HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-84 MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING, FEBRUARY 7, 1984 I PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Rodgers, Hager, and Lyle, Assistant City Manager Griffin, City Attorney Rhodes, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. Note: Assistant City Manager Griffin sat in for City Manager Burgess as he was engaged in attending a meeting in Palatka, although he arrived at the City Commission Meeting approximately 7:45 p.m.. ABSENT: Commissioner Cook CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regular scheduled meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.. Assistant City Manager led those present in prayer. Mayor Ison led in The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 17~ 1984 WERE APPROVED AS CORRECTED. The corrections were as follows: Under the topic of: FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Page 3 in the second line, delete: in a city of 2,500 population or over and insert: in cities receiving over $25.000.00 Under the topic of: SLEEPY HARBOR FIRE HYDRANT Page 3 -. in the third to the last line of the paragraph, delete: primary line and fire hydrants and easement and insert: six (6) inch fire line, two (2) fire hydrants, and a twelve (12) foot easement. Page 4 Under the topic of: STARKE LAKE OVERFLOWING in the first line delete: City Manager Burgess and insert: Commissioner Rodgers I Under the topic of: VANDALISM - in the first line, delete: Mayor Ison and insert: Commissioner Rodgers Commissioner Hager motioned to accept the minutes as corrected, Comm. Rodgers seconded and the vote was unanimous. MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION WORKSHOP OF JANUARY 19, 1984 WERE APPROVED. Upon a motion by Comm. Rodgers and second by Comm. Hager the minutes were approved unanimously. 7 FEBRUARY 84 COMMISSION MEETING PAGE 2 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 24, 1984 WERE APPROVED. Comm. Rodgers motioned, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE JOINT WORKSHOP ON JANUARY 24, 1984 WERE APPROVED. I Comm. Rodgers motioned, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS FOREST OAKS SUBDIVISION FINAL APPROVAL Assistant City Manager Griffin informed the Commission that Mr. Walter Kuhrt, Mr. Jeff Fuqua and Mr. Mike Sims were present to discuss Phase I. Mr. Kuhrt addressed the Commission and stated he was asking for final approval of Phase I. Mr. Kuhrt continued to explain the routes of the water lines stating that all the water lines are looped with the exception of one which will be looped with Phase II. Mr. Kuhrt explained there will be a one (1) foot sodded swa1e located approximately ten (10) feet from the back yard property line. Mr. Hurst, Building Official. expressed concern about property owners filling in the swa1e. Comm. Rodgers suggested having a plat restriction, which would restrict property owners from filling in the swale, the present owner agreed to comply. Comm. Rodgers asked Mr. Fuqua if he thought it would be feasible to build a park for those residents in Forest Oaks in1ieu of giving the City five (5) percent of land. Mr. Fuqua agreed to have a park completed when he asked for final approval of Phase II. }tr. Fuqua stated that after completion of the park. it would be dedicated to the City of Ocoee. Comm. Rodgers then motioned to approve Phase I subject to plat restrictions, and subject to Mr. Fuqua's verbal agreement to build a park prior to the completion of Phase II. Comm. Hager seconded the motion and the vote carried unanimously. ORDINANCE # 779 FIRST READING CHANGE ZONING ON 7.2 ACRE PARCEL ON ORLANDO AVE. FROM R-3 to R-lAAA. Comm. Lyle motioned to read the Ordinance by title only, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. The second reading will be February 21, 1984. ORDINANCE # 780, FIRST READING, CHANGE ZONING ON 30 ACRE PARCEL FROM R-3 TO R-lAAA. I Comm. Lyle motioned to read the Ordinance by title only, Comm. Rodgers seconded and the vote carried unanimously. The second reading will be on February 21, 1984, at the next regular scheduled Commission Meeting. ORDINANCE tI 781, FIRST READING, ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY OF MR. & MRS. ROY WAXMAN. Comm. Lyle motioned to read the Ordinance by title only, Comm. Rodgers seconded and the vote carried unanimously. The second reading will be March 6, 1984. ORDINANCE # 782, FIRST READING, SANITATION RATES. Comm. Rodgers motioned to read the Ordinance by title only, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. The second reading will be 7 February 84 Commission Meeting Page 3 February 21, 1984, at the next regular scheduled City Commission Meeting. LAKE OLYMPIC TOWNHOUSES DEVELOPMENT The Development was not represented by anyone therefore the subject was not discussed. I SLEEPY HARBOR CONDOMINIUM PROPOSED DEDICATION City Attorney Rhodes suggested we get a complete legal description of the said easement. City Manager Burgess suggested we have set limitations for the liabilities of maintenance in the future. City Manager Burgess was asked to contact the Home Owners Association and get a complete legal description and then resubmit to Board of Commissioners. NEW BUSINESS NATIONAL BOY SCOUT WEEK FEBRUARY 