HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-08
May 6, 2008, at 7:15 P.M.
6:30 P.M.
Presentation of Drop Saver Awards. (Water Conservation Coordinator Diana Wagner)
7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift (absent),
Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (absent).
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
DVD and Presentation by the Autism & Related Disabilities Gym Program to
Mayor Vandergrift and Mark Johnson - Jo-Anne Houwers
Joanne Houwers gave a brief PowerPoint presentation showing summarizing her Gym Program
and presented plaques of appreciation to the Mayor and Parks and Recreation Employee Mark
Johnson for all of their support on hard work on behalf of the autism program.
Ocoee Police DeDartment Rec02nitions. (Police Chief Reffett)
> Retiring School Crossing Guard Mary Zeisloft and School Crossing Guard (former
Ocoee City Commissioner) Jack Marsden for their Years of Dedicated City Service and
Helping to Keep Our Community's Children Safe.
> Officer of the Quarter Jeffrey Iannuzzi (as selected by the CACOPD) for His Work
Resulting in Arrests in Several Recent High Profile Cases.
> Promotion of Scott Nylander from Officer/ Detective to Sergeant.
> 2008 Safety Spring Fling Committee Members Debra Booth, Marge Johnstone, Martha
Lopez-Anderson, and Rosemary Wilsen for Countless Evenings Spent at meetings;
Arranging Participants, Sponsors, and donations; and Overseeing Another Successful
Proclamation - Hurricane Preparedness Week - May 25th -31 st. (Mayor Vandergrift)
City Commission Regular
May 20, 2008
Commissioner Keller 1) congratulated graduating high school seniors and the other kids
moving up a grade, 2) said SJWMD is looking at tightening up on the water conservation;
limiting lawn watering to 4:00 am to 10:00 am on Thursdays and Sundays for even-numbered
addresses; Wednesday and Saturday for odd-numbered addresses.
Commissioner Anderson - no comments
Commissioner Hood - gave an update on Ocoee Little League: kids played a 42 team
tournament, seven games total over the weekend, and Ocoee had four teams in the semi finals.
He thanked the Parks and Recreation crew for their hard work and said everyone was impressed
with the Central Park improvements. He added that the T -Ball and All-Star tournaments are
coming up; football is starting up again in the next month. He asked people to be careful driving
because the kids are out and about. He also thanked the 11-12 year old kids who continually
helped in the concession stand.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Keller moved to pull Items
#3 and #4 for further discussion. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes of May 6, 2008.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
Adopted on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
2. Approval of South Lakewood Avenue Traffic Calming. (Public Works Director Krug)
The 2007-2008 City budget allocated $40,000.00 for traffic calming projects. Public Works has received eleven
(11) traffic calming evaluation requests so far this fiscal year. Public Works is recommending the installation of
two speed tables on South Lakewood Avenue between Geneva Street and Orlando A venue. This request has
already satisfied the Petition Drive Procedures. Two prefabricated speed tables through Traffic Logix, Inc., are
estimated to cost $10,265.00. Public Works is researching existing government contracts for asphalt speed
tables at a lower cost. Should the City not be able to fmd an asphalt speed table at reduced cost on an existing
contract; Public Works is requesting approval to proceed with the prefabricated tables. Any savings from the
use of the asphalt speed tables would remain in the traffic calming account line. The Petition Drive Procedures
are under way for Timber Ridge, Little Spring Hill Drive and Orchard Park Drive.
Adopted on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
3. Approval of Maguire Road Median Landscape Improvements. (public Works Director
In the last fiscal year, the City awarded Valley Crest Landscape Maintenance a contract to provide minor
improvements to the medians on Maguire Road south of the Turnpike. The City has been working with Valley
Crest on a permanent landscape solution for this corridor. Part of this process was to determine the types of
plant materials which have a greater survival rate in the harsh environment created by the narrow medians on
Maguire Road.
This item was pulled for discussion and heard separately.
