HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION September 16, 2008, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of Chair to Retired City Employee David Harris. (Public Works Director Krug) Proclamation - October 2008 Architecture Month Commissioner Anderson arrived at 7:24 p.m. I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Taylor Simon, and eight grader, said they are trying to start a girls Little League team for Juniors because there is not one at this time. She said they need to raise $8500 to start up this team and she is looking for sponsorship. Commissioner Anderson informed them of the Community Grant A wards and told them they should apply during the next cycle. Hector Vazquez, said he would like to form a youth council to help young people understand how government works. He said he may need help with a facility unless they are able to hold it at the school. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said he would work with I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood 1) said a large crowd turned out for the High School Homecoming was last weekend and they defeated Jones, 2) said there is a brick program at the High School where you can purchase a brick and the funds go toward adding bleachers, 3) said this week Ocoee Football has an away game at Freedom High School and West Orange has an away game at Oakridge. 4) said Pop Warner Program is doing well, four age divisions are currently undefeated, 5) Officer Brad Dreasher had some surgery this week and he wished them well. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like staff to do better at keeping them informed regarding other employees with serious health conditions. Assistant City Manager Croteau explained that, due to HIP AA laws, they are not able to give much information other that to say they are doing fine. 6) said the Final Budget Hearing is Monday, September 22, 2008, and invited everyone to come out and voice their opinion. Commissioner Anderson 1) wished Russ Wagner a speedy recovery, 2) said there are students from Valencia in the State Government class. The four students identified themselves. Commissioner Johnson - none --~ I City Commission Regular September 16,2008 Commissoiner Keller - none Mayor Vandergrift 1) Ocoee High School Alumni Association will be having a gathering at the Womens' Club on Saturday, October 11,2008 from 7pm - llpm. For more information contact the Mayor or Pat Ferguson. 2) asked Community Services Director Shadrix what happened at the Lynx Meeting. Mr. Shadrix said he sent Principal Planner Fabre to the meeting today; he was the only representative from any of the affected cities. Mr. Fabre spoke at the meeting in an unofficial capacity against the discontinuation of two routes. He spoke with two Lynx representatives after the meeting and he set a followup meeting that they could both attend; he also informed them of the ridership issues that we had emailed them about earlier this week. Mayor Vandergrift read a letter from Cindy Hunt describing how losing this route would affect her handicapped son who will no longer be able to work without the bus system. Mayor Vandergrift said in many other cities the school board works with mass transit to provide transportation to all students who need it, he does not understand why they cannot have that type of program here. Commissioner Hood-gave out numbers for Route#27: 7600 people ride it, the cost to operate it is $717,000, and they only generate approximately $159,000, which leaves a deficit of $557,000 to operate that route according to Lynx. He thanked Ocoee School Advisory Board Chair Debra Booth for getting involved and writing a letter. Mayor Vandergrift said lets work various arguments for this and see if we can save it. It is important for the kids today because of the change in school times and so many are working after school. Commissioner Anderson said he would like staff to look into how they are allocating the gax tax. How much money do they need from the City? He said he would much rather see the route go to the high school, then the one that goes to the mall. Commissioner Anderson said he remembers them being natural gas first, then converted to diesel because it was so cheap, now diesel is the most expensive fuel. Commissioner Hood said we don't have 275K to help them with matching funds. Mayor Vandergrift they added a route for Fowler's Grove, but the developers helped to fund it. Commissioner Anderson said we need to negotiate our routes in a way that best suits the community. Commissioner Hood said it is a business; it has to go to the routes that generate the most revenue. Commissioner Anderson said to his knowledge mass transit never pays for itself, it is not a revenue generator. Commissioner Keller said we need to join Ms. Booth in sending a letter to Representative Nelson and ask for his support. We should include Rep. Brummer in getting support to get more money from the state. He added that we should not have to take money from the City budget to help fund this, we need to think about was to get money from the state. Mayor Vandergrift said we need to be thinking about it. Mr. Shadrix said he will prepare a summary memo fromtoday's attendance. Commissioner Anderson suggested they get lobbyist to work on that issue. Mayor Vandergrift agreed staff should contact them to see what they can do. I E. CONSENT AGENDA Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 Page 2 of6 City Commission Regular September 16, 2008 2. Approval of IBterlocal Agreement for Dispatch Services/'(Fire, Chief Firstner) A new agreement for dispatch services will be required to continue those services for a one (1) year period, starting October I, 2008, through September 30, 2009. The cost of the dispatch service is shared between the Cities of Winter Garden, Maitland and Ocoee, and is based on the cost of dispatcher salaries and the call volume allocation between the cities. The cost of the one year contract is $152,820, which represents 35.21% of the total call volume. This cost will be assessed in the FY 2009/2010 budget. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 The Utilities Department is submitting Change Order #1 to the Utilities Administration Building contract with Southern Building Services, Inc. The contractor was tasked to submit the construction plans for building review which took thirty (30) days to complete, thus delaying the beginning of construction. Utilities staff is recommending the addition of public services of a bulk reclaim fill and a RV sanitary dump by having the contractor pour the concrete pad for a station. During the building design, the front porch wrap of columns and railings, and the north sidewalk were removed from the plans for value engineering. Based on a bid that was lower than anticipated, staff is recommending the re-inclusion of these items into the building construction. The sidewalk between the Jim Beech Recreation Center and the administration building will provide pedestrian access between both facilities. It is anticipated that the administrative conference/training room will be utilized by both Recreation and Utilities. The Jim Beech Recreation Center is scheduled to be repainted and to ensure color adherence and