HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Approval of Street Closure - Forest Oaks center of Good LI ~'t>e I'~ ~ Pl\ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: July 1, 2008 Item # 3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Ralph W. Jones 407.905.3104 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Special Event Request for Road Closing Forest Oaks Subdivision Block Party Background Summary: In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is required. Mr. Gary Heley of Forest Oaks Subdivision has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a Block Party that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street. The event will be held on July 4th 2008 from 4:00 pm - 10:30 pm. The street to be closed is Rich Drive. See attached location map. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the temporary closing of a public street for the purpose of a Subdivision Block Party? Recommendations Staff respectfully recommends approval with the following requirements: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained at all times; and, 4) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades. Attachments: Special Event Application and location map Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution X N/A X N/A N/A Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept~ ~. Reviewed by () "r~ Organization Head Quarters ~ Name: ~est- Oa~s -Ne.\~~hoQ::\ 'BodL 1'd(~_ Address: toEr1 {Z, c:h 1N,ve. City: State: Zip Code: Phone #: Representative Name: ~ ~\~ Address: laO q e.i:~ \)\'"\\/e., City: Ou-:x-~ State: FL-- Phone #:--=.\Ctl- 2q 2.. ~ 3q~ er Zip Code: 3,-\ I (p I 40'1- 21\- 43Cf to Applicant (if different): Name: S~..e. Address: City: Phone #: Type of Event: Parade_ Ceremony_Exhibition Show Concert Demonstration ~ Date (s) and time (s) scbedu1cd: -::f'u..\'{- 4 I )..CC12, 4- p...... - \ 0: 3Oprv-> N._ and types of activities: ffiu.-\ -Ii -~Ql'" i \ "I_~ beq~ I g~) ~ d -f\ Cev\lO{ ~ ( \'\ot'\--fl~ I oq-<1n-LL,---'{::6 p\OSiU~~.') Approximate number of spectators and ~cipants: PuIpose of Special event: K\oc\L .y~("81' \ Cloc;u,v- e.- Exact location of event: State: Zip Code: Designation of public facilities or equipment to be used: Number of temporary directional signs: x $5.00 per sign = \NiL IN \ \\ . f\o\-~~ 5l\VYoLl!'d( ~ PDfII? S . ill AAdht \\b (esl~\5 w\ l\ lL \J\cdLQ.d {Y1J oLd--. City ofOcoee. 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3104 · fax: (407) 656-5398 . www.cLocoee.tl.us Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes )( no For Parade: Exact location of marshalling and staging area: Time at which units of parade will b Time at which uni~arade . Exact route to be ed shown on attached map: 0 yes 0 no Please attach a oximate # of persons, animals, & vehicles participating with descriptio types of animals and vehicles. Parad '11 occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: 0 yes 0 no For Fireworks: The following shall be attached to this ap~. ation: 1) A detailed listing of the type & q . of fireworks to be used. 2) A detailed written statement 0 . g all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in orde 0 protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property. 3) A detailed writt;..n(state q\describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks.,~ r 4) If applicable, app. ants federal license # for transporting fireworks across state line. 5) A detailed list names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be re nsible for the actual display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The background tement should include a complete history of the experience of the individ involved with respect to their use of fireworks, including a detailed list and exp . on of each and every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the in . Idual has been responsible for, or involved in. A map showing exact launch point and area of fallout. Applicant Signatu~e: ..~~ ~ nate: :J(.i ne I O} ~rft o Approved Police Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: o Approved Fire Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: 'Approved ~ Conditions for~e 't attached Building Official Date: ~I 6 0 /) tUl 4I~ duJ,f k . _~/~ =L;:;~4 t/)IdJa~.uJd .w~~~ Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes )( no For Parade: Exact location of marshalling and staging area: Time at which units of parade will Time at which uni~arade . Exact route to be ed shown on attached map: 0 yes 0 no Please attach a oximate # of persons, animals. & vehicles participating with descriptio types of animals and vehicles. Parad . occupy all of the width of the street, roadway. or sidewalk: 0 yes 0 no The following shall be attached to this ap~. ation: 1) A detailed listing of the type & q . of fireworks to be used. 2) A detailed written statement 0 . g all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in orde 0 protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A detailed writt;.nfstate 11\.describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. , ~ f'\ 4) If applicable, app . ants federal license # for transporting fireworks across state line. 5) A detailed list names. addresses. occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be re onsible for the actual display. use or explosion of any fireworks. The background tement should include a complete history of the experience of the individ involved with respect to their use of fireworks. including a detailed list and exp . on of each and every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the in' dual has been responsible for. or involved in. A map showing exact launch point and area of fallout. Applicant Signature: _~~ ~ n~te: :Jl,l n.e 1 0) ;;;.p$ For Fireworks: o Approved Police Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: ~ Approved ...