HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #18 Chandler Variance
Meeting Date: September 2, 2008
Item # l~
Michael Rumer ?lJa
407 -905-3100/1018
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
Development Services
City Manager:
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Subject: Mary Lou Chandler
Variance Application # VR-08-004
1401 Ridgefield Avenue
Should the Mayor & City Commissioners approve a variance request by Mary Lou Chandler for a side yard
setback variance from 5 feet to 3 feet for a shed exceeding 120 sq. ft.?
Background Summary:
Content of Variance Reauest
The variance application requests that a shed located at 1401 Ridgefield Avenue be permitted to encroach two
feet into the five foot side yard setback. The shed is 12x14 and is required by code to be located a minimum of
5 feet from the side yard setback. The applicant contracted with a company to install a shed in the rear yard.
The shed was placed and affixed at a distance of three feet from the side yard property line instead of the
required five feet. The applicant is in the building permit process and approval is contingent upon receiving a
variance or relocating to the five feet minimum setback.
Accessory structures are cited in the following areas of the land development code:
Article 5, Section 5-6 (B) - No separate accessory building shall be located within five (5) feet of any other
building. In residential districts, utility or accessory buildings will be no closer than five (5) feet to the rear lot line
and five (5) feet to the side lot line; provided, however, a shed no larger than 120 square feet and not located
within a utility or drainage easement may be located no closer than three (3) feet to the rear lot line and three
(3) feet to the side lot line.
According to Subsection 4-9 A, the variance application/applicant must demonstrate:
(1) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or required
subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or required
subdivision improvements.
There are no unique conditions that exist for this particular parcel. The property contains sufficient room to
meet the requirement.
(2) That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the applicant of rights
commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions.
As indicated above, the applicant is subject to the same regulations as other properties with similar
conditions under the LDC.
(3) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant.
The applicant resides in a subdivision with lots platted with the same lot area. The subdivision met all
code requirements when it was platted, and there are no special conditions or circumstances.
(4) That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is
denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements under similar
A recommendation for approval would grant special privileges to this applicant that is otherwise denied to
other land owners.
Board of Adjustment Recommendation:
The proposed variance request by Mary Lou Chandler for a side yard setback variance from 5 feet to 3 feet for
a shed exceeding 120 sq. ft. was reviewed at a Public Hearing by the Board of Adjustment on August 14, 2008.
The Board of Adjustment voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the variance request. The Board of Adjustment
based the recommendation for approval on the fact that the proposed shed was replacing an older shed.
Staff Recommendation:
Based on the above report, staff does not believe the variance requested by Mary Lou Chandler is supportable.
Should the City Commission deny the variance request, staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commission
make a finding under Subsection 4-9 B. (2) and (3), that:
. The reasons set forth in the application do not justify granting a variance;
. The denial of the variance will still allow for the reasonable use of the land and buildino; and
. The granting of the variance will not be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of these
regulations and will be iniurious to the surrounding territory, or otherwise be detrimental to the public
Should the City Commission make a finding contrary to staff's interpretation of the code, staff recommends that
any approval be conditioned on factual interpretation of code requirements and public testimony related to such
Location Map
Surrounding Zoning Map
Site Plan
Building Elevation of Shed
BOA Minutes
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'?
X Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
_ Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deat Use:
_ Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
_ Regular Agenda
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by 0
Location Map for 1401 Ridgefield Avenue
Request for a Side Yard Setback Variance
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Chairman Resnik called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
at City Hall. Member Colburn led the Invocation and Chairman Resnik led the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag. The Clerk called roll and declared a quorum.
PRESENT: Chairman Resnik, Members Colburn, Warren, Wilsen (arrived at 6:02
p.m.), and Alternate Member Elliott. Also present were Principal Planner Rumer, and
Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt.
ABSENT: Member Cox was absent unexcused.
Member Warren. seconded bv Chairman Resnik. moved to approve the minutes of Julv
19. 2007. Motion carried 5-0.
Principal Planner Rumer presented exhibits and the staff report for the Martinez
Variance located at 23 17 Wickdale Court.
This variance application requests that a proposed sunroom addition at 2317 Wickdale
Court be allowed to encroach 15 feet into the 25 foot rear yard setback. The proposed
sunroom would be used as a Florida room. The applicant contracted with Conner Home
Improvements Inc. to build the addition and submitted for building permits. Due to the
25' setback the building permit was rejected. The subject parcel is also adjacent to a 25
foot Conservation Easement and a Stormwater Pond located at the rear of the property.
Staff does not believe the variance requested by David and Vivian Martinez is
supportable. Should the Board of Adjustment make a finding contrary to staff s
interpretation of the code, staff recommends that any approval be conditioned on factual
interpretation of code requirements, and public testimony related to such provisions.
Member Wilsen inquired if there were similar variances in this subdivision. Principal
Planner Rumer stated last year they had a variance request for a setback of 25 feet to 14
feet. Member Wilsen inquired if any of the neighbors objected to the variance.
Principal Planner Rumer stated they submitted a letter from each of their neighbors and
no one is present to object.
