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July 15,2008, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Commissioner Johnson led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Acting City Clerk Sib bitt called roll and declared a quorum
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, Acting City Clerk Sibbitt
Commissioner Hood 1) announced Ocoee JV Cheerleaders will be doing a car wash at Texas
Roadhouse on Saturday from 8am-2pm. 2) said this Saturday the Parks and Recreation
Department is hosting a Summer Party from llam-2pm with free food, water slide, and bounce
houses. He further thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for their help this past
weekend at the ball fields. 3) said American Legion Post 109 & Son's of the Confederate
Veteran's of Ocoee will be hosting an Antique Show at the Tom Ison Center on July 26, 2008,
from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Commissioner Johnson - had no announcments
Commissioner Keller 1) announced that the City has a number of volunteer board's and they
are getting low in number so for anyone who might be interested in volunteering you can go to
the City's website to look at the different board's that are available. 2) wished congratulations
to Sharon Gabriel who is the new Ocoee Middle School Principal and to Ocoee High School for
their high "C" in school rating. 3) announced National Night Out will be held on August 5,
2008, at Hackney Prairie Park and Palm Drive Park. Please come out to meet our Police Officers
and help with crime prevention.
Commissioner Hood 1) advised, for those that know Fred Nelson, please keep him in your
prayers; he is currently ill and not doing well. 2) announced that Ocoee Middle School received
an "A" for their school rating and Clarcona Elementary also received an "A".
Mayor Vandergrift 1) announced tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. there will be a Work Session on
Charter Schools. 2) read letter from Fred Brummer extending his appreciation for the
endorsement from the City of Ocoee for his appointment to Department of Health Board. 3) read
letter from Seniors First thanking the City for their grant money.
City Commission Regular
July 15,2008
,Consent Agenda Vote - --- -- - - - - - _
Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Hood moved to approve
Consent Aaenda and to pull Item #4 for further discussion. Motion carried 5-0.
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes July 1, 2008. (City
Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval to Piggyback off City of Jacksonville Contract #SC-0511-06 for the Provision
and Installation of Playground Surface Material. (Parks and Recreation Director
As part of the overall plan to improve the playgrounds throughout the park system, the Park and Recreation
Department is proposing to replace the existing surface material at two playground locations. The new material
wi1\ meet the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) standards. The sites selected include Freedom Park and Beech Recreation Center. Staff is requesting
permission to piggyback off of the City of Jacksonville Contract #SC-0511-06 for these services. Rep Services,
Inc. has submitted such a proposal to supply and install the surface material in the amount of $80,562.84, based
upon the aforementioned contract.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approval for Purchase of a Grapple Rake Attachment for the Caterpillar 928Gz Wheel
Loader. (Public Works Director Krug)
The Commission approved the capital purchase ofa grapple rake attachment for the Public Works Department's
Caterpi1\ar 928Gz wheel loader with the 2007-2008 Stormwater budget. Due to increased material costs, the
price for the attachment has risen above the budget amount of $20,875.00 to $21,996.00. Public works is
requesting Commission approval to transfer $1,211.00 from the Small Equipment account line in the
Storm water Division to cover additional cost for this purchase.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of Plat for Eagles Landing Phase I. (City Engineer Wheeler)
Eagles Landing Phase I is the fIrst of three phases of the Eagles Landing Subdivision, which is 46.35 acres and
is located on the west side of Ocoee-Apopka Road approximately 2000 feet north of Ocoee Crown Point
Parkway. Eagles Landing Subdivision consists of 105 single-family homes with associated amenities. Eagles
Landing Phase I consists of 14 single-family homes and the subdivision's stormwater retention area.
Commissioner Anderson stated at the last meeting they talked about having Utilities Director
Smith do a presentation on the Water Star Program. He further stated he wants to make sure
every time they get an amendment or new PUD that they have something in writing that states
the developer will comply with the Water Star Program. City Manager Frank stated that in this
particular situation, since it is a plat approval and everything has been done, they can keep the
Water Star Program in mind for future projects once the Water Star Program is adopted.
