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PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager, Lyle, Cook, Rodgers:
Ci ty Manager Burgess; and City Attorney Rhodes
Mayor Ison called the Special Session, of the City Commission, of
April 12, 1984, to order at 7:30 p.m.. Mayor Ison led those present
in prayer and then led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Mayor Ison opened the meeting by giving the subject that was being
brought forth on this night. The mayor gave a summary. to the aud-
ience, of the events. that led up to the Special Session being cal-
led. The Mayor then opened the floor to the Commissioners for any
comments that they might have. He then reitereated that the floor
was open to only the Commissioners.
Commissioner Rodgers was the first COIIUllissioner to speak. He thank-
ed the Board for the opportunity to speak first. He stated he want-
ed to thank the Board for postponing the Special Session, the pre-
vious night, in order to give him a chance to be represented. He
stated that there were basically three subjects that he wanted to
discuss with all the Commissioners. First a short story; metaphor
that he felt appropriate for the subject matter at hand. Second
and Third was the responsibility of the Commissioners and the re-
sponsibility of the Citizens of Ocoee. Commissioner Rodgers opened
with a short story of a man that lived Two Thousand Years ago.
liThe conclusion of the story is one that all humanity knows today,
because we are fixing to enter into one of perhaps the darkest
periods of modern civilization. Only three days later to come
out of it in one of the lightest and brightest and happiest moments
civilization could experience.
liThe responsibility of the Commission is basically to make deci-
sions that affect all individuals, that affect this city, that
affects all the citizens. And you know when we make decisions
I can1t help but think of several basic responsibilities the
Commissioners have. Our decisions must be objective, must be
intelligent, must be without malice. or spite. They must be without
prejudice or without personal emotions. We must conduct ourselves
professionally. We were elected to represent all the people; not
a few; not the ones that necessarily scream the loudest. We were
elected to speak for the maises of the people. And it was also
our job to address the few that screamed the loudest, and try
to get them to conform; to try to get them to understand the
basic Objective of this Commission and the basic objectives of
our City Manager. It is up to us as Camilli ss i oners to represent
him; we are the pillars of this community and every thing that we
say within our community represents the entire Board; it represents
the feel ings, and it should not be personal. If we should want
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to address our personal feelings we do it in private. When we
address feelings on the Commission it should be to represent the
entire City. Our decisions must be based on the population of
Ten Thousand plus within the City of Ocoee, not Twenty or Thirty
individuals. We must follow some basic guide lines. Is it fair
to all concerned? Is it an isolated problem? Is it based on
prejudice or malice or morals or ethics? And most importantly
have we as Commissioners; have we attempted to solve these problems
and if we did was the problem solved adequately, sufficiently?
Have we Objectively looked at the good things that our City Manager
has done? Have we helped him in building positive images for the
City? Have we, one hundred percent, supported our City manager
and overcome objectives of a few? Because I am reminded of one
thing that my Dad taught me many years ago, and live tried to live
by one little rule, and it was very simply this: When you point
a finger therels always three pointing back at you.
liThe Citizens. The Citizens playa very, very important role
in government. Citizens are basically passive. The masses are
basically passive. The minorities are usually the active and are
usually the ones that are most vocal and are usually the ones
that create crises. And itls only when the crises develop
that the motivation of the masses are seen because when a crises
develops that affects people either domestically or socially
affects their government, will they corne forward and speak.
That1s when the passive of the masses becomes the active masses
and that's when the true feeling of the conYllunity is heard.
That's when we as Commissioners must vote our concious, we must
objectively look at our moral and ethical obligations. We must
do what we feel is right and we must do what the trUE vocal
masses ask of us. That is what makes this job so difficult.
So I appeal to you tonight, my fellow Commissioners, to vote your
conscience. If your1re scared, just stop, think about it. Let
no personalities, malice, vindictiveness or grudges interfere
with your better judgement. And at this time I would like for
you all to join me in a form of a motion to unanimously throw
our support behind our City Manager and a vote of confidence
so we can proceed with dealing with other major crises within
the City that will effect all Citizens in the imrnient future.
Thank You Mr. Mayorll.
The Mayor then asked Con@issioner Rodgers if the ~oard could
take the last statement made to be a motion and the Conunissioner
stated that he II certainly may, Your Honorll. The Mayor asked
if there was a second to the motion. Commissioner Cook seconded
the Motion. The Mayor then asked for any discussion, starting
with Commissioner Hager. Commissioner Hager stated twice that
he had nothing for discussion. Commissioner Lyle called for the
question. Mayor called for a vote on the Motion. Motion car-
ried with Con@issioners Rodgers, Hager, and Cook voting yea
and Commissioner Lyle voting nea.
Commissioner Rodgers motioned to adjourn and Commissioner Cook
seconded. The vote was Carried.
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The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m..
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Correction to minutes of Special Meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of
Commiss~oners that was held April 11, 1984.
The Meeting was adjourned at 8~43 7:42 pm.
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Corrected by motion of the Commission at the regular meeting on April
17, 1984.