HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-03-84 . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING HELD APRIL 3, 1984. Present: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager; Lyle; Cook; and Rodgers; City Manager Burgess, City Attorney Rhodes. I Absent: None CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regular scheduled meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.. Mayor Ison led those present in prayer and then to the Pledge of Allegiance. MINUTES OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF 3-12-84. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes of 3-12-84 as written, Comm. Lyle seconded and the vote was unanimous. MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION MEETING OF 3-20-84. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes of 3-20-84, Comm. Hager seconded and the motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION SPECIAL SESSION ON 3-27-84. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes of 3-27-84, Comm. Cook seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. . MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION/PLANNING & ZONING JOINT WORKSHOP OF 3-29-84. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes of 3-29-84, Comm. Lyle seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS SEWER FRANCHISE AGREEMENT - PRIMA VISTA I Mayor Ison informed those present of a meeting scheduled for April 12, 1984 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Community Center to talk about the sewer situation and franchise agreement with the citizens of Ocoee. The Commission- ers discussed the idea of setting up a workshop to discuss the agreement. Comm. Hager moved to table the issue until the next regular Commission Meeting on April 17, 1984. Comm. Lyle seconded, and the motion carried with Comm. Cook, Hager and Lyle voting yea, and Comm. Rodgers abstaining. Comm. Rodgers cautioned the Board about giving out copies of the proposed sewer agreement to the public. Comm. Lyle stated to write proposed at the top and give them out. Bruce Beatty announced he was holding a meeting at the Community Center for the customers of Prima Vista Utilities on the 11th of April at 7:30 p.m.. He stated he would like to discuss the pros & cons of the charges. e PROPOSED ORDINANCE - DAMAGE - REWARD PROGRAM City Manager Burgess explained to the Board that with this Ordinance, anyone could report something they saw, such as vandalism to City property, without being exposed. Comm. Rodgers stated he thought the Ordinance was good, and so Page 2 e moved to read by title only for the first reading, Comm. Cook seconded and the motion carried unanimously. City Manager Burgess read the Ordinance by title only. He then stated that the second reading will be May 1, 1984, which is the first regular scheduled Commission Meeting in May. EMPLOYEE MERIT SYSTEM PROPOSAL I After some discussion, Mayor Ison stated he likes the Merit Plan, its a start of stepping stones for the City employees. Comm. Rodgers and Comm. Cook agreed. Comm. Lyle moved to implement the Merit Plan as a resolution, Comm. Rodgers seconded and the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS PRU-CARE (HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION) KATTIE HUNTLEY Miss Huntley explained that Pru-Care is offered as an alternative Health Care option. The cost is the same as the other insurance offered to the employee, and if there is a difference the employees will make it up through payroll deductions. The primary thrust of Pru-Care is preventive medicine. Pru-Care has a perscription drug pharmacy within the center, and the charge is three dollars ($3.00) for each perscription, which you receive a one month supply. The charges are as follows: Office Visit Hospitalization Emergency Room $15.00 20% of Room & Board, capped at $600.00/year. $50.00 per visit e Pru-Care 1) 2) 3) has three hospitals under contract: Orlando Regional Florida Hospital Winter Park Memorial The cost of coverage for the single employee will be $3.00 less than the cost from Florida Municipal. The cost of coverage for dependents will be $20.00 dollars more than the cost of Florida Municipal. The Commissioners agreed if Pru-Care does not interfere with present rates, they would like to give the employees the option. REPORTS AND INFORMATION VIGNETTI PARK - MR. BEECH I Mr. Beech, Recreational Director, stated he needed authorization from the Commissioners to go ahead with the following things in order to open the park as soon as possible. 