Commissioner Anderson further expressed his concern on the Water Star Program in which it
was announced that Utilities Director Smith had a presentation for the Commission on this
program. Utilities Director Smith passed out a handout on the Water Star Program and briefly
explained the program. Commissioner Anderson stated the reason he is concerned about the
Water Star Program is because when they start the program it may take 2-3 years before they
have things in place. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that, based on Mr. Smith's presentation,
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City Commission Regular
July 15,2008
whether or not it is a condition in the subdivision plan approval, if an ordinance is adopted that
says the Water Star Program is something that must be put in every new home then he does not
believe that will conflict with any final plat approval. Further discussion ensued regarding the
Water Star Program and the benefits of having the program in place. Mayor Vandergrift stated
that he would like staff to bring an ordinance back and then they can have further discussion on
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Mayor Vanderarift moved to approve
Approval of Plat for Eaales Landina Phase I. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Oak Trail Reserve PUD. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for August 5, 2008,
Commission Meeting). (Principal Planner Fabre)
Oak Trail Reserve PUD is located on the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Clarke Road and Clarcona-Ocoee
Road. The subject property is approximately 38.6 acres in size of which 3.1 acres are designated as
conservation/wetlands. The subject property is currently undeveloped and is partially covered with trees mostly on
the south side of an isolated wetland and along the eastern boundary of the property. The remainder is open fIeld.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
Mayor Vaodergrift announced that the Second Reading of the Ordinances and Public Hearing
will take place on August 5, 2008, at 7: 15, or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
6. Set Workshop and Hearing Dates for the FY 08/09 Budget. (Finance Director Horton)
Workshops are held during August to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fIscal year. Public hearings are
required by the TRIM act and serve as a mechanism to notify the citizens of the proposed budget and allow their
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to set the
Budaet Workshops for Auaust 13 & 18, 2008, and if necessary Auaust 20th.
Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to set the
Tentative and Final Budaet Public Hearinas for September 8 & 22, 2008. Motion
carried 5-0.
7. Set Proposed Millage Rate for FY 08/09. (City Manager Frank)
The TRIM Act requires local governing bodies to set a proposed miIlage rate annually during the month of July.
The property appraiser is then notifIed of the rate and uses it to advise taxpayers of their proposed tax levies for the
next year. This rate can be lowered during the budget hearings in September.
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City Commission Regular
July 15,2008
City Manager Frank briefly spoke about setting a tentative millage rate and stated if the
commission sets the higher rate of 5.1457 via super majority vote this will allow them to review
the proposed budget and increase the millage for additional funding if desired.
Mayor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to set the tentative
millaae rate at 5.1457. Motion carried 5-0.
8. Solid Waste Presentation. (Public Works Director Krug)
Public Works Director Krug gave a PowerPoint presentation on Residential Solid Waste
Program Options for 2008-2009. His presentation covered the following:
.:. Cost impacts due to current economy on the service
.:. Options to balance budget with General Funds
.:. Options to self fund deficit through a rate increase
.:. Reduce residential garbage collection to one day per week
.:. Recycling every other week
.:. Utilize 96 gallon containers for yard waste to reduce volume
.:. Revise standard concerning yard waste and extra bulk pick-up
Discussion ensued on whether this would take care of the deficit this year and as to what is
currently budgeted for 2008-2009. Mayor Vandergrift stated in England they have a police
system and he will get in contact with his friend to find out how it is done. Further discussion
ensued about bulk two times per year as it was done in the past and consideration of sending out
a questionnaire.
RP Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., stated he would like to try to encourage an ordinance
that allows someone to go through other's garbage to get items that they can fix and resell. He
further inquired as to how much weight you can put into a container without breaking it. He was
told 200 lbs was the limit.
Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, inquired if the current ordinance states that items
must be in a container. She stated after looking at the pictures in the PowerPoint she can not
believe the City has to pick up bulk garbage that is not contained but is instead just thrown out in
disarray. Mayor Vandergrift stated that sometimes when you see garbage as she mentioned it
is because of an eviction.