-.J Q.IUsapproved Fire Chief ~ 0 ( ~ o Conditions for permit ,ttac1eS-/ Date: L. IL "2S o Approved Building Official o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: . Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes )( no For Parade: Exact location of marshalling and staging area: Time at which units of parade will b Time at which uni~arade . Exact route to be tr ed shown on attached map: 0 yes 0 no Please attach a oximate # of persons, an;mf\ls, & vehicles participating with descriptio types of Iln;mllls and vehicles. Parad . I occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: 0 yes 0 no For Fireworks: The following shall be attached to this ap~. ation: 1) A detailed listing of the type & q . of fireworks to be used. 2) A detailed written statement 0 . g all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in ord 0 protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A detailed writt;.nptate q\describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks.,~ t" 4) If applicable, app . ants federal license # for transporting fireworks across state line. S) A detailed list names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be re nsible for the actual display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The background tement should include a complete history of the experience of the individ involved with respect to their use of fireworks, including a detailed list and expl . on of each and every accident resulting from the use of :fireworks which the in . dual has been responsible for, or involved in. A map showing exact launch point and area of fallout. APpllcantSilD'tui-e:~~ note: ::JUM, IO}~ !APproved Conditions for permit attached Police Chief Date: ~ ./'/. ')~B o Approved Fire Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: o Approved Building Official o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes )i( no For Parade: Exact location of marshalling and staging area: Time at which units of parade will b Time at which uni~arade . Exact route to be ed shown on attached map: 0 yes 0 no Please attach a oximate # of persons, animals, & vehicles participating with descriptio types ofan;mSlls and vehicles. Parad .n occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: 0 yes 0 no For Fireworks: The following shall be attached to this ap~. ation: 1) A detailed listing of the type & q . of fireworks to be used. 2) A detailed written statement 0 . g all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in orde 0 protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A detailed writt~n(state q\describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. '""1 t" 4) If applicable, app . ants federaIlicense # for transporting fireworks across state line. 5) A detailed list names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be re onsible for the actual display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The background tement should include a complete history of the experience of the individ involved with respect to their use of fireworks, including a detailed list and exp . on of each and every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the in. dual has been responsible for, or involved in. A map showing exact launch point and area of fallout. Applicant Signature: _~~ c:::::::> na~: :rLl~ 10) ;).~ o Approved Police Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: $. Approved ....-;} [J.IUsapproved Fire Chief ~ 0 ( ~ o Conditions for permit lttac1eS-./ Date: {, fL '2S o Approved Building Official o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: OCP A Property Line Page 1 of2 ~ PARCEl 10 STREET ADDRESS OWNER NAME (1) OWNER NAME (2) MAlUNG ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP COUNTRY IlLS GRID CITY CODE MILLAGE CODE PROPERTY use CODE lAND (MKT) VALUE BUILDING VALUE 0_125ft Copyright 2007. Orange County Propef1y Appraiser. Property found at thla location os.D .. 2141 00..030 CI08 RICH DR HElEY GARY HElEY MElISSA CI08 RICH DR OCOEE. FL 34781-1436 ParcelID: 032228284600030 This map Is for reference only and Is not a survey. AH4 QCQ 65 lWl1 110,000 $10l5.S1&5 httn.llnQ"ulh'" N'nQf1 ^rn'",_honaft/Pri,\t U aft QOftv?nin=')Q?.,n't "Q~'tn.Rr,.^...,4,.d\ Rr_.. 1:.11 1 nf\l\"7 . OCP A Property Line Page 1 of2 - ':"-'.:" . ~...,~ ~ _ t""\;I v" ~ \ .iI~ ,J .. ~ . t .. ~. . "~'I~'"".1.-...- lJ\~,e..l It" dt H. ('1 ..' u. It. ~ ,...-..,," I . "-.;-'-. ... ,. 1 .' . . r PARCEL ID STREET ADDRESS OWNER NAME (1) OWNER NAME (2) MAILING ADDRESS CITY. STATE. ZIP COUNTRY ilLS GRID ClTYCOOE MILLAGE CODE PROPERTY USE CODE LAND (MKT)VALUE BUIlDING VALUE 0-125ft Copyrighl200T. Orange County property Appraisef. Property found at this location u..22..-.atl tII<<JO _ RICH DR HElEY GARY HELEY MEl.JSSA lI08 RICH OR /") 1_ . OCOEE. FL 3478'.'Ll '-'\ !.(o~ \ VI ~ s-\T~ clC8,(f c:au:w,- AH4 ~ :' ~ pP\i{; c.:rtm aveo ::000 ~ e;-l horres) 1105.S155 Parcel to: 032226284600030 This map is fOl reference only and is not a survey. http://paraster.ocpatl.orglwebmaplPrint_Map.aspx?pin=28220328460003o&condo=O&ma... 6/1112007