HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16-08 WS Charter Schools MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMlVUSSION July 16,2008, :It 6:00 p.m. CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP - CHARTER SCHOOLS .----.--- L!: CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m., 111 the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson (alTived at 6: l7p.m.), lv1ayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (absent). Also Present: City Manager Frank, Acting City Clerk Sibbitt, Oakland Town Manager Maureen Rischitelli and Lisa Waldron Fiscal Coordinator and Operations Manager. I n. J DISCUSSIO~ REGARDING CHARTER SCHOOLS USA Mayor Vandergrift stated that no action can be taken this evening. He then stated that previous minutes reflect the motion that was made for further action. 1\layor Vandergrift stated that the Chaim1an of the School Board Education Commission, who had the information regarding Charter Schools, has stepped down and an application needs to be filed by August 1,2008. Maureen Rischitelli, Town Manager of Oakland, spoke about how and why their Charter School was implemented. She explained that Chancellor Beacon proposed to Orange County that they would build a school for the grades of K thru 9 for an estimated $9 million dollars and house approximately 700 students. Maureen Rischitelli explained that Chancellor Beacon then morphed into Imagine Schools as the management company. She then reviewed the initial financing of the School. Commissioner Hood questioned the financing. Maureen Rischitelli explained that the proposed repayment plan, which was never established, and was to be an amortization for over a period of twenty years. She then explained that when the Town of Oakland stepped in, they reviewed the Operational Management i.e., lunches, buses, and facilities. Maureen Rischitelli stated that in the third year Imagine Schools focused on the curriculum. She explained that a management company has a different mission than what is needed for education. Maureen Rischitelli stated that half the staff was lost to Orange County which is a concern for the parents. Lisa 'Valdron, Fiscal Coordinator and Operations Manager for the school introduced herself. She then gave an overview of her responsibilities. Lisa 'Valdron explained how Amendment 1 and other tax cuts are affecting the School financially. (Commissioner Anderson arrived at 6: 17 pm). Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they have a sinking fund. Maureen Rischitelli explained that per bond requirements, funds were placed Y2 in the SBA account and Y2 in a Money Market account. She stated that the Town of Oakland had to use funds to pay the bond due to the issue with the SBA. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if they had their own buses. Ms. Rischitelli stated that "surplus" buses from the County ,"vere used. Ms. 'Waldron stated that Charlie Hood, with the Transportation Department of the Department of Education, is the person that needs to report on the buses 2nd Page 1 01'4 transportation costs. Financial discussion was made. 1\13yor Vandergrift inq~lired about the racial make-up of the school. :1\1s. RischiteUi stated they have 75% \vhite and 25(,/1 black/other, \v1th 28% of students on a free or reduced lunch programs. Commissioner Anderson inquired on an innovative idea of having school days Monday through Saturday's. I\ls. Rischitelli explained that the schools (Public and Charter) needed to \vork together to be effective and affective. She also stated that the routine with parents and other siblings is involved. Commissioner Anderson stated that up north had 20 extra days and those schools reported increased education. Commissioner Keller stated he sees problems with buses and teachers. He stated that there would be other major issues to contend with. Commissioner Keller stated he does not think that is the \\'ay to go. Ms. Rischitelli explained three ways 1) teachers/principles, parents and children all getting what they need, 2) look at the private sector for before and after school care, 3) other free things for the "buy in" (ie, FCA T Parade). Ms. \Valdron stated there are a lot of schools that have alternate scheduling for classes and attendance. She also stated that Orange County is working with High School students who work after school that are affected by the new time change of school. Commissioner Anderson inquired as to when the application for the school had to be submitted. Ms. Rischitelli stated by August 1 st. She explained that the City of Ocoee could ask for an extension due to the fact that the request is transitioning - not for a new school. Commissioner Anderson inquired if teachers could be hired directly or only through the union. Ms. Rischitelli stated she hires directly, not through a union. 