HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #06 Quarterly Community Grant Program - August 2008 Cycle AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: September 16, 2008 Item # " Reviewed By: I '\ II I Joy P. Wright, Community Department Director: ;,,> j"fi:' Relations Manager VJ~ Contact Number: 407-905-3100 ext. 1530 City Manager: RObert/i;~ Fr~m __ Subject: Quarterly Community Grant Program - August 2008 Cycle Contact Name: I Background Summary: The Community Grant Review Board met on August 27,2008 to discuss the 11 applications received during the fourth cycle of the Quarterly Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The Quarterly Community Grant Program provides financial grants of up to $500 made to Ocoee non-profit organizations and civic groups outside City limits which benefit residents of Ocoee. The grants are awarded to acknowledge excellence and further the contributions these local organizations bring to the Ocoee community. The Community Grant Review Board voted to award grants to 7 organizations. The Board reached a tie vote with one organization, Starke Lake Church. The CGR Board would like the City Commission to break the tie vote. The Grant Review Board voted to deny awarding grants to three organizations because these groups did not have a representative present at the meeting. The following is the organizations that were denied grant funding: Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Health Central Foundation; Ocoee Elementary Choir. (See attached minutes.) There is $7,500 allotted for this quarter of the Community Grant Program There is an additional $3,250 available that rolled over from the previous grant cycles. The total amount requested from the 11 organizations this grant cycle is $5,500. The Community Grant Review Board voted to fund 7 organizations in the amount of $3,500. Issue: Should the Mayor and Commissioners approve the funding recommendations made by the Community Grant Review Board? And, should the Mayor and Commissioners break the CGR Board's tie vote? Recommendations: Staff respectfully requests that the Mayor and City Commission approve the Community Grant Review Board's recommendation. The following organizations are recommended to receive grants: Or anization Boy Scout Troop 198 Bread of Life F ellowshi , Inc. Citrus Elementary School PT A Re uested $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 Recommended $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 Cub Scout 217 $ 500 $ 500 Ocoee Middle School Nurse Program $ 500 $ 500 Rotary Club of Ocoee $ 500 $ 500 STARS Backpack Program $ 500 $ 500 Total $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") I Public Hearing I For Clerk's Deot Use: Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda ! Ordinance Second ReadinQ Public Hearing Resolution ReQular AQenda X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction I Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk I OriQinal Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney I N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. I N/A Reviewed by I ( ) I N/A 2 MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE COMMUNITY GRANT REVIEW BOARD MEETING HELD AUGUST 27, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Sills called the regular meeting of the Community Grant Review Board to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. Chairman Sills led the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Sills, Members Bauske, Butler, Nickels and Wilsen. Also present were Community Relations Manager Wright and Records Coordinator Moseley. ABSENT: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular Me~ting)uly 23,2008 Member Bauske, seconded bv Member Wi/sen, moved to aDDrove the minutes of the Community Grant Review Board Meetin5! held Julv 23. '2008. Motion carried unanimously. ~. Chairman Sills welcomed the newest member to the board, Julie Butler. Member Butler said that she has been an Ocoee resident for twenty years. She said she works for a non-profit entity in Winter Garden and is familiar with grant writing; she was willing to assist the board with that if they desire. I Application No.1 - Boy Scout Troop 198 Nancy Cox was present to represent the organization. She explained the proposed budget for merit badges that was attached to her application, whereas the 37 scouts earn several badges per quarter. Member Bauske, seconded bv Chairman Sills, moved to recommend to the City Commission apfJroval 0($500 to Bov Scout TrooD 198. Motion carried unanimously. I Application No.2 - Health Central Foundation Nobody was present to represent the organization. Member Bauske said was hesitant to award a grant when nobody was present to answer the many questions she had concerning their application. Member Bauske, seconded bv Member Butler, moved to recommend to the City Commission denial o(fimds to the Health Central