HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
August 5, 2008, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Hood led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson (absent), Mayor Vandergrift,
Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (absent).
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Presentation -
Acknowledgement and Appreciation from Ocoee Little League to the Parks and Recreation
Department - Commissioner Hood
Earline Stirgus of Ocoee Little League thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for their
continued support, with the kids and keeping the fields in great condition. Commissioner Hood
said after difficulties last year, there were some changes and the League is in good shape this
year; he acknowledged Dave Dunham as the new incoming president.
Proclamations - Mayor Vandergrift
~ National Night Out - August 5, 2008
~ The First Days of School Celebration - August 18, 2008
~ Ocoee Firefighter Appreciation Week - August 4th - August 10th
Lindsey Marcum, Muscular Dystrophy Association spoke on behalf of MDA and thanked the
Ocoee Fire Department for all of their efforts collecting money for a worthy cause. She noted
that they are always on top in the money raising efforts and she looks forward to working with
them again during the fall boot drive.
Presentation on Disabilities Forum by our Human Relations Diversity Board
Louis Fazio passed out a booklet on containing some initial research that had been done and
noted that there are approximately 4,000 residents in Ocoee who fall under the ADA
requirements. He said Ocoee should be proactive and establish that all residents are included in
the governmental process. He asked the Commission to consider budgeting $3,000 in seed
money to start the process. He said this money will help to look into such things as TDDs for
hearing impaired and using sign language interpreters at public meetings. Mayor Vandergrift
asked if we have any matching grant funds. He said there is also grant money that is out there
that they will be striving for; they have a meeting with the Center for Independent living next
week. Board Member Lester Dabbs added that the board has discussed many of the ideas but
kept coming back to the fact that there is nothing in the budget to comply with handicapped laws
that are 25 years old. Ocoee has always been known for doing the right thing, and that would be
to address adding some resources. Mayor Vandergrift asked that staff bring this to us during
the budget hearing process.
City Commission Regular
August 5, 2008
Commissioner Hood 1) announced the Ocoee Middle School orientation dates beginning
August 13,2008, 2) reminded those driving early in the morning to do to cautiously because the
younger kids are going to be at the bus stops this year and they may be more active than the older
kids were, 3) said Ocoee Knight Fever (orientation) will be held on August 14, 2008. Free
physicals will be given to those playing sports at the high school this year on August 6,2008. 4)
announced the new Head Coach for baseball is Eddie Doyle, who was formerly the Assistant
Coach; he wished well to Coach Interkin who accepted a job at Weikiva. 5) said Pop Warner
football started, Fall baseball is starting next month. There will be a lot of kids out running
around who are involved in sporting activities and he urged drivers to keep their eye out for
them. Mayor Vandergrift reminded everyone that there are four high schools that serve Ocoee;
West Orange, Wekiva, Olympia, and Ocoee High School. If anyone has information on any of
the high schools, please keep us informed and he will put it in the gazette. Commissioner
Keller noted that there are some night meetings that only the farthest door to the north is open
and that is not a handicapped door.
Commissioner Keller - said there will be a car wash on August 16, 2008 for the 8th grade class
raising funds for their trip to Washington D.C.
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Regular City Commission Minutes July 15, 2008.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and
Commissioner Johnson absent.
2. Appointment to the Board of Adjustment. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Michael Elliott, who is currently an alternate member on the Code Enforcement Board, has indicated he would
be interested in also serving on the Board of Adjustment Board. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor
and City Commissioners appoint Michael Elliott to serve a three-year term on the Board of Adjustment with a
term ending May 2011. Currently there are no other applications on file to fill the board openings.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and
Commissioner Johnson absent.
3. Appointment to the Community Grant Review Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
One application was received from Ms. Julie Jackson Butler with interest in serving on the board. Staff
recommends that the City Commission appoint Julie Jackson Butler to the Community Grant Review Board
with term ending March 2011. Currently there are no other applications on file to fill the board openings.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and
Commissioner Johnson absent.
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City Commission Regular
August 5, 2008
4. Approval of Agreement between the City of Ocoee and Valencia Community College.
(Fire Chief Firstner)
The City of Ocoee Fire Department will utilize its facilities to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled
in the College's emergency medical services program, utilizing the approved program of study. The term of the
agreement is through December 31, 2010 and may be extended by agreement of both parties.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and
Commissioner Johnson absent.
5. Award of Bid #B08-01 Lift Station #7 Rehabilitation and 16" Replacement Force Main
to Clarke Road to GWP Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,020,470.80. (Purchasing
Agent Tolbert)
The Engineering Department and Finance Departments have reviewed all bids submitted for the subject work.
Staff recommends awarding the project to GWP Construction, Inc. as the most responsive and responsible
bidder for the amount of $ 1,020,470.80, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the required
contract documents. To fund the project, staff recommends that the City Commission approve the allocation of
$1,196,493.90 from the 2003 Utility Bond fund (Account 414-535-00-6302), which will provide $1,020,470.80
for the construction contract, $125,000.00 for construction engineering and inspection services and geotechnical
testing services, and $51,023.10 (5% of construction cost) for contingencies. An additional amount of
$51,023.10 would remain in the bond allocation for this project as a reserve and may be added to the adopted
project budget by the City Commission at a future date.
Due to a bid protest, City Attorney Rosenthal asked that this item be pulled from the Consent
Agenda and heard separately.
City Attorney Rosenthal said that there was a bid protest filed by Emerald Utilities and Site
Development Inc. The city is still within the time frame to respond to the protest. He asked if
anyone was present from Emerald Utilities who wished to speak. There was no response. He
added, from the legal standpoint, they have reviewed the protest and consulted with staff and
does not feel there is any impediment to having the City Commission proceed with the bid award
at this time. He also noted that the City will have to formally respond to the protest and then
follow the remedies under our bidding procedures. He also noted that the staff initially had
questions with GWP Construction as to whether or not they had the relevant experience and
licenses to proceed. After investigating, the staff concluded that they were qualified.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the
award of Bid #B08-01 Lift Station #7 Rehabilitation and 16" Replacement Force
Main to Clarke Road to GWP Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,020,470.80.
Commissioner Hood asked what the protest was about.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the protest letter into record that had been addressed to
Purchasing Agenda Joyce Tolbert:
"We are formally protesting the recommendation of award to the referenced
project. We believe the licensing information necessary for the project was
misleading and did no attempt was made to clarify the project requirements.
We protest the rejection of our bid and would like to discuss this matter with
yourself and other staff representatives. We thank you for your quick response
to this matter."
