HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-84 . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD JUNE 19, 1984. Present: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager; Cook; and Rodgers, City Manager Burgess, City Attorney Rhodes, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. Absent: Commissioner Lyle CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regular scheduled meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. Mayor Ison then led those present in prayer and to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVALS Mayor Ison stated that under Old Business Item "D" should read "Petition /I 84-2" instead of Petition 84-3. Mayor Ison also corrected Item "E" under Old Business to say "Petition /184-3" instead of Petition /I 84-2, MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELD JUNE 5, 1984. . Comm. Rodgers moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Comm. Cook seconded and the vote was unanimous. Comm. Cook moved to approve the minutes of June 5, 1984 Commission Workshop as typed, Comm. Hager seconded and the vote was unanimous. MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD JUNE 5, 1984 Comrn. Rodgers moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Comm. Cook corrected page 7, under the topic of Code Enforcement Board, Mr. Bob S6lebtt~ft to Colburn, which was mispelled in two places. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes as corrected, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote was unanimous. MINUTES OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEETING HELD JUNE 11, 1984. Mayor Ison pointed out that these minutes were for information only. OLD BUSINESS BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA - CITRUS DISTRICT DONATION OF MARCH 6, 1984. The Boy Scouts of America were represented by Shawn Donahue, Lisa Riendeau, Edward Doran, and Sandy Pape, who presented a plaque to the City of Ocoee. On behalf .of the City of Ocoee Mayor Ison accepted the award. . ORDINANCE NEW FRANCHISE FOR CABLEVISION - FIRST READING. Mr. Jay Doud, District Manager for Group "W" Cable pointed out the liability of Cablevision is one and a half m~llion dollars. ,., I l \ , , 'Ivll.1 I I t I I I \' I" I I I I I I I I I 1 ~ I .111 N I': I \) t _I_~~l\}~ PAGE 2 . Comm. Rodgers moved to read by title only. Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Mayor Ison stated the second reading will be July 3, 1984. City Manager Burgess read the Ordinance by title only aloud. Comm. Rodgers asked that a copy of the Ordinance be made available fot all citizens to read. ORDINANCE (PETITION #84-4) ANNEXATION OF PARCEL 18, 19, AND 20 FRONTING SR 50 AND MAGUIRE ROAD. SECOND READING - PUBLIC HEARING. Comm. Rodgers moved to read by title only. Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote was unanimous. City Manager Burgess read the Ordinance by title only. The Assistant City Manager stated two of the parcels are butted up against the 1-2 zoned property. Comm. Cook moved to approve this petition # 84-4 for annexation. seconded by Comm. Hager the vote was unanimous. ORDINANCE PETITION # 84-2 ANNEXATION OF EAST 400 FEET OF NW ~ OF SW ~ OF SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING SAND W OF WURST RD. AND NORTH OF SEABOARD SYSTEM RAILROAD, FIRST READING. . Comm. Hager moved to read the Ordinance by title only, and Section 1 of the Ordinance, Comm. Cook seconded and the vote was unanimous. City Manager Burgess read the Ordinance as stated aloud. Mayor Ison pointed out that the Commission received a letter from Jack Little of Little Jack Homes which stated they did not need immediate water service, and they realized they were not going to receive immediate service. Mr. Norman Dault was present to represent Little Jack Homes. Mr. Dault again stated they had no immediate need for water, they own property in the area and just wanted to increase their holding in the area. Mayor Ison stated the second reading would be on July 17, 1984. ORDINANCE (PETITION #84-3) VARIANCE TO ZONING ORDINANCE- RUBEN KEGLER SUBDIVISION - FIRST READING. . In Mr. Rhodes legal opinion, the thirty foot right-of-way platted in the Ruben.Kegler subdivision can be used for a road right- of-way. The twenty-five foot utility easement platted in the Pioneer Key I subdivision can not be used for a road right-of-way. Therefore, Mr. Rhodes stated the Ordinance must be rewritten to refer to the thirty foot right-of-way. The City's present zoning code states that only one home can be permitted to be built on a road less than sixty feet in width. Mr. Rhodes then suggested it be =eferred back to the Board of Adjustment for a variance to the zoning code. Mr. Sam Hodge stated he anticipated building two homes on'the property. Comm. Hager moved to refer the issue back to the Board of Adjustment for a variance after the Ordinance was rewritten to refer to a thirty foot road right-of-way, to build two homes. Comm. Cook seconded and the vote was unanimous. NEW BUSINESS I: I 'I'Y ':1 \~IN I IIIIIIIN ~111:ln'l NIl ,IIINII: 1'1 I 11111/1 l'^<: I': ') . WEST ORLANDO UTILITIES - CONSULTING ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE. . Mr. Burgess, City 11anager, stated that he has come to two conclusions in reference to West Orlando Utilities. First, to get an engineer who can tell the City of Ocoee how to comply with DER, or what we should do to comply. Secondly, to hire an operator who will do the maintenance on the plant. and take care of things. Mr. Burgess recommended that the City take $3,000.00 (out of the $87,000.00 budgeted for the plant), and get an engineer to say what we need to do to comply with DER. Secondly, Mr. Burgess recommended that the City give Michael Minton a thirty day written notice of termination as per the contract, which was signed by Hayor Goff. Mr. Burgess informed that the contract is for $250.00 per month, and it started on 9-16-83. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve $3.000.00 to hire an engineer to tell us what we need to do to comply with DER. Comm. Cook seconded and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Burgess stated that he had spoken to Mr. Alex Hull, who has previously worked for the City, who stated he would do the job for $3,000.00. Comm. Hager asked about Mr. Lassiter. and said he wanted to see him once in a while since he was working for the City. City Manager Burgess stated that since the contract with Michael Minton was signed by Mayor Goff he would like to have instruction in the form of a motion. Comm. Rodgers moved to give thirty day written notice of termination to Mr. Michael Minton. Comm. Cook seconded and the vote was unanimous. Comm. Hager asked if Mr. Burgess had proper grounds to fire him. Mr. Burgess stated that he thought he did. Comm. Hager asked if Mr. Burgess had anyone in mind to hire, and Mr. Burgess said that he did have a couple people in mind. LIQUOR WORLD INC. - 29 W. MCKEY STREET, MR. W. S. BROWNING - LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Mr. Tom Recicar, Attorney. 857 N. Orange Ave. Orlando, stated they were going to have a licensed package sales store only. not for on premises consumption. Comm. Rodgers stated he would not move to approve such a license as it is stated in the Charter. Chapter 3, Article I. In General, Section 3-2. Locational requirements. Any place of business in which alcoholic beverages or intoxicating bev- erages are sold or furnished at retail to the public by the glass or drink within the City shall open directly and immediately upon the street, and no such place of business shall be less than one thousand (1,000) feet from an established church or school, which distance shall be measured by following the shortest route of ordinary pedestrian travel along the public thoroughfare from the main entrance of said place of business to the main entrance of the church, and, in the case of a school, to the nearest point of the school grounds in use as part of the school facilities. I . Comm. Rodgers moved to deny the request, Comm Hager seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Mayor Ison suggested tha~ there should be an ordinance written up to apply to retail sales to stay 1,000 feet from the churches. Comm. Hager moved to have the Ordinance rewritten to reflect the one thousand foot barrier. Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Comm. Rodgers moved to include a reciprocal that no future churches can be built within 1.000 feet of any place selling alcoholic beverages. Mr. Burgess stated that building codes would have to be rewritten then. Comm. Cook seconeed, and the vote carried with Comm. Cook, apd Rodgers voting C I TV C\lHM I ~;~; tON ~lI':I':'I'1 Nt: JUNE 19>> 1984 PAGE 4 , . yeh and Comm. Hager ney. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER YARD/GARAGE SALE SIGNS. City Manager Burgess stated he would like to get these Yard/Garage Sale Signs to improve the appearance of the City, instead of having card board boxes put on the poles to advertise. Mr. Burgess stated at the time of permitting, which costs $3.00, people could purchase two or three signs. City Manager stated residents could only have a sale once every three months. Comm. Rodgers asked if the money was budgeted, Mr. Burgess stated the money was not. , Mayor Ison stated then these signs would be the only ones that people could put up to advertise. Mr. Gene Dickerson inquired as to what happens if the people are not permitted to have the sale, and was informed that the police will come and close the sale down. The consensus of the Board was to go ahead with the signs. BUILDING DEPARTMENT - FEE SCHEDULES. City Manager Burgess stated they were working to revise the present system for Building Dept. fees, and the handout was for the Commissioners to review. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ORDINANCE # 552. . Mr. Burgess stated the ordinance and the fee schedule for Occupational Licenses needed to be rewritten. Mr. Burgess informed the Board that he would come back with revisions and updates, and it will be ordinances that the citizens can discuss. SWIMMING AREA - STARKE LAKE - NEWY BRELAND. Mr. Newy Breland>> 603 Cardinal St., Ocoee, stated he would like to have the consent of the Board of Commissioners to go ahead with the plans to get the State to come in and fix up the beach, the snake-infested inlet and get the weeds out of the water. Mayor Ison stated he had received a letter from Don Delaney, which was signed by approximately fifteen to twenty others, asking the City to clean up the lakes and the play areas for the children of the community. Mr. Breland stated it looked favorable that the State would come in and fix it up, but at the same time it might fall through. The consensus of the Commissioners was to go ahead and try to get the State to fix it up. . Mr. Jim Beech, Recreational Director, stated that the children of the Community need to learn how to take care of the things the City purchases. Mr. Beech stated on June 30th, 84 there was going to be a bike race with the BMX Racing Program>> on the new bike track at Adair Park. Mr. Beech stated the participants are from 3 years ~n up. Mr. Beech stated adult softball will start 7-9-84, and there are 42 teams starting. Mr. Gene Dickerson stated the City could take donations from people and businesses, to get an Olympic size pool. Mr. Beech stated the cost of the initial installation is alot, but then there is upkeep, maintenance, and life guards. SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL POSTERS. CITY COMMiSSION MEETiNG. JUNE 19, 1984 PAGE 5 . City Manager Burgess stated a girl from Miami had called and asked the City to donate money to buy posters. Mr. Burgess asked the Commission for instruct- ion. Comm. Rodgers stated not to do anything until the City receives a letter or someone comes in to talk to the Commission. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD ALTERNATE MEMBER RECOMMENDED: MR. RUDOLPH "BUD" JAMES. Comm. Rodgers moved to appoint Mr. Rudolph "Bud" James as the alternate member for the Code Enforcement Board. Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Burgess stated he had received a resignation from Mr. Glenn Thomas of the Board of Adjustment, and Planning C.-Zoning Board. Mr. Burgess stated he asked Mr. Breeze and the Board of Adjustment for suggestions. CITY PROPERTY - LEASE/SALE. City Manager Burgess stated there is one individual interested in leasing the property, and another individual has offered to buy the approximate .4 acre of land located on Maguire Rd., zoned 1-1. The consensus of the Commission was not to sell the land. CITY ATTORNEY - JOHN RHODES. . Mr. Rhodes stated the Davidson's contract price for demolition is going to be approximately $10,000.00, but they would settle for $9,000.00. City Manager stated the last offer was for $6,000.00. Mr. Rhodes stated they want $9,000.00 presently. Comm. Rodgers stated the City estimated $6,000.00 and that was the final offer. Comm. Rodgers stated he wants a professional to look at it and give an estimate, in case of a law suit. The Commission agreed. ROYAL AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT. Mr. Rhodes, City Atty. stated he changed the agreement to read, half of the cost, or $37,500.00 is to be paid in full in 12 months time. City Atty. Rhodes stated the agreement seems fair to him. Comm. Cook moved to accept this agreement from Royal American Development. Comm. Rodgers seconded, and the vote was unanimously in favor. CITY ATTORNEY RHODES - RESIGNATION. Mr. Rhodes handed each of the Commissioners and the Mayor, and City Manager a letter of resignation, which stated he wished to resign the office of City Atty., effective upon a successor being selected. COMMENTS FROM THE CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. Wayne Vaughn, Lieutenant, Fire Department, asked for $150.00 to go to Avon Park for State Competition. Comm. Rodgers moved to grant $150.00 for the Fire Dept. to go to Avon Park for competition. Comm. Cook second- ed and the vote was unanimous. The money i,s to come from Donations Fund of the Recreation Dept. COMMENTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS. . Comm. Cook stated she appreciated the water pitchers and glasses. Comm. Rodgers stated some outstanding jobs go unrecognized. Comm. Rodgers went on to point out that the Sanitation Dept. has done a great job picking up all the trash and extra brush trimmings out the last two months. C I TV l:llrl~11 n:llllN ~11i',II:T I NI: -- -- .---, .--.--- --I .lUN1': It), I 4H I PAGE 6 . Comm. Rodgers continued that one of the appointed Boards, meet on a regular basis, the Code Enforcement Board, and they help the City of Ocoee to be maintained properly. Comm. Rodgers stated he would some day like to see, the Code Enforcement Board be- come nonfunctional, the citizens encourage others to help keep the City clean. Comm. Rodgers stated he would like to personnally thank them for their efforts. Mayor Ison stated there would be a Water Improvement meeting Thursday, June 21, 1984, at 7:30 p.m.. Mayor Ison also informed the City that the West Orange Chamber of Commerce is paying the expense for a booklet, of which the City of Ocoee will have five pages of information, for history of the community or pictures, or information on the government. Mayor Ison stated the Historical Commission is working on come before the Commission with plans in the near future. that the Kiwanis Club donated $100.00 towards the Maguire Club donated $300.00. the Maguire House and will Mayor Ison then informed House, and the Lions Mayor Ison stated he attended a Rotary Club Meeting lately, and Sheriff L. Lamar gave a presentation of per capita law enforcement money spent. Mayor Ison stated Ocoee was on the bottom, and Orange County was above the City. Mayor Ison stated he would like to see the Commission address a Police Youth Liaison Program in the near future. . Mayor Ison informed the Board that the PSC has issued docket # 83-000-8S, ruling to make notice of citizens led by Bruce Beatty's objection to the rate increase. Comm. Rodgers moved to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:56 p.m.. Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. ~QL Mayor ATTEST: UCUJ1/cl ;J[lU).fft~~. Deputy Clerk .