HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-84 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING HELD APRIL 17, 1984. . Present: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager; Cook; Rodgers; and Lyle, (Comm. Lyle came in at 7:34 p.m.) City Manager Burgess, City Attorney Rhodes, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. Absent: None I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regular scheduled meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.. Mayor Ison asked Assistant City Manager Griffin to lead those present in prayer, afterwards Mayor Ison led in The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD 4-2-84.. Comm. Cook moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carrmed unanimously. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes as written, Comm. Cook seconded and the vote carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD 4-9-84. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD 4-10-84. The Commissioners did not have any questions about the minutes, and it was agreed the Comissioners did not have to move to approve these minutes. e MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION MEETING HELD 4-10-84. Comm. Cook moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Comm. Cook moved to approve the minutes of 4-10-84 as written, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION MEETING HELD 4-11-84. Comm. Rodgers moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Comm. Cook seconded and the vote carried unanimously. Comm. Rodgers corrected Page 3 to read the time of adjournment not 8:43 p.m. but 7:43 p.m.. Comm. Rodgers then moved to approve as written with correction, Comm. Cook seconded and the vote carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS I GROUP "w" CABLE e Mr. Jay Doud, 413 N. Lakeview, Winter Garden, District Manager of Group "w" Cable, explained that Group "w" currently has a franchise with the City of Ocoee. Mr. Doud explained in previous meetings Group W had asked the City Commission to renew the present franchise by Ordinance, and transfer it to Cablevision, Industries. Mr. Doud stated Cablevision Ind. wanted to intro- duce themselves, and inform the City Commission of their plans, if the Comm- ission decides to renew and transfer the franchise. Mr. Doud then intro- duced Mr. Michael Lisman J Sarasota, Florida, Vice-President of Cablevision, Ind.. Mr. Lisman had four key points to discuss. Page 2 . 1) Confirm that the City has agreed to supply an adequate franchise. 2) Identify Cablevision Industries. 3) Explain how C.I. plans to improve the service within the City. 4) What C.I. needs from the City and why. I Mr. Lisman introduced their attorney, Mr. Mac Cleveland, and Mr. Tom Alexander, the Cablevision Consultant, and Mr. Rodger Carroll, a local assistant. Mr. Lisman stated C.I. is privately owned, 35th in the nation, family oriented, and wants to expand. He continued, based on closing, the following areas will have service within six months of closing: 1. North Ocoee area, 2. Harbor Highlands, 3. Lake Olympic. Mr. Lisman pointed out that C.I. is very anxious to come into the City of Ocoee, if the City Commission agrees to transfer the existing franchise and to offer an additional 15 year franchise. Comm. Lyle questioned M~. Lisman if C.I. would offer additional services and whatthe cost will be.Mr. Lisman stated he didn't have that information yet, but the cost wasn't expected to increase. Comm. Rodgers asked if there is a number of homes C.I. requires before they offer service to a new subdivision. Comm. Rodgers was assured that services would be offered to the developers. C.I. was instructed to work up a contract and get with City Attorney Rhodes, and City Manager Burgess to work out any problems they see, then present it to the Commission. SEWER SYSTEM AND FACILITIES AGREEMENT - PRIMA VISTA UTILITIES Mayor Ison stated his feelings on the concept of City owned utilities. The following are a list of his primary points: e 1) The City should make a bonafide reasonable offer to purchase the existing Prima Vista Utilities plant. 2) a. That the City develop an Ocoee Utility Authority to manage and own all municipal owned facilities. b. After the formation of the Authority, the City should fund it with adequate working capital, and thereafter make it solely dependent on user fees only. c. The Authority will have all rights and privledges legally avail- able to it, to employ personnel, to set rates, billing for services, to construct new facilities, and to finance needed facilities. 3) The citizens having septic tanks the Municipal Sewer Facilities. if DER, Orange Co. Health Dept., Health Reasons. will not be forced to connect to The only exception to this would be initiated such action for Public I 4) We should encourage future developers to use septic tanks where ever it is feasible. 