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City Commission Regular
August 5, 2008
City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the bid documents stated that the bidder had to have all
appropriate licenses, which included a general contractor's license or an underground utility
license, and a licensed plumbing subcontractor. Emerald Utilities has the underground utility
license, but did not have a plumbing license or plumbing subcontractor. The bidder that is
recommended has the underground utility license did their proposal with a licensed plumbing
Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Johnson
6. Approval of Funding $6,500 for the July 2008 Cycle of the Quarterly Community Grant
Program. (Community Relations Manager Wright)
The Community Grant Review Board met on July 23, 2008 to discuss the 20 applications received during the
third cycle of the Quarterly Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The
total amount requested from the 20 organizations this grant cycle is $10,000. The Community Grant Review
Board voted to fund 16 organizations in the amount of $6,500 to stay within the allotted funding for the current
grant cycle. Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Community Grant
Review Board's recommendation. There is $7,500 allotted for this quarter of the Community Grant Program
There is an additional $2,250 available that rolled over from the previous grant cycle held in April 2008. The
total amount requested from the 20 organizations this grant cycle is $10,000. The Community Grant Review
Board voted to fund 16 organizations in the amount of $6,500 to stay within the allotted funding for the current
grant cycle.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and
Commissioner Johnson absent.
Loraine Hoffman, Assistant City Manager from Ocoee Middle School thanked the Commission
on behalf of new Principal Sharon Gabriel for their continued support and grant awards. She
also thanked the City Employees for their involvement in donating the backpacks and school
supplies to underprivileged kids.
7. Prestige Academy. (Advertised in the Orlando Sentinel Classified Legal on Thursday, July 24, 2008).
(Senior Planner Howell)
A. Special Exception
The proposed Prestige Academy child care facility is located on the north side of SR 50, across from Health
Central hospital. The subject property is zoned C-2 (Community Commercial), and is proposed to occupy the
northern third of the existing Coan Eye Care building. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City
Commissioners approve the Special Exception for the Prestige Academy child care center located on the north
side of SR 50, across from Health Central Hospital, subject to the five Conditions of Approval provided on the
attached site plan.
Senior Planner Howell gave a PowerPoint presentation on this item.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the
Public Hearing was closed.
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City Commission Regular
August 5, 2008
Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the
Special Exception for Prestige Academy as recommended by staff. Motion
carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and Commissioner Johnson absent.
8. Citrus Oaks. (Senior Planner Howell)
A. Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
The subject property is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of SR 50 and Citrus Oaks A venue.
The subject property is approximately 2.13 acres in size and is the site of an existing professional office
building that was permitted by the City in 1998. Of the 2.13 acres, approximately 0.96 acres are proposed to be
re-classified from Professional Offices & Services to Commercial, with the remaining acreage retaining a
Future Land Use Designation ofConservationIFloodplains. The entire property is being simultaneously rezoned
to PUD-Commercial. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider adoption
of Ordinance 2008-009 of a Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment for approximately 0.96 acres of the
Citrus Oaks Center located on the southeast corner of the intersection of SR 50 and Citrus Oaks A venue from a
designation of Professional Offices & Services to Commercial, with the remainder of the property retaining a
Future Land Use designation of ConservationIFloodplains.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the
second reading and public hearing will be held on August 19, 2008, at 7:15 p.m. or as soon
thereafter as may be heard.
B. PUD Rezoning/Land Use Plan
The subject property is located on SR 50, which is the main arterial road and commercial corridor in the City of
Ocoee. The subject property is located across SR 50 from the West Oaks Mall, and from "big-box" retailers
ranging from Best Buy, PetSmart, Michael's Arts & Crafts, Toys R' Us, and Borders Books & Music. The
existing shopping center that is located to the east of the subject property contains a multitude of commercial
uses that range from a restaurant to an optometrist office. Based on the above analysis, it is anticipated the
proposed rezoning from Professional Offices & Services (P-S) to PUD-Commercial is a logical extension of the
commercial zoning designations that are found adjacent to north and east of the site, and will not pose
additional impacts on the surrounding roadway network. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City
Commissioners adopt an Ordinance rezoning the Citrus Oaks Center from a designation of Professional Offices
& Services (P-S) to PUD-Commercial including the Land Use Plan, subject to the execution of the attached
Development Agreement.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the
second reading and public hearing will be held on August 19, 2008, at 7:15 p.m. or as soon
thereafter as may be heard.
9. Approval to amend the language of the Community Grant Review Board Bylaws.
(Community Relations Manager Wright)
The purpose of the Community Grant Review Board (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program) is to
review grant applications submitted from non-profit organizations as part of the City's Quarterly Community
Grant Program and they forward their funding recommendations to the City Commission. The Community
Grant Review Board held a workshop on June 23, 2008 to discuss amending their bylaws. The Community
Grant Review Board voted to add the following language to their bylaws: (1) Change "Community Merit
Awards Board" to "Community Grant Review Board", (2) "Groups that are eligible to apply for a grant are
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City Commission Regular
August 5, 2008
Ocoee non-profit organizations and civic groups, and non-profit organizations and civic groups outside the City
limits which benefit residents of Ocoee", and (3) "Only one entity from each organization is eligible to apply
for a grant, per cycle,"
A conversation took place between the Commission and CGR Board Members Jim Sills, Kristine
Bauske, and Laurie Nichols. Board members asked for guidance from the Commission as far as
their intentions for this Board. They said there are some gray areas when it comes to various
sections one organization/school applying for multiple grants in the same grant cycle, and there
is also an issue of who should receive the grants because not all that apply are actual non-profit
Consensus of the Commission was that the board should hold a workshop and
try to fine tune the resolution, creatina specific criteria they can use to divide the
available money and determinina eliaibilitv as far as "non-profit" oraanizations.
The Commission could then hold a ioint workshop with the Board, if necessary.
City Manager Frank asked the Commission if they wished to support the Chamber of
Commerce's annual Hobnob dinner, buy purchasing five tickets as we have done in the past.
Commissioner Hood, seconded bY Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the
purchase of five tickets, in the amount of $150, for the Chamber of Commerce
annual Hobnob dinner. Motion carried 3-0, with Commissioner Anderson and
Commissioner Johnson absent.
Commissioner Keller 1) there is a pot hole on Johio Shores Road, just south of AD Mims, 2)
said the traffic light at White Rd and Clarke, turning left off white NORTH onto Clarke, it
usually goes from arrow to green; if there is no one in the through lane the light stays red and
you can't turn without sitting through Clarke Rd. traffic again. Public Works Director Krug said
it should detect if there is someone waiting to turn. 3) traffic light at Blackwood, going east on
50, left light will allow 4 cars to pass through and there are usually 8 cars waiting. If possible,
that needs to be extended because traffic is piling up in that left turn lane. 4) said that the trees
are hanging low on Clarke Road on the sidewalks, it makes it difficult for those on bikes, and 5)
reminder of the car wash on August 16, 2008, for the kids trying to fund their trip to Washington
Commissioner Hood- said school is starting on August 18, 2008, and reminded everyone to
drive safely and watch for the kids at the bus stops and sporting events, etc.