the elimination of mobilization charges; staff is recommending both buildings be painted by the same painter. Finally, the Utilities department desires to construct the building to be consistent with the SJRWMD WaterStar program for practical conservation and for future demonstration. This item was pulled from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Commissioner Johnson stated that when this bid was approved he expresses concerns about Change Orders coming in because this company has a history of bidding low and then requiring change orders. Utilities Director Smith and Assistant City Manager Croteau explained that most of the items added on such as the connecting sidewalk and painting the additional building were not a part of the original bid and are being requested of the contractor by the City. Commissioner Hood verified that this change order includes the cost to paint the Beech Center in the same color scheme. He added that staff should make a better effort to include everything in the original bid to eliminate so many change orders in the future. This plat is for Casa Mirella which is a 22.81 acre development which contains 18.84 acres of multi-family residential development, a 2.8 acre ALF residential development, and 1.17 acres of commercial/retaiVoffice development. This site is located on the southwest corner of Roberson Road and Maguire Road. This plat does not include lot 2 and lot 3 of Maguire Shoppes II which was previously platted. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 This short form plat is for Thomas Landing at Meadow Lake which is 18.63 acres. The site is located on the east side of Lauren Beth A venue and approximately 500 feet south of Claracona Ocoee Road and consists of 5 single family homes. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 Consent"'Aaenda<f/ofe.:! Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Keller moved to approve Items #1, 2. 4. and 5. as presented bv staff. Motion carried 5-0. Page 3 of6 City Commission Regular September 16, 2008 I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS - none I G. REGULAR AGENDA The Community Grant Review Board met on August 27, 2008, to discuss the II applications received during the fourth cycle of the Quarterly Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The Quarterly Community Grant Program provides financial grants of up to $500 made to Ocoee non-profit organizations and civic groups outside City limits which benefit residents of Ocoee. The grants are awarded to acknowledge excellence and further the contributions these local organizations bring to the Ocoee community. The Community Grant Review Board voted to award grants to 7 organizations. The Board reached a tie vote with one organization, Starke Lake Baptist Church. The CGR Board would like the City Commission to break the tie vote. The Grant Review Board voted to deny awarding grants to three organizations because these groups did not have a representative present at the meeting. The following are the organizations that were denied grant funding: Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Health Central Foundation; Ocoee Elementary Choir. Community Relations Manager Wright summarized the Community Grant Review Board's recommendations for grant awards for this cycle. Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved to approve the arant awards as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to break the tie vote from the Board and approve the arant for Starke Lake Baptist Church in the amount of $250. Motion carried 5-0. The Community Grant Review Board consists of five members approved by the City Commission. The purpose of the Community Grant Review Board is to review grant applications submitted from non-profit organizations as part of the City's Quarterly Community Grant Program (formerly the Community Merit Awards Program). The CGR Board reviews the grant applications and they forward their funding recommendations to the City Commission. On August 5, 2008, the City Commission directed the CGR Board to meet again to review their bylaws and make amendments to them. The CGR Board previously held a workshop on June 23, 2008, to discuss amending their bylaws. At the direction of the City Commission, the Community Grant Review Board met again on August 27, 2008, and discussed amending their bylaws. Community Grant Review Board Chair Jim Sills explained the changes that the majority of the board voted for the bylaws and criteria. There was discussion among the Commission, Board Chair Sills, and Board Member Wilsen with regard to the Board's recommendation allowing schools to apply only once per year and allowing the school principal to determine which group should get the money. Commissioner Anderson said he thinks they should be limited to once per cycle, not once per year. Commissioner Hood said he feels they need to back the board on their decision. Commissioner Johnson said we sent the Board members back to create these bylaws and we need to go with their discussion. Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to accept the chanaes to the Community Grant Review Board as presented bv the Board. Motion carried 4-1. with Commissioner Anderson opposed. Page 4 of6 City Commission Regular September 16, 2008 City Clerk Eikenberry read the list of appointees to the Charter School Committee as follows: Vandergrift- Lisa Wright Johnson- Pat Gleason Anderson- Scott Williams Hood-Julie Butler Keller- Michael Barnes Commissioner Johnson. seconded bv Commissioner Keller moved to approve the members of the Charter School Committee. Motion carried 5-0. City Clerk Eikenberry advised she had placed the minutes on the dais from the July 28, 2008 workshop where there was discussion about possibly disbanding the School Advisory Board once the Charter School Committee is started. Mayor Vandergrift said the question is whether or not we want to do away with the School advisory Board, several of the commissioners expressed that they would like to do that. He further stated if the board were to remain, they would need to appoint another commission liaison because he is stepping down from that position after many years. Commissioner Anderson volunteered to fill in as the temporary liaison for the October Meeting. This discussion was tabled until the next Commission Meeting to determine the purpose of the board and whether or not it should be disbanded. I H. STAFF REPORTS - none I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS said that Sawmill has a problem with two Great Danes running loose in the development; Animal Control takes a week to get out there and the dogs are long gone. He added that they have bitten a few people. Chief Brown said he received an email about these dogs as well and they are aware of whom the owners are so they can step in and try to deal with it; he said they are in violation of the city's leash law. He added that County has some restrictions in their code so the bite would have to be handled by them. City Attorney Rosenthal said that the Code would contain a municipal ordinance violation that would be handled by Code Enforcement Board, but the County has a procedure in place. Chief Brown said the County's nuisance animal laws are very strict, but they have a limited budget and limited number of to handle these complaints. He advised they would follow up on it. I) said everything is set for Founders' Day; Rosemary Wilsen is taking care of the marketplace part of that and it is full. He gave a summary of the entertainment and events. He said they have over $50,000 collected in pledges and about $20,000 that should be coming in. He added that he spoke to Al Butler about the construction project on Northshore Drive being completed before Founders' Day and everything is supposed to be done except the shelters. 