HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-01-84 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD MAY 1, 1984. I Present: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Rodgers, Cook, Hager & Lyle, City Manager Burgess, City Attorney Rhodes, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. Absent: None CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regular scheduled meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. Mayor Ison then led those present in prayer, and then to The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Ison stated he wanted to make a few announcements which were as follows: Mayor Ison thanked and commended the West Orange Mature Citizens for the clean-up they did at the Community Center. Mayor Ison also stated that the Lions Club had finished a project on Bluford Ave., for Mrs. Mabel Howell. On April 29, 1984, the City held a picnic on the municipal grounds for all City employees. Also, the parents of the Ocoee BMX Club were a great help at Adair Park. APPROVAL OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES HELD 4-17-84. Comm. Rodgers moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes as written, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimously in favor. I Mayor Ison announced that the Joint Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes for April 24, 1984 were not ready at this time. OLD BUSINESS DAMAGE REWARD PROGRAM - SECOND READING - ORDINANCE # 784 City Manager Burgess read the Ordinance aloud, by title only) following a motion by Comm. Rodgers, seconded by Comm. Cook, and unanimously approved. After the reading Comm. Rodgers moved to approve Ordinance # 784, Comm. Cook seconded and the vote carried unanimously. CROWN POINT APARTMENTS - WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS. I Mr. Bill Holland, representing Royal American Developers, stated they hired an Engineering Firm to represent them in finding a solution to the water supply problem in the northwest section of the City. Mr. Holland stated they placed two requirements on the engineer, the strict coordination with Royal American Developers, and secondly, that the solution was feasible and workable to the City, and fit within the budget range of $30,000.00, which RAn figured they could afford to spend on this problem. Mr. Holland then introduced Mr. Allen Frye, an architect from Jacksonville, and Mr. John Oyer, an engineer. Mr. Holland stated that there were three possibilities available, one of which RAD wanted to go with, for two reasons, one they thought it would benefit the City and it also was affordable to RAn. Mr. Holland stated RAn would work with the City as much as they possibly could, to resolve the problem~ to benefit the City and their Company. Mr. Holland asked the Commission that before they made a negative decision to call an engineering firm of their choice, to examine the proposed solution, and RAD would underwrite the cost, between the figures of $300.00 and $500.00 dollars. .J Page 2 I Mr. John Oyer introduced the first of three possibilities, which is a water booster pumping station, to be placed at the location of Well #lA. The booster pump would be a 700 gallon per minute, with a pumping head of 125 feet. The booster pump would be operated only on a pressure demand basis for safe- guard, and would be adequate to convey the needs required. The cost would be approximately $30,000.00. Mayor Ison asked about the second proposal, the looping system. Mr. Oyer stated the cost would be much greater, $75,000.00. The third thought was an elevated supply tank of their own, which would cost approximately $200,000.00. City Manager Burgess stated he thought the looping was the proper solution, as he stated, a booster pump will blow the lines presently there, right out of the ground. Mr. Holland stated he was prepared to offer the City $30,000.00 to build the line looping, and he continued, there is a tim~ constraint. Comm. Lyle suggested that RAD totally fund the looping of the lines. No motion was made tothiseffect.Comm. Hager stated it wasn't fair to Royal American Developers, as they have been coming before the Commission for two years, and something should be done for the benefit of both the Company and the City. Comm. Cook agreed with Comm. Hager. Comm. Rodgers stated the looping would benefit others already in the City, and the City would work with them. Comm. Rodgers stated he thought the City's money ought to be spent according to priorities. Comm. Rodgers asked City Manager where this project would be placed on his list of priorities. City Manager Burgess stated his top priority is the water problem on the hill, where people can't take a shower and run the washer at the same time. The consensus of the Commissioners was the City could not afford to go 50-50 with Royal American Developers when we have bigger problems other places within the City. After much discussion, Comm. Lyle motioned for RAn to front 100% of the costs to loop the lines, and the City would pay 50% of $75pOO.00, which is $37,500.00 in three yearly installments, at no interest or,no prepayment penalties, with RAn paying the City, and the City in turn paying the contractor. Comm. Cook seconded and the vote carried unanimous~y. Comm. Rodgers added clarification to the above motion, by questioning Kr. Holland aDout the adminis- tration of the contractors. NEW BUSINESS I Comm. Rodgers moved to skip items 'a' and 'b' until after item 'c'. RAILROAD CROSSING - 16" WATER LINE AT A.D. MIMS ROAD. City Manager Burgess stated this was the same as the previous resolution, it needed to be approved and executed. Comm. Hager moved to approve the resolution, Comm. Rodgers seconded and the vote carried unanimously. ORDINANCE # 783 - REZONING FROM ORANGE COUNTY C-3 TO CITY OF OCOEE R-3 OF APPROXIMATELY 38 ACRES OWNED BY D. MILLER MCCARTHY - FIRST READING I Comm. Hager moved to read the Ordinance by title only, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimously in favor. City Manager read the Ordinance by title only. City Attorney Rhodes stated the first reading certainly did not mean the Ordinance was passed, the citizens could speak their opinions, at the public hearing scheduled May 15, 1984. Bruce Beatty expressed concern about the sewer capabilities for the