Mayor Vandergrift - 1) said tomorrow morning he will be at the West Orange Girls Club, he
will be taking a helicopter ride and throwing golf balls. He said you can buy golf balls for $25-
$30 and the one who comes nearest to catching them will split the cash, the first one is for
$1000. 2) thanked police officers for National Night Out, and for getting all the kids out of
danger when the lightening came.
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City Commission Regular
August 5, 2008
The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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July 16,2008, at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson (arrived at 6: 17p.m.), Mayor
Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (absent).
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Acting City Clerk Sibbitt, Oakland Town Manager
Maureen Rischitelli and Lisa Waldron Fiscal Coordinator and Operations Manager.
Mayor Vandergrift stated that no action can be taken this evening. He then stated that
previous minutes reflect the motion that was made for further action. Mayor
Vandergrift stated that the Chairman of the School Board Education Commission, who
had the information regarding Charter Schools, has stepped down and an application
needs to be filed by August 1,2008. Maureen Rischitelli, Town Manager of Oakland,
spoke about how and why their Charter School was implemented. She explained that
Chancellor Beacon proposed to Orange County that they would build a school for the
grades of K thru 9 for an estimated $9 million dollars and house approximately 700
students. Maureen Rischitelli explained that Chancellor Beacon then morphed into
Imagine Schools as the management company. She then reviewed the initial financing
of the School. Commissioner Hood questioned the financing. Maureen Rischitelli
explained that the proposed repayment plan, which was never established, and was to be
an amortization for over a period of twenty years. She then explained that when the
Town of Oakland stepped in, they reviewed the Operational Management i.e., lunches,
buses, and facilities. Maureen Rischitelli stated that in the third year Imagine Schools
focused on the curriculum. She explained that a management company has a different
mission than what is needed for education. Maureen Rischitelli stated that half the staff
was lost to Orange County which is a concern for the parents. Lisa Waldron, Fiscal
Coordinator and Operations Manager for the school introduced herself. She then gave
an overview of her responsibilities. Lisa Waldron explained how Amendment 1 and
other tax cuts are affecting the School financially. (Commissioner Anderson arrived at 6:17 pm).
Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they have a sinking fund. Maureen Rischitelli
explained that per bond requirements, funds were placed Y2 in the SBA account and ~ in
a Money Market account. She stated that the Town of Oakland had to use funds to pay
the bond due to the issue with the SBA. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they had their
own buses. Ms. Rischitelli stated that "surplus" buses from the County were used. Ms.
Waldron stated that Charlie Hood, with the Transportation Department of the
Department of Education, is the person that needs to report on the buses and
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transportation costs. Financial discussion was made. Mayor Vandergrift inquired about
the racial make-up of the school. Ms. Rischitelli stated they have 75% white and 25%
black/other, with 28% of students on a free or reduced lunch programs. Commissioner
Anderson inquired on an innovative idea of having school days Monday through
Saturday's. Ms. Rischitelli explained that the schools (Public and Charter) needed to
work together to be effective and affective. She also stated that the routine with parents
and other siblings is involved. Commissioner Anderson stated that up north had 20
extra days and those schools reported increased education. Commissioner Keller stated
he sees problems with buses and teachers. He stated that there would be other major
issues to contend with. Commissioner Keller stated he does not think that is the way to
go. Ms. Rischitelli explained three ways 1) teachers/principles, parents and children all
getting what they need, 2) look at the private sector for before and after school care, 3)
other free things for the "buy in" (ie, FCAT Parade). Ms. Waldron stated there are a lot
of schools that have alternate scheduling for classes and attendance. She also stated that
Orange County is working with High School students who work after school that are
affected by the new time change of school. Commissioner Anderson inquired as to
when the application for the school had to be submitted. Ms. Rischitelli stated by August
1 st. She explained that the City of Ocoee could ask for an extension due to the fact that
the request is transitioning - not for a new school. Commissioner Anderson inquired if
teachers could be hired directly or only through the union. Ms. Rischitelli stated she
hires directly, not through a union. Ms. Rischitelli stated that Charter schools do make a
difference in a child's life. Ms. Waldron stated starting salary for their school is
$32,600.00 and no one at the school hits the $40,000 per year mark in their school.
Commissioner Anderson inquired as to how past and current Oakland Commissioners
supported the school. Ms. Rischitelli stated unanimously. Mayor Vandergrift
questioned the total amount of the Bond. Ms. Rischitelli stated that the original amount
was $9 million and they have a balance of $7 million. Mayor Vandergrift stated that
funds come from the State. Ms. Rischitelli stated that the funds came from FF &E. She
explained that they receive a check monthly in the amount of $270,000.00 from the
Orange County who receives it from the State. Ms. Rischitelli stated that $59,000.00 is
taken off the top for the bond. Ms. Rischitelli stated that a transitional school is also an
option. Mayor Vandergrift questioned Ms. Rischitelli if she knew of any school that
has gone through that process. Comments that were made suggested that DOE would
need to be contacted for an accurate answer. Mayor Vandergrift questioned the price
per student that they receive. Ms. Waldron stated every thing they need is on the FDOE
website under Revenue Workshop. She also stated that much of the supplies needed
could be received from Orange County Public Schools. Mayor Vandergrift asked
Commissioner Keller if he would consider being the "point" person to contact the County
regarding filing an application. Commissioner Keller volunteered to contact Evelyn
Chandler. Ms. Waldron stated that all the step by step information regarding the
application is on the DOE website - FLDOE.org Ms. Rischitelli stated that more than
one person needed to be involved. Commissioner Anderson questioned a hypothetical
scenario that if a new school is built by the County within the City's boundaries and there
are no students, no teachers, or no parents could that school be taken and utilize as a
Charter School. Ms. Rischitelli stated the Concurrency plan needed to be addressed.
City Manager Frank stated that the Charter School would not count for concurrency
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purposes. Discussion followed. Laura Keller inquired about how many volunteer
hours are required of the parents. Ms. Rischitelli stated 20 hours for one child and 30
hours for two or more. Commissioner Anderson stated that if the City is going to do
this, then the City needs to move forward. Commissioner Keller stated his feeling as if
they put Evans on the comer where they are proposing, he knows they will not have a
problem filling a Charter high school. Ms. Waldron stated the problem with a high
school charter school conversion is that it takes two years for the school to receive
accreditation so that the credits are acknowledged by a University. Commissioner
Anderson stated that this would be the time to begin the conversion of the high school
especially with current talk of Evans High School. Commission Anderson explained
that a vote of 5-0 is needed throughout the entire process. He also stated that the citizens
will need to be fully and accurately informed of what process will be taken.