1) A sprinkler system for the ball fields - Cost: $4,400.00 - $5,000.00 2) Sod for ball fields Cost: $8 000.00 3) Clearing & Grading South Park Cost: $8,000.00 4) Fence in South Park for security purposes - Cost: $3,500.00 5) Well: 4" Well $6,000.00; 6" Well $8,800.00 - Possible future project. e Comm. Lyle suggested the possibility of the water dept. working overtime at the Park. Mr. Cockrell, Water Dept. Supervisor, stated he would like to give his men the opportunity to work over time, but he added if the City would pay overtime for this job, the City should pay overtime when the Water Dept. gets called in for water breaks, etc. Page 3 Comm. Rodgers moved to spend the budgeted monies, go with the lowest bids, and get the park opened as soon as possible. Comm. Hager seconded and the motion carried unanimously. e CAUTION LIGHTS - WURST ROAD - ORLANDO AVENUE I Mr. Burgess informed the Board that the caution lights were going to be in soon, and that they cost the City approximately $600.00 each. City Manager Burgess also informed the Board that the chipper is in good running condition, and we are running it daily until we can get caught up with the citizen~ brush cuttings. MAGUIRE HOUSE. City Manager Burgess asked for direction from the Board on the citizen's suggestions and questions about the house. The Mayor stated he would develop plans for the house and then get with each Commissioner separately for their input. He stated he would have this done within the next thirty (30) days. Comm. Rodgers stated the house requires repair, modification, and the City ought to organize a citizens committee, with one member of the counsel, to organize the repairing and such. Then the Committee can come before the Board with their plans and a time table. The Mayor announced a Town Meeting for Thursday, April 12, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Center to discuss possible uses for the House. The Mayor will develop a list of citizens to serve on a committee, from this meeting, and bring the list back to the Commission. CONSESSION STAND - VIGNETTI PARK e Comm. Lyle thought the Little League, Football League, and BMX Group ought to take turns running the stand. Comm. Rodgers stated the money should revolve back into the parks. Comm. Hager stated the supplies need to be kept up for every nite and someone needs to be there to open the consession stand up. Mr. Burgess stated he would talk to Mr. Beech, Recreational Dir- ector, about it and get an idea of his thoughts. OCOEE'S POTABLE WATER SUPPLY - CITY MANAGER Mr. Burgess, City Manager stated the Ocoee water system is inadequate. We need to work on getting the following things,done, as soon as pessible. 1) Getting flow meters on the wells, to know how much water we are pumping . 2) A meter for the Sprinkler System in Vignetti Park. 3) To have the developers pay for the water line extensions they need . 4) To replace some small galvanized lines in some areas. 5) Sufficient water flow to insure adequate fire protection. I Mr. Burgess, City Manager asked for a Workshop to be set up to work on a better water system. Comm. Rodgers suggested Planning & Zoning Board be involved; no date was set. CITY ATTORNEY e City Attorney Rhodes informed the Board that $4,700.00 was not enough to take care of the error of the Davidson Permit. Mr. Rhodes stated that $6,000.00 would take care of the problem. The Board of Commissioners agreed to cap the figure at $6,000.00 and get it over with. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Page 4 . Mr. Bruce Beatty, 311 E. Hormigas, stated the Public Service Commission Docket # 830008-S, Order # 13.13.1 of PSC, State of Florida approved the rate increase to $24.20 per month for Prima Vista Utilities. Mr. Burgess, City Manager, stated he had a copy of the report, and had distributed a copy to each of the Commissioners. COMMENTS FROM THE CITY COMMISSIONERS I Gomm. Hager stated he was approached by an individual who asked him to ask the Commissioners if they would be interested in paying fifty percent on the cost of new lights for the Little League Field. Comm. Rodgers asked about the Boom Mower. Mr. Burgess stated that Buddy Elmore, Street Dept., was working with it in the Industrial Park area. Comm. Rodgers then stated there were some subdivision streets needing major repair done on them soon, or the cost to repair them would be much greater than if they were fixed soon. Some of the streets Comm. Rodgers was speaking of are in Prima Vista, and Sleepy Harbor. He continued that these should be preliminary budget areas for the upcoming fiscal year. The Commission Meeting adjourned a;;L" ~~ Mayor e ATTEST: ,,)(lrAflv~L ~ Deputy City Cl I .