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The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Mayor Ison.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison_ Commissioners Johnson_ Dabbs_ Bateman
(arrived at 7:50 p.m.>_ and Hager_ City Manager Ryan and City
Clerk Catron.
Mayor Ison presented the interim attorneys from the law firm
of Foley_ Lardner_ van den Berg_ Gay_ Burke_ Wilson & Arkin
as follows: Paul Rosenthal, Duke Woodson and Laurie Mlsna.
Mr. Rosenthal gave a brief outline of their credentials and
Commissioner Dabbs
Commissioner Dabbs expressed his frustration at this meeting
being held in the Community Center instead of the City Hall
Conference Room. He stated that he did not intend to insult
or be acrimonious by anything that he said but he felt his
voice was not being heard and he would like to establish some
means of communication. He listed the following as
examples: 1 - He left one meeting with a bond counsel chosen
and came back with an entirely different firm: 2 - He left
one meeting with the City Manager to come back with a list
of capital proJects and the Commission voted for intersection
improvements before staff presented their report: 3 - He left
one meeting with a development agreement and came back with a
new scenario for Prima Vista: 4 - Prima Vista felt our
consultants were making decisions outside their purview: 5-
the confusion with Wescar and Clarcona: and 6 - the confusion
with paving the strip on Bluford. He questioned why there
was crisis management operation and if it was due to the
negotiations with Prima Vista Utilities_ staffing_ poor
Commission action, poor attorney recommendations or a
combination of all. He felt we were in a state of flux and
hoped with the new year that we would get a focus on things
and that he could attend a meeting without changes "whispered
in his ear". He felt they needed to address the Charter and
the Mayor form of government as the leadership role may have
been exceeded under the Charter. He further stated that he
was willing to take whatever responsibility rested with him_
work with the Commission and hoped he was not out of step.
He felt that the following were obJectives and goals for the
City: 1 - Revise the Charter_ 2 - Need full time
attorney/law firm_ 3 - Need to decide development scheme and
what they want as the core of the City, 4 - Need to review
the engineering situation and 5 - Validate intersection
improvements, paving streets and transportation plans.
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City Commission Workshop
January 4_ 1988
Commi..ioner John.on
Commissioner Johnson also stated that he thought the workshop
was to be held in the City Hall Conference Room and was
concerned with it being moved. He felt that the biggest
problem facing the City was that of Growth_ Commercial and
Residential, and he felt that we should hire a public works
director/engineer, or possibly_ both due to the acquisition
of the wastewater system. He suggested that all departments
needed to be looked at - sewer_ water, street, sanitation -
as they were all affected by the growth. He felt that more
staff might be required as little things were being let go
and he wanted to see the salary survey completed. He asked
that the City Manager let them know if more staff was needed.
City Manager Ryan stated that all the things that both he and
the Commission had faced and looked at, they had not had the
tools to work with to have quality control and had imported
talent in in some instances. He felt they needed
specifically two people - a public works director that was a
professionally trained civil engineer, and a utilities
director that was a utilities engineer. He could also use a
staff assistant for quality control. He stated that he had
told them that the Prima Vista Utility acquisition would test
our patience and suggested that they might need to change the
mix on the established capital improvement proJects.
Commis.ioner Hager
Commissioner Hager felt that the most pressing of our goals
was that of the sewer system due to our annexations and
proposed development and that we needed to be ready when it
happened. The other goals were as follows: 1 - Continual
upgrading of the development and the homes, 2 - Street and
road improvements and 3 - The tremendous effect the proposed
East/West Beltway would have upon the City.
Commi..ioner Bateman
Commissioner Bateman stated that he did not know if he could
add anything and that he shared Commissioner Hager's goals.
He felt that the population of Ocoee would be 50,000 by the
time the beltway became a reality and that our goals should
be high. His goals and obJectives were: 1 - Charter
Revision Committee to establish 4 year terms for Mayor and
Commissioners and give the Mayor the power to vote and make
motions_ 2 - He was hesitant about an in-house city attorney
but did have a problem with an attorney/firm that had to
excuse themselves due to a conflict and wanted a permanent
attorney on board as soon as possible, 3 - Wanted the city to
hire someone in the technical field who was experienced in
utilities and did not feel we needed to farm it out and 4-
Felt we needed to get on with the salary survey.