Commissioner Anderson inquired about eliminating bulky pick-up and having residents drop
off their bulky items at a City facility that would have a container. City Manager Frank stated
in his past experiences, if the City does not have bulky pick-up, residents will drop bulky items
on the side of the road. Discussion ensued regarding the cost for picking up recyclables, if the
City charged a fuel charge, and/or possibly increasing the rates. Commissioner Hood inquired
if staff was looking for a motion tonight. Finance Director Horton informed the board that if
they are looking to increase the rate because this is on the tax bill they have to notify the
Property Appraiser's Office by next week or they can treat it as they do the ad-valerom in which
they can set the rate higher and then they can lower it at the final certification.
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City Commission Regular
July 15,2008
Break 8:38 pm- 8:48 pm
Public Works Director Krug stated that the cost per house for the fuel increase this year is
$1.09 per month and the cost of the landfill increase is $0.98 per month. City Attorney
Rosenthal advised the board that they can not make the decision to raise the rate tonight, but
they can make a decision to send a notice to the Property Appraiser's asking them to set forth a
proposed rate in which they will then be subject to the public hearing and adopting of a
resolution. Commissioner Johnson inquired if they could propose the rate to be $21.00 in lieu
of the $19.00.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to direct staff
to notify the Property Appraiser's Office to put on the TRIM notices a proposed
residential solid waste collection rate of $21.00 per month/$252.00 annuallv and
also direct staff to prepare a resolution and schedule a public hearina with
respect to the increase: as well as have staff take a look at what cost savinas they
could have with the once a week pick-up utilizina the two canisters: as well as
providina a poll to residents. Motion carried 5-0.
t~DiiSSiOier Kelle~ 1) said a lady came to them regarding RV's and front yard ordinances and
requested extending the time to 48 hours. He inquired if they would need a public hearing to
change the ordinance. City Manager Frank stated, instead of going through the cost of
advertisement, maybe they can let code enforcement give a warning, whereas the people are not
cited before 48 hours. Commissioner Anderson said there were other issues with that
ordinance that might come forward as well and they could look at changing them all
r ----- I
Commissioner Johnson 1) announced the loss of one of Ocoee's employees, Frank Bruce, and
said their condolences go out to the family. 2) stated his concern with the overgrown grass that
is not being mowed in the right-of-way of White Road and Bluford Ave. Discussion ensued as
to whether the portion was City owned or private property. City Manager Frank thought that
property owners were responsible for maintaining the right-of-way adjacent to their property;
otherwise, they would be cited by Code Enforcement. City Attorney Rosenthal confirmed that.
Commissioner Johnson said the property owner of that portion need to be notified.
COiiiiiliS';r.;nerAndersoi11) stated his concern with the intersection of Silver Star/Orange Ave.
as one of the most dangerous intersections and asked if there is anything they can do about that.
2) stated there is a stain on the flag in the chambers and would like to have it cleaned or replaced.
City Manager Frank said they would take care of it.
tommissioner Hood 1) said he appreciated the Parks Department staff for the good work at the
field. 2) asked if we were being compensated by Windermere Baptist Church for their use of
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City Commission Regular
July 15, 2008
Freedom Park for soccer practice. Parks & Recreation Director Hayes said he would look into
that and bring it back to Commission. 3) said he received a few complaints about broke down
vehicles sitting beside homes with overgrown grass around them. Community Development
Director Shadrix said it was not permitted. Mayor Vandergrift asked that questions like that
be sent via email to the Code Enforcement Supervisor, and copied to their Director, for a rapid
response. He said he was pleased with the work our Code Enforcement Officers do.
Mayor -Vand~rgrifi 1) announced the Charter School Work Session tomorrow at 6pm. He
recently found that an Ocoee staff member was a member of a charter school board in Seminole
County and he would be asking him for helpful information. He stated that they would need to
make a decision before August 1, 2008, if they want to do something for the school year of 20 1 0-
The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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