Commissioner Anderson said we have still not finished the medians on Clarke Road and north
of there; he asked if they will be doing the same thing with those medians also. Public Works
Director Krug said we are standardizing the landscape which will help keep the medians in
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May 20, 2008
better shape with as little water as possible; he said he is working with Parks and Valley Crest to
make that happen. Commissioner Anderson asked if we had looked into artificial turf. Mr.
Krug said that when we looked into that one year ago it was not cost effective. City Manager
Frank said we have some in at Central Park right now that has been there for six months, we
will get a better idea of how it holds up as time goes on. Commissioner Hood added that he
would like to see more than one estimate in the future to ensure the proper checks and balances.
Mr. Krug said they will do that going forward.
Mayor Vandergrift asked that we get the sprinklers fixed on Clarke Road by the high school.
Mr. Krug said they are working on that.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to
approve the MaQuire Road Landscape Improvements per staff
recommendations. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
4. Approval of Agreements Related to City Worker's Compensation Program. (Human
Resources Director Carnicella)
The workers compensation company PMA requires that the City post a $200,000 assurance with respect to
claims paid by PMA for the City in advance of any monthly invoice. The funds provided by the City would be
drawn on by PMA should the City default and fail to make timely payment of the PMA monthly invoice. PMA
has agreed to accept a $200,000 Letter of Credit as the required assurance. The Letter of Credit has previously
been issued by Colonial Bank on behalf of the City and an account has been opened at Colonial Bank into
which the City has deposited $200,000 as collateral for the issuance of the Letter of Credit.
This item was pulled for discussion and heard separately.
Commissioner Anderson asked for clarification regarding other city agreements requiring
letters of credit or promissory notes. Human Resourced Director Carnicella said this is the
only situation that we have had where we had to put aside an amount for a letter of credit for this
company; they are paying our Worker's Comp claims in advance for us. The city has moved
more toward self insured for these claims; this company will pay our individual claims up to
$350,000 for each claim. This is just their assurance that there is money set aside if the City
defaults on paying their invoice, which will not happen. The old way was to pay a flat monthly
premium, extremely high, that eliminated the risk to the insurance company and the City. City
Manager Frank said this year we are taking more of the responsibility on ourselves with a 70%
reduction in the premiums. It benefits us, but they need the surety to know they are going to get
their money. Commissioner Anderson said in the past we got notices saying we were at .92,
etc. Mr. Carnicella said we are at .96 now which is down from 1.02 when he started here. It
shows that claims are going down.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bY Commissioner Keller. moved to approve
the aareements related to the City Worker's Compensation Proaram per staff
recommendation. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
The Consent Agenda was interrupted for resident Victoria Laney and health center Doctor
Scott Allen to discuss the historic doctor's office building at Mckey and Bluford.
Ms. Laney said that believes this building has unique architectural style and was the long time
home of a physician (Dr. Scott) here in Ocoee. She said we would like to see the building
renovated and used for a worthy purpose for the community. Dr. Allen said he has a chance to
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May 20, 2008
look at the building and think about the worthiness of using the building in a way that would
respect the history and meaning it has for the City. He said there are different options such as
relocation of the building or rehabbing it where it is. He added that he is available for assessing
the property and possibly giving this building a different use. He said in this country we tend not
to consider historical value very often, and felt we should think about preserving the historical
value of this building in Ocoee but also being aware that the city has to be prudent in the way we
use the revenue. He thinks fundraising is a possibility and we could also consider getting local
groups to put time and resources into helping to fix it up.
Victoria Laney said an architect looked at the building and said it can be saved. The City may
also want to consider construction students from Ocoee High School working on it. She said it
could also serve as Visitor Center. Mayor Vandergrift also added that the Union President
asked if they could rehab the building and use it for their headquarters. He said he sees no
reason why we couldn't look at something like that on a long term lease.
Commissioner Anderson asked what the history is on these discussions. City Manager Frank
said that there was some research done on this building prior to his employment and he
remembered hearing that it was going to cost $300,000 to restore the building.
Lester Dabbs said he was he was part of American Legion Post 109 looking at that building, he
does not recall the estimate being that large, but it was too large for the sitting Commission to
want to pursue it. He said he had an electrician willing to volunteer some time on the project.