Commissioner Keller questioned what kind of support the Charter School has within the
Town. Ms. Rischitelli stated that the School has an Advisory Committee that consists of
the Vice-Mayor, 3 Business Owners, and 3 Parents. Discussion followed regarding the
application submission and funding for the Charter School. Commissioner Hood stated
that this will be a tough sell to people within his district; the residents in the area do not
have children and can care less. Ms. Waldron stated that Commissioner Hood could use
the Green School concept to help sell the school idea to those residents. She then stated
that he could also ask the residents "what they would like to see within the school" which
would cause a type of involvement. Mayor Vandergrift inquired how many children
from Tilden School walk pass the charter school. Ms. Waldron stated that no children
walk past the school the children walk to Tubb Street and catch the buses there.
Commissioner Hood questioned that if the children who lived within a 2 miles radius
walked to Tubb Street or if they can ride the bus to school. Ms. Waldron stated that
those children could not ride the bus. She stated her concern with the children using the
West Orange Trail to get to and from school. Commissioner Hood stated he would also
like to see the Jessica Lundsford Act enforced to include a 2-4 miles radius of any school.
Mayor Vandergrift thanked everyone for coming. He stated that he has sent the links
regarding Charter Schools in a e-mail for everyone to research. Mayor Vandergrift read
a letter he received in 2001 from a Citrus Elementary student. He then stated that another
special meeting will need to be called prior to the submission. Ms. Rischitelli stated they
can call to find out if there are any conversion schools. She then stated that the advice
she could give would to be self reliant. Commissioner Hood thanked the ladies for
coming out and commented on how passionate they are about what they do.
Commissioner Anderson inquired if they would be filling an application for all the
schools. Commissioner Keller stated that it depends on what the requirements are.
Commissioner Anderson questioned Mayor Vandergrift that if staff is needed, could he
contact the City Manager for staff assistance so the deadline could be met. Ms. Richitelli
stated that the "cut and paste" process will help very much. General discussion closed
the workshop.
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The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
Beth Eikenberry, CMC, City Clerk
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
JULY 28, 2008 AT 5:00 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift called the workshop to order at 5:16 p.m., in the Commission
Chambers Conference Room of City Hall.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood (arrived at 5:27p.m.), Commissioner Anderson, Mayor
Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (arrived at 5:32p.m.)
Also Present: City Manager Frank and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, and Commissioner Keller made
general discussion regarding salaries, benefits and the application. Commissioner
Keller handed out copies of the application. He then stated that July 1 st was the deadline
for technical review, which was missed. Commissioner Keller stated that uniforms
would be required. Commissioner Anderson stated he liked the idea of uniforms. He
also stated that when he attended school, he had guidelines that had to be met, ie,
haircuts, certain shoes and uniforms. Commissioner Hood stated that children needed to
express their individualities. He then questioned which school/s are being applied for.
Mayor Vandergrift stated that at the past meeting, agreement was made for all the
schools. Commissioner Hood stated that this process is trying to be completed within
four days. He then commented that the City's own Educational Advisory Board is\\was
not in attendance at this meeting. Mayor Vandergrift stated that Mr. Godek, the
Chairperson had recently quit and that he tried to contact him to find out why. He stated
that he believes that there maybe an issues due to Mr. Godek's wife being a school
principal who is not in favor of Charter Schools.. Commissioner Hood stated that more
public input is needed as far as interest in Charter Schools. He then stated his concern
with moving forward quickly. Commissioner Hood questioned if this could be placed
on a referendum in March of 2009 for the people to decide. Mayor Vandergrift stated
that there will be a referendum of the teachers and the parents. He then stated that
another School is being built on Ingram Road which will house students from Apopka.
He also stated that students in Ocoee should also have the same opportunity to attend a
school within the City. Commissioner Johnson stated he does not have an issue with
school but feels this should be put before the residents to vote on. Commissioner Hood
agreed and stated that he did not like the "rush" idea. Commissioner Anderson stated
that he somewhat agrees with Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Hood. He
explained that the "buy-in" of the teachers and parents needed to be determined first and
then go to the tax payers. Mayor Vandergrift stated that the application needed to be
completed prior to getting to that point. Commissioner Keller stated that there are pros
and cons. He stated that community support is needed although there is a past survey that
could be used. Commissioner Keller stated his concern with the insurance and no quote
being available yet. Commissioner Hood questioned if the staff should be pressured to
carry the load. Mayor Vandergrift stated his concern for the City becoming west Pine
Hills. Commissioner Johnson questioned what the problems with the current schools
are. Commissioner Keller stated that there are no problems but the concern the
encroachment of Evans. Discussion ensued regarding past history of the schools,
education, and taxes. Commissioner Hood questioned where the funds come from to
pay for the school if the school fund is depleted. Commissioner Keller stated from the
tax dollars. He stated that the school would need to be self funded. Commissioner
Keller stated that his children attend Claracona Elementary which has a great number of
students. He stated he would like to have his children attend a smaller school. Location
of schools was discussed. Commissioner Keller stated that one school needed to be
designated for one district. Commissioner Anderson stated that the final decision needs
to be by the teachers and parents. Mayor Vandergrift stated he would vote for a tax for
the City to have it's own School Board. Mayor Vandergrift voiced his concern with
working with the Orange County School Board. Commissioner Johnson stated he did
not believe that the County is difficult to work with. He then stated that the time needed
to be taken to work the application correctly and effectively. Mayor Vandergrift
recessed the meeting at 6:02 p.m. Commissioner Anderson questioned if the
application is complete. Commissioner Keller stated no. He stated that uniforms,
Human Resources, and budget number are still needed. Commissioner Hood stated that
the teachers should be paid more than what Orange County pays their teachers.
Commissioner Keller stated that this will hurt his district but he wants it done right.
Commissioner Anderson questioned if Lake Wales needed to have their vote tallies
submitted with their application. Commissioner Keller stated that a vote could not be in
by the time the application is submitted. Citizen Rosemary Wilsen stated she was
disappointed that the Education Board was not present. She also stated that the budget is
the top concern. Commissioner Keller stated that he does not have student numbers,
number of teachers, and other information that he needs for the budget. He stated that
once those figures were in, he could estimate the cost very closely. Commissioner
Keller stated that the difference between Pembroke Pines and the City is, the City has the
building - it doesn't need to be build one. Commissioner Anderson stated that with
Evans being just outside the JP A, it could be acquired and converted into a community
school. Commissioner Keller stated the problem would be that the school is out of the
city limits. Mayor Vandergrift stated that Lake Wales has accomplished that same
scenario. Commissioner Keller stated that at decision to move forward immediately or
wait needs to be determined. Commissioner Johnson stated that the Education Board
needed to be present. Commissioner Hood stated he would like to have a referendum in
March first. Commissioner Anderson stated that the teachers and parents needed to
vote first. He explained that if they don't pass it - there is no reason to move forward.