City. Mr. Bill Eagan, representing the owner of the property, gave the background history of the property. Mayor Ison asked the citizens to come back on May 15th for the second reading. r.omm. Rodgers moved for a five minute recess, at 9:08 p.m.. Mayor Ison called the meeting back to order at 9:16 p.m.. Page 3 BUDGET REVIEW SECOND QUARTER - CITY MANAGER BURGESS I City Manager Burgess reported on the second quarter of fiscal year 83/84 budget. He quoted the exact figures for each account, expenditures and revenues. City Manager Burgess explained that the City was over in some accounts, in each department as: All All All All All WTR & GG. GG & WTR. G.G. G.G. G.G. PD. & GG. G.G. Group Health Office Supplies Telephone Payroll Electric Legal City Audit Maint. Contract Bldg. Maint. OV 65 Misc. Contingency Fund Fire Dept. Training 70% 60% 58% 60% 65% 72% 116% 86% 100% 86% 85% 184~ 74% The total investments and cash is $2,114,175.62, Mr. Burgess stated. Expendi- tures total 57 - 58% of total revenues, at the end of the second quarter. Comm. Lyle recommended to hold off with any unnecessary spending. I BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - RESOLUTION City Attorney Rhodes stated the resolution should be read aloud. Mayor Ison read the resolution. Comm. Lyle stated he doesn't want to be authorizing the City to be spending another $145,000.00 with this resolution. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the resolution as written, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote was unanimously in favor. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER PROPOSED SOLUTION - BACKUP WELL TO WELL #lA City Manager Burgess suggested that the City buy some property at the SR 50 Corridor and install a 14" well, pump, and elevated storage, for $53,975.00. City Manager Burgess stated St. John's recommended no more money be spent on Well #1 as it doesn't meet their standards, also its not cased properly. The consensus was not to spend any money trying to refurbish Well #1. PROPOSED SOLUTION - 18" GATE VALVE TO 500,000 GALLON ELEVATED STORAGE TANK, WELL # 3. City Manager Burgess stated the City needs to replace the 18" gate valve at the Elevated Storage Tank at Well #3. City Manager Burgess stated the cost will be approximately $10,000.00 without labor. Travelers people stated the valve needs to be replaced, also it takes two men to move it, due to rust, Mr. Burgess informed. Mayor Ison suggested City Manager get with Meredith Corp. and get an estimate and a time frame. Comm. Cook moved to authorize replacing the 18" gate valve as an expenditure project to be started as soon as possible, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote was unanimous. I John Cockrell, Water Superintendent, stated over the weekend, people serviced Page 4 I by Well #3 were watering their lawns so much, the auxilIary tank was empty, and the ground storage tank was at a critical level. The Fire dept. came out and told everyone to stop watering. The consumption was more than the Well could pump out. He stated we also need flow meters on the pump, to tell exactly how much water the well has pumped out. City Manager recommended to enact an ordinance to regulate the lawn sprinklers and usage, for example, odd house numbers will only water on certain days. Mr. Burgess stated he wanted to have an Ordinance he could enforce. Comm. Lyle stated he doesn't want to arrest anyone for watering. Mayor Ison stated we needed to raise our water rates. City Manager Burgess stated Prima Vista wrote a letter stating they have a computer, and they want to do their own billing now, complete. City Manager Burgess stated we would save time, in the office. Comm. Cook moved to let Prima Vista do their own billing. The motion died for lack of a second. ROAD STREET CONSTRUCTION - ASSESSMENT PROGRAM. City Manager stated he would like to see the clay streets within the City be paved. Mayor Ison suggested to address the paving and truck route at this same time, and send letters to each member of the legislative delegation. ANNEXATIONS t City Manager Burgess stated there are three pieces of property wanting to annex into the City. They are as follows: 1. Platted Subdivision (Circa 1925) North of Vignetti Park 2. Commercial Property on 50 just west of Maguire Rd.-(Possible Shopping Ctr) 3. Vaughn Property on East Wurst Road. CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Rhodes stated Prima Vista had a complete reluctance to sell, at any price, its simply not for sale. Prima Vista also had objections on the franchise, the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 3, 1984. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Jim Schwartz, 2608 Bonier Drive, asked the City Commissioners for recreational facilities for Cub Scout Pack 198. Mr. Schwartz stated there are approximately forty boys, who meet on a weekly basis, at 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.. Mayor Ison asked Mr. Schwartz for his home phone so each of the Commissioners could get back with him individually. COMMENTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Comm. Rodgers asked the status of the Fire Station. Mr. Griffin stated he called approximately one week ago and stated he was having a problem with the roof on the bay and the roof over the quarters area. Mr. Griffin stated he expected estimates in before this. ~ Comm. Rodgers stated he would like to see the present policy amended on family members of an employee becoming a volunteer, and receiving pay for it. Although, Comm. Rodgers wanted to see that those family members could not step into a full time position from a volunteer. Comm. Lyle stated there would be Page 5 I a problem with nepotism. Mayor Ison agreed with Comm. Rodgers. Comm. Rodgers suggested to table the subject until a future agenda. Comm. Hager stated there is a street sign down on Lee Street. Comm. Lyle stated Norman Byer, Sandy Cove, said he's had his yard garbage out for six weeks and it hasn't been picked up by the Sanitation Dept. yet. City Manager Burgess explained that the Chipper has been run everv day to pick up yard garbage but we haven't been able to keep up with everyone's cuttings. Comm. Lyle moved to adjourn at 11:55 p.m., Comm. Hager seconded and the vote carried unanimously. t!~ e~ ATTEST: ~~ciw Deputy Clerk I I