HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Approval of Villa Roma Final Sub. Plan ~ AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: October 7, 2008 Item # 2 Contact Name: Contact Number: Antonio Fabre, AICP 407 -905-3100/1019 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Villa Roma - Final Subdivision Plan Project # LS-2008-003 Commission District # 4 - Joel F. Keller ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Final Subdivision Plan for Villa Roma? BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Villa Roma is a townhome development that is situated in the existing Prairie Lake PUD Track "G". Specifically, the property is located on the southwest corner of Hackney Prairie Road and Clarke Road and is approximately 21.13 acres in size. The subject site is currently undeveloped with a variety of trees, wetlands and 1 DO-year floodplain areas. A significant portion of this site utilizes land within the 1 DO-year floodplain per the approved PUD. The existing land use to the east is single family residential & townhome (Westchester & Wentworth) developments zoned Medium Density PUD; to the south, there is a townhome/single-family (Reserve at Meadow Lake) residential development currently being developed which is zoned Medium Density PUD. To the north is an unincorporated parcel (+/- 36 acres) which is heavily forested and currently undeveloped, zoned (Orange County) A-1. Lake Meadow and its associated wetlands are on the property's western boundary. Additionally, a water retention pond owned by the City is situated west of and adjacent to the subject property. Currently, it is being utilized for stormwater abatement for Clarke Road. The Future Land Use designation for the subject site is "Medium Density Residential" which allows up to 8 dwelling units per acre. The surrounding future land uses are "Low Density Residential" to the north and "Medium Density Residential" to the east. To the south and west there is a "Conservation/Floodplains" future land use designation that is associated with the Lake Meadow basin. On November 6, 2007, the City Commission reviewed and approved the Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) for Villa Roma. The Final Subdivision Plan as proposed is consistent with the Preliminary Subdivision Plan. DISCUSSION: The Villa Roma project will be developed as a private, gated town home community with fee simple ownership of the units. The Final Subdivision Plan proposes a total of 52 town home units on approximately 21.13 acres. Consistent with City Policy, the wetlands (Tract "E") approximately 6.39 acres will not be developed and will ultimately be dedicated to the City. The proposed amenity package consists of a swimming pool, pool cabana, tot-lot and off-street visitor's parking. The townhome lots will be approximately 23-feet wide by 100 feet in depth. The townhome units have been designed to allow one car to park in the driveway and one car to park in the garage. The rest of the required parking spaces will be provided within off-street parking bays. As shown on the Final Subdivision Plan, Villa Roma will have one full main access point at Clarke Road. \ This main entrance will be aligned with the existing single-family development (Westchester) across the street. To the north will be an emergency exit only gate. The plans also indicate a 25 feet wide of road right-of-way being dedicated on the north side. This new right-of-way will be utilized for a Hackney Prairie Road extension, access into the subject site and future access to the property to the north. This Hackney Prairie/Clarke Road intersection is projected in the future to be a signalized intersection. There will be a 6-feet high brick wall with appropriate landscaping on both sides of the entrance with the wall extending northward along Clarke Road and westward along the new right-of-way of Hackney Prairie Road. The applicant will be dedicating a 10 feet wide recreational trail along the northern property line in order to have access to the lake and an 8 feet wide sidewalk along the project frontage. The major off-site improvement proposed for the project is a northbound left turn lane on Clarke Road for traffic entering into the site and a southbound turn lane (stripping only) to better facilitate traffic entering Westchester residential development. Since the City's (Clarke Road) pond property cuts through the subject site, the applicant has requested the use and utilization of a small portion of the City owned property. This unique site condition was considered and recognized in the original PUD approval and associated Development Agreement. Therefore, the City will grant an ingress/egress and utility easement to the HOA for utilization over the City-owned property consistent with the original PUD approval and associated Development Agreement. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the Villa Roma Final Subdivision Plan on August 27, 2008. There were several minor technical issues to be addressed from the Engineering Department and the City Attorney's Office that were identified in written staff comments and presented verbally. All of the issues were discussed and changes to the plans were agreed upon. When the discussion was finished, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan, subject to making the changes agreed upon at the DRC meeting before the City Commission meeting. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Villa Roma Final Subdivision Plan on September 9, 2008. City Staff presented a brief overview of the project. City Staff and the Applicant answered several questions regarding the subdivision walls, access to the lake, stormwater abatement and the last remaining staff review comments. All of these questions were addressed adequately in the P&Z meeting. There was no one from the public to speak regarding this Final Subdivision Plan. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Villa Roma Final Subdivision Plan as date stamped received by the City on July 28, 2008, subject to resolving the last remaining issues from the Engineering Department and City Attorney's Office prior to the City Commission Meeting. After subsequent submittal and review, the Final Subdivision Plan (date stamped September 17, 2007) addressed all remaining City Staff issues. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Villa Roma Final Subdivision Plan date stamped received by the City on September 17, 2008. Attachments: Location Map; Future Land Use Map; Zoning Map; Aerial Location Map; Final Subdivision Plan for Villa Roma date-stamped September 17, 2008. Financial Impact: None. Tvpe of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A LAKE MEADOW LAKE MEADOW 6) Villa Roma Location Map PRAIRIE LAKE 0- m :i: m (1) E~ 0-0 ~c: m m =...J .- > (1) .... ~ ..... ~ u.. 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