2) asked about the construction around the gazebo, he understood that concrete would be poured and he thinks pavers would be better because they are permeable. Commissioner Anderson asked if they are planning to do anything for shelter above the gazebo. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said they have been looking into several options for that, but they are waiting to see how much money is left. Commissioner Johnson said there was an article in yesterday's business section of the Orlando Sentinel about a Sun Shade company that does that Page 5 of6 City Commission Regular September 16, 2008 type of thing and it has solar panels to make it cooler. Commissioner Anderson said at the very least we should have some type of removable tarp that can be put up for events. 3) asked Joy Wright to advise residents about the grand opening of Palm Drive Park, which she advised is Thursda Se tember 18th at 10:30 a.m. 1) asked about House Bill 697 regarding Comp Plan Amendments to reduce greenhouse gas emission. He said he would like to go farther than that and have staff looking at different ways to save money and be eco-friendly such as changing to LED lights, etc. 2) said we need to change the traffic light where you pass Pioneer Key going to Ocoee Apopka Road(southbound onto eastbound Silverstar Road); it needs a turn lane or something because traffic is backing up there all the time. Public Works Director Krug said they looked at adding a turn lane about a year and a half ago, the controller cabinet for the light is at capacity and can't handle additional features. We are looking at $150,000 for signalization of a new intersection. The county is not interested in putting any funding into that intersection at this time; they are happy with the way it is functioning. Assistant City Manager Croteau said we looked at costs a year and a half ago because we were trying to get developer money to upgrade that intersection, but that has not happened yet. 3) said there is also a problem with Ocoee Hills Road that needs to be reviewed; there was a plan to have developers working in the Brentwood area add intersection enhancements but those plans fell through. He said we added a turn lane about eight years ago, but no traffic light was added. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the road safety committee could look into that. mentioned that the stop signs are up at Wurst and Clarcona Ocoee now. Mayor Vandergrift said, on a lighter note, we have a hero in our midst because Public Works Director Krug saved the City from an alligator [ ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 6 of6 OCOEE CITY COMMISSION TENTATIVE BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING Ocoee Commission Chambers September 08, 2008 MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Mayor Vandergrift called the Tentative Budget Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Mayor Vandergrift announced that this is an advertised public hearing to finalize the budget and adopt a final millage rate for the City of Ocoee. Notice of this hearing was contained in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes mailed by the Property Appraiser. The City Commission has previously set a millage rate of 5.1457 mills which represents an 8.63 % increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 4.7371 mills. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry HEARING I A. Briefing by City Attorney City Attorney Rosenthal advised that the maximum millage rate which may be levied by the City by regular majority vote for the 2008-2009 fiscal year is 4.2568 mills, such maximum millage rate having been determined pursuant to Section 200. 185(3)(a), Florida Statutes. The establishment of a millage rate between 4.2569 mills and 5.1457 mills requires a two-thirds vote of the membership of the City Commission (or 4 votes). The preliminary millage rate set by the City Commission and contained in the TRIM Notices is 5.1457 mills. The establishment of a millage rate between 5.14757 mills and 10.000 mills requires a unanimous vote of the City Commission and notice by first class mail to each taxpayer. The tentative millage rate adopted at this hearing will become the maximum millage rate which may be adopted by the City Commission at the public hearing on the final millage rate. A unanimous vote or a two-thirds vote may be required to adopt the tentative millage rate as the final millage rate. At the final public hearing, the City Commission may adopt a millage rate which is less than the tentative millage rate. Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 8, 2008 Tentative Budget Public Hearing B. Briefing by Finance Director on the percentage increase in millage over the rolled-back rate necessary to fund the budget and the specific purpose for which ad valorem tax revenues are being increased. Finance Director Horton advised there is no increase in the millage rate over the roll back rate that is required to fund the budget proposed by the City Manager. The TRIM notice advertised millage rate is 5.1457. The percentage rate increase in this millage over the roll back rate is 8.63 %. This will generate an additional $878,000 in ad valorem revenues, which will provide funding for capital improvements, equipment purchases, and programs. A two thirds vote is required to adopt the proposed rate. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the proposed millage rate is what the City Manager proposed. Finance Director Horton said the City Manager originally proposed 4.5775, and then made the following changes that further reduced the proposed millage rate of 4.2993 as follows: Reductions to City's Contribution to Health Insurance Plan -($310,000.00) Increase in Health Center Operating Hours +$72,000.00 Reduction of City's Portionfor Worker Compensation Insurance -($100,000.00) Additional Reduction to Workers Compensation Insurance -(374,000.00) Reduction to Liability and Auto Liability Insurance - (71,000.00) Reduction in State Revenues +$185,000.00 Mayor Vandergrift asked Commissioners to review information he handed out showing that they are subject to losing two bus links that serve the City of Ocoee, one of them serves the High School. He asked that Commissioner keep this in mind as they are discussing the budget because we may want to help with funding the Ocoee routes. There were no public comments at this time. See attached chart. Page 2 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 8, 2008 Tentative Budget Public Hearing Each Commissioner reviewed the items on the "wish list" and advised if they were for or against them resulting in the following: . . . . Fire Station - District #1 657.000.00 Y Y N O/Fire Fee N Fire Station - District #1 for % year 0,000.00 N N Y N N Fire Inspection- PT to Fulltime 38,065.00 Y Y Y Y N Clarke Road Resurfacina -50% 443,500.00 O/reserves O/reserves O/reserves O/reserves O/reserves Traffic Calming 20,000.00 Y N N Y N Holiday Lights t50,OoO.00 y N N N N Increase COLA and Merit 1.5 to 2% 106,960.00 Y N Y Y Y Re-Roof Maguire House 30,000,00 N N Y Y@ 15K N Reroof Health Clinic 10;000:00 N N Y Y N Reconfigure Beech Center AC 70,000.00 N N Y N N Reconfiaure Maauire House AC 44,000.00 N N N N N Additional funds to Retrofit old PO 25,000.00 N Y Y Y N Seniors Proaram 60,000;00 N Y Y Y N Teletype for Disabled 3,000.00 Y N N O/Grant N (3) Tough Book Comouters - Fire 5,400.00 Y Y Y Y N Voice Over IP Hardware for FS #26 3,000.00 N N N N N Firehouse Web Based Software 1.5,675.00 N N N N N AM Radio Station 36,000.00 Y N N O/Grant Y Pioneer Kev 1 Roadwork 135,000.00 Y N Y Y N Clarke Road Landscaoina/lrrig. 