HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-03-84 I -I I -I ..; I ~INUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING, JANUARY 3. 1984 PRESENT: Commissioners Hager, Cook, Rodgers; Mayor Ison, City Manager Burgess, City Attorney Rhodes. ABSENT: Commissioner Lyle CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Commissioner Cook led all present in prayer. Afterwards, Mayor Ison led them in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. MINUTES OF DECMBER 20, 1983 COMMISSION MEETING Commissioner Rodger motioned to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous. Commissioner Rodgers corrected the minutes, under the topic of Forest Oaks - Update, page one; insert "Jeff Fuqua" behind the names of Meridith Corporation and Mr. Bill Goodman, in the second line of this topic. Also, later in the same topic area, delete Mr. Goodman's name and insert Mr. Fuqua in the sentence, "When all this is approved, Meridith and Seedm8ft !uqua will be authorized to proceed." Commissioner Hager moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Commisioner Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous, in favor. OLD BUSINESS LAKE OLYMPIC TOWNHOUSES - CITY ENGINEER Mr. Walter Kuhrt, on behalf of the Ferdinands and Borg-Warner Corporation, presented blue prints of the Lake Olympic Townhouses. Mr. Kuhrt requested permission to: 1) loop the water main back to Sleepy Harbor, 2) rough grade the streets, and 3) begin construction of tennis courts, swimming pool , and the club house. Commissioner Rodgers stated he was only concerned with the further expansion and sewer connections; Commissioner Hager echoed Commissioner Rodgers' sentiments. After discussion, interspersed with selected readings from reports on the Prima Vista Sewer plant, the Commission members expressed concern as to whether Prima Vista Utilities could in fact handle twelve more connections' average daily flow. Mr. Kuhrt stated that these were models, not to be occupied until after the water loop is installed and after the Certificates of Occupancy were issued. Commissioner Rodgers stated that it should be understood that any damage to any homeowner's property, such as their lawn being torn up, that the lawn will be resodded, not just seeded; damages done will be repaired to their original state of repair. He went on to say that any damage to the roadway would also have to be repaired by the contractors to as good or better condition than it was when the work was initiated. Commissioner Cook moved to approve the preliminary plans, as requested by Mr. Kuhrt, contingent upon receipt of a letter from the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) stating the Prima Vista Utility Sewer Plant was capable of handling additional connections. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion. Commissioner Rodgers voted, "Nay"; motion carried two in favor, one opposed. I . I I I City Commission Meeting Page 2 Jan. 3,1984 ORDINANCE 1/777 An Ordinance amending Chapter II, Section 2.3 of Ordinance #710 and Appendix 'A' of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida. Commissioner Hager moved ID anrDvethis proposed Ordinance reducing the number of members and the quorum of the Planning and Zoning Board to seven (7) and four (4) respectively. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. (The second reading of this Ordinance will be on January 17. 1984). NEW BUSINESS DEDICATION OF WATER FACILITIES - SLEEPY HARBOR CONDOMINIUMS Sleepy Harbor Condominiums, Inc. requests that the City of Ocoee accept the dedication of fire hydrants, water lines and a twelve (12) foot easement. Jim Wester, 404 East Orlando Avenue, stated the fire hydrant on the Northwest gate has a steamer port that is backwards; it would be difficult for the Fire Department to connect to it in the event of a fire. Mr. T.J. Murphy, Vice President of the Association claims the water lines and hydrants were never dedicated to the Cit~, by the builder. Mr. Burgess, City Manager, stated he has never found any evidence that these lines or hydrants had been dedicated. Commissioner Rodgers moved to turn the hydrant around. Commissioner Rodgers suggested to correct the immediate problem of the hydrant, and deal with the dedication of the facilities in total after the City's staff has had time to research same. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion. Commissioner Hager voted "Nay", the motion carried, two to one. Commissioner Hager pointed out that he did not want to take any action until he knows who owns the hydrants. Chief Ron Stronsnider, Ocoee Fire Department, stated the top of the hydrant in question is broken; this allows water to get into the working parts of the hydrants, and also causes the hydrant assembly to be incapable of holding oil, needed to insure continued smooth operation. Chief Strosnider informed the Commissioners that if the hydrant is turned it might break. Mr. John Cockrell. Water Superintendent, Ocoee Water Department, stated a new hydrant costs approximately $475.00. City Attorney Rhodes stated if the hydrant breaks in the process of turning it around, the City would most probably be considered legally responsible for repairing or replacing the hydrant. COMMUNITY CENTER HOURLY RATES Mrs. P. Moss, Sr., 1702 Mona Avenue, Ocoee, Florida requested that this item be placed upon the agenda. She was not, however, present at the meeting. Mr. Burgess, City Manager, informed the Commission that Mrs. Moss had telephoned City Hall and inquired about the hourly rental rates. Mrs. Moss' complaint is that the rates are too high for the citizens to afford to rent the Community Center. She went on to say that the Commun- ity Center is supposed to be a community building for the citizens to use and to enjoy. Commissioner Rodgers stated the building is there for the citizens,and in his opinion, the $50 that is currently required does not cover the expense of maintenance, electricity, etc. anyway. Mr. Griffin, Assistant City Manager, stated, in his opinion, there needed to be a maintenance/damage/cleaning deposit of some form, totally separate from the rental fees. His reasoning was that there has been some damages incurred in the past couple of rentals, and, because of the current wording of the rental agreement, the City can not recover any Jan 3, 84 I I I I I City Commission Meeting Page 3 Jan. 3.. 1984 money for these damages and is having to stand the loss. Mr. Bruce Beatty, citizen, stated he thought there ought to be something written preventing people from renting the Center on consecutive nights. Commissioner Rodgers moved that the Community Center be free of charge to all Citizens of Ocoee, to collect $100.00 deposit for damage or maintenance, and if, upon inspection the building was in good shape after use, to refund the deposit. Commissioner Rodgers continued his motion stating that no one be allowed to utilize the Center more than once a week, including the mature citizens. This motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Cook moved to collect a $100.00 deposit, and charge $50.00 a night for the use of the entire building. This motion also died for lack of a second. Mayor Ison requested this subject be placed on the agenda for the next Commission Meeting, of January 17, 1984, and that Mr. Burgess have some proposals in writing for the Commission's consid- eration. PROCLAMATION - BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA The Citrus District of the Central Florida Council of the Boy Scouts of America sent a letter addressed to the Mayor and City Commissioners requesting that February 5 thr~ugh 11, 1984, National Boy Scout Week, be proclaimed Boy Scout Week in Ocoee, honoring all of the Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Explorers involved in the Scouting program in Ocoee, over 200 young people. Commissioner Cook moved to make the requested Proclamation, Commissioner Rodgers seconded the motion and added that representatives from all Ocoee Scout units be present at the February 7, 1984 Commission Meeting. The vote was unanimous in favor. Mayor Ison requested that the Proclamation be prepared and appear on the February 7th Agenda, under New Business. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES ON DUTY DURING CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS - Duri.ng the Christmas Holidays, December 25 and 26, 1983, particularly, several employees performed in an exemplary fashion, Mr. Burgess stated. The employees concerned would be receiving Letters of Commend- ation from the City Manager, and a copy of same would be placed in each of their Official Personnel Files; Judy Parmer, Denise Burkhalter, James Coschignano, Wayne Vaughn, Terry Titus, William Ledford, Larry Bras, John Cockrell and Patrick Ki1lacky. Mr. Burgess also said he would be writing Mr. Joe Kowalchuk, Chief Dispatcher, a Letter of Appreciation for the work he had done in planning and teaching several Radio Procedures classes that were recently held. REPORT ON GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION FEES - PROPOSED ORDINANCE City Manager Burgess explained the present fees for sanitation services are inconsistent. He presented a proposed Ordinance to bring these fees into a standardized form. Commissioner Rodgers stated that the rates for single family residences should be interpreted to include duplexes, and that all other types of residences/businesses should have dumpsters and be charged a dumpster/commercial rate. The City Manager informed the Board of Commissioners that the City does not own any dumpsters; they are purchased by the customer from a commercial sanitation concern. 