This may not be the right time to spend money on this building, but he would like to see it
maintained to eliminate any further deterioration until such time that a decision can be made to
restore it.
Consensus of the Commission was to put off the discussion until June and allow
Victoria to aet a committee of people to look at options.
5. Approval of Assignment of Continuing Surveying and Mapping Agreement to Miller
Legg & Associates, Inc. (City Engineer Wheeler)
In 2004, staff proceeded through the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act and selected Weidner Surveying
& Mapping, P.A. (Weidner) as one of three surveying and mapping fums for the City to use for the duration of
the contract. Staff used Weidner mostly for plat review acting as the City's Surveyor. Early this year, the City
noticed that Weidner had been purchased by Miller Legg & Associates, Inc. (Miller Legg). Miller Legg has
been assigned all contracts which Weidner was currently working on at the time of purchase. Miller Legg has
requested that the City assign its Agreement for Weidner to Miller Legg. Staff wishes to keep three surveying
and mapping fums under contract ahd does not foresee any problems working with Miller Legg.
Adopted on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
6. Approval of Maguire Shoppes at Meadow Ridge Plat. (City Engineer Wheeler)
This plat is for the 8.52 acre commercial property located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Maguire
and Moore Roads. The commercial property is part of the original Westridge PUD. The fIrst phase was the
Meadowridge residential property developed by Pulte Homes.
Adopted on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
7. Approval to Partner with Unicorp, Inc. to Construct Turn Lane at the Intersection of
Maguire and Moore Roads. (City Engineer Wheeler)
Staff has been working very closely with the Unicorp staff to fmalize this last phase of the overall intersection
improvements. The coordination of the work between Progress Energy, Chinchor Electrical, and Unicorp has
not allowed staff to bring the entire project to the City Commission as one approval. Unicorp has fmally
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May 20, 2008
presented the costs for the breakdown between the City's share and their share. The proposed costs of
$92,343.22 for the City's share of the turn lane are reasonable and keep the entire project with budget. By
partnering with Unicorp, Inc. the City was able to save some money on overlap of design and construction if we
both did separate work. The entire intersection project will cost $305,811.47 including the electrical line
relocationlundergrounding, new traffic signal, and turn lane. Staff originally budgeted $500,000 for the overall
intersection improvements based upon the City doing all the work if it was required prior to the development
Adopted on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
8. Approval of Change Order No.2 in the Amount of $33,959.50 for the Pioneer Key
Regional Stormwater Pond Construction Project to Accommodate the Discovery of
Unsuitable Underground Materials and to Install a Drip Irrigation System for Trees to
be Planted at the Site. (City Engineer Wheeler)
Unsuitable underground material was discovered while excavating the southern end of the new stormwater pond
in the Pioneer Key area. Project excavation work was halted while geotechnical inspections and re-engineering
was completed to respond to the situation. It was ultimately determined that an old excavation existed on the
site beneath and to the south of a small pond that was on the site when construction began. Much of the
effected area was found to be filled with construction debris buried in the early part of this decade. The area
was underlain by a 12-inch root mat. This area included the southern portion of the pond, the inflow channel,
and the parking area. No pre-construction geotechnical test sites were located within the area where the
unsuitable materials were discovered. The entrained groundwater was drained from the face of the excavation
while geotechnical inspections were underway.
Adopted on Consent. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent.
9. Approval of Quarterly Community Grants. (Community Relations Manager Wright)
The Community Grant Review Board met on April 23, 2008, to discuss the 18 applications received during the
second cycle of the Quarterly Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program).
The Quarterly Community Grant Program provides fmancial grants of up to $500 made to Ocoee non-profit
organizations and civic groups outside City limits which benefit residents of Ocoee. The grants are awarded to
acknowledge excellence and further the contributions these local organizations bring to the Ocoee community.
Ocoee Middle School submitted an application requesting a $500 grant for their School Nurse Program.
