HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-12-84 SS MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL SESSION HELD JULY 12, 1984 . PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager, Lyle, Cook, Rodgers, City Attorney Rhodes, Acting City Manager Griffin, Deputy City Clerk Jones. ABSENT: NONE CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the Special Session to order at 7:3l,p.m.. Mayor Ison led those present in a prayer and then in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVALS Comadssion Rodgers motioned to suspewse with the reading of the minutes for the Commission Meeting held July 3, 1984. Commissioner Hager sec- onded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously. Commissioner Rodgers gave corrections to the minutes. comadssioner Rodgers motioned not to accept the minutes as written until the corrections were made. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion and the vote was carried unani- mously. Mayor Ison stated that the minutes of July 2, 1984, for the Board of Adjustment meeting, were for information only. OLD BUSINESS STARKE LAKE CLEAN-UP: REPRESENTATIVE WEBSTER;MR. COLLINS-STATE FISHERIES . Mayor Ison stated that he and the Acting City Manager, Mr. Griffin, had had a meeting, this day, with #ill Coleman, the game and,wildlifa officer, Dean Barber " the State of Florida's Biological scientist, and State Repre- sentative, Dan Webster. The Mayor stated that they met at Starke Lake and what they worked on was cleaning up the beach for about 100 to 110 yard area. Mayor Ison stated that there were no agreements made to pro- cede or do anything other than put the proposed proj~ct in written form and s~bmit it to Bill Coleman who would, in turn, subndt it to the ap- propriate personnel to see if the proposal would come back with concep- tual approval. Mayor Ison stat~d that it was stated,at the meeting, that the only funding that was to be available for anything on the lake, would be for hyacinth spraying of which the City would pay for thirty percent and the County would pay for seventy percent. The thirty per- cent, pertaining to the City cost, would be of six hundred dollars for a years spraying of the hyacinth to try to control them in Starke Lake. WATER EXTENSION POLICY, DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT, COMSUMER ORDINANCE AND RATE SCHEDULE - CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Rhodes stated that there were no significant changes in the sub- stance of the Extension Policy. . Mr. Rhodes stated the other two items; Consumer Regulation and Water Service and the Developer Agreement: would need some changes and ~e _ felt that they should be worked on by the Acting City Manager and the new Attorney. He did not feel that these two items had the urgency that the Water Extension Policy had. There was Gonsiderable discus- sion and the Board agreed to act on the Water Extension Policy at the regularly scheduled meeting on Julq 17i 1984, page 2 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL SESSION HELD JULY 12, 1984 . CITY CONSULTING ENGINEER EMPLOYMENT: REPORT OF SCREENING COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 2, 1984. PRIORITY RECOMMENDED: PEC, GEE & JENSEN, DYER & RIDDLE. The Commissioners and the Mayor agreed to hear from the representatives of the prospective engineering consulting firms in alphabetiqal ofder. Dyer and Riddle representatives Reggy Covell and Jerry Hartman, gave their presentation. Gee & Jensen representatives, Travis Kilgore, Bill Timbesy and Don Graham then gave their presentation. The repre- sentatives of PEC, Alex Hull, Craig Batterson, George Garrett, gave their presentation. There was considerable discussion between the Mayor, COmnUssioners and the Acting City Manager, pertaining to the presentation and COmnUssioner Lyle moved to accept the Consulting firm of PEC, with the stipulation that the COmnUssion could reach agreement on the amount of monies to be entered in the contract, at which time, if they did not agree on the amount of monies the COnmUssion would then accept the Consulting firm of Gee & Jensen. COmnUssioner Cook seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously. DAMAGE REWARDS BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NOMINATIONS. . After considerable discussion on the recommendations given to the COmmUssion and the Mayor by the City Police Chief, Mr. Turner, the Commission agreed upon the initial term oE one year and extended terms of three of the Board~ members. COmmUssioner Lyle moved to accept the recommended persons for the Damage Reward Board and recommended terms for those members. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously. FWOD CONTROL FOR PEACH LAKE AND LAKE MOXIE: ADDITIONAL SERVICES FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY OF ALTERNATIVE OUTFALL SYSTEM, APPROVAL, SUBMITTED BY GEE & JENSEN After considerable discussion between Mr. Don Graham and the Commission, COmmUssioner Lyle moved to table any decision until the new Consulting Engineer firms contract had been nego.tiated. COmnUssioner Hager second- ed the motion and the vote was carried unanimously. PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES REGARDING THE WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN: $4,985: PROPOSED BY PEC, INC. Commissioner Lyle stated that this topic was a moot discussed at the Workshop Session on July 17, 1984. the Mayor agreed to table the discussion. point and should be The COmnUssion and EASEMENT REQUEST FOR PRIMA VISTA UTILITIES TO GO THROUGH GENEVA STREET PART AND THE CEMETERY. . It was the consensus of the Commission to table any discussion with Prima Vista until Mr. Walter Kuhrt had returned his recommendation