Foundation. Motion carried unanimouslv. ". Community Grant Review Board August 27, 2008 Application No.3 - Bread of Life Fellowship, Inc. Mark Anthony was present to represent the organization. Member Nickels inquired about where they are able to collect 250 boxes of reclaimed. Mark Anthony said SAKS supplies those to them at a very good price. Member Nickels, seconded bv Chairman Sills, moved to recommend to City Commission aooroval of$500 to the Bread of Life Fe llowshio, Inc. Motion carried 4-0, with Member Wilsen abstaininf!. I Application No.4 - Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Inc. Nobody was present to represent the organization. Member Butler stated the application listed their annual budget to be over $4 million and they failed to explain what they were requesting fund for; she had many questions for the applicant. Member Butler, seconded bv Member Wi/sen, moved to recommend to the City Commission denial of fimds for the Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. ;,,';.~L~~;' ~;"" . ,. " f',' .:,":'>i';< i';i"",,;," :;F;~{ " ....'., ,1 I Application No.5 - Rotary Club of Ocoee Nobody was present to represent the organization. All members agreed the application was very thorough and informative and they had no questions. Member Bauske, seconded bv Member Butler, moved to recommend to the City Commission aOlJYoval of $5 00 to the Rotarv Club of Ocoee. Motion carried unanimously. I Application No.6 - Ocoee Middle School I Nobody was present to represent the organization. Member Butler had questions regarding how much parental support the school has had this year for the School Nurse Fund. Member Nickels said their prior applications show that they are significantly short of their goal on a regular basis and many parents cannot afford to contribute to the fund. She added that the current application shows a significantly lower source of donations than the same request last year. Member Butler was concerned that they had no other sources of revenue listed. Member Wi/sen, seconded bv Member Butler, moved to recommend to City Commission denial offunds to Ocoee Middle School. Motion denied 2-3. Chairman Sills, seconded bv Member Nickels, moved to recommend to the City Commission aooroval of$500 to Ocoee Middle School. Motion carried 3-2, with Members Wilsen and Butler ooposed. 2 Community Grant Review Board August 27, 2008 Application No.7 - Ocoee Elementary School Choir Nobody was present to represent the organization. Member Butler was concerned that the choir had no fundraisers listed on the application and thought they should show some good faith and hold a car wash or something to raise money. She also had a problem with their annual budget listed as $200; however, they were requesting $500 from the City. Member Butler, seconded bv Member Bauske. moved to recommend to the City Commission denial offimds to the Ocoee Elementarv School Choir. Motion carried 4-1, with Member Nickels oooosed. Member Wilsen announced that they were not denying any organization because they felt they were unworthy of funds; on the contrary, they believed all of the applicants were wonderful organizations. She explained that some applicants were not available to answer their many questions and may be denied for that reason. I Application No.8 - S.T.A.R.S. of West Orange Chcsta Hembrooke was present to represent the organization. She said their numbers are based on the children in the free lunch program to show families do qualify financially. Member Bauske stated she has been informed from several people that the back packs are given out freely to whoever wants them and no financial qualifications are mandated. Chesta Hembrookc said that should not happen and if it does they would want to know about it so they could take care of it right away. She said there was a problem with a high school once that just put out the back packs on the stage and told kids to come getthem, rather.thangoing from the list of names; however, most schools have been well handled and appreciative. They try very hard to make sure they go to students who are in need and have a'delegate from each school to provide a list of those in financial need. Member Nickels, seconded bv Member Butler, moved to recommend to the City Commission aporoval of$500 to the STA.R.S of West Orange. Motion carried 4-0, with Member Wilsen abstaining. I Application No.9 - Cub Scout Pack 217 Frank Dorn was present to represent the organization. Member Nickels asked if the pack requested funds in 2006 for the butterfly garden. Frank Dorn said that was for the butterfly garden at Ocoee Elementary and now members wish to make the same at Spring Lake Elementary. Member Bauske inquired if they maintain that garden once made. Frank Dorn said the scouts are required to water and maintain the garden as part of their community service. Member Wilsen, seconded bv Member Nickels, moved to recommend to the City Commission aooroval of $500 to the Cub Scout Pack 217. Motion carried unanimously. 