HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-17-84 I I I MINUTES OF 'THE OCOEE CITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING. JANUARY 17. 1984 PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Cook, Hager. Lyle, Rodgers, City Manager Burgess, City Attorney Rhodes, Deputy Clerk Grafton ABSENT: None CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regular meeting to order at 7:31 P.M. in the Commission Chambers. and after Rev. Clyde Spears prayed the invocation. led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. JANUARY 3, 1984 MINUTES APPROVED Comm. Rodgers moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes and Comm. Cook seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous in favor. Upon a motion by Comm. Hager and second by Comm. Cook minutes of the meeting held January 3, 1984 were unani- mously approved as written. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR JANUARY 10, 1984 READ FOR INFORMATION ONLY OLD BUSINESS ORDINANCE 778-Z0NING CHANGE FROM Rl to C3 AT 300 FRANKLIN: 2nd & FINAL READING Comm. Rodgers moved to read by title only for the second and final reading of the ordinance changing the zoning from RI to C3 for 300 Franklin Street. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager Burgess read the title of the ordinance. There were no comments from the audience. Comm. Cook moved to adopt the ordinance and Comm. Rodgers seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous in favor. ORDINANCE 777-AMENDING P&Z ORD.CHAPTER I I, SECTION 2.3(NUMBER OF MEMBERS REQUIRED) Comm. Rodgers moved to read by title only for the second and final reading of the ordinance reducing the number of members and the quorum requirements of the Planning and Zoning Board. Comm.Hager seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. City Manager Burgess read the title of the ordinance. Upon a motion by Comm. Cook and second by Comm. Hager. Commission unanimously adopted said ordinance. SANITATION RATE CHANGES GO TO WORKSHOP After discussing proposed rate changes for sanit~tion service, it was agreed that a workshop would be beneficial and so January 19, 1984 was set as date for further study. USE OF COMMUNITY CENTER RATES CHANGE After reading a proposed rate change for the use of the Community Center, Comm. Cook moved to approve the rate change as presented with a change in the statement regarding the security of the building,to reflect that an employee of the City will be in charge of security and also providing that the new rate apply to City residents only, retaining the old hourly rates for non-residents. Comm. Lyle seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. Comm. Hager protested the clean up as written in the policy and Mayor Ison requested that custodian report any extraordinary cleanup. 17 JANUARY 84 COMMISSION MEETING PAGE 2 I FOREST OAKS PHASE II-JEFF FUQUA Mr. Jeff Fuqua, presenting Phase I I of Forest Oaks, advised Commission that he has received temporary permit from St Johns Water Management to drill 16" and 10" well to test availability and quality of water supply and that he hopes to return before Commission February 7 for final approval of plans. He requested approval to begin clearing land and site grading. Comm. Lyle asked how the project will be paid for and Mr. Fuqua responded that prepaid water connections to the extent of their certifiable cost would be used and that distribution lines were specifically excluded. Mayor Ison asked about recreation area. Mr. Fuqua said either 5% land or 5% cash would be acceptable to them. Further discussion was deferred til workshop scheduled January 19 and 24. NEW BUSINESS AUDITORS REPORT Al Sampe~ Wynn, Dexter & Sampey, reported that City has had good year and made following recommendations to improve work flow in office: 1) Finance Director should also OK invoices as well as department supervisor. 2) Should implement check request form. 3) Should stress cancellation of invoices. 4) Personnel files should have pay rate changes posted individually. REPORTS/INFORMATION WATER LI NE LOOP I NG-WEST ORANGE BANK Mr. Kennedy, President Bank of West Orange, was not present but he had sent survey and contends that he had agreed to loop water line only on his own bank area. Mayor Ison requested City Manager send Mr. Kennedy a bill for looping so that construction can proceed. Invoice for $67,956 to loop 10" water main (4854 feet) to be sent to Mr. Kennedy with a 30 day response. HAILE PROPERTY ANNEXATION/ZONING Mr. Egan, attorney representing new owners of Haille property requested a letter for reconsideration of denial of petition to waive zoning be sent to Orange County Commission. Comm. Lyle moved to send said letter and Comm. Cook seconded. Vote was 3-1 in favor with Comm. Rodgers voting nay. Comm. Rodgers explained that he doubts that services can be supplied to tha( area, especially sewer. LAKES MOXIE & PEACH DRAINAGE TO WORKSHOP I Mr. Don Graham, Gee & Jenson, Engineers, requested a workshop meeting with Commission and this matter was added to workshop agenda for January 19, 1984. PRIMA VISTA EVALUATION Mr. Al Besade requested permission to evaluate Prima Vista Util ities at his own expense. Though Commission doubted their right to give permission to evaluate something they do not own they agreed that they have no objections and advised Mr. Besade to clear evaluation with Mr. Goodman's office. I I 17 JANUARY 84 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES PAGE 3 NEW FINANCE DIRECTOR INTRODUCED City Manager Burgess introduced Mr. Ivan Poston as City's new Finance Director to begin duties January 23, 1984. Mr. Wood is to be retained on staff for several weeks to insure a smooth transi tion. EMPLOYEE MEETING JANUARY 11 City Manager Burgess reported that January 11 the Mayor and he, along with Mr, Wood, Finance Director, had met with the employees to give and receive suggestions for a better working relationship situation. A priority 1 ist wi II be forthcoming. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING * City Manager Burgess advised that Federal Revenue Sharing new requirement is that in a city of 2,500 population and over someone must be appointed to handle handicap persons' grievances, that the appointment must be advertised and that he would probably be the one most logically appointed. Commission concurred and instructed him to proceed as required. CITY ATTORNEY - NO COMMENTS SLEEPY HARBOR FIRE HYDRANT * Mr. Tom Murphy, Vice-President of Sleepy Harbor Homeowner Association, requested the City take over the fire main located at the Sleepy Harbor Condominium. City Manager Burgess pointed out that there is nothing that says the system has been dedicated to the City nOf that it meets City requirements. Comm. Lyle asked if the Association will share or bear cost of restoring. Mr. Murphy will take matter up with Association at meeting scheduled February 7. Comm. Lyle suggested taking over the system ~ow and sending bill for repairs. Comm. Rodgers moved to do as Comm. Lyle suggests and that primary 1 ine and fire hydrants and easement be deeded to City. Comm. Lyle seconded and vote was 3-1 in favor with Comm. Hager voting nay. Mr. Murphy will have Association's attorney draw up deed. FOUR STAR PUB REQUESTS SUPERBOWL OPEN HOURS Mr. Jim Disilian, Four Star Pub owner, requested permission to remain open and sell beer during Superbowl hours on Sunday. Request denied when Commission was pol led individually and all votes were nay. PRIMA VISTA SEWER FEASIBILITY AND EVALUATIO~ City Manager Burgess advised he has received the following bids on evaluating Prima Vista Sewer Service: 1. HTN - $10-15,000 2. R.WoBECK, Assoc- $ 63 per hour (more than $5,000) 3. PEC 4,200 Mr. Burgess recommended PEC be awarded the contra~t and was authorized to call as he recommended. *=indicates this paragraph was amended, see last page of Minutes. 17 JANUARY 84 COMMISSION MEETING PAGE 4 GRADY SMITH HONORED I Comm. Rodgers moved to install a permanent marker at Kissimmee Avenue Water Plant honoring Grady Smith and have unveiling in four or five weeks. Comm. Cook seconded. No vote was taken. City Manager Burgess suggested that the new water plant which will be under construction be dedicated to Grady Smith and on the day it opens be declared O. Grady Smith Day. Comm. Rodgers withdrew his motion and then moved as Mr. Burgess suggested. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. STARKE LAKE OVERFLOWING INTO LAKE OLYMPIC * City Manager Burgess advised that he has had reports from residents around Starke Lake that it is overflowing into Lake Olympic and that it is a County responsibil ity and that they are dealing with it. FIRE SUB-STATION DISCUSSED City Manager Burgess advised that the fire station sub-station on north side should be started as Federal Revenue Sharing funds have been dedicated and time is running out. The NE corner of Vignetti Park could be turned into sub-station which would also provide security for park, or RCA could deed over 2 or 3 acres in PUD section. Chief Strosnider advised that $120,000 for employee and maintenance (including benefits) would cover the yearly costs. Re-allocating Federal Revenue Sharing funds and using general fund monies was discussed. No action was taken at this time. VANDAL ISM * Mayor Ison suggested a reward system offering up to $1,000 for information leading to apprehension of vandals to city property. Comm. Rodgers moved to create a reward system offering up to $1,000 for information leading to the apprehension and arrest of any person or persons known to vandalize city property. Comm. Cook seconded and vote was Lyle and Hager Nay, Cook and Rodgers yea. Mayor Ison voted yea to break tieo Motion carried. LYLE ST. DRAINAGE DISCUSSED Comm. Hager advised that Lyle Street is in :terrible condi tion due to drainage problem. Comm. Lyle noted that Commission determined several years ago that it was private property not subject to Commission action. City Manager Burgess will look property over. I ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Comm. Hager and second by Comm. Rodgers meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. *=indicates this section was amended, see last page of Minutes. ~~ c~LyJ MAYOR ATTEST: DEPU~C~ CORRECTIONS to City Commission Meeting Minutes of January 17, 1984 page 3 I Under the topic of: FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING in the second line, delete: in a city of 2,500 population or over and insert: in cities receiving over $25,000.00 Under the topic of: SLEEPY HARBOR FIRE HYDRANT in the third to the last line of the paragraph, delete: primary line and fire hydrants and easement and insert: six (6) inch fire line, two (2) fire hydrants, and a twelve (12) foot easement ~-~.~ Mayor Depu Additional corrections made by motion of the City Commission in Regular Session February 7, 1984: STARK LAKE OVERFLOWING... At the beginning of the paragraph, delete City Manager Burgess and insert Commissioner Rodgers I VANDALISM At the beginning of the paragraph, delete Mayor Ison and insert Commissioner Rodgers