However, their application was not forwarded to the Grant Review Board. OMS School Nurse Program was
awarded a $500 community grant from the City in the past. Based on this, staff is recommending that Ocoee
Middle School be approved for their $500 community grant request.
Joy Wright summarized the progress of this grant cycle. She added that Ocoee Middle School
submitted a timely application for a $500 grant for their school nurse program, however their
application was not forwarded to the Board for approval. She said staff recommends that $500
be awarded to the Ocoee Middle School in addition to what was submitted with the agenda
Commissioner Hood asked why we would deny the Library Spring Lake Elementary. Ms.
Wright said the Grant Review Board was under the impression that the by-laws stated that no
single entity could receive two grants. Jim Sills, Chair for the Grant Review Board said there
was a misunderstanding with the board that was later clarified when the resolution was reviewed.
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May 20, 2008
He said based on the resolution, he does not think the board would have a problem with giving
the Spring Lake Elementary Library the $500 that they applied for.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to the ~
Qrant for SprinQ Lake Elementary for the Library. Motion carried 4-0. with
Commissioner Johnson absent.
Commissioner Anderson said we need to address the policy on this for the future, because it is
possible that we could get 50 applications from each school.
There was discussion regarding the need for community grants. Chairman Sills said we really
wanted to try to save the City money, but when we review these applications we find that in 99%
of the cases the organization is worthy, they are doing a great service, and they need the money.
Mayor Vandergrift said for every dollar that you put into seed money; you get about $10 in
volunteer work. Mr. Sills added that there are some citizens that feel this program should be
discontinued, but he hopes the commission sees the importance of these organizations at budget
time. Mr. Sills also requested that the Board could look over the current resolution and
recommend some tweaks to the Commission.
The following organizations had representatives present who thanked the Commission for their
West Oaks Library, Bobbi Gonzalez, said they are exploring new programming, especially
targeting the "tweens." The will be purchasing FLIP Camcorders for kids to make commercials
about the City and the Library. She introduced Jim Baker, Library Manager, and Craig Wilkens,
Branch Administrator.
Women's Club of Ocoee, Teresa Lemons, said they will use the money for a new P A system.
Bread of Life Fellowship, Wanda Kinney, said this program that feeds 1200 families each
month beyond the three Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas food drives that everyone is aware
of. She said they will use this money to purchase breakfast cereals for the summer.
Ocoee Police Department, Officer Jamie Burke, DARE Program with 530 students
STARS of West Orange, Joe Hembrooke, said last year they assisted 47 schools, giving out
14,000 back packs; he added this year will be tough because fewer people and businesses are
donating due to the economics.
Ocoee Elementary, Martina Framo, said the money will be used for an ESOL Grant; this
program keeps kids learning English over the summer when they may otherwise not be exposed
to English for several months.
Meals on Wheels/Seniors First, Jim Spurgeon, said they have a waiting list of 200 people, need
75 volunteers per week to get all the meals delivered. Mayor Vandergrift said there are many
"Big Wheels" who deliver for this organization.
Christian Service Center - Rosemary Wilsen, said they were thankful for the $250, which is
used for the Kids Focus Program, an after school tutorial program. The center serves 160 meals
per day Monday- Friday with 20 volunteers and that need is expected to increase with the
economy as it is. She said the Center receives items donated in Ocoee during postal drive.
American Legion Post 109, Lester Dabbs, thanked city for $500 this year as in the past and said
flags will be placed on veteran's graves in the Ocoee cemetery on Monday at 8am. He said the
also do academic and citizenship awards at the elementary schools, and academic and military
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May 20, 2008
awards for the ROTC at high schools, and other functions. He also appealed to younger veterans
to join the Post.
Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to the
approve the Qrant awards per staff recommendations. includinQ the additional
J500 for the Ocoee Middle School nursinQ proQram. and approvinQ the previously
denied application for a $500 Qrant for SprinQ Lake Elementary for the Library.
Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
10. Commercial Solid Waste Franchise. (Public Works Director Krug)
The City awarded a Commercial Solid Waste Franchise to Veolia Environmental Services in August, 2001.