50,000.00 Y N N Y N Sorenson Field Imorovements 110,000.00 O/Bond Y Y Y N Additional Central Park Imorv. 50;000;00 O/Bond N N Y N Rogers Park Imorv./Grant Match 200,000.00 Y Y O/Bond Y N Vianetti Park Imorovements 75,000,00 O/Bond Y Y Y N ADDONS ..Ui........ \\ [/i i.....................................U.I....... I...... ...i< .i .<..... ........i.i... Energy Reduction (4-10 hr days) -(20.000:00) Y CMA and MVP Grant Awards f30,OOO.00 Y Bus Service Route to Hiah School unknown Y i iii...... I< < < ...... BUDGET AMOUNT 1,304.425 1,170.465 1,005,425 910,425 142,960 MILLAGE 4.9062 4.8438 4.7671 4.7229 4.3658 .'ri... ......./... ........m....... ...............i..........r.m.............i.......... .......... .... /. ,. ....... .i u. ..u ...... .......i... KEY: y= in favor of amendina the budget to include this item N= not if favor of amending the budget 0= in favor of this item/oroject from a different funding source (as noted) Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Anderson asked for clarification on the reduction in the Grant A wards. Finance Director Horton advised that the MVP awards were cut from $20,000 to $10,000 and the CMA awards were cut from $30,000 to $10,000. Commissioner Anderson said he felt those things should remain in the budget. Mayor Vandergrift advised he should add them to the wish list. Page 3 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 8, 2008 Tentative Budget Public Hearing Commissioner Hood clarified with City Manager Frank that the budget already has a built in 1.5 % COLA and 1.5 % Merit increase. The amount on the wish list is for an additional 1 %, for a total of 2 % COLA and 2 % Merit for all non union employees. Commissioner Anderson said that the Voice Over IP Hardware for FS #26 should be a wash because it will save us money. IS Manager Ross said with the upgrade of the phones we will be able to use one circuit to that building, instead of having one for phones and one for computer. It will save the City approximately $3,000 each year. Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle 1) asked why we bother with the holiday lighting because they don't work most of the time. Commissioner Keller advised that he is the only one in favor of the holiday lights so it will probably go away. Mayor Vandergrift said we need to phase out the things that we rent and now that we have storage we can purchase our own decorations. 2) asked why reroofing the health clinic wasn't done when we refurbished the whole building, it seems that we are always going backwards. Commissioner Anderson said there was only a specific amount of money to get it up and running last year. There are still other upgrades that will be done to the clinic. Ms. Wilsen said we seem to put a lot of money into things because they have not been maintained. Mayor Vandergrift agreed that we are not maintaining the things that we build until it is acute. Commissioner Keller said he has seen things get postponed each year at budget time until they are in bad shape, which is why he is in favor of bonding and getting everything put into top shape and maintaining it that way. Commissioner Johnson agreed, especially with the parks and water lines. Finance Director Horton said that the paper handed out showing each commissioner's wishes on the wish list incorrectly showed Commissioner Johnson if favor of the traffic calming and that will be corrected. Mayor Vandergrift asked if we could adjourn until the next meeting. City Attorney Rosenthal said that they must follow the procedure for the Tentative Budget Hearing and whatever they have in the tentative budget, the millage must match that. If there are no motions changing the budget as presented by the City Manager the tentative millage rate would be 4.5775. If you want something different from that, motions would need to be made with amendments to the budget. It takes three votes to pass an amendment, but to adopt the millage rate will require four or five votes depending on where the millage ends up. He added whatever is done today sets forth the maximum millage rate, and at the Final Budget Hearing you can make motions changing the budget but the millage is capped at the amount adopted tonight. Mr. Rosenthal stated that, with four votes, they could set the millage based on the TRIM notice of 5.1457 and not have to give notice the taxpayers. Any millage rate adopted would have to be supported by a budget that had specific programs that arrived at that rate. He said it sounds as though the consensus of the Commission is to approve those items at the top of the wish list which brings to dollar numbers down and the millage rate down to 4.2993. He said if that is the case, his advice would be to move to amend the budget to accept those items. Discussion followed on how to adopt a millage that would leave it at or near the cap of 5.1457 so they have room to work with the figures at the Final Budget Hearing. Commissioner Anderson suggested they adopt Commissioner Keller's list because it is the highest, and then place the remaining amount in contingency, they can work at the details at the Final Budget Hearing. Page 4 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 8, 2008 Tentative Budget Public Hearing Commissioner Hood said he does not have a problem adopted a higher millage rate to allow them to work things out at the Final Budget Hearing, but he will not vote for any budget that does not have the Fire Station in it. He said we need to move forward with finishing the Police Station and getting a new Fire Station in place. He said if we are annexing land and adding new developments you have to be able to provide the services. He added that the Fire Station on Adair Street should have never been taken out of service. Commissioner Keller said we cannot adopt a Fire Fee for this year; the money for a fire station is going to have to be placed in the budget. The Fire Fee will pay for that operations the second year. Commissioner Johnson said it is in the budget that he proposed with City Manager Frank's suggestions, and they would still be at the roll back rate. He added when the new Fire Station was built on Clarke Road, they did not have any of the housing proposed on the Northwest side of town. Commissioner Anderson said he has no problem taking the Clarke Road project out of reserves; he will take it out of his budget as long as Commissioner Keller agrees. Commissioner Keller agreed to remove it from his list of budget items, as long as it will still get done. Commissioner Anderson said he spoke to Chief Firstner during the break and he would like to change his budget list to add the part time to full time Fire Inspector. Commissioner Hood said he agrees to do the same. Commissioner Anderson said he would agree to $15,000 in the budget for the Maguire House instead of $30,000; we may have to carry it over to next year to fund the other part of it. Commissioner Anderson said he would like to make a motion on the millage to keep the millage at the 5.1457 for the Final Budget Hearing. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the City Commission could adopt those items on the top of the worksheet that brought the millage to 4.2993; and then they could place the appropriate amount into contingency that would have the budget match up to the millage rate of 5.1457. Finance Director Horton confirmed that amount would be $1,819.203. Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved to amend the tentative budaet of the City of Ocoee. distributed alona with the budaet messaae of the City Manaaer dated July 31. 2008. with the followina: Reductions To City's Contribution To Health Insurance Plan -($310,000.00) Increase In Health Center Operating Hours +$72,000.00 Reduction Of City's Portion For Worker Compensation Insurance -($100,000.00) Additional Reduction to Workers Compensation Insurance -(374,000.00) Reduction To Liability And Auto Liability Insurance -(71,000.00) Reduction In State Revenues +$185,000.00 Add to contingency the sum of +$1,819.203.00 Commissioner Anderson clarified with the City Manager that those numbers being reduced are gone from next year's budget, even something causes those figures to change during the 2009 budget year. City Manager Frank said we don't anticipate any changes in those numbers for next year; but there are reserves to cover those insurance items. Mayor Pro Tem Hood opened the Public Hearing for anyone wishing to speak on the amendment to the proposed budget. Page 5 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 8, 2008 Tentative Budget Public Hearing There being no one wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. After the discussion. the Motion carried 4-1. with Mayor Vanderarift opposed. NOTE: RECESS to recompute the proposed millage rate and rolled-back percentage increase. C. Announcement by Finance Director of the recomputed proposed millage rate and the percent by which the recomputed proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate. The percentage of proposed tentative percentage increase in property taxes. Announcement regarding the vote required to adopt this millage rate (Regular Majority, Super Majority, or Unanimous). City Attorney Rosenthal said the recomputed proposed final millage rate is 5.1457, and the percent by which the recomputed proposed final millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate is 8.63 %. This percentage is the proposed tentative percentage increase in property taxes. He advised that would require a two-thirds vote from the City Commission (four votes). City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the millage ordinance. 2. Motion to adopt the tentative millage rate. Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Johnson. moved that the City Commission adopt a tentative millaae rate of 5.1457 mills for the fiscal year beainnina October 1. 2008. and endina September 30. 2009. a. Comments by Citizens. None b. Comments by Commissioners. None c. Vote on motion to adopt the tentative millage rate. Motion carried 4-1. with Mayor Vanderarift opposed. The Ordinance, as adopted at the tentative budget hearing, carried the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2008-015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A MILLAGE RATE OF 5.1457 MILLS FOR AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2008, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2009, PROVIDING FOR MILLAGE ADJUSTMENT; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES; PROVIDING FOR AN 8.63% INCREASE IN MILLAGE RATE OVER THE ROLLED-BACK RATEi PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Page 6 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 8, 2008 Tentative Budget Public Hearing 3. Read title to Ordinance regarding final budget. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the millage ordinance. 4. Motion to adopt the final budget. Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson moved that the City Commission adopt the tentative budaet of the City of Ocoee distributed alona with the budaet messaae of the City Manaaer dated Julv 31 , 2008, as amended, such tentative budaet beina for the fiscal year beainnina October 1 , 2008, and endina September 30, 2009. a. Comments by Citizens. None b. Comments by Commissioners. None c. Vote on motion to adopt rmal budget. Motion carried 4-1 , with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. The Ordinance, as adopted at the tentative budget hearing, carried the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2008-016 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2008, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2009; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. D. Motion to schedule the public hearing on September 22, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers to adopt the final millage rate and budget. Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson moved that a public hearina to consider the final millaae rate and final budaet be scheduled for September 22, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at a Special Meetina of the City of Ocoee Commission to be held at the Ocoee City Hall Commission Chambers, that the hearina be advertised in accordance with the provisions of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, and Section C-37 of Article VI of the Ocoee City Charter, that the appropriate Ordinances necessary to adopt the final millaae rate and final budaet be prepared bv the City staff, and that all other action necessary to comply with the reauirements of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, be undertaken. Motion carried 4-1 , with Mayor Vanderarift opposed. Commissioner Keller announced that there will be a meeting on the Evans Rezoning Issue at the Ninth Grade Center, Wednesday, 166:30 p.m. Page 7 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 8, 2008 Tentative Budget Public Hearing Mayor Vandergrift said tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. there will be a meeting Of the Education Commission of the West Orange Chamber. He said this rezoning is to rezone the land to place 3,000 kids on a 25 acre tract. He said the next rezoning will come after the school is built and they take 600 - 1,000 students out of Ocoee High School to put them in Evans. Other kids will be rezoned from West Orange and Apopka schools. He urges residents to stay in tuned to when the various meetings will be held regarding this new school, such as Planning and Zoning meetings, etc. E. Announcement by Mayor Vandergrift of end of hearing and date for final millage and final budget hearing. Mayor Vandergrift announced that a public hearing to consider the final millage rate and final budget will be held on September 22, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. at a Special Meeting of the City of Ocoee Commission to be held at the Ocoee City Hall Commission Chambers III. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 8 of 8 CITY OF OCOEE FINAL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING Ocoee Commission Chambers September 22, 2008 MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Mayor Vandergrift called the Final Budget Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Mayor Vandergrift announced that this is an advertised public hearing to finalize the budget and adopt a final millage rate for the City of Ocoee. Notice of this hearing was contained in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes mailed by the Property Appraiser. The City Commission has previously set a millage rate of 5.1457 mills which represents an 8.63 % increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 4.7371 mills. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry A. Briefing by Director of Finance on the percentage increase in millage under the roll-backed rate necessary to fund the budget and the specific purpose for which ad valorem tax revenues are being increased. Finance Director Horton stated that the Ocoee City Commission has adopted a tentative millage rate of 5.1457 for the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year. The percentage rate increase in this millage over the rolled-back rate is 8.63 %. This will generate an additional $878,000 dollars in ad valorem revenues to provide funding for capital improvements, equipment purchases, and programs. A two-thirds vote is required to adopt the proposed rate. City Attorney Rosenthal reminded that the maximum millage rate which may be levied by the City by regular majority vote of three for FY 2008-2009 is 4.2568 mills, such millage rate having been established pursuant to Section 200. 145-3(a). The establishment the millage rate between 4.2569 and the tentative millage rate of 5.1457 requires a two-thirds vote of the City Commission, or four votes . You cannot go above the 5.1457 adopted tentative millage rate, so there is not scenario tonight where a unanimous vote is required. He added that the Mayor asked him to address what would happen if they didn't act tonight and the answer is that the current year's budget would remain in effect until such time as they do act; the statutory scheme is that action be taken prior to October 1, 2008, so the new budget and millage would be activated at that time. 1. Comments by Citizens. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing and advised that it would remain open for the entire meetings until the Commission is ready to vote. Tom Hendrix, representing the Hartle Bowness Trust, presented a check for $50,000 to the Parks and Recreation Department. Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 22, 2008 Final Budget Public Hearing Chuck Graham, asked the City Commission to support the Lynx Bus System so they will not discontinue any of their routes. He said he and his wife are both blind and cannot drive and they rely heavily on the Lynx Bus System, as do the elderly and handicapped. He said he feels the City should put some money toward the Lynx public transportation budget even though the City is having a tough budget year. He said the handicapped have a voice and they have changed laws in the past; they will have people and media marching in front of City Hall if they have to in order to keep the bus transportation going. Commissioner Johnson said the City of Ocoee was the only one who had a representative at the Lynx meetings to see if we could do anything to assist keeping those routes; however what the City cannot do is fund the $500,000 shortfall in the county's transportation budget when we are having difficulty with our own budget cuts. There was discussion about the gas tax. Commissioner Anderson said that the County is getting tax money to fund transportation, the cities do not get that; we are trying to spread our dollars out in the best way we get to get the most for the money that we have. Mr. Graham said he does not expect the City to give the entire $500,000, but they should give something. Mayor Vandergrift summarized a meeting with Lynx this afternoon that was attended by the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and himself. He said they are keeping a wait and see attitude because the Lynx discussed that they may use some of their reserve money to keep the routes going for now. Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, asked about the item on the news about outsourcing police dispatching. City Manager Frank said it was something mentioned as part of the budget process; we are long way off from making any decisions. Ms. Wilsen said she hopes the City will consider it based on our safety, not only on budgetary issues. Danny Howell, Marlene Drive, 1) commented about the 911 dispatching and said ours seems to be working well, 2) asked for clarification on the "wish list" amounts for the fire department; City Manager Frank said those are operational costs to pay for operations while we are in a temporary trailer or store front location; it does not include capital funding to build the new permanent station. The two different amounts would cover temporary operations for a full year or half year. 3) asked if Lynx is funded by Orange County; City Manager Frank said it is funded by Orange, Osceola, and Seminole County taxes. Mr. Howell said if the money is they are cutting the service to Ocoee can we get back the tax money and get our own bus? Mayor Vandergrift said he and the City Attorney just conferred that they don't believe tax equalization has ever been done on Lynx. City Manager Frank said he believes the money comes from their Local Option Gas Tax for transportation not ad valorem taxes. Commissioner Keller 1) asked about the millage rate of 4.9062 for his list of items because his figures show 4.9048. 2) said he agrees with the need for the Fire Station for one half year at $340,000, as opposed to the full year. 3) said he will drop his request for Christmas Lights, since he was the only one in favor. 4) said he would also like to remove Rogers Park from the budget and go with placing that on a bond with the rest of the parks. Commissioner Keller and the Finance Department agreed that would take him to $734.425, or a millage below the roll back of 4.6410. Page 2 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 22,2008 Final Budget Public Hearing 5) said he would like to leave in the $20,000 for speed humps. 