1\1s. Rischitelli stated that Charter schools do make a difference in a child's life. Ms. \Valdron stated starting salary for their school is $32,600.00 and no one at the school hits the $40,000 per year mark in their school. Commissioner Anderson inquired as to how past and current Oakland Commissioners supported the school. Ms. Rischitelli stated unanimously. Mayor Vandergrift questioned the total amount of the Bond. Ms. Rischitelli stated that the original amount was $9 million and they have a balance of $7 million. Mayor Vandergrift stated that funds come from the State. Ms. Rischitelli stated that the funds came from FF&E. She explained that they receive a check monthly in the amount of S270,000.00 from the Orange County who receives it from the State. :Ms. Rischitelli stated that $59,000.00 is taken off the top for the bond. Ms. Rischitelli stated that a transitional school is also an option. Mayor Vandergrift questioned Ms. Rischitelli if she knew of any school that has gone through that process. Comments that were made suggested that DOE would need to be contacted for an accurate answer. Mayor Vandergrift questioned the price per student that they receive. Ms. Waldron stated every thing they need is on the FDOE website under Revenue Workshop. She also stated that much of the supplies needed could be received from Orange County Public Schools. Mayor Vandergrift asked Commissioner Keller if he would consider being the "point" person to contact the County regarding filing an application. Commissioner Keller volunteered to contact Evelyn Chandler. Ms. \Valdron stated that all the step by step inforn1ation regarding the application is on the DOE website - FLDOE.org Ms. Rischitelli stated that more than one person needed to be involved. Commissioner Anderson questioned a hypothetical scenario that if a new school is built by the County within the City's boundaries and there are no students, no teachers, or no parents could that school be taken and utilize as a Charter School. l\'1s. Rischitelli stated the Concurrency plan needed to be addressed. City Manager Frank stated that the Charter School \vould not count for concurrency Page 2 of4 purposes. Discussion followed. Laura Keller inquired about how many volunteer hours are required of the parents. Ms. Rischitelli stated 20 hours for one child and 30 hours for two or more. Commissioner Anderson stated that if the City is going to do this, then the City needs to move forward. Commissioner Keller stated his feeling as if they put Evans on the comer where they are proposing, he knows they will not have a problem filling a Charter high school. Ms. Waldron stated the problem with a high school charter school conversion is that it takes two years for the school to receive accreditation so that the credits are acknowledged by a University. Commissioner Anderson stated that this would be the time to begin the conversion of the high school especiaJJy with current talk of Evans High School. Commission Anderson explained that a vote of 5-0 is needed throughout the entire process. He also stated that the citizens will need to be fully and accurately informed of what process will be taken. Commissioner Keller questioned what kind of support the Charter School has within the Town. Ms. Rischitelli stated that the School has an Advisory Committee that consists of the Vice-Mayor, 3 Business Owners, and 3 Parents. Discussion followed regarding the application submission and funding for the Charter School. Commissioner Hood stated that this will be a tough sell to people within his district; the residents in the area do not have children and can care less. Ms. Waldron stated that Commissioner Hood could use the Green School concept to help sell the school idea to those residents. She then stated that he could also ask the residents "what they would like to see within the school" which would cause a type of involvement. Mayor Vandergrift inquired how many children from Tilden School walk pass the charter school. Ms. Waldron stated that no children walk past the school the children walk to Tubb Street and catch the buses there. Commissioner Hood questioned that if the children who lived within a 2 miles radius walked to Tubb Street or if they can ride the bus to school. Ms. Waldron stated that those children could not ride the bus. She stated her concern with the children using the West Orange Trail to get to and from school. Commissioner Hood stated he would also like to see the Jessica Lundsford Act enforced to include a 2-4 miles radius of any school. Mayor Vandergrift thanked everyone for coming. He stated that he has sent the links regarding Charter Schools in a e-mail for everyone to research. Mayor Vandergrift read a letter he received in 2001 from a Citrus Elementary student. He then stated that another special meeting will need to be called prior to the submission. Ms. Rischitelli stated they can call to find out if there are any conversion schools. She then stated that the advice she could give would to be self reliant. Commissioner Hood thanked the ladies for coming out and commented on how passionate they are about what they do. Commissioner Anderson inquired if they would be filling an application for all the schools. Commissioner Keller stated that it depends on what the requirements are. Commissioner Anderson questioned Mayor Vandergrift that if staff is needed, could he contact the City Manager for staff assistance so the deadline could be met. Ms. Richitelli stated that the "cut and paste" process will help very much. General discussion closed the workshop. Page 301'4 LEl~~_ AQJOU&~MENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. c,;~ ,,_-I"'. Beth Eikenberry, CMC, City Cl d S. Scott Vandergrift, Page ,1 of 4 l I --1