3 Community Grant Revi<:w l30ard August 27. 2008 I Application No. 10 - Citrus Elementary School PTA Pam Ryan was present to represent the organization. Member Nickels inquired about the first priority for the funds since $500 would not be enough to cover their entire list. Pam Ryan said their first priority was the landscaping complete by the first day of school, which still needs to be completed. She said they are also working on a couple of banners and were given the price of $140. Member Bauske asked what fundraisers the PTA was holding. Pam Ryan said they are walking for 5K for the Founder's Day events. She said Mark from Parks & Recreation has given them a discounted price and they plan to add a couple dollars to raise money and are advertising that to all of the families. She said they also have a catalog fundraiser beginning September 19th and that is usually their biggest fundraiser. Member Wilsell. seconded hy Member Nickels. moved to recommend to the City Commission (/Poroval 0($500 to the Citrus Elementary School PTA. Motion carried unanimously, I Application No. 11 - Starke Lake Baptist Church Jean Lovejoy was present to represent the organization. Member Bauske inquired why the church membership is not funding things like Sunday School and Children's Church curriculum. Jean Lovejoy said their annual budget is approximately $24,000 and only comes from church membership donations; however, their payroll uses a majority of that amount, and vacation bible school uses a lot as well. She said they have been growing, which has brought in many more children by the grace of God. Because of the additional children they,would like to offer more for those children so that they will continue to come and grow... Shesaid the church is very old and the congregation goes up and down and they are trying to keep: ~t going up. Member Bauskc inquired why the church does not hold fundraisers.~Jean L9v~joy said they are a Southern Baptist Church and they do not permit fundraising/ Member Bauske felt that if the membership is increasing, then so should the funds b~ increasi6g. She did not feel the taxpayers should be funding a church and the church should attempt to do fundraisers as hers does. Member Nickels. seconded by Chairman Sills. moved to recommend to the City Commission af)f)roval 0($250 to Starke Lake Baptist Church. Motion 2-2. with Member Wilsen abstaining Membcr Butlcr said she loves Starke Lake Baptist Church and was married there; however, she believes they should be trying to hold fundraisers like the other applicants do. Member Nickcls said the longer she sits on the board she sees the same applicants over and over again. Member Bauskc said the economy is difficult right now and she did not know how many churches are in Ocoee, but did not want to set this precedence. She said churches exist to serve, not to be served. Chairman Sills said this would go before the City Commission and they would be the ultimate decided factor, since this board could not reach a unanimous decision. Jean Lovejoy said she appreciated their honesty and their help. 4 ". COlllmunity Grant Review Board August 27, 2008 COMMENTS Chairman Sills asked Joy if there were any other applicants because Lester Dabbs had told him the American Legion had sent one in. Staff Liaison Wright said she had not received any other applications besides what went before the board tonight. DISCUSSION RE: CITY COMMISSION MOTION TO DENY AMENDING THE BYLA WS FOR THE COMMUNITY GRANT REVIEW BOARD Member Wilsen said she watched the discussion at the last City Commission meeting regarding amending the bylaws for the Community Grant Review Board, which was denied. She said it was not clear what the Commission wanted from the board, but wanted to make sure they did something quickly for the next Commission meeting so that the amendments are in place for the next grant cycle. She added that the proposed budget is decreasing their funds to $10,000 for the year so they need do something differently and set up some criteria, such as limiting application per organization, non-profit only, etc. Member Butler said she writes grants and offered to assist with creating a grant application for the board that includes a very simple budget form. She agreed with Member Wilsen that they Commission needs to give them some direction so they know which way to go. Chairman Sills said he has talked to the Mayor and several Commissioners and they want the board to make these types of decisions. Member Wilsen said she understood that the Commission wants the board to make a list of guidelines to bring to them and she would like to do that before the next Commission meeting. Membcr Bauskc asked if they could at least make the name change and the minor changes of the application. Staff Liaison Wright said that changing the language of the application