5-11, 1984. PROCLAMATION Mr. Paul Braxton, District Executive for this area, and Mr. Jim Swickerath, District Chairman of this area were present to represent the Boy Scouts of America, the Ocoee Fire Explorer Post and the Ocoee Police Explorer Post. Assistant City Manager Griffin read the proclamation aloud. Comm. Lyle motioned to adopt the proclamation, Comm. Hager seconded the motion, and the vote carried unanimously. GIRL SCOUTS - OWIGA SERVICE UNIT - USE OF FACILITY FOR DAY CAMP ON AUGUST 6-10, 84 Debbie Anthony, Service Unit Coordinator asked to use Community Center for the day camp on the week of August 6-10, 1984, from 9:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m.. Jim Beech. Recreation Director, offered the use of the Youth Center. Comm. Hager motioned to let the Girl Scouts use the Youth Center for the week of August 6-10, 1984. Comm. Rodgers seconded and the vote carried unanimously. RECREATION DEPARTMENT - BIDS FOR LAWN MOWER Assistant City Manager Griffin read aloud the three bids submitted: 1) Allis Chalmers - 21.79 h.p. - 48" cut - 4WD - turf tires - Model 5020 for $5,525.00, with mower attachments. 2) Yanmar - Model 165-4 - 16 h.p. - 40 " cut - 4 WD - Turf tires, with mower for $5,265.62. I 3) Kubota - Model tlB-8200DT - 48" cut - 4 WD - 16 h.p. - Turf tires, with mower for $6,503.00 Comm. Lyle motioned to purchase the Allis Chalmers tractor with mower, model number 5020 for $5.525.00. Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote carried by a majority vote. Comm. Rodgers voted nay. BID FOR EMERGENCY GENERATORS Assistant City Manager Griffin informed the Commissioners of the need for an emergency generator for both the City Hall and the Police Station. He then informed the Board of the bid Amber Electric submitted, which was $7.500.00 per generator, totaling $15,000.00, which is budgeted monies. Comm. Rodgers motioned to approve the bid by Amber Electric. After much 7 February 84 Commission Meeting Page 4 discussion, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote carried two (2) to zero (0) with Comm. Lyle obstaining. ~IDS FOR DIAPHRAGM (TRASH) PUMP - WATER I The bids submitted are as follows: 4" Gorman for $3,723.00 from Blankenship & Associates 4" Gorman for $4,560.00 from Highway Equipment & Supply Comm. Rodgers asked why we can't rent a pump when we have a water break. John Cockrell, Water Supervior, stated that time is essential, to get the water back on to the customers as soon as possible and there isn't a 4" pump around to be rented. Comm. Lyle motioned to accept the Blankenship & Assoc. bed of $3.723.00. Comm. Hager seconded, the motion carried with Comm. Rodgers obstaining. PIGGLEY-WIGGLEY REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Comm. Hager motioned to give Piggley Wiggley Stores authorization to continue sale of alcoholic beverages for off premise consumption. Comm. Lyle seconded and the vote carried unanimously. WINDERMERE REALTY - MAGUIRE HOUSE Gerry Theisen, representative from Windermere Realty was present on behalf of John Boogaart to discuss the property adjoining the City property known as the Maguire house, which is just under two (2) acres of property. Ms. Theisen continued, the house was built in 1888, and in March of 1982 the house was treated for termites and dry rot. Ms. Theisen stated the house and property is being offered for sale to the City for $169,000.00. Mayor Ison asked what the appraised value of property is. Ms. Theisen stated approximately $232,000.00. After much discussion, Comm. Lyle motioned to offer Mr. John Boogaart a contract to purchase the property for $150,000.00. Comm. Rodgers seconded and the vote carried unanimously. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER RCA FORCE MAIN PERMIT TO USE CITY RIGHT OF WAY ~CA PRIMA VISTA CERTIFICATED AREA EXPANSION REQUEST I Comm. Lyle motioned to let Utility Company have the right of way to Force Main Permit. Comm. Hager stated he was skeptical, he thought there would be future problems with the Utility Company building the force main, on the City Right of Way. City Attorney Rhodes stated he did not suggest the Commission authorize use of the City's Right of Way until after the City had a Franchise Agreement. Mayor Ison was in agreement with Comm. Lyle's motion. Comm. Lyle's motion died from lack of a second. The Board of Commissioners were informed about the request to the Public Service Commission from Edward A Schrank. the attorney representing RCA for certification of expansion. The City has fifty (50) days to respond to the Public Service Commission. City Manager Burgess stated that the City might receive a response from the Professional Engineer Consultants by the end of the month. City Manager Burgess was asked to call Mr. Hull, from Professional Engineering Consultants to see when we could received a response. Mayor Ison asked City Attorney Rhodes to contact the attorney specializing in Utility Law and tell him to get started again. Comm. Rodgers asked 7 February 1984 Commission Meeting Page 5 City Attorney Rhodes to continue with Franchise Agreement. After much discussion, the Commission tabled this item until February 21, 1984, the next regular scheduled Commission Meeting. I Mayor Ison postponed the February 14, 1984, Special City Commission