HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #06 Approval of MetroPlan Resolution J-~ -L.:fem +I: 6 A Regional Transportation PartnershIp May 9, 2008 Honorable Scott Vandergrift Mayor City of Ocoee 2625 Cedar Bluff Lane Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear Mayor Vandergrift: At the May 8,2008 meeting of the METROPLAN ORLANDO Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC) a great deal of discussion was held regarding the importance of the commuter rail project to the Central Florida region. With gas prices continuing to soar and air quality getting worse, those present felt it more apparent than ever that we continue to present a united front surrounding this project. It is important to our region now, and is especially important to our region's future. During the meeting, City of Maitland Mayor Doug Kinson, suggested a resolution be adopted by each city in the region to reaffirm its support for the project. METROPLAN ORLANDO will serve as steward to collect each resolution in order that the Municipal Advisory Committee may adopt a collective resolution at its meeting on June 4, 2008. In turn, those will be presented to the METRO PLAN ORLANDO Board. A draft resolution, with suggested language, is provided for you to use in order to help expedite the process. We understand that you may wish to add language that may be specific to your jurisdiction, but ask that you keep the suggested language intact as much as possible. It would also be helpful if you would notify our office of the dateltime this item will be presented to your Councilor Commission. We would be happy to have a METROPLAN ORLANDO representative available to respond to any questions or concerns. One Landmark Center. 315 East Robinson Street. Suite 355 . Orlando, FL 3280 I B metroplanorlando.com "B' (407) 481-5672 Suncom 344-5672 [j (407) 481-5680 Suncom (407) 344-5680 R Courthouse Station LYMMO Stop May 9, 2008 Page 2 Please note that the resolution language also requests authorization for your MAC representative to act on behalf of your city at the meeting on June 4th when the collective resolution will be presented for approval. After adoption by the METROPLAN ORLANDO Board, a complete packet will be transmitted to the entire Central Florida Legislative Delegation, Congressman John Mica, Congresswoman Corrine Brown, the Florida Department of Transportation and each of the respective cities. You may call me at (407) 481-5672 x313 or Ms. Virginia L. Whittington at extension 314 with any questions. Resolutions may also be transmitted to Ms. Whittington's attention. Sincerely, ~w.~ Harold W. Barley Executive Director Enclosure c. Mr. Larry Williams, Chairman, Municipal Advisory Committee, City of Belle Isle Commissioner Dan Anderson, City of Longwood Commissioner Shirley Gray, City of Lake Mary Vice Mayor Mike Satterfield, Town of Oakland RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE CENTRAL FLORIDA CO:MMUTER RAIL PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is undertaking the development and implementation of the Central Flor,ida Commuter Rail Project running from DeLand in V olusia County through Seminole County, and Orange County (including the Cities of Orlando, Maitland and Winter Park) to Poinciana in Osceola County; and \VHEREAS, FDOT has reached agreement with CSX Transportation providing for the acquisition of the CSXT's A-Line between Milepost A 749.7 near DeLand and A814.l near Poinciana, a distance of approximately 61.5 miles for the use of the Commuter Rail Project; and \VHEREAS, Orange, Seminole, V olusia, and Osceola Counties and the City of Orlando (collectively, the "Local Government Partners") have agreed that the FDOT will be the agency responsible for the design, permitting and construction of the Commuter Rail Project and will be responsible for its operation, management and maintenance for a period of seven years; and "WlIEREAS, FDOT has agreed to convey the Commuter Rail Project to the Central Florida Commuter Rail Commission (other than the stations, which will be conveyed to the Local Government Partners) after the initial seven years; and WHEREAS, the Commuter Rail Project is described in METROPLAN ORLANDO's Long Range Transportation Plan "Financially Constrained Network" and Volusia County WO's Year 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan; and WHEREAS, implementation of the Commuter Rail Project will result in overall social and environmental benefits, improve the quality of life in the state, stimulate economic growth, create new employment opportunities, and serve as a positive grov.rth management catalyst; and "TflEREAS, the Commuter Rail Project will greatly benefit all of the citizens of and visitors to the Central Florida region, and is needed in order to relieve traffic congestion, provide transportation opportunities, and provide a relief for I -4 traffic during its reconstruction; and WHEREAS, the Commuter Rail Project will become an integral part of Central Florida's balanced transportation system and, with concurrent development of improvements to roadways and bus transit, will greatly enhance the mobility of the traveling public; and WHEREAS, fmancial commitments for the Central Florida Commuter Rail Project have been made by the Local Government Partners and state funding is contained in the Five- Year Work Program of the Florida Departmen~ of Transportation; and "WHEREAS, Congressman Mica and Congresswoman Brown have pledged to secure more than $300 million in federal funding for the Central Florida Commuter Rail Project and, if not used for this project, will be lost to rail transit projects elsewhere in the country; and WHEREAS, it is more critical than ever to provide the traveling public with transportation alternatives as gasoline prices are soaring and new federal air quality standards for ozone put Central Florida at risk of being declared a non-attainment area which could result in sanctions being imposed; and WHEREAS, the Central Florida Commuter Rail Project will support the efforts of Governor Crist's Energy and Climate Change Action Plan, established by Executive Order 07-128, with ambitious goals for reducing statewide green house gas emissions; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida that: Section 1. The City of Ocoee supports the design, construction, and implementation of the Commuter Rail Project in the Central Florida area; and Section 2. The City of Ocoee requests the Florida Legislature to approve fair and reasonable insurance provisions for the Central Florida Commuter Rail Project as recommended by the Florida Department of Transportation and consistent with the provisions of the lnterlocal Agreement; and Section 3. The City of Ocoee authorizes Mayor Vandergrift to join in efforts with other municipalities throughout Central Florida under the auspices' of METRO PLAN ORLANDO's Municipal Advisory Committee to support the METROPLAN ORLANDO Board in making this project a reality. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of May, 2008. ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) APPROVED BY THE OeOEE CITY COMMISSION ON THE ABOVE DATE UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOR USE AND RELIANCE 01\TL Y BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this 1st day of April, 2008. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: Paul E. Rosenthal, City Attorney