con- cerning the second proposal, he now had. page 3 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL SESSION HELD JULY 12, 1984 . NEW BUSINESS PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQUIRIMG DISPLAY OF STREET NUMBERS ON BUILDINGS There was considerable discussion on the proposed ordinance requiring display of street numbers on buildings and the consensus of the Com- mission was to take this proposed ordinance under advisement and re- view different possibilities to inform the citizens of the need for their homes to have house numbers. RETIREMENT (PENSION) PLAN PROGRAM PROPOSAL BY HARTFORD INS. CO.; MR. HOMER GAINES AND MS. KATIE CLARK After Mr. Gaines gave his proposal, there was considerable discussion between the COmnUssioners, the Mayor and the City Attorney. At this point COmnUssioner Lyle moved to implement Hartford and allow them to hold workshops with the City employees provided that the employees, if deciding to go with Hartford, gave six percent of their income and the City gave three percent of the employees income. The move also held stipulation to freeze the old pension plan and let the employees using the old pension plan deal with Prudential themselves. COmrr.Ussioner Rodgers seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously. JOHN RANK: CITIZEN, SLEEPY HARBOR SUBDIVISION, PARKING COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL AREA. . This item was placed on the agenda prematurely and will be placed on the July 17, 1984, agenda. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - ACTING CITY MANAGER I LAWSUIT: RUSHING vs. CITY OF OCOEE/TITSWORTH/INSURNACE CO. Mr. Griffin reported that the City received a law suite that was hand carried to City Hall by on of Sherrif Lamar's Deputys stating that the City was being sued by Kimberly Rushing's accident with Officer Tittsworth in a police vehicle on June 17, 1980. Mr. Griffin stated that after discussion with the City Attorney, the City Attorney re- commended that the matter be handed over to the insurance company to handle. Mr. Griffin stated that this had been done. WEST ORLANDO UTILITIES SEWER TREATMENT PLANT CONTRACT - APPROVAL: REPORT ON INSPECTION. The new contract submitted by Doug Nicole was under discussion and COmnUssioner Rodgers moved to accept the contract and COnwUssioner Lyle seconded. The vote was carried unanimously. REPORT ON PLANNER SELECTION: APPLICATIONS CWSE ON JULY 15, 1984. . Mr. Griffin stated that all of the applications handed in at this point had been screened and that he and COmrr.Ussioner Hager and Bill Breeze, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board, had met with one of.the applicants on July 12, 1984. page 4 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL SESSION HELD JULY 12, 1984 POLICE/YOUTH LIAISON PROGRAM; 1984-85 BUDGET . Mr. Griffin reported that there had been a joint meeting with the Orange County School Board and some of the local principals of the local schools, concerning the program. Mr. Griffin stated that the new years budget would include monies to set up a program with the City Police Force and the Cit~'s Youth, working with the schools. OPEN FULL-MEMBER POSITION ON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD. COmnUssioner Cook recommended Jim Swickerath for the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Griffin stated that he would talk to Mr. Swick- erath and report back to the Commission on July 17, 1984. FIREMATICS COMPETITION AT AVON PARK, JUNE 23, 1984 Mr. Griffin stated that the City could and should be proud of their Firemen for the excellant job they did in the competition at Avon Park. The COmnUssion commended the firemen and the fire Chief. RECOMMENDATION TO PURCHASE COMPUTER SYSTEM. . Mr. Allen Young gave a short presentation and the COmnUssioners and the Mayor discussed the NCR proposal with Mr. Young, Mr. Griffin and Mr. Poston, City Finance Director. After considerable discussion be- tween COmnUssioner Lyle, Mayor and Mr. Young COmnUssioner Cook moved to take the NCR on a thirty six month lease purchase plan and COmnUs- sioner Hager seconded the motion. The vote was carried unanimously. LAWSUIT THREATENED: LIQUOR WORLD vs. CITY OF OCOEE. Mr. Griffin reported that Liquor World was threatening with litigation against the zoning regulation that was brought up about three weeks ago. The report was for information only. REPORT ON COMMUNITY CENTER REPAINTING AND RECARPETING. ~ After some discussion on the subject COmnUssioner Lyle moved to repaint and recarpet as soon as possible and COmnUssioner Rodgers seconded the motion. COmnUssioner Lyle stated that th~ money could come out of the COmnUssioners fund and the COmnUssioner and Mayor agreed. The vote was carried unanimously. CITY ATTORNEY Attorney Rhodes stated that Mr. Hatcher, Attorney for the Code Enforce- ment Board and Mr. Rhodes'lassociate at law would stand in for him dur- ing his absence for vacation starting July 16, 1984. COMMENTS FORM CITIZENS/PUBLIC . NONE COMMENTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS The Mayor stated that he only saw two people in the audiance that would classify as citizens and asked them to stand and identify them selves. They stated that the were just observing the COmnUssion meeting because . . . page 5 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL SESSION HELD JULY 12, 1984 They were appling for the City Attorney position. They identified themselves as Tom Lang and associate. COMMENTS FROM CITY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Hager moved to adjourn and COmnUssioner Cook seconded the motion. The vote was carried unanimously. Commissioner Lyle stated that he would be on vacation the following week. MAYOR ...