The City exercised its option to extend the original five (5) year duration two (2) additional years as allowed by
the contract. The service provided by Veolia on this franchise contract has been exceptional; however it will
expire in August, 2008. The options for the City at this point are to; 1) take over franchise by bringing service
"in-house" or 2) bid out new franchise agreement.
For the City to take over the service, the front load rate would need to be increased from the current $21.97 per
cubic yard (CY) to a minimum of$28.07/CY, an increase of28%. The roll-off rates would need to be increased
from the current $130.00 per pull to $200.00 per pull, an increase of 54%. The projected average annual
revenue for the first four years is $85,500 due to capital equipment costs. For year five and beyond, $293,000 is
the projected average annual revenue.
For the City to bring this service in-house, the higher fees are in line with industry standards for a new localized
franchise, the increased staffmg and equipment yields minimal to moderate return on investment and to
maintain a lucrative service will require an annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase and applied fuel
Bidding a new commercial solid waste franchise contract provides competitive market pricing through a five
year contract with a two year extension that allows for CPI and monthly fuel adjustment surcharges to provide
the lowest initial cost possible.
This item was pulled from the agenda to be heard on at the first meeting in June.
11. Approval of Resolution Supporting the Central Florida Commuter Rail Project.
(Mayor Vandergrift)
The City of Ocoee received a letter from MetroPlan Orlando requesting the City's support of a resolution
regarding the commuter rail project to the Central Florida Region.
This item was pulled from the agenda to be heard on the next agenda.
12. Discussion and Direction Regarding Dr. Scott Property at McKey Street and Bluford
Avenue. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
This discussion occurred earlier, after item #4
13. Discussion on Charter Schools. (Mayor Vandergrift)
Mayor Vandergrift said he does not recall what he wanted to discuss on Charter Schools.
Commissioner Hood said that School Board Member Roach had a meeting last night and he did
not know what the outcome was. He said he has yet to hear anyone say anything good about the
board's intention to switch the times of the students.
Mayor Vandergrift said that subject is coming up at the next School Board Meeting on the June
28 or 29,2008.
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May 20, 2008
Commissioner Keller said the School Board passed the item regarding switching school hours
by a 4-3 vote and none of those four have changed their mind. It will probably not come back up
for another vote. There has been a great deal of public outcry. Commissioner Hood said that
they should have taken the second chance they were given to get it right after hearing what their
constituents want.
Commissioner Keller 1) congratulated graduating high school seniors and the other kids
moving up a grade, 2) said be care to pay attention to limited lawn watering hours which have
been changed to 4:00 am to 10:am on Thursdays and Sundays for even-numbered addresses;
Wednesday and Saturday for odd-numbered addresses.
Commissioner Anderson 1) asked about the MetroPlan item that was moved to the next agenda.
City Manager Frank said the only information we received is the letter that was sent with the
resolution which is in your agenda packet. Commissioner Anderson said he would like to look
at their plans to bring a rail east and west, instead of just north and south. 2) he said he just
returned from the Economic Development Conference in Las Vegas and when Commissioner
Johnson returns they should be bringing some good information back.
Commissioner Hood 1) thanked everyone for their support of the Ocoee Little League this
weekend. 2) said he visited the Ocoee Clinic for an ear problem and he was really impressed
with the way he was treated even though no one knew he was a Commissioner, 3) announced
the Golfing for Autism, 4th annual event, on Saturday June 14, 2008 at Grand Cypress Golf
Resort; he will leave the flier with Joy Wright and they can call for information, 4) as the game
ended last night he saw the smoke from the residence near City Hall and he said he is proud of
the men and women of our fire department because they work so hard and do such a great job.
Mayor Vandergrift 1) reminded everyone that this is Memorial Day Weekend, enjoy your
picnics, but don't forget to pay tribute to the men and women who have given their lives for this
country. He announced the City will hold a service on Friday at 11 :00 a.m. at the gazebo; and he
will be participating at the services on Monday at the Woodlawn Cemetery.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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