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07-17-84 WS
e MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELD JULY 17, 1984 PJte.-6e.n-t: MayoJt I-6on, Comm-i,-6.6ionVl.6 HagVL; Cook; and RodgVl.6; A:UoJtne.y Ha:tc.hVL, and Ac.ting Cu.y ManagVL GJti6Mn, and De.puty C.tVLk Lou1.oufu. Ab-6e.nt: Commi.6-6iOnVL Ly.te. CALL TO ORDER MayoJt I-6on c.a.tie.d ~he. Commi.6-6ion WOJtk.-6hop ~o OJtdVL a:t 7:05 p.m.. DISCUSSION AND NEGOTIATION OF CONTRACT WITH PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. It MJt. Tom KeU.e.y, Jte.pJte.-6e.n:ting PJtone.-6-6iona1. Engine.VLing Inc.., Wa...6 pJte.-6e.nt ~o fuc.l1.6-6 and ne.gotia:te. the. c.ontJr.ac.t wU.h PJt06e.-6i.>iona1. Engine.vu.ng COn6u1.:tant.6, Inc.., and the.CU.y. MJt. KeU.e.y -6~a:te.d PEC wou1.d like. ~o be. the. Cu.y'-6 c.on:tintUng c.on6u1.:tant.6, ~he.y wou1.d be. avai.tab.te. nOJt c.oun-6ettation and advic.e. ~o the. BoaJtd, and the.y would pJtovide. -6VLvic.e.-6 ~o ~he. Cu.y a:t ~he. Commi.6-6ion'-6 p.te.a...6W!.e.. MJt. KeU.e.y pointe.d out tha:t ~he. c.ontJr.ac.t -6ta:te.d a -6e.ve.n day wJU;tte.n notic.e. Wall ne.c.e.-6-6aJty nOJt tVLmination. The. -6e.ve.n daY-6 WVLe. .tong e.nough to tie. up .t00-6e. e.nd6 without the. Cu.y OJt PEC, Inc.. having ~he. -60 - c.a.tie.d "-6holVt. e.nd On the. .otic.k". MJt. KeU.e.y ~he.n fuc.l1.6-6e.d ~he. Jtate.-6 that PEC, Inc.. c.ou1.d onnVL to the. Cu.y de.pe.ncUng on the. type. On woJtk the. Cu.y wante.d done.. The. C.On6e.n6l1.6 06 the. Commi.6-6ionVl.6 Wall to wa-U until ~he. Re.gu1.aJt Me.e..:U.ng J..mme.cUate.1.y 60.t.towing the. WoJtk.-6hop noJt a motion, and/oJt mOJte. fuc.l1.6-6ion. The. WatVL MalltVL p.tan Wa...6 de.1.aye.d unM anothVL :Ume.. The. WOJtk.-6hop Wa...6 adjoW!.ne.d at 7:30 p.m.. ~~. MayoJt I-6on ATTEST: ~d~ . -' ...,