HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-17-84 '. MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED COMMISSION MEETING HELD JULY 17, 1984 Present: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager; Cook; Rodgers, Acting City Manager Griffin, Attorney Hatcher, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis Absent: Commissioner Lyle CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 7:48 p.m. Mayor Ison then led those present in prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Ison stated that Mr. Mac Martin, of the BMX Parent Association, President of the Ocoee BMX Club was present. Mr. Martin informed the Commissioners that the Club had taken its first lst Place Trophy, and would like to present it to the Commission. Mayor Ison asked that Commissioner Rodgers accept it, since he had been so involved in the bike track, and the Club. Mr. Martin invited everyone present down to the track on Tuesdays, and/or Fridays for a social gathering and some work. APPROVALS Regular Commission Meeting, July 3, 1984 . Corom. Cook moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes and Corom. Hager seconded. The vote was unanimous. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes as correctedComm. Hager seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Special Session Meeting Minutes Held July 12, 1984 Corom. Rodgers moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Corom. Rodgers moved to approve the minutes as written, and the vote was unanimous. The minutes of the Code Enforcement Board held July 9, 1984, and the Merit System Board Meeting Minutes held June 26, 1984 were for infor- mation only. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Griffin, Acting City Manager, stated the advertisement for a new City Attorney expired on the 23rd of July. Mr. Bill Lassiter; Report on West Orlando Utilities Sewer Treatment Plant Mr. Bill Lassiter informed the Commission that on the Wednesday prior to the meeting they had received a satisfactory report on the facility and stated that theC~ty needs to take a copy of the original filing that we made with the Department of Environmental Regulation, send the report along with it, and the City will receive back the Certificate of Operation. The final inspection, the mains and laterals will be done for the second time by the end of July by the Orange County Sewer and Water Dept. Mr. Lassiter stated the life expectantcy of the plant is about one to two years. Corom. Rodgers asked what the maximum useable capacity of the plant at the present time, what are we actually .City Commission Meeting July 17, 1984 Page 2 . using at the present time, and is there any reserve left on the plant? Mr. Lassiter stated it was not an unreasonable question, and stated he might ~e able to answer the questions at a later date. Mr. Lassiter then read aloud a joint venture agreement between the City of Ocoee and GMD, a company which Mr. Lassiter is President. Some key points of the agreement are as follows. . The City of Ocoee will control the in take and payout of all monies. Mr. Lassiter expects growth will cover the entire costs. Beginning monies will come from the monies set aside for West Orlando utilities to rebuild. From the beginning day the City of Ocoee will control and own the property. Mr. Lassiter stated this is an employment agreement for a group of persons to perform a task. Mr. Lassiter has the management and legal team structure to set up the framework to collect the tap fees, which will take the City of Ocoee passing Ordinances to enforce the collecting. Mr. Lassiter stated there is a Florida Statute which limits how much tap fees monies can not be used for maintenance or the con- struction costs. Attorney Hatcher made clear there would be no Mandatory Hook Up Policy. The title of the conceptual proposed Resolution was changed to read "Authorizing the Mayor and the City Manager to negotiate with the Joint Venture...", eliminating the word "Exclusively". The City will be providing wasterwater service to its citizens without the need to incur bonded indebtedness. Comm. Rodgers moved to adopt the conceptual proposed resolution, with the change stated, to eliminate the wording "Exclusively", Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Ken Griffin read the resolution 84-6 aloud by title only. Resolution granting Variance/Adjustment to property in Ruben Kegler Subdivision, Public Hearing; to be provided by City Attorney. Comm. Hager stated it would be the developer~ responsibility to develop, maintain and operate the street. There were no comments from the citizens. Comm. Cook moved to adopt the resolution by title only, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Resolution number 84-7 was read aloud by Acting City Manager Griffin. Water Extension Policy Proposed Ordinance. . Commissioners Rodgers; Cook; and Hager agreed they wanted the water tap fee to be consistant throughout the City, instead of splitting the City between the North Side and South Side and having different rates for each. Mr. Griffin was instructed to make the changes necessary in the Proposed Ordinance on the Rate Schedule for the Connection and Meter Fee Charge. Comments on Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. Workshop Session. Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. will have a written proposal ready for the Commission at the next regularly scheduled City Commission Meeting July 17, 1984 Page 3 . Commission meeting, which will be held August 7, 1984. The Water System Study will be discussed at a later date. The requirement of PEC at Commission Meeting will be discussed also, at a later date. Comm. Rodgers moved to accept as proposed, subject to final approval by the City Attorney, with the wording assigned instead of a~~her~~ea on page 1 of the Ordinance. Comm. Hager seconded and the vote was unanimous. Attorney Hatcher will review the Ordinance since he is present at this meeting. Easement Request for Prima Vista Utilities through Geneva Park and the Cemetery. Attorney Michael Gray, President of Prima Vista, Barry Goodman, and Ned Demarce were present. Mayor Ison suggested the subject be tabled. Attorney Hatcher stated the City is taking a chance of litigation by tabling and not following through with the previous action of granting Prima Vista to service the Highway 50 Corridor. Mayor Ison stated the action of granting the easements to Prima Vista would be in direct conflict of the acceptance of Mr. Bill Lassiter's proposal. Mayor Ison stated he wanted the best for the citizens of Ocoee. e Comm. Hager moved to table until the City has a new City Attorney, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimously in favor. Mayor Ison stated he was also in favor of the motion. Building Permit Fees; Building Official, Mr. W. Aldridge. Mr. Aldridge stated he wanted to see the Building Department be self-sustaining, and self-sufficient. Mr. Aldridge continued that the City of Ocoee's building permit fees are considerab~less than other surrounding Cities. Mayor Ison took a straw vote of the Commissioners, and the consensus was to continue with the Ordinance raising the Permit Fees, and convey with Mr. Hatcher. Amendment to Resolution: Seaboard System Coastal Railway. Mr. Griffin explained that he had received a call from Mr. Manning, who told him that the Resolution and the agreement are in conflict. The resolution states that the City assumes the responsibility for their annual share not to exceed $1,250.00 for the maintenance, the agreement states that the City of Ocoee will pay all fees. Mr. Wavnp. Rich, Forest Oaks, stated they will underwrite the cost. Resolution 84-2 is hereby rescinded by this resolution. Comm. Cook moved to adopt the resolution by title only, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Griffin, read the res- olution aloud by title only. e NEW BUSINESS John Rank, Citizen, Sleepy Harbor Subdivision; Parking Commercial Vehicles in a residential area. City Commission Meeting July l7, 1984 ~ Page 4 Mr. John Rank was represented by Mr. Gene Dickerson, who stated that Mr. Rank was one of the first to move into Sleepy Harbor, and was permitted to park his trucks in the residential area for eleven years. Comm. Rodgers moved to let Mr. Rank operate as he has in the past and make a variance for Mr. Rank. The motion died for lack of a second. Attorney Hatcher stated if he was grandfathered in there is no need for a variance. Mr. Griffin stated he will need a variance and then go ~efore the Board of Adjustment. Corom. Rodgers moved to waive the fee for the variance, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER Mayor Ison called for a break at 11:05 p.m.. The meeting was called back to order at 11:12 p.m.. Mr. Walter Elwell was introduced to the Commissioners as the new City Planner. Mr. Griffin stated that Wynn, Dexter and Sampey, the accountants who audited our books last time would be finished with the report of cash on hand by July 31, 1984. . Report on Planning & Zoning Vacancy. Comm. Rodgers moved to nominate Mr. Jim Swickerath to the Planning & Zoning Board upon acceptance. Corom. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Third Quarter Budget Review Mr. Ken Griffin, Acting City Manager, presented the third quarter budget review. A summary of the review follows: In General: Have collected 81% of Predicted 2,196,474 or 1,790,006. Specific Problems (less than 75% collected) a. Telephone Excise Tax 52% b. United Telephone Franchise Fee 59% c. Group "W" Franchise Fee -0- d. Building Permit Fees 28% e. Gasoline Sales Tax 63% f. Zoning Fees 17% g. Annexation Fees 33% h. Community Center Rental Fees 27% i. Sale of Oranges 42% e Expenditures: General Fund In General: General Government 120% -Contingency Fund Expenditures throw off accounting, part- icularly $l55,000.00 paid for Maguire House. Police Dept. 85% Fire Dept. 67% Street Dept. 55% Shop Dept. 87% Recreation Dept. 38% -72,000.00 for Mature Citizens Building to be transferred to Fire Station Construction in FY 84-85. Cemetery 69% - e . City Commission Meeting July 17, 1984 Page 5 Grand Total - General Fund 73% or $1,606,942 of $2,196,474 budgeted. Water Enterprise Fund: Revenues: 70% of predicted or $238,712 or $340,424 Expenditures: 89% of appropriated, or: ~04,240 of $340,424 Sanitation Enterprise Fund. Revenues: 74% of predicted, or $l42,000 of $191,800. Expenditures: 78% of appropriated, or $184,823 of $235,731. Tentative Budget FY 84-85. Mr. Ken Griffin, Acting City Manager, passed out the tentative budget to all the Commissioners. The consensus of the Commmissioners was that they would need more tiMe to study the budget plan, and a Workshop Session was set up for July 26, 1984 at 7;00 p.m.. City Attorney Report on zoning problem brought up on 7-l2-84. This subject will be discussed at a later date. Comments from Citizens/Public There were no comments from the public. Comments from the Commissioners There were no comments from the Commissioners. Adjournment The City Commission Meeting was adjourned at 12:20 a.m.. :iL~ Mayor Ison ATTEST: JOJJt1m.i 1 ti-~ ~ Deputy Clerk