6) added that liked the idea of the four ten hour day work schedule to save approx $20,000 and it would offset costs of speed humps. Commissioner Johnson 1) said he as no problem with getting with the temporary Fire Station for the full year, he does not know why it shows him saying no. 2) said he would go back to no on reroofing the Maguire House 3) said yes for Air conditioning at the Beech Center 4) said we have to retrofit the old police department 5) said he wants to change to a Yes on the Clarke Road Landscaping project Commissioner Hood 1) Fire Station is a yes, we can go with the half year program if necessary 2) Changing vote to yes on Beech Center Air Conditioner 3) Changing to yes on the Clarke Road Landscaping 4) Still says yes to the Sorenson Complex, but does not mind that being part of the bond issue. City Manager Frank said we can do a short term loan, or anything up to a 30 year bond. 5) Said he will leave Rogers Park in the budget to solidify getting the $200,000 in matched funds. There was discussion among the Commission, City Manager, Finance Director, and City Attorney regarding the process for getting the bond and how it should be reflected in the budget. City Attorney Rosenthal said it cannot be decided tonight; it has to go through a public hearing process. City Manager Frank said a budget amendment could be done later in the year that includes the projects and the new revenue source (bond). 6) Thinks we will want Christmas lights when the holiday time comes. Discussion followed on possibly doing a reduced amount. Commissioner Anderson 1) regarding the Fire Station, he was the only one that wanted fire fee, now we don't have it. He is not in favor of the temporary station; would rather pay for architect to come up with the right design and location. Discussion followed with regard to the Fire Assessment Fee and the allowable uses for those funds. 2) feels the money should remain in the budget for Traffic calming. Discussion followed regarding using Code Enforcement to get funding for traffic calming 3) no on Holiday Lights 4) reroof Maguire House for $15,000 5) retrofitting of Police Station, yes 6) Clarke Road Landscaping, yes 7) wants all park improvements in 8) wants us to work on the Montgomery Park next year. 9) Voice Over IP, yes because it is a wash. 10) said he is in favor of 4 day work week. Commissioner Johnson, thinks city hall should be open five days. He thinks the 9/80 works; he said it would be harder residents and contractors. He added that he thinks it is the City Manager's prerogative to figure out the schedule. Mayor Vandergrift suggested they could all work 4-10 hour days, but stagger so city hall stays open. Commissioner Anderson said that would not save money for the City only for the staff. Commissioner Johnson said he thinks staff should be surveyed to see if it Page 3 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 22, 2008 Final Budget Public Hearing would create a hardship on those with kids and school schedules. Discussion regarding the police take home cars and gas being paid for. 11) would like a grant for the AM Radio Station 12) Pioneer Key, yes 13) said if we are going to consider bonding, we should get a utility bond, it is not on the wish list. 14) $5,000 into Lynx system. Commissioner Hood stated there is an OCPS E Express letter where the state has told the schools to expect another 24-30 million dollar cut. Mr. Armbruster has advised that they are laying off more teachers at the high school, and they are still $680,000 short. Commissioner Keller said part of the reason they lost some money is because some of the Wekiva kids were budgeted to go into Ocoee High School in error. Mavor Vandere:rift 1) is in favor of the Seniors Program 2) spoke about the DOW dropped 473 points after the government worked all weekend to get it under control. 3) Said he has always felt they should adopt what staff presented and then they will work out other funding sources to do other things. 4) Talked about putting the Fire Fee on a ballot for 1.5 million to build the station, plus the operational costs, they may go for the fire fee when they can see exactly what it will give them. Thinks it should be located on the Coke Property or somewhere up Ingram Road. 8: 12 P.M. BREAK to calculate changes. 8:34 RETURN FROM BREAK Danny Howell, Marlene Drive, asked the Commission to leave traffic calming in because it is really needed. He said they should not use the paver bricks because they sink over time and create potholes. Mavor Vanderarift moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include the Seniors proaram. the AM Radio Station. and the COLA and Merit Raises. Motion died for lack of second. Discussion occurred on what type of motions can be made at this time. Commissioner Keller. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include the fire inspector position at full time at a cost of $38.065.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-1. with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Keller. moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include the increase in COLA and Merit raises from 1.5% to 2% at a cost of $106.960.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 5-0 Page 4 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 22, 2008 Final Budget Public Hearing Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Keller. moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include (3) Touah Book Computers for Fire Enaines at a cost of $5,400.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Commissioner Hood, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include operational costs for a temporary Fire Station in District #1 for one half year at a cost of $340,000.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Commissioner Anderson asked if there will be a Fire Fee brought up later in the year. City Attorney Rosenthal said that you cannot condition a proposed amendment to amend the tentative budget. He added that he can make a separate motion with direction to staff. Discussion regarding the intent from the Commission to include some percentage of Fire Fee next year. After the discussion, Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Mavor Vanderarift, seconded bv Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include the Seniors Proaram at a cost of $60.000.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 5-0. Finance Director Horton said the millage rate with the amendments so far would be at 4.5554. Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include the Clarke Road Landscapina/lrriaation proiect at a cost of $50,000.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Finance Director Horton said the millage rate with the amendments so far would be at 4.5786. Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include the Pioneer Kev Roadwork proiect at a cost of $135,000.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Finance Director Horton said the millage rate with the amendments so far would be at 4.6414. Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include Sorenson Field Improvements at a cost of ~11 0.000.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Commissioner Anderson. moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include Roaers Park Improvements/Grant Match at a cost of $200,000.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Finance Director Horton said the millage rate with the amendments so far would be at 4.7857. Page 5 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 22, 2008 Final Budget Public Hearing IS Manager Ross said the Fire Department line item was budgeted at the dollar amount that would be expensed if this item were approved. He added that the savings realized in the budgeted line item will be approximately the same annually as the one time cost for the Voice Over IP. City Manager Frank said we need to make a motion that the operational budget already reflects the decrease. Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include Voice Over IP Hardware for Fire Station #26 at a cost of $3,000.00, usina the money from the Fire Department Line Item for telephones, and havina no effect on the millaae rate. Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Commissioner Hood asked Parks and Recreation Director Hayes asked if the racquetball courts and tennis courts will be utilizes once these improvements are done. Mr. Hayes said the racquetball courts are up and running, the money in this item is for the tennis courts. Commissioner Hood, seconded bv Commissioner Johnson, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to include Vianetti Park Improvements at a cost of J75,000.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Finance Director Horton advised the millage rate with amendments so far would be at 4.8206. Commissioner Anderson said he was looking at what approximate taxes would be for a home valued at approximately $120,000, after the homestead exemptions. Finance Director Horton said approximately $578 at the current rate (4.8206 mills) and $622 at last years' millage rate. Commissioner Anderson, seconded bv Mavor Vanderarift, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to raise the MVP Grant Awards back to $20,000.00 at a cost of $10,000.00 and to remove the same dollar amount from the continaencv fund. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. Commissioner Anderson asked Public Works Director Krug if the $20,000 that is already budgeted for traffic calming devices is going to be enough. Mr. Krug said the new contractor will cost $4,000.00 for the signage, asphalt, and striping as opposed to the prefabricated ones that cost $5,500.00. Commissioner Anderson asked about the work schedule of four 10 hour days. City Manager Frank said he had not surveyed employees at this point because he was not sure the Commission is in favor of it. He added that some employees have children they have to transport. Consensus was that the four dav work week, closinl! Citv Hall on the fifth dav would be the onlv feasible oDtion that would save enerJ!V/monev and directed that the emDlovees be Dolled on that question. Commissioner Keller asked residents who may be watching television to call in and advise how they feel about City Hall being open for four days per week with extended hours on those days such a 7:00 am - 6:00 pm. Commissioner Hood asked for a tax estimate on a $200,000 home at the current millage rate. Finance Manager Brosonski advised a $27.30 savings over last year using 4.8252 mills. Page 6 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 22, 2008 Final Budget Public Hearing Rosemary Wilsen asked why they are only increasing the money to the MVP Grants and not the CMA Grants. Commissioner Anderson said because the Board just changed the bylaws to reduce the amount that organizations could receive from that program which will reduce the amount of money they need. Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Commissioner Anderson, moved to amend the adopted tentative budaet to reduce the continaencv fund bv removina the remainder of the $1,819.203.00 funds placed there durina the Tentative Budaet Hearina that had not been affected bv the previous motions at a cost reduction of -($688,778.00). Motion carried 4-1, with Mavor Vanderarift opposed. Discussion occurred regarding the Lynx Bus system and whether or not it is appropriate to supplement their budget. Mayor Vandergrift said we have having discussions with Lynx on various ways to resolve the problems and they have been open to suggestion. Mayor Vandergrift asked if there were any further amendments to the amended tentative budget. There were none. Item Amount SUMMARY OF FINAL BUDGET AMENDMENTS 657.000.00 340,000.00 38,065.00 423,500.00 00.00 , 00.00 106 960.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 70,000.00 24,000.00 25000.00 60,000.00 3,000.00 5,400.00 3,000.00 5,675.00 36,000.00 135,000.00 50,000.00 110,000.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 75,000.00 -688,788.00 Page 7 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 22, 2008 Final Budget Public Hearing B . Announcement by Director of Finance of the recomputed proposed final millage rate and the percent by which the recomputed proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled- back rate. This percentage is the proposed final percentage increase in property taxes. Finance Director Horton advised that the proposed millage rate is 4.8252 which represents a 1.86 percent increase over the rolled back rate of 4.7371. City Attorney Rosenthal said this is the proposed increase in property taxes. 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2008-015, setting fmal millage rate. Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2008-015. setting a millage rate of 4.8252 mills for the Fiscal Year 2008-2009. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance and announced the following: The name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee. The rolled-back millage rate is 4.7371. The percentage increase by which the proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate is 1.86%. The millage rate proposed by the ordinance is 4.8252 mills. a. Comments by Citizens - none b. Comments by Commissioners - none c. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2008-015, setting the final millage rate. Motion carried 4-1. with Mayor Vandergrift opposed. The ordinance as adopted carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2008-015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A MILLAGE RATE FOR AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2008, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2009, PROVIDING FOR MILLAGE ADJUSTMENT; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES; PROVIDING FOR AN 1.86% INCREASE IN MILLAGE RATE OVER THE ROLLED-BACK RATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 2~ Mq~iont9iildijpt Q~Wn1lI~e Nijf 2008*Ola~ildijptiDg"fi"ull'bl1dget~ Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2008-016. as amended adopting a final budget for the Fiscal Year beginnina October 1. 2008 and endina September 30. 2009. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. a. Comments by Citizens - none b. Comments by Commissioners - none c. Vote on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2008-016, adopting the final budget. Motion carried 4-1. with Mayor Vandergrift opposed. Page 8 of 9 Ocoee City Commission Meeting September 22, 2008 Final Budget Public Hearing The ordinance as adopted carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO. 2008-016 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,2008, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,2009; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I C. Announcement by Mayor Vandergrift of end of budget public hearing. Mayor Vandergrift announced that this is the end of the budget Public Hearing. The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 9 of 9