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City Commission Workshop
January 4_ 1988
Mayor Ison
Mayor Ison stated that he had made some notes on where we had
been and where we were going. In the last 4 to 5 years, he
noted, that no government had gone through the changes that
we had undergone. We had: 4 City Managers, 3 Police Chiefs,
5 Building Officials, 3 City Attorneys, 2 Water
superintendents, 2 City Engineers, 2 Finance Directors, 2
City Clerks, 3 Mayors_ 7 City Commissioners, 8 Sentinel Star
Reporters and 3 ~!~~~~ ~~~9~~ I!~~~ Reporters. We--had-added
the City Planner, City Clerk and Purchasing Clerk. He noted
the following achievements: Acquired Forest Oaks Water Plant
and tied into the water supply on the hill, 1983 Drainage
on the flooding of the lakes and the Trailer park flooding
solved, Constructed 4 miles of sidewalks_ Built Tiger Minor
Park, Installed Lights on the little league and football
fields, Automated City Hall, Cleaned drainage ditch system,
Instituted a City Beautification program, Promoted Commercial
development, Lowered the Ad Valorem Taxes, Made the
Maguire/Withers home the focal point, Nearly doubled our land
size, Purchased Prima Vista Utilities, Now have all of the
boards involved in the community_ Highway 50 paved and
signalized and Silver Star Road paved through DOT,
Improved relations between the City of Ocoee and Winter
Garden_ Initiated 3 year fire contract with the Town of
Windermere and Involved Civic clubs and church groups. His
Goals were as follows: 1 - Improved service to existing
customers at lowest cost possible, 2 - Review needs for City
and public works director, 3 - Need to continue to develop
commercial business, 4 - Have two people on League of Cities
Committees and need to continue to be represented, 5 -Need to
protect our revenue sources - impact fees and look at
franchise agreements, 6 - Examine our existing services and
see if we are getting our cost, 7 - Promote good
intergovernmental relations and 8 - Improve our
communications to our citizens. He suggested that on
improving our communications we could establish a speakers
bureau and put together a program using staff and the city
commission. He would like to see the Jobs completed on
proJects already started_ such as Bowness Rd./Franklin/McKey
proJect. Mayor Ison suggested utilizing our growth to
accomplish our obJectives and after every meeting leave the
city better than they found it.
General Diacuasion
City Manager Ryan stated that the following needs were
keynoted: Need to assess the wastewater system needs
capacity and reservation - and asked for authorization for
the new interim city attorney to go forward with the
transportation impact fee and to direct all the legal work
from the previous attorney to the new interim attorney.
Also, authorize staff to press on with the Bond issue on the
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City Commi.sion Workshop
January 4_ 1988
water improvements. They need to prioritize the paving
program, need to move on with the Joint Comprehensive Plan,
need to authorize staffing in the form of utilites director
and administrative Assistant for the City Manager. He stated
that he planned to have the salary survey done by 1/19 or
2/2. Commissioner Johnson suggested that a Code Enforcement
Officer was needed also in addition to the other staff
positions mentioned. Commissioner Dabbs questioned whether
the City Planner position was being utilized effectively.
City Manager Ryan asked the Commission to advise if they
wanted him to move forward with the suggested staff
positions. After further discussion from the Mayor and
Commissioners, most were in favor of getting a public works
director with civil engineering experience on board as soon
as possible and to look at getting the right people to help
take care of the growth. City Manager Ryan was asked to
agenda on 1-19-88 the other staffing needs.
City Manager Ryan explained that the Forest Oaks Water Plant
might have less than 400 taps and this would need to be
addressed. As he suggeted before, a capacity reserve sale
needed to be held for the wastewater system. Mayor Ison
suggested he get with Stanley Cohen and advertise for the
sale. He asked that a tentative fee of $2500.00 for
reservations be set until such time a fee can be determined.
Along those lines, there was a problem with the Holiday Inn
and the way they hooked up to the system. They had been told
to unhook from the system prior to our purchase of the
system. They had agreed to pay in installments for 5 years
but that was unacceptable. The City Manager will get with
the Interim City Attorney and bring it back to the
All of the Commission agreed that they needed to look at our
planning area and specifically set down what their future
plans were to be: therefore, they scheduled a planning
meeting for February 1, 1988 at 8:00 p.m., to be held in the
City Hall Conference Room. This would be a workshop and the
City Planner and Assistant Planner were requested to attend.
Mayor Ison then asked for comments from any citizens present.
J. Riffle_ representative from the Clarcona area, asked for
the Commission's consideration on any development towards
Clarcona and advised them that he had been working with
Orange County for the acquisition of a water plant and some
of the property they were considering was located in Ocoee.
Mayor Ison asked what his thoughts for additional schools in
the area were and what their proJects were. Mr. Riffle
stated that they wanted to keep the rural atmosphere, wanted
road improvements and sidewalks and wanted community
involvement. Their meetings were held the second Monday of
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City Commi..ion Work.hop
January 4_ 1988
every month at 7:30 p.m..
Dave Outlaw, representative of Wescar, stated that he spoke
from the other perspective and that the City was on the
threshold since the freeze opened up a lot of property. Add
to that the addition of the beltway, and the City of Ocoee
was on the verge of becoming a large municipality. He also
stated that contrary to what people might think, they were in
favor of a transportation impact fee and also would like to
know the land use plan for the City.
Cable TV
Mayor Ison reported that he had received a letter from
Cablevision Industries which was quite cryptic; therefore, he
was going to bring this matter up to the Public Service
Commission. They had also requested that they be dropped
from the agenda for the meeting on 1-5-88, but he said he
would not do so. The Commissioners questioned the status of
the proposed ordinance which dealt with a franchise for
Cablevision of Central Florida. City Manager Ryan explained
that Drew Thomas would not be at the meeting because the
ordinance was not up to State Statute and they needed to find
out how to proceed. It was decided that they would get the
attorney to draft an ordinance for the Commission to review
for recommendations. It would be a sample ordinance that
could be used ~or any cable company that wanted a franchise
with the City. It was decided that a workshop would be held
when the sample ordinance was drafted.
The Florida League of Cities will hold a legislative
conference on February 4, and 5, 1988.
The meeting adJourned at 9:50 p.m..