5) The Authority should be directed to use its facilities in the most resourceful, effective manner possible. e 6) The Authority should be directed to use state of the art concepts and hardware. Gene Dickerson, Citizen, Sleepy Harbor Subdivision, stated the rates are too high but the citizens would rather pay them to the City. Page 3 e Comm. Lyle expressed anxiety about the cost of purchasing and maintaining the the Utility. Mayor Ison stated: 1. The Authority could manage the Utility as well as Prima Vista. 2. A rate could probably be provided for a percent less than the the present rate because the City is not looking for a 12% take on the money. I Comm. Lyle stated to put the question of "City owned Utility" on a referendum, and whatever the majority says the Commission will do. Comm. Hager, and Cook agreed the rates will not decrease for the users, and there is a possibility they will increase. Comm. Rodgers stated he was concerned with financing of buying the plant, also Prima Vista has problems -- should the City buy? Mayor Ison responded by saying DER does not hold Prima Vista in any non- compliance on anything. Pollution Control shows that Prima Vista is clean, in better condition than other plants. The Commissioners discussed in depth whether the Authority should be appointed or elected. Comm. Rodgers, Hager, and Cook and Mayor Ison felt that the Authority should be appointed, for the following reasons: 1. Business and finance depth. 2. Highly qualified persons needed. 3. They would be nonpolitical. e City Attorney Rhodes stated the detailed discussion of a Board is irrelevant at this time. Mr. Rhodes stated the Commission should be involved along with the consulting engineers present, to identify the differences, and find common ground with Prima Vista. Comm. Rodgers moved to appoint the Mayor with a team to negotiate the purchase of Prima Vista, and the differences in the franchise. The team will consist of the City Manager, City Attorney, Mr. Kantor, the consulting attorney, representative from P.E.C. and the Mayor. Comm. Hager seconded and the motion carried unanimously. LAW DAY U.S.A. PROCLAMATION 84-2. Mayor Ison read the proclamation aloud which stated May 1, would be designated Law Day U.S.A.. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the proclamation, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. HMO FLORIDA - MELISSA MCDONALD. I Ms. McDonald, a representative from HMO Florida, (Health Maintainence Organ- ization), stated the main difference between Pru-Care and HMO is the way they deliver the care. HMO is an IPA (Individual Practice Association) which means they coordinate with private physician offices, in a community. HMO Florida goes into a community and contracts doctors, specialists, and hospitals. When the employee elects HMO Florida as his insurance he then, will pick a doctor from the list, which is expanding monthly. Ms. McDonald stated presently they have forty primary care doctors in the Orange/Seminole County area under contract. Ms. McDonald stated HMO Florida pays 100% of routine physical checkups, eye exams, pelvic exams, pediatric care, and dental care for children under twelve. HMO Florida has a 50% reimbursement plan at YMCA, and gives a discount at Weight Watchers. When the employee gets an appointment he must pay two dollars per visit for services rendered. If your doctor refers you to a specialist, your care is 100% covered. There are no deductibles or claim forms with HMO Florida. If you are admitted into the hospital you are covered 100%, room and board, nursing care, operations, drugs, and medication, etc.. HMO Florida covers 100% of doctor and hospital for pre- and post natal maternity care, and 100% of well baby care. If you need your doctor on weekends or after hours, there is a $10.00 charge. Also if - Page 4 e you use the outpatient facilities at the hospital and are not admitted is a $25.00 charge. The rates for HMO Florida are changed quarterly. rates quoted are June's rates, which cannot be offered to the City. Single $51.50 Family $140.90 there The I There is a prescription plan that will either be offered or not. If the company offers it to us it will cost an additional $4.90 for single, and $13.70 for family. You will purchase your prescriptions at Eckerd Drugs, by just showing your card, and paying $3.00. HMO Florida has a 98% retension rate, the 2% includes deaths, and resignations. HMO Florida also gives a $35.00 reimbursement toward the purchase of your glasses, every two years. It was the consensus of the Commission to let each employee decide for himself, between the Florida Municipal Health Trust (Traditional) Pru-Care, and HMO Florida. BUNGALOW BEHIND THE MAGUIRE HOUSE. e Ron Strosnider, Chief of Fire Dept., stated that he and Mr. Burgess walked through the building behind the Maguire House and it wasn't worth repairing, therefore Chief Strosnider stated he wanted to use it for drilling of Fire Dept. personnel. The Commissioners gave their approval. Lt. Vaughn