does not need to go before Commission. They discussed adding more detailed criteria to the applicants on the application itself, rather than the bylaws. Member Nickels commented that the board is in place to review the applications and make decisions as to who gets funds and how much and if they set tight criteria, then they will be side stepping what the board members are supposed to be doing. Chairman Sills said that if Commission drops their budget to $1 for the year, then they should go back to two (2) cycles per year~rather th?ll9uarterly. Member Wilsen suggested permitting an entity to apply only once per ye'ar; for example, a school is considered an entity, despite how many organizations they hGl:)'lwithin that school. Member Nickels added that the organizations should be held accountable for the fund they are given and provide the board with a list of things for each school. Members Bauske and Butler agreed they should be responsible to show the board what and where they are spending the money they are granted. Member Bauske said their current application requires the organization shows board approval, such as a letter of support or minutes from a board meeting. Therefore, the principal should sign the letter of support for their school's application and would be aware of the funds and designate where they are used. Chairman Sills suggested at least having the name changed at the next Commission meeting to the Community Grant Review Board. Staff Liaison Wright said the guidelines they discussed would not be in the bylaws and could be changed at the board level. However, the name change 5 , ' . Community Grant Review Board August 27, 2008 on the resolution and the bylaws can be changed by Commission. They also asked for one entity per cycle to go into the resolution, which is the part the Commission did not like. Member Wi/sell, seconded bv Member Bauske, moved to chanrze the bylaws to reflect the new name ofCommunitv Grant Review Board. Motion aoproved unanimously. Member Wi/sell, seconded bv Member Butler, moved to continue four rzrant cycles oer year if their new budrzet is over $30K: otherwise, reduce to three cycles if their budrzet is $19K-$30K. or reduce to tvllO cycles if their budrzet is below $18K. Motion carried unanimously. Member Wilsell moved to aoprove only one non-orofit orrzanization or school be submitted oer .fiscal year. Motion failed for lack of a second. Member Bauske moved to aowove only one non-profit orrzanization or school can apply once per grant cycle; however, those receiving funds from a orevious rzrant cycle would be weirzhted Icywer than those who had not previously aoolied. Discussion it was too wordy and would con(iJse people. Motion died for lack of a second. Member Wi/sell, seconded bv Member Bauske, moved to aoorove that one non-orofit orrzanization or school can aoolv for a rzrant once per fiscal year. Motion carried 3-2, with Chairman Sills and Member Nickels oooosed. Member Wilsen asked two members why they would oppose the schools coming only once per year since the problem at hand is that various groups within one school are applying. Her intention was that one school could apply for funds and list the breakdown of the various groups within the school to receive a portion, and then it is up to the principal to disburse the funds to each part. Chesta Hembrooke, S.T.A.R.S., suggested they allow an organization to reapply only if they were denied the funds the first time. Member Wi/sell, seconded bv Member Bauske, amended the orevious motion to aoorove a non- profit orrzanization or school to be granted funds once oer fiscal )lear. Motion carried 3-2, with Chairman Sills and Member Nickels opoosed.", ,.. :;". Member Bauske asked if the principal should ""required to sign off on the application. Mark Anthony, Bread of Life Fellowship, suggested using the wording of the "highest authority of the organization", whether it is the principal or president, etc. Member Bauske asked if they would limit the fiscal year budget of the organization. Member Butler said their budget should not matter; however, the money they are requesting should be used specifically to benefit this community. Member Butler, seconded bv Member Bauske, moved to amend the aoolication to require the hirzhest authority of each organization sign off on the application. Motion carried unanimouslv. 6 .- . . COllll1lunity Grant Review Board ^ugusl 27, 2008 Discussion ensued regarding the option of requiring a representative to be present for each applicant for the purpose of answering questions from the board during the meeting. Member Butler, seconded bv Member Ballske, moved to require that a reoresentative for each alJlJlicant be lJresent at the meetinz to answer lJossible questions. Motion carried unanimouslv. ADJOURNMENT at 8:27 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: Holly Moseley, Records Coordinator Jim Sills, Chairman 7