Meeting until February 16, 1984, with consent of the Commissioners. Mayor Ison stated the Special Session Agenda would be as follows: 1) City Budget for Fiscal Year 83/84, First quarter 2) City Employees pay raise consideration 3) Federal Revenue Sharing funds status 4) Franchise Agreement with Prima Vista GEE - JENSEN LAKES PEACH & MOXIE Assistant City Manager Griffin stated that Phase I has been completed and the invoice of $4,700.00 has been approved. Mr. Don Graham, representative from Gee & Jensen, proceeded to explain Phase II which is in two (2) parts. A) Method of providing quality water. B) Permit Process The estimate for accomplishing Phase II is approximately $9,300.00. City Manager Burgess stated he would pursue a pump system alternative. Mr. Hurst stated that, according to the HUD Bench Mark, the elevation of the lowest slab (house foundation) is about five feet above 100 year storm level. Mr. Graham's report showed it to be about 12-13 feet below this level, using the Orange County Bench Mark. The consensus of the Board of Commissioners is to get another surveyor to check the two bench marks to get accurate elevation marks. After much discussion, Mayor Ison tabled the decision of Phase II till a later date. TRAFFIC SIGNAL BLUFORD & MCKEY The invoice for $15,950.00 had been previously approved. City Manager Burgess was asked to check into the costs of moving the fire hydrant, on the corner of Bluford & McKey, and to make a left turning lane on Bluford. WATER SYSTEM - WELL # 3 (JAMELA PLANT) Assistant City Manager Griffin informed the Commissioners that the City had received an invoice for $1,869.66 for Engineering Services performed by Mr. Walter Kuhrt, and had previously been approved. SMALL COMMUNITY SEWER PROJECT WORKSHOP I Assistant City Manager Griffin informed the Commissioners that he attended a DER workshop on February 2, 1984. He stated there is $300 million, of State and Federal dollars available. The Commissioners made no response of wanting to apply. RATE INCREASE - FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION Assistant City Manager Griffin informed the Commissioners that Florida Power has petitioned to the Florida Public Service Commission for a residential rate increase of ten percent, and that this petition was available for review in the City Hall offices. 7 February 84 Commission Meeting yage 6 REWARD PROGRAM (DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY) Assistant City Manager Griffin stated that the program is being worked on and when it is in final form it will be put on the agenda. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PROPOSALS I Assistant City Manager Griffin stated there will be a meeting on March 7, 1984 at 7:00 p.m. at the Orange County Serv ces Building for submission of Community Development Project Proposals to Orange County. REPAIR OF FIRE PUMPER #3 Assistant City Manager Griffin stated that Pumper #3 was back and in good condition. The invoice for renovation had been received, at the bid price of $33,500.00 and it had been previously approved by the Commission. PLANNING AND ZONING ALTERNATE Assistant City Manager Griffin stated we need to appoint an alternate for the Planning & Zoning Board. The Commissioners agreed to get in touch with Ray Messer, 306 Sabinal, and ask him to attend the City Commission Meeting on February 21, 1984. PRIMA VISTA - LEETER TO CUSTOMERS Assistant City Manager Griffin explained that Prima Vista wrote a letter to the City of Ocoee asking if the City would turn off water services to the persons who did not pay their sewer bill. It was the consensus of the Board and the City Manager no to get involved. Comm. Rodgers stated he would like to have a letter drawn up concerning the unprofessional tone of the letter sent to all Prima Vista customers, whether they had paid their bill or not, was poor judgement. Mayor Ison volunteered to write the letter. CITY ATTORNEY Police Benenolence Association (PBA) contacted Personnel Employee Rights Commission (PERC) and asked that they serve as a negotiating agent between the City and themselves. Assistant City Manager Griffin recommended that the City contract with Mr. Norman Burke, Attorney, to represent the City. The Commission concurred, and authorized the engagement of same. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS I Comm. Hager asked about Lyle Street. City Manager Burgess said the City put some clay fill in the road. Comm. Lyle recommended the use of Lime rock, City Manager Burgess said he would comply. Mr. Jim Beech. Recreation Director, stated there was a problem with Vignetti Park; people's response has been tremendous, so much that completing the park is impossible. Comm. Rodgers motioned to close Vignetti Park unitl April 1, 1984, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote was unanimous. Comm. Rodgers asked about school zone signs for Wurst Road. Assistant City Manager Griffin stated that the signs were ordered. Comm. Rodgers asked City Manager Burgess to negotiate and see if the City could purchase the track bed, on Kissimmee Avenue, from the railroad, so the City could use 7 February 84 Commission Meeting Page 7 it to lay water lines. The meeting was adjourned at 11:42 p.m.. I ATTEST: U~~()~ Deputy Cler I ~L QJlJ Mayor