informed the Commission that out of a possible 20 points the Fire Dept. scored 19 points, at the Lake Mary competition. Lt. Vaughn also commended Mr. Ken Griffin, Assistant City Manager, who filled in for another fireman who had to leave early. Mr. Griffin sat in a dunk tank while fireman drilled to get their hoses connected, then shooting the water at the target. Mr. Griffin was awarded an Ocoee Fire Dept. shirt and cap. TRAFFIC SIGNALS City Manager Burgess asked the Commission to renew the Maintenance Agreement with Orange County. City Manager Burgess stated the agreement was standard and the rates are the same. Comm. Hager moved to renew the agreement, and have the Mayor execute it, Comm. Cook seconded and the vote carried unanimously. PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR SEABOARD SYSTEM RAILROAD. I Mr. Wayne Rich stated he had an agreement for a 16" water line from the water plant at Jamela Drive to the Forest Oaks subdivision, The agreement Mr. Rich asked to be signed was authorization to go under the Railroad System in the subdivision. Mr. Rich stated any costs incurred will be funded by the developer. Comm. Cook moved to accept the agreement, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT e Mayor Ison stated a citizen came to a City Meeting and stated their area of the community could use improvement. The citizen asked to have a fence put up running along the Railroad behind their houses, from this side of Wurst Road coming down to Russell Drive. The citizen stated there was a combination delinquency problem, police problem, vehicle racing, etc. The Mayor stated he would go down and put this as another request on the list for Community Development Block Grant. The consensus of the Commissioners was to have the Mayor go down and ask. e I e I - Page 5 REPORTS AND INFORMATION City Manager Burgess announced that Jean Grafton's mother passed away on 4-11-84. The funeral was held 4-16-84 at Woodlawn Cemetery. RESIGNATION OF MR. CECIL HURST Mr. Cecil Hurst came to the City Manager and asked to have a vacation. Mr. Hurst then told the City Manager that he would be resigning effective April 27, 1984. Mr. Burgess advised the Commission that Mr. Hurst would not re- turn from vacation until April 25, 1984. Mr. Burgess also advised the Commission that Mr. Hurst's stated reason for resigning was that he felt he was under too much pressure in the Building Official's position, for his present state of health. Mayor Ison asked when the City would start adver- tising for a replacement for Mr. Hurst. Mr. Burgess advised that the City already had done so. Mr. Lyle asked if Mr. Hager, the BuildingInspector, could just take-over the position of Building Official. Mr. Lyle went on to ask if Mr. Hager had the proper qualifications. Mr. Burgess pointed out that he did not. Mr. Burgess stated that his main purpose in bringing up this subject was to ask the Commiss~on to appoint an interim B.O. to serve until such time as a replacement could be found. The Mayor asked if there was any- one already in the City's employ that possessed the qualifications. Mr. Burgess stated that he had the proper certification, but no other employee did to his knowledge. Comm. Cook moved to approve Mr. Burgess, City Manager. as the interim Building Official, Comm. Rodgers seconded the motion, and the vote carried unanimously. ALTERNATE MEMBER OF CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD A member appointed Mr. Aha, but he later declined the position. The Board of Commissioners suggested to have Code Enforcement Board pick another to sit on their Board and recommend that name to the Commission at a future Commission Meeting. WATER QUALITY OF LAKES PEACH, MOXIE AND STARKE City Manager Burgess stated he received a not-for publication letter from Mr. Graham, of Gee & Jensen Engineers, on the water quality of Lakes Peach, Moxie. and Starke. City Manager stated presently we are waiting to hear from Mr. Bateman's office at Orange County Pollution Control, to see if we get the permit. COMMENTS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS. Commissioner Hager commended the Water Dept. for their job in replacing the water lines on Lee Street. Comm. Lyle stated at the last two Special Sessions he saw a court reporter and asked City Manager Burgess if the City paid for it. City Manager Burgess stated the City did not bear the costs. Mayor Ison stated recently the Code Enforcement Board had charges against former -Mayor Howell's wife, Mrs. Mabel Howell. The former Mayor having been a Lion, the Lions Club is having a worksession Saturday, April 21, 1984, to work on the yard. Also an outstanding neighborhood boy has volunteered to mow the yard all growing season. e I e I . Page 6 Mayor Ison asked for a motion to adjourn. seconded and the vote carried unanimously. p.m. . Comm. Rodgers moved, Comm. Hager The meeting adjourned at 10:50 :!j)u~ e cL~ Mayor ATTEST: ~/]~.~ Deputy Clerk