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
August 14,2008
Member Colburn stated he feels like a precedent has been set and there is not much
decision needed. Principal Planner Rumer added that the City has a maximum
impervious requirement on a lot and with this addition the applicant is still under the
maximum allowed impervious.
The Public Hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing
was closed.
Member Colburn. seconded bv Member Wilsen. moved to recommend to City
Commission the approval of the request for Martinez Variance. Motion carried
unanimous Iv.
Principal Planner Rumer presented exhibits and the staff report for the Mary Lou
Chandler Variance located at 1401 Ridgefield Avenue.
This variance application requests that a shed located at 1401 Ridgefield Avenue be
permitted to encroach two feet into the five foot side yard setback. The shed is 12x14 and
is required by code to be located a minimum of 5 feet from the side yard setback. The
applicant contracted with a company to install a shed in the rear yard. The shed was
placed and affixed at a distance of three feet from the side yard property line instead of
the required five feet. The applicant is in the building permit process and approval is
contingent upon receiving a variance or relocating to the five feet minimum setback.
There will be no electrical added to the shed and there is no Homeowner's Association
Staff does not believe the variance requested by Mary Lou Chandler is supportable.
Should the Board of Adjustment make a finding contrary to staff s interpretation of the
code, staff recommends that any approval be conditioned on factual interpretation of code
requirements, and public testimony related to such provisions.
Member Colburn inquired if this shed was replacing an existing shed that was already
there. Principal Planner Rumer stated the previous shed was three feet from the
property line but it appears on the survey that it was less than 120 feet in size. He further
stated the previous shed may not have been permitted before. The applicant simply
replaced the old shed with a newer larger shed and affixed it to the ground. Member
Warren inquired how the shed was affixed to the ground. Mary Lou Chandler,
Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting
August 14,2008
applicant, stated the shed is anchored with four 4x4's underneath and eight earth anchors
drilled into the ground as well as three feet of cement. She added that the previous shed
was very flimsy and she replaced it because she has a severally handicapped son and
needed the shed for storage for diapers and other medical supplies. Ms. Chandler stated
she asked her neighbors ahead of time and they did not have a problem with it.
Chairman Resnik inquired if she received a permit. Principal Planner Rumer stated
that during the building permit process one of the rejections was that she needed to
receive the variance before they would approve the permit. Ms. Chandler briefly
explained that she had submitted for the permit before the shed was delivered not
knowing there would be any issues; when the shed was dropped off they put it in the
same place and went ahead and anchored everything down. When she called for her first
inspection is when she realized there was an issue. She then applied for the variance.
Member Colburn inquired if a permit is required just to replace an existing shed with a
newer shed. Principal Planner Rumer stated a permit is required due to hurricane
requirements needing to be met.
The Public Hearing was opened, and as no one wished to speak, the Public Hearing
was closed.
Member Warren. seconded bv Alternate Member Elliott. moved to recommend to Citv
Commission the approval of the reQuest for Mary Lou Chandler Variance. Motion
carried unanimouslv.
Principal Planner Rumer announced they would be beginning their Evaluation
Assessment Process of their Comprehension Plan and will be having some visioning
meetings. Announcements regarding the meetings will be sent out to various boards and
HOA's to have people attend.
The meeting adjourned at 6:17 p.m.
Melanie Sibbitt, Deputy City Clerk
John Resnik, Chairman
Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Date Published
\ huT'S cla.()
~ VLS t L.-t f '7-ooB
Acti.. RlqulllId: The porcel is
located at 1401. Ridgefleld
~~~~;iv T~~p~~?s~~efJ~~t7tr:
cation Number (PIN) Is 16-
~~-~~"~~9~'~~~~i I~:eo a~fJ~
yard setba~ variance from
5 feet to 3 feet for a shed
larger than 120 square feet.
interested' parties may ap-
pear at the cited meeting
and be heard with respeel
to the proposed. variance.
This notice Is given pursu-
ant to Article IV, 'Subsection
4-9 B. (1) of'the City of
Ocoee Land Development
fi~eQ~ cy~: ~flt~eo~P8~~
Staff Report may be exarn-
ined at the Planning De-
portment located in City
Hall' at the address Indicot-
,d above, between. the
hours of 8:00 ...m. and 5:00
~e~.il:a~n~~rd~:~~aY, ex-
I The Ocaee City Commission
'~~~In~o ~6 i~rh~;~~t=~~I~~
'~~~~~'A~y t7~re~~~ 'll'J;t"Y
shall be advised that the
dotes, times" and places of
continuation of these or COlT-
~~u~~.fouu~~e~e~~~r~g s7~~
hearing and that no further
notices'regarding these
matters will be published.
You are advised that any
person who desires to op.
peal any decision mode at
the public hearings will
need a record of the pro-
ceedings anet for this pur.
pose may need to ensure
that 0 verbatim record of
ny and evidenc;e upon whlcn
the appeal is bqsed.
Persons withdi$Obilltles
needing assistance to par-
ticil>a1e In' OIlY of these pro-
~~ ~~~~rlor ~meetlng
: Beth Eikenberry, Citv Clerk
OLS809264 August 21, 2008