, Florida 3476] Phone: (407) 905-3100' fax: (407) 656-8504 . www.ci.ocoee.f1.lls Unot inco orated, A NONPROFIT Charter, or: APPLICA TIONS MUST FIRST BE SUBMITTTED TO THE LOCAL LICENCING AUTHORITY (CITY OR COUNTY) AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT. Certificate of Insurance CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT: I certify that I have read this application and that all information contained is true and correct. I understand that the event may be canceled by the Chief of Police or City Manager should any conditions/stipulations of the Permit or City Ordinance or State Statue be violated. I certify that I am authorized by the organization named herein to act as its agent for the herein described activity. By filing this application I, and the organization on whose behalf I make this application, contract and agree that we will jointly and severally indemnify and hold the City harmless against liability, including court costs and attorneys' fees for trial and on appeal, for any and all claims for damage to property or injury to, or death of persons arising out of or resulting from e i SSWIDce of the perm it of the conduct of the acti vi ty or any ~its participants. Slg~~Pli~Zt- 1l.J/# Date ~ Q -0 V DAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED DCONDITIONS FOR PERMIT A TT ATCHED Police Chief Date: DAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED DCONDITIONS FOR PERMIT A TT A TCHED Fire Chief Date: DAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED DCONDITIONS FOR PERMIT A TT ATCHED City Manager Date: J~ ~ INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING DBPR ABT - 6003 DIVISION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO APPLICATION FOR ONEITWOITHREE DAY PERMIT OR SPECIAL SALES LICENSE Application begins on page 3 If you have any questions or need assistance in completing this application, please contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation or your local district office. Please submit your completed application to your local district office at least seven (7) days prior to the first date of the event to insure the permit is issued by the event date. This application may be submitted by mail, through appointment, or it can be dropped off. A District Office Address and Contact Information Sheet can be found on AB& T's page of the DBPR web site at the link provided below. http://www.state.f1.us/dbpr/abtlcontactlindex . shtml This application is used for obtaining a one, two, or three day permit to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the reported premises only. A special sales license may also be obtained from this application for the sale of alcoholic beverages for a period of up to three days. This license does not permit the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises and only allows package sales in sealed containers. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Submitting Your Application for a One, Two, Three Day Permit The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, Bureau of Licensing, accepts applications for one, two, and three day events. Contact the District Office serving your area of interest for the dates and times applications are accepted. Please complete all information. Incomplete applications will be returned. All questions are applicable and must be answered fully and truthfully. You must provide an original and a copy of the application and duplicate copies of all supporting documentation. All signatures must be original. APPLICA TION REQUIREMENTS Florida Law for OnelTwolThree Day Permit Per Florida Statute 561.422, Non-Profit Civic Organizations: Upon the filing of an application and payment of a fee of $25 per permit, the division may issue a permit authorizing a bona-fide non-profit civic organization to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises only for a period not to exceed 3 days for a single event, subject to any state law or municipal or county ordinance regulating the time for selling such beverages. Any such civic organization may be issued only three such permits per calendar year. Notwithstanding other provisions of the beverage law, any civic organization licensed under this section may purchase alcoholic beverages from a distributor or vendor licensed under the beverage law. All sections of the application must be completed except the section titled Affidavit for Special Sales License. This section does not pertain to obtaining OnefTwofThree Day Permits. Please note that the Affidavit of Applicant must have an original signature of an officer of the Non-Profit Civic Organization, or in the case of a church or synagogue, the signature of an authorized representative of the church or synagogue, and must be notarized. Zoning Approval The city or county zoning authority in which the event will be held executes zoning approval. Please check with your local authority for their requirements. Sales Tax Certification to be completed bv the Florida Department of Revenue. Please take this application form to the Department of Revenue for their approval Corporate Registration or Proof of Non-Profit Status Corporations are required to be registered with the Florida Secretary of State, Division of Corporations, as "non-profit" and the status of the corporation must be "active." Organizations NOT incorporated must submit one of the following: a letter outlining the purpose and the goals of the event and who will benefit from the event's profits; organization's National, State, or Local charter; organization's by-laws, 501 (c)3 registration, or Minutes of Meeting. If you have not already registered, you will need to contact the Department of State at (850) 488-9000 for further information. Your application cannot be accepted by this division without this registration or proof of non-profit status. There are several Important points you should be aware of: 1. The drinking age is 21. Please ensure that no one under 21 years of age is served an alcoholic beverage or allowed to consume alcoholic beverages. 2. The purpose of this permit is to provide your non-profit organization with a permit to sell a!coholic beverages to generate funds for your civic or charitable cause. 3. Your organization, as the permit holder, is the ONLY entity that may receive any of the profits from the sale of alcoholic beverages on this permit. You must have responsible members of your organization at the alcoholic beverage sales location at all times. Your event CANNOT involve the SHARING OF ANY PROFITS OR RECEIPTS, or a "DONATION" to your cause if you obtain a temporary permit. Participation in this practice subjects your organization to jeopardy and denial of future alcoholic beverage permits. 