City Manager Frank stated that the maintenance dollars for the school is also important.
Commissioner Keller stated that the School Board should be maintaining the building,
which is why they get 5%. Commissioner Johnson stated that the Education Committee
needed to be revamped. Discussion was made regarding the proposed Evans school.
Mayor Vandergrift stated that the City ofOcoee will not have a Charter School in 2009.
Commissioner Keller stated the along with other minor items, HR, budget and insurance
information is needed to move forward. Commissioner Anderson stated that the City
should wait until the Evans building process has began. Commissioner Keller stated
that he saw Kat's (OCPS School Board Member K. Gordon) zoning map for the future
and it went deep into Ocoee. He stated that he has a public records request which should
include the map. Commissioner Anderson questioned City Manager Frank if Rose Hill
has been discussed. City Manager Frank reported that there has been some discussion,
a possible lP A amendment. Some discussion followed. Commissioner Keller stated he
agreed with Commissioner Anderson regarding having a referendum with the teacher
and parents first. He explained that if there is not a positive result, there would be no
need to move forward. Commissioner Anderson stated that the Lake Wales submission
needed to be reviewed due to the fact that he believes the result from the vote needed be
done before the submission. Commissioner Keller reviewed a time frame for next year
processing of the application. Discussion followed regarding the future elections.
Commissioner Hood suggested appointing a person from each District to a Charter
School Board Committee, and that person needs to be passionate about the Charter
School. Consensus of the Commissioners to create a Charter School Board
Committee. Commissioner Hood stated that everyone needed to come to the next
meeting with a name. He stated he would like to appoint Julie Butler, but he will talk to
her first. It was agreed that the Commissioners would have their appointment submittals
ready for the 2nd meeting in August.
Mayor Vandergrift said this may be a good time to consider dissolving that the current
School Advisory Board. He added that the Board was formed to have them familiarize
themselves with the operation of the School Board and keep us apprised. Commissioner
Hood stated that he occasionally watches on OGTV and the current Ocoee School
Advisory Board gets way off track and he thinks it would be better to form a Board to
discuss and research only the issue of Charter Schools. Commissioner Anderson stated
that their monthly discussion would be the Charter School only, not pot holes etc.
Discussion followed. Mayor Vandergrift stated that he will meet with the Education
Committee next week and advise them that if they are interested in being on the Charter
School Board Committee, then they need to contact their Commissioner for their district.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
Budget Workshop
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL
August 13, 2008
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the Budget Workshop to order at 7:07 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry, Finance Director Horton, Senior
Accountant Brosonski, and Accountant Rosenberg.
II. Introduction - Finance Director Horton
Finance Director Horton advised the proposed budget for FY 2008-2009 is balanced with a
4.5775 millage. This generates approximately $10,000,000 in non advalorem revenues. The
proposed millage rate is lower than the calculated roll back rate which is 4.7371. Ad valorem
revenue is the largest component of the general fund revenues. Inter governmental revenues,
franchise fees, and utility taxes are the next largest components. The proposed general fund
budget for FY 2008-09 is $32,290.120, which is a slight decrease from the current year budget,
less than 1 %. City Manager Frank asked Ms. Horton to describe the handout which was
distributed this evening, which has new information that brought the millage rate down. Ms.
Horton said the tentative millage rate noticed to residents through the property appraisers office
is 5.1457, but the proposed budget was balanced at the 4.5775 millage. After talking to the HR
Director and City Manager, we were able to find a $338,000 to reduce the budget, so the millage
is going be reduced from 4.5775 to 4.4202. The other items on this list are not in the proposed
budget, but they give you what the required millage would be to include them.
I III. General Fund
Finance Director Horton reviewed the General Fund Expenditure Categories as exhibited in a
pie chart: Personnel 65%; Operating 21.3%; Capital Outlay 5.7%; Transfers 8.0%. She stated
that the proposed budget has a 1.5% COLA and a 1.5% merit for non-union employees. The
June CPI was 5%. Mayor Vandergrift complemented staff on the personnel budget which
generally runs about 70% for government.
Finance Director Horton said the proposed Expenditures are summarized by departments. The
majority of the departments decreased their budget for the FY 08/09 year. The smaller
administrative departments had minimal changes to their budgets (City Manager, Community
Relations, Commission, City Clerk, Legal Department, Finance, Information Systems, and
Human Resources) so they are not going to be included in this presentation. The public safety
departments make up about 36% of the General Fund Budget.
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13,2008
General Government Expenditures
Finance Director Horton said these funds are those not solely and directly linked to any
specific department. They are electric and water for city hall, insurances, debt services payments
for general fund, financing issues, and some lease payments in contingency are all recorded in
this department. This department is proposing a 12% increase next year. She summarized the
following expenditures:
Personnel Services
Operating Expenses
Increase in Electricity and Water
Health Center (Full year $240K)
CRA Contribution
Transfers Out
Capital Reserve Fund
$ 99,720
$ 190,000
$ 110,000
$ 485,550
Commissioner Keller clarified that the Health Center expenditure does not include the
additional $72,000.00 for the additional operating hours? City Manager said that is correct, it is
not included.
I IV. Staff Presentation and Discussion regarding FY07/08 Budget
The following department budgets were introduced by the Department Director or designee. The
following are questions, conversations, and directions initiated by the City Commission during
or after the PowerPoint presentations (attached):
Mayor Vandergrift asked if there was any indication as to how many building permits we will
pull this year and inspections we needed to do? Community Services Director Shadrix said he
can't say exactly, but we are slightly above last year. He added that we have projects coming
online that will provide a small boost to the lull we are experiencing right now.
Mayor Vandergrift said we were growing to about 450-500 permits in past years. Mr. Shadrix
said we are little below that. City Manager Frank said it is in the range of 250-275. Mr.
Shadrix added that revenue overall is slightly even or a little above. Building Official Jones
said revenue exceeds expenses in the building department by approx $300,000. They currently
have revenue of 1.4 million and expenses of 1.1 million. Commissioner Hood asked that they
please put all this down on paper to present at the next meeting. He further requested a copy of
the inspection records, how many permits were pulled, and also the revenue reports.
Commissioner Anderson asked about the cost of personnel services and inquired about the
contract with Al Butler. City Engineer Wheeler explained that CIP Manager Butler was a part-
time contract employee in the previous year but he is now a full-time employee with the City.
Finance Director Horton explained that under personnel services the two positions that were
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13, 2008
not filled is not shown as budgeted for the entire year. They had frozen the positions and had
only budget them for a portion ofthe year.
