HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-86 WS .~ .'- . MIMUTKS OS CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP H8LD OCTOa8R 7. 1~ PRKS8NT: Mayor Iaon, Co..iasionera 30hnson, Dabbs, Ba~e.an, and Hag.r~ Ci~y Manager Ryan, City Plann.r Wagn.r, City Engin..r M.rkl., City Cl.rk Ca~ron, and D.p~~y Cl.rk Cr..n. AU8NT: Non.. CALL TO ORD8R: G:42 P.M.. Mayor Xaon cal1.d the ...ting to ord.r .~ DISCUSSIOII os PRSLIKIIIARY MAST8R PLAM STORY I'ROpaRTIU P.U.D. John Seitz, the repr...ntativ. o~ U.S. Ho... Corporation, r.stat.d his poai~ion on ~h. disp~~ed it..a on the DRC r.port .. disc~s..d in the Sept..b.r lb. 19aE,. ...ting. Thea. it... pri.arily conc.rn Clark Road i.prov...nt.. the type os b~*s.ring to be provid.d to the w..t os the d.v.lop..nt. and the propeaed width sor the lot.. Mr. S.itz consir..d hi. willingn__a to i.prov. Clark Road is the coat a could be cr.dit.d againat any tranaportation i.pact s... which .ight be i.po..d by the City, and again .ncouraged the ea..i..ion to .nact i.pact s.... Hi. propoaal. sor b~ss.ring incl~d. an extra 25 soot depth *or lot. along the northern a.ction and _ 500 soot wall adJac.nt ~o ar.ntwood. Th.r. i. alr.ady a nat~ral b~*ser Ear the ar.a betwean the wall and propoa.d co...rcial d.v.lop..nt. Moat o~ the eo..i..ion.ra had ae.n Valencia Card.na. a d.velop..nt by U.S. Ho... east os Orlando. Tho~gh th.y conc~rr.d in basic approv.l oS the proJect, Co..i..ion.ra Hag.r and aa~e.an a~gg..t.d so.. .inor conatr~ction i.prov...nt.. and all agr.ed that a lot width os SO seat wa. totally ~nacc.pt.bl. sor the City os Ocoae. Ast.r so.e diac~.sion. Mayor Ison e~gg.ated standard width lota (70 seat) and that they .atch width. sor the lota that ab~t Dr.ntwood. with a .ini.u. aixty soot lot width and aini.u. 7 1/2 soot sid.yarde sor all oth.r lot. in the proJACt. City Manag.r Ryan and eo..i.aioner 30hnaon augg.at.d that a proJ.ct os this siz. neaded two .ain entrancaa (peasibly on. co...rcial and on. r.sidantial) and a third .ntranca aro~nd the back os tha dav.lop..nt. In r..pon.. to Mr. Ryan1a inq~iry about a on.-h~ndr.d soot right-aS-way r.quir...nt along the pav.d l.ngth os the dev.lop..nt. City Plann.r Wagn.r .xplained that the d.v.loper on .ach aid. os the road wo~ld ba raq~ired to contribut. sisty seat os right-os-way. Th. ...ting adJourn.d at 7:1~ P.M.. 1 . p_,,_ :2 Ci~" eoaai_ion .....lcehop ~o...... 7. SoMA. Mayor I.on ___)\.1~. .L_11.ttd_______ ~puty Clark Crean . . 2