4. All records of alcoholic beverage purchases and sales must be retained for examination by the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco. s. No 1/2/3 Day Permit will be issued to any organization in connection with any type of gambling activity, I.e. Casino Night, Las Vegas Night, Monte Carlo Night, etc. 6. If your event is cancelled due to acts of nature, and you plan to reschedule, you need to notify the division within 14 days of the cancellation so that you will be eligible for re- issuance of the permit at no fee to you. Florida Law for Special Sales License Florida Statute 561.20(12)(a), Special Sales License: Upon the filing of an application and payment of a fee of $25 per permit, the division may issue a license authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages in sealed containers only, for a period not to exceed 3 days. This license is issued only for the purpose of authorizing a sale pursuant to: levy and execution; bankruptcy; insurance companies in possession of alcoholic beverages; license suspension or revocation; goods damaged by a common carrier; bona fide wine collector; pursuant to part 5 of chapter 679; or a bulk transfer pursuant to chapter 676. APPLICATION CHECKLIST Select the appropriate Transaction below and comply with the corresponding application requirements. .,......,. TRANSACnON APP....~AJfPN....R~~li.IitR~MiNl'S . 0 Pay $25 fee (make check payable to the Department of Business OnelTwolThree Day and Professional Regulation) Permit 0 Complete DBPR ABT-6003 Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Application for OnefTwofThree Day Permits or Special Sales License 0 Submit document stating reason for the event 0 Pay $25 fee (make check payable to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation) Special Sales License 0 Complete DBPR ABT-6003 Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Application for OnefTwofThree Day Permits or Special Sales License 0 Submit document stating reason for the sale 2 DBPR ABT.6003 - Division Of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Application for OnelTwofThree Day Permits or Special Sales License NM.:M4 FAA..uu DBPRI/. R~p~. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399.0783 If you have any questions or need assistance in completing this application, please contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation or your local district office. Please submit your completed application to your local district office. This appNcation may be submitted by mail, through appointment, or it can be dropped off. A District Office Address and Contact Information Sheet can be found on AB& T's page of the DBPR web site at the link provided below. http://www.state.f1.us/dbpr/abUcontacUindex . shtml SEC110N 1 ... CHECJ(TRA81AC110N REQUESTED Transaction Type: .. OnefTwofThree Dav Permit 0 Special Sales License name as registered with the Secretary of State) FEI Number (if applicable) 6 2.0 K OC-T08Ee 17,.tt 3 8E~Q". -~L.a:,r~~r ....... TO BE COMPLmbllV THEOEPAlTfl.ENTOF REVENUE Name of Entity or Organization The named applicant for a license/permit has complied with the Florida Statutes concerning registration for Sales and Use Tax and has agreed to pay any applicable taxes due. Signed Date Title Department of Revenue Stamp: SECTION'. ~ ZONING TO BE COMPLETED. BY THE ZONING AtftHORfTY GOveRN NG YOUR BUSINESS LOCATION Organization Name/Name of Event City The location complies with zoning requirements for the temporary sale of alcoholic beverages pursuant to this application for a OnelTwolThree Day permit. Signed Date Title (1t TY MPrN A-(;.€2. 4 $F:cm()N 5 ~. ~fF:II)AVlT OF ~PPLtC:4~" FORNON,.pRO..Flf CtVlC.ORGANIZA"tlON ALCOHOLIC.. . BEVERAGE PERMIT . . . .' .' . ',- .. "', -' ", ',- .." '. .. ..,..... .. -.." .-.. .. ,..... .. .. .. .. Name of Entity or Organization NOfARtZ4fION REQUIRED C CL "This is to certify that the applicant requesting the permit in the above and foregoing application is a non- profit civic organization and that the permit, if used, will be used only by the organization making application, on the date(s) requested and at the location stated. This is to further certify that the applicant organization has not received more than three (3) permits within the calendar year and agree that the location may be inspected and searched during the time that the permit is issued and business is being conducted without a search warrant by authorized agents or employees of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the Sheriff, his Deputies, and Police Officers for purposes of determining compliance with the alcoholic beverage laws. I, the undersigned individual. hereby swear or affirm that I am duly authorized to make the above and foregoing statements on behalf of the applicant organization. Furthermore, I swear under oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury as provided for in Sections 559.791, 562.45, and 837.06, Florida Statutes, that the foregoing information is true to the best of my knowledge." STATE OF _Ft..oQ...\ DA COUNTY OF O~Gt. The foregoing was ( ) Sworn to and Subscribed OR ( ) Acknowledged Before me this Day of ,20_. By: who is ( ) personally known to me OR ( ) who produced as identification. Nota Public Commission Expires: 5 SECTK.1N.. "~f:r:fPAVJ.,C)f~JlPI..ICANT FOR SPECIAL SALES LICENSE NOTARIZATION REQUIRED Name of Entity or Organization "I, the undersigned individual, or if a corporation for itself, its officers and directors, hereby swear or affirm that I am duly authorized to make the above and foregoing application for a special sales license which authorizes the sale of alcoholic beverages for period of up to three (3) days. I understand this license does not permit the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises and only allows package sales in sealed containers and agree that the location may be inspected and searched during the hours that the special sale is being conducted without a search warrant by authorized agents or employees of the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the Sheriff, his Deputies, and Police Officers for purposes of determining compliance with the beverages laws. I swear under oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury as provided for in Sections 559.791, 562.45, and 837.06, that the foregoing information is true to the best of my knowledge and that no other person or entity except as indicated herein has an interest in the special sales license and that all of the above listed persons or entities meet the qualifications necessary to hold this special sales license." STATE OF COUNTY OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE The foregoing was ( ) Sworn to and Subscribed OR ( ) Acknowledged Before me this Day of , 20_, By: who is ( ) personally known to me OR ( ) who produced as identification. Commission Expires: Notary Public ~,~ 6 This form is to be completed ONLY when the event of the non profit organization is being held at a location that is licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages by the Division. Note: This form must be signed by the permanent license holder and submitted by the non-profit group along with the application for One/Two/Three Day Permit. Licensee: Business Name: License # Series: Name of Non-Profit Group: Date(s) of Event: IMPORTANT A One/Two/Three Day permit is being requested for an event to be held on your licensed premises. During the event, no sales or service of alcoholic beverages may be made under your alcoholic beverage license. Failure to comply will result in administrative charges being filed against your license. Signature of Licensee ~\~ 7