POLICE DEPARTMENT - Acting Chief Goclon
Commissioner Keller said he noticed that they had the increase of water and electric for one
additional building in the General Fund and also noticed that there was one in the Police
Department budget. He inquired if they are getting more then just the Police Station or is the
City acquiring an additional building. Finance Director Horton explained that what is being
shown is for the new Police Station but what is also happening is that the Police Department is
currently being charged for the water and electric on their existing building. The City will
continue to pay that because they will be relocating some other departments to the Police
Department next door to City Hall. Commissioner Keller expressed his concern on the electric
and water doubling for the new Police Station. Finance Director Horton explained that the new
Police Station is twice the size of the current Police Station so they did anticipate that the electric
would go up by 15%.
Mayor Vandergrift said it was stated that they were not buying as many police cars this year
and he has not noticed any in the budget for this year. City Manager Frank apologized and
explained that they are not buying any police vehicles out of general fund but will be purchasing
vehicles out of impact fees. Mayor Vandergrift further inquired if they were purchasing any
hybrids and was told by City Manager Frank that he has discussed this with staff.
Commissioner Keller inquired if they were going to keep the two Deputy Chief positions. City
Manager Frank said it will remain the way it is right now but there may be some changes
proposed that would be presented before the budget hearings.
FIRE DEPARTMENT - Chief Firstner
Fire Chief Firstner said with budget constraints everywhere this year they no longer have any
kind of re-supply of equipment with Health Central Ambulance. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if
they are able to buy through the clinic. City Manager Frank said they are currently working on
Commissioner Anderson said they had spoken about being able to charge back to the insurance
companies for ALS calls and inquired as to where they stood with that. Fire Chief Firstner said
there is a cost recovery program but that is for auto accidents only. Maitland and Winter Park
are currently on that program. He further said that as for ALS emergency type calls that are not
auto related; there is not anything in place to allow them to charge back. Commissioner
Anderson inquired if there is a law that does not allow them or is there just no one out there
doing it. Fire Chief Firstner said that only transport agencies are charging for their services and
they incorporate all their costs into the transportation fee as well. He said he will look into the
legality of it but he is not aware of any other Fire Department that is doing this. City Manager
Frank inquired if the Commission is asking for the Fire Department to start sending bills to
citizens who had ALS services. He further said there is no reason that they can not do it but if
they are going to start spending time sending bills to citizens he would like to make sure that the
Commission is approving this. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like for them to do a study
first and see if it is economically feasible or not. City Manager Frank said they could propose
something but they will not know what type of collection rate they are going to get. He further
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13, 2008
added that if they take on billing the citizens who use the ALS services it is going to take the
effort of employees having to go through the billing. Typically transport agencies collect about
60% of what they bill out and Medicaid reimbursement is significantly less. He added that he
personally does not believe they will make money doing this and it is going to costs us another
staff member to do the labor. Commissioner Anderson said from day one they had always
talked about the cost recovery in using ALS and agrees with the Mayor that they should do a
Mayor Vandergrift briefly added that when Commission ask for information to be sent back to
them to please e-mail ALL commissioners as soon as possible.
Commissioner Johnson commented that when they look at the fire budget they are not looking
at it for what it is because of union negotiations. He further said that he would like for it to be
understood that fire, police, and general employees should get the same budget increase; if there
is an increase in merit or COLA, everyone should get the same increase. Mayor Vandergrift
said that is the expressed opinion of ONE commissioner. Commissioner Hood inquired from
the City Manager as to what the fire budget was based on. Fire Chief Firstner said that he can
not answer this from the personnel standpoint but from the operational standpoint the fire budget
reflects everything that they are currently doing now with no projections on any type of proposed
economics and negotiated contracts. Human Resources Director Carnicella said they will
attempt to try to stay within the parameters being discussed for general employees, if that does
not happen it will be discussed at the executive session, and then bring a collective bargaining
agreement forward at a public meeting. They will hopefully be able to bring in a 3-year
bargaining agreement that will represent what they think they might be able to do over a 3-year
period. Commissioner Johnson inquired if that will happen before this current budget process
is over. Human Resources Director Carnicella said he does not believe that is possible, but he
will try.
Commissioner Johnson had asked for information on inspections for which copies were made
and distributed. He then said with the 900+ businesses in Ocoee that have to be inspected he
wanted to look into changing the one part time inspector to a full time inspector. Commissioner
Keller said he recalls the conversation last year and also agrees that this is a need position since
it will generate revenue and pay for itself.
Commissioner Hood said he has spoken at length with the City Manager about adding a Fire
Station in District 1 and inquired about the costs. City Manger Frank said cost will really
depend on whether they are looking to put a rescue engine or an ALS engine or a full fledge
station verses a rescue station. He can estimate a cost of $.5 million for rescue station to $1.4
million for full station. Fire Chief Firstner said the last time it appeared on the candidate list in
2006 the total cost for a new fire station in that area was about $1.5 million. Mayor
Vandergrift inquired what the cost would be to man the station ever year. Fire Chief Firstner
said they would have to manage the station with a four man engine crew and that would cost
about $.5 million a year in salary. Commissioner Johnson inquired as to what if they used the
house that the City purchased by the softball field. Fire Chief Firstner said that would be a
good location but he does not have any figures on what it would cost to convert that house to a
usable fire station. Commissioner Hood said he would like to include a Fire Station in District
1 for $850.000 in the tentative budget. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to also include
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13, 2008
Robocop and both can be added to the ballot to see which residents would like to vote for. City
Manager Frank asked for clarification as to what type of station. Commissioner Hood said if
they use the Rogers property they could have a full fledged station. Mayor Vandergrift said if
they get figures before the next meeting to please e-mail the Commission.
PARKS AND RECREA TION/CEMETERY - Parks and Recreation Director Hayes
Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said the major changes in the budget for the Parks
Division is the elimination of two currently vacant positions, a slight increase in pest control and
the addition of the stormwater assessment fee. Mayor Vandergrift inquired as to what pest
control he was referring to. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes explained it is pest control
for the insects in athlete fields and parks. Commissioner Anderson inquired about the
stormwater assessment fee. Finance Director Horton explained that the stormwater fee for the
City properties are now being included because when they converted everything over to the
TRIM bill they found out that there were errors in the billing. They have gone back and
corrected all those errors and it is now being reflected in the budget what the true costs are for all
those properties.
Parks and Recreation Director Hayes briefly explained some improvements to Central Park
including the demolition of the tennis courts. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if we had just spent
$.5 million on Central Park and said he would like to see other parks in the city improved so that
they are usable. City Manager Frank clarified that approx. $400,000 was spent on
improvements to Central Park. Commissioner Anderson said he thinks that the proposed budget
for Central Park is to complete what they have started. He further inquired about the capital
outlay which went from $110,000 to $220,000. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said
what happened is that they had some projects in this year's budget such as making improvements
in the playground area around the Beech Center where those dollars have been shifted to the
Parks Division because of similar improvements going on in the park so for budgeting purposes
they elected to lump them all under that Division. Commissioner Anderson inquired if they
were all Park Division improvements. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said yes they
Commissioner Keller inquired why the budget is going down under the Parks Division for their
electric. Finance Director Horton said it is because they are not anticipating them to meet the
budget this year but instead come in below the amount the have shown.