1t was suggest~d that the proposed Ordinance be rewritten by the City Manager to simplify the fee schedule, and that this subject be reslated for the next Commission Meeting. Jan 3, 84 / I I I I I City Commission Meeting Page 4 Jan. 3. 1984 ORLANDO-ORANGE COUNTY FIRE TRAINING ACADEMY Chief Ron Strosnider explained that with this program, the City could have more of its Fire Personnel trained for less money. Commissioner Rodgers moved to accept the agreement, thus empowering the Mayor to sign same, when properly prepared, on behalf of all the Commissioners. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous in favor. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS - STATUS City Manager Burgess informed the Commission thatFeder~ Revenue Sharing Funds are, by in large, in a Money Market Account, with a small portion of this money also being in tradition&savims accounts; none of the money is in Certificates of Deposit, as thought by some of the Commission- ers. He also pointed out, that by Federal Law, the City is required to: 1) have the money spent within twenty-four (24) months after receipt of same, and, 2) spend the money only on those projects for which Federal Revenue Sharing Funds have been incumbered after the required series of Public Hearings have been held to decide how to spend this money. If the money can not be spent with the two year period on those areas for which it has been encumbered, then the Public Hearings must be held again to change the allocation of this money. NOMINATION OF TRUSTEES - FLORIDA MUNICIPAL SELF-INSURERS FUND Mr. Burgess asked the Commissioners if any of them would be interested in serving as a Trustee, representing the City of Ocoee, to the Florida Municipal Self-insurers Fund, or, if they wished to nominate a citizen to fill this position. The Commissioners expressed a negative interest to both options. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION HEARING Mr. Burgess announced that the Public Service Commission will hold a Public Hearing on January 9, 1984, in Tallahassee to review whether the Prima Vista Utility Company, servicing the citizens of Ocoee, should be granted a PSC Staff recommended rate increase in excess of 306%. Mr. Bruce Beatty, citizen, requested that the Commission pass a Resolu- tion that could be sent to the Hearing requesting that this increase be denied. Commissioner Rodgers verbalized a Resolution, which became known as City of Ocoee Resolution #84-1, for passage by the Commission. Commissioner Cook seconded the Resolution, and it carried unanimously. CALL FOR BILLS FOR THE STATE LEGISLATURE Mr. Burgess announced that the Legislative Delegation from Orange County to the State of Florida's Legislature was requesting input on topics for proposed legislation for the upcoming session. CITY WATER TESTED FOR EDB - Mr. Burgess announced that the City water wells had been tested for EDB on October 17, 1983; no trace of the chemical EDB was found. COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR - PUBLIC CITIZENS Mr. Bruce Beatty, citizen, stated that he felt the Mayor should have the right to vote, and make motions and perform all the other functions that a Commissioner performs in the Commission meetings. City Attorney Rhodes pointed out that since the Charter of the City of Ocoee is State Legislation, that such a change could only occur through a Referendum on the Election Ballot. Jan 3, 84 I I I I I City Commission Meeting Page 5 Jan. 3. 1984 BOAT RACES Mr. Dean Richards, Volunteer Captain, Ocoee Fire Department requested authorization for the Ocoee Fire Department to host Boat Races on March 21 & 24, 1984, in order to raise money for the Fire Department. Commissioner Cook moved to approve authorization for the Fire Depart- ment to hold the Races, providing the participants furnish proof of insurance holding the City harmless should some accident occur in conjunction with the races; as recommened by the City Attorney. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Cook moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 pm. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion, passed unanimously. ~ecLJ Mayor ATTEST: , ~J(l~ ~OJ-L.lCurL..o Deputy City Cle I Jan 3. 84