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - Public Works Director Krug
Commissioner Keller inquired about the gate out at the Public Works facility where the police
cars are parked. Public Works Director Krug said they have money in this current budget year
which will allow them to install a gate system out their. They are waiting to make sure they get
the same kind of card reading system that they will be installing at the new Police Station which
is why they are holding off on it for now.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired why they removed the horticulturist since he was told by a
previous City Manager that they had to have one on board in order for them to use anything such
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13, 2008
as round-up. Public Works Director Krug said he has not heard of that before but did advise
the Mayor that they are using eco-friendly weed killers.
Commissioner Hood inquired as to what the costs were last year for the Holiday decorations.
Public Works Director Krug said last year it was about $42,000 and this year they are
expecting it to be around $46,000. Commissioner Hood inquired why they were asking for
$60,000 in the budget.
Mayor Vandergrift said at the last budget they voted to mow the City right-of-ways once a
month but since they do not know how much rain they are going to get he feels that instead of
changing what they voted on maybe they can respond a little bit quicker. Public Works
Director Krug said they are fortunate that the contractor for the last two month remaining on
this contract have done the extra mowing at no cost because it saves them a lot more time.
Commissioner Anderson inquired if there is any way they can mow the grass a bit shorter.
Commissioner Hood said you have to be careful because cutting it too short can weaken the
root structure and if they do not get enough water on the grass it can cause the grass to end up
burning up and dying.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired why the Clarke Road resurfacing was not shown in the budget.
City Manager Frank said there is no money. Public Works Director Krug said to do the
entire Clarke Road from Silver Star to A.D. Mims would be about $875,000. He further said the
$300,000 they have in their right now they can do some patching but it probably would not do
the whole road. City Manager Frank said they could break the Clarke Road improvements into
a two-year project and do northbound one year and southbound the following year.
Commissioner Keller said the traffic calming city wide shows $20,000 and he recalls that it
costs $5,000 a speed table. Public Works Director Krug said the speed tables work great and
he loves them but they are costly. They have found some other contracts that they can piggyback
off of with that would cost $28,000 plus the stripping. That would save them about $2,500 per
speed table. Commissioner Keller said that would still only allow for them to install six speed
tables and he would like to see a few more then six. He further said he would like to keep the
budget at $40,000 for speed tables if that is what they had in the budget last year.
Public Works Director Krug said there is an increase in the Fleet Maintenance budget due to
increase on fuel. They are looking at hybrids.
Commissioner Johnson said there was an article in the Orlando Sentinel last week that said the
life usage of brick streets is about 50-100 years versus asphalt which is 15 years. Mayor
Vandergrift said that is why he strongly recommended to the Building/Planning Department to
try and work out something with the developers to put in brick streets in developments.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired as for the $25,000 for a directional sign if they could rent some
instead and how often do they use them. Public Works Director Krug said they can rent them
but they are used quite a bit and generally when they have one it can only catch one direction of
traffic so a lot of time they need another one. If they needed a second for emergencies it is rare
that you can get it as quick as you want when you rent them. Commissioner Anderson inquired
how much they were used on a weekly basis. Utilities Director Smith said he could have used
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13, 2008
6 over this weekend for main breaks and further added that on off hours you can't find a rental.
Commissioner Keller added that they had this sign on the budget last year and they keep cutting
it out to bring back the following year. Public Works Director Krug said it is also proactive
thing and not just for reacting to emergencies. They can use it to do safe work out in the
medians or allow the Police Department to use it for some of their activities. Mayor
Vandergrift said he has a real problem with buying equipment that will just be sitting so he
would like to look into a year lease. Public Works Director Krug said he would look into it
and will get a price.
Commissioner Hood inquired if they had come to a consensus on cutting service back and
Public Works Director Krug informed him that a questionnaire will be going out to residents to
get feedback from them.
W A TER/W ASTEW A TER, UTILITIES- Director Charles Smith
Director Charles Smith noted that we using a few hundred thousand gallons less per day
putting us below our CUP this year, so our water management is working.
Commissioner Anderson asked, even though we are pumping less potable water, if we are
being compensated by pumping more reclaimed water. What is our profit because we are using
reclaimed water? Mr. Smith said reclaimed costs are less because it is built into the sewer rate
structure plus a small amount of revenue, so there should be some incremental savings by
pumping more reclaim, but we are not seeing a decrease in cost to produce what we are trying to
produce citywide.
Commissioner Anderson asked about the beginning cash balance in the FY 08-09 proposed
budget being only $10,000 this year instead of $211,035 projected for last year. Finance
Director Horton explained that if you look on Charge for Services, you can see where we were
anticipating getting $8,123,325 and that revenue number has been projected down to $7,593,520;
the top number is not related to what Mr. Smith is talking about.
Utilities Director Smith said we are seeing interesting trends and use of water in Ocoee, which
show that our water conservation program is working, and we are also seeing less capital fees
being collected because of the slow down in the building market. He added that the General
Fund is not the only fund with a shortfall this year.
Utilities Director Smith discussed the 83 main breaks, 35 of which were major. He said it has
been difficult getting to some of the other construction projects when they are constantly pulled
off the job. In this budget they are proposing using some contractual services for those Capital
projects in the hill area.
Mayor Vandergrift asked cost to start expanding a spine system of water and reclaimed water
to address the one third of the City where there is no sewer service. Mr. Smith said they are
negotiation with the County to secure a larger reclaimed water supply. Two years ago when he
put an estimate together, the costs to supply sewer to a residential property was approximately
$26,000 - $32,000 per lot. Mayor Vandergrift said he just had to replace his septic tank and
with the added cost of redoing the yard, it was approximately $10,000. Mayor Vandergrift said
we had a program that allowed us to set up the spine line, if you pass an ordinance saying that
anyone having problems with their septic tank would have to hook onto our sewer line, which
would be cheaper than replacing the septic tank. Mr. Smith said we do not have the money to
do that and we would have to figure out who would pay for that. Commissioner Keller asked
what the life expectancy is for lines that are installed and not used. Mr. Smith said there were a
few areas where "dry lines" were installed and one had to abandon the system once they were
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13, 2008
getting ready to use it. He said when the system is not in use, it can get damaged by
construction, cable companies, etc., and there is not urgency to get the repairs made and they are
often left in a state of disrepair. Commissioner Keller said he would like to see us off put the
whole city on sewers and eliminate the septic systems, but short of that if we leave them sitting
we may have a lot of cost to repair the spine lines. He felt it would be better to do small areas at
a time and offer residents incentive to get on public sewer system.
Mayor Vandergrift said he argued about putting public sewers in Brentwood years ago. He
added that we have a six inch water main that runs from Palm Avenue down Ocoee Apopka past
the Westyn Bay area and then down Clarcona Ocoee Road, and that has never been used. Mr.
Smith said that line is used to provide system continuity and provides pressure flows up in that
area. He said when they looked at putting a line under Maguire Road at the turnpike, they
looked to see ifthere was a shortfall in that area of pressure, supply, or fire flow, and found that
that line was much needed if we were not going to do improvements somewhere else. Mayor
Vandergrift said that line was put in with the speculation of serving Westyn Bay and that area.
Mr. Smith said we have Eagle Creek coming in and Glad Tidings is hooked to it. Mayor
Vandergrift said that line was put in twelve years ago with no concept of hooking anything up to
it. City Engineer Wheeler said we used the excess revenue from the early nineties; if we had
not done that we would have had to rebuild the public system, loop the system, provide for
excess pressure and fire flow etc. He added that there is no excess revenue at this time.
Commissioner Anderson asked what capacity we have in our system now, how many more
homes could we put on our system at this time. Mr. Smith said the plant is currently receiving
approximately 1.6 million gallons per day and the current capacity is three million gallons.
There are some internal processes that we can add to it that would take it to four million. We
can't go passed 1.8 million in effluent disposal. Every home that we connect to reclaim
increases the capacity at the plant towards that goal of four million gallons. Commissioner
Johnson asked about the effects of the reclaimed that have already been added. Mr. Smith said
Waterside, Silver Glen, Reflections, and Reserve are all connected now and we will have to turn
in a report to FDEP in the next six months. We anticipate the capacity being increased to 2.0. C
Commissioner Johnson said he wants us to research a process being done by Orange County
described what some other cities are starting to do where they take in septic pump trucks and
pump the septic out of the tanks into the sewer facility; we could make a million dollars by just
handling 20%. He said Orange County has it on Sand Lake Road and Mount Dora is ready to
go to it. Mr. Smith said he is in favor of any idea that would increase revenue, for example they
recently we negotiated a credit for our sludge hauler to bring their sludge press water back to us.
He said it is more profitable that doing the houses.
Utilities Director Smith continued his presentation.
There was discussion regarding installation of FlexNet meter reading system. Commissioner
Johnson asked about the Kruger system. Mr. Smith said it is a steady state system, you will
always have inflow and outflow that you try to keep the same. Commissioner Johnson said
isn't it supposed to shut off when the oxidation is right instead of running 24 hours per day. Mr.
Smith said he is not aware of it, but he will discuss it with him later.
Utilities Director Smith said the only major piece of equipment we are getting is a hoist truck to
pull the pump out at the lift stations. Commissioner Hood asked if this was going to be a
vehicle that goes home with someone every night. Mr. Smith replied that the on call person for
sewer will take it home.
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13, 2008
Commissioner Hood asked if we are still getting fluoride in water. Mr. Smith said we still
have it; it is getting more expensive and hard to get. He heard the County stopped putting it in
their water put he wants to research that topic further and bring it back to them.
Commissioner Keller asked, with all of these main breaks, do we need to consider a bond issue
or something to get this fixed? Mr. Smith said it is average to have a few major main breaks per
year, but in Ocoee we had approximately 35. Commissioner Keller asked if our system is so
old we are going to be getting some serious trouble. Mr. Smith said he things more resources
should have been put into replacing some of the pipes over the last twenty years; for example
most municipalities in the early nineties pushed to remove asbestos concrete pipes in their
system; we haven't removed many of them here. Commissioner Johnson said one of the
problems is that we bought some existing sewer systems such as Prima Vista utilities, etc.
Utilities Director Smith said over the next ten years there is going to have to be a commitment
to replace a lot of lines, particularly those made with substandard materials. We also need to
move meters in the rear of residents' yards which makes the repair process difficult.
Commissioner Johnson said they started that process in Brentwood years ago and we were
supposed to keep going. Mr. Smith said we are making some headway, but need to continue
getting all the meters moved. Commissioner Hood said until we quit having breaks, all of our
manpower is going to be tied up on repairs, what we need is a four man crew who do nothing but
replace/upgrade existing lines. He added the problem is here now. Commissioner Keller said
that is why we brought this subject up, so they can have a discussion about what needs to be
done. Mr. Smith said they are working hard to come up with a cost estimate to repair the mains
that are substandard. We are trying to rank the projects because the wish list is way too high.
We would like to take a percentage of those projects and provide it to the rate sufficiency
consultant who is doing the work, with the other capital projects, and sometime around
November sit down and discuss the financial impact. Commissioner Johnson said if we went
ahead and got a bond issue, put the lines in where new Commercial businesses will be coming in
such as along Highway 50, we can get the money back as they come into the City and put it back
into the fund.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if radio read meters that are out now can tell us when people are
using water and how much. Mr. Smith said the FlexNet system reads the meter on the hour and
broadcasts the information every five hours. We can set the meters up to broadcast more often in
problem areas. The more reads that you do, the more frequently the battery would need to be
replaced in the units which is not expensive, but labor intensive.
Commissioner Anderson said we need to look at what we have and come up with a model;
maybe there are alternate loops that we can do or we may need to abandon parts of the system
and put lines in a new location.
Commissioner Anderson asked if you put the radio reads around the system and it shows a flow
out of a facility, you would know there is a leak in the system. Mr. Smith said that software can
predict low level leaks, larger leaks, etc. There may be a delay before we get the report. They
are now developing that system with pressure inducers on that so on a real time basis it will show
when someone is having low pressure.
Commissioner Anderson said there needs to be follow-up on the routine maintenance issues
such as the team of people that are working on the sidewalks. Public Works Director Krug said
we have a crew that is currently using part of the operating funds to work on sidewalk repairs.
Commissioner Keller said if we wait until November to figure out what our needs are, we will
have already set the budget. He said he would like to see us set some money aside to begin this
work. Mr. Smith said there has been some set in the budget, but the enterprise fund gets
Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop
August 13, 2008
revenues that are generated from the fees, not ad valorem taxes. If we need to generate more
money, that would come in the form of a rate increase.
Mayor Vandergrift said we have gone over our allotted time, so we will continue next time.
He said if anyone did not get there question in tonight, see if you can get it answered by
contacting the director. We will try to wrap up the next budget meeting in an hour. The back up
meeting date of August 20th is the same as the Evans School Board Meeting and he will be
attending the Evans meeting. Commissioner Keller said he will be at the Evans meeting also.
Mayor Vandergrift said there is a clean up day tomorrow at Ocoee High School.
Mayor Vandergrift complimented the staff for changing the street signs to show the number
range. The Mayor also asked that the minutes be emailed to everyone as soon as possible.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor