HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-84
Plte.6ent: Mayolt I.6on, Comm-U.6.-i.one.M Cook.; Lyle; Rodge.M, CUy A:t:toltney Kltuppenbac.hVt,
Ac.t.{.ng CUy ManagVt GJt.-i.U.-i.n, and Veputy ClVtk. Louloufu. (Comm-u.6.-i.onVt
Rodge.M a!t!t.-i.ved at 7: 35 p.m..)
Ab.6elit: Comm-U.6.-i.onVt HagVt.
Mayolt I.6on c.alled the ltegulaJt.f.y .6cheduied Comm-u.6-ton Meeting to oMVt at 7:31 p.m..
Mayolt I.6on then led th0.6e plte.6ent .-i.n pMyVt, and -tn the Pledge 00 AUeg.-i.anc.e to the
Mayolt I.60n then .-i.n.t!toduc.ed M!t. RMty J enk..{.Yl.6, who .6tated that the next mOltMng the
JIt. AU.6taM 00 the We.6t OMnge G~ Club would be leav.-i.ng 001t R.-i.vVtdale Geoltg.-i.a
601t the nationa.f..6. Mtt. Jenk..{.Yl.6 .6tated that they would be c.om.-i.ng bac.k. beoolte the
Boaltd when they got home to .6how the.{.Jt appltec..{.au.on to the Boaltd 00 Comm-u.6.-i.one.M
and the Mayolt.
CUy A:t:toltney KltUppenbac.hVt .6tated that a.f..e. 00 the m.-i.nute.6 c.ould be appltoved .-i.n
one motion .-i.Yl.6tead 06 mov.-i.ng 601t eac.h .6et 06 m.-i.nute.6.
Comm-U.6-tonVt Cook. moved to fupeYl.6e wUh the Itead.{.ng and appltove the m.-i.nute.6 M
WJlJ;t;ten. Mayolt I.6on pM.6ed W gave.f. to Comm-u.6.-i.onVt Lyle and Mayolt I.6on .6econded
the motion. The motion ca!t!t.-i.ed.
Oltd.{.nance #787, Annexation 06 PltopeJtty on WUMt Rd; Sec.ond Read.{.n9, PubUc. HeaJt.{.ng
Comm. Cook. moved to Itead Oltd.{.nanc.e # 787 by t.-i.tle oniy, Comm. Lyle .6ec.onded, and the
vote wa..6 una~oU.6ly .-i.n 6avolt. Ac.t.{.ng CUy ManagVt GJt.-i.oMn Itead the Oltd.{.nance aloud,
title and Sec.tion One. Mayolt I.6on Mk.ed 001t commen.t.6 6ltom the c..{.tizeYl.6, and thVte
wVte none. Comm. Lyle moved to appltove the Oltd.{.nanc.e, Comm. Cook. .6ec.onded, and the
vote Wa.6 una~oU.6.
Oltd.{.annc.e #788, Bu.{..f.d.{.ng PeJtmU Fee.6, Sec.ond Read.{.ng, PubUc. HeaJt.{.ng
Comm. Cook. moved to Itead the Oltd.{.nanc.e by title oniy, Comm. 'Lyle .6econded, the vote
WM UnaMmOM. M!t. GJt.-i.o Mn Itead the title 00 the Oltd.{.n.ance aloud. ThVte wVte no
c.ommen.t.6 6ltom the c.U.{.zeYl.6 plte.6ent. Comm. Rodge.M moved to appltove the Oltd.{.nanc.e,
Comm. Cook. .6econded, and the vote Wa.6 una~oU.6.
PM pM ed Oltd.{.nance, WatVt ExteYl.6.-i.o n PoUcy, F.-i.Mt Read.{.ng.
Comm. Rodge.M po.-i.nted out the eJt!toM he oound -tn the poUc.y. They wVte a.6 ooUOW.6:
Exh-i.bU B WM added.
Page 4 Sec.tion 7 tMltd Une, "Shall gltant to the CUy" -u dupUc.ated.
Page 5 Sec.t.{.on 11 S.-i.xth Sentenc.e, ee~a~e~if- .6houid Itead c.onc.U!t!tent.e.y.
Page 6 Sec.tion 12 F.-i.Mt Paltagltaph .6houid Itead fu~but.{.on.
Page 7 Sec.tion 14, F.-i.Mt Paltagltaph, TMltd L.-i.ne, Jte.6j:>I'I.6.t.eilitif- .6houid Itead lte.6poYl.6.-i.b.{.Utie.6.
Comm. Rodge.M then moved to Itead by title oniy, Comm. Cook. .6ec.onded, and the
vote Wa.6 una~oU.6. M!t. GJt.-i.o o-tn Itead the title aloud. M!t. GJt.-i.o Mn then -tno oltmed
AUGUST 7, 1984
the Comm-U.6.-i.one.M that the .6econd ftead.{.ng OOft the WatVt ExteYl.6.-i.on PoUcy would be
AugU.6t 21, 1984.
Palfrrlent 06 F.-i.nal Statement 6ftom W. Kuh/tt on PM..ma V.-i..6ta Pftopo.6ed SanUalty SwVtage.
Mayoft I.6on expla-i.ned that we can eUhVt pay the b'{'u, then .-i.nvo.-i.ce PM..ma V-uta
OOft the bill. Oft we can jU.6t OOltWaItd the bill to PM..ma V.-i..6ta wh.-Lch -u what hM
been done .-i.n the pMt. Comm. RodgeJt.6 .6tated he d.{.d not Uk.e the WOftd.{.n.g MIt. Kuh/tt
put on the bill, an.d he thought we .6hould fteoVt the bill back. to MIt. Kuh/tt OOft
fte.woftd.{.ng. Comm. Lyle .6tated that we wVte nU-p.-i.ck..{.ng. Comm. Rodge.M moved to
JteoVt the bill to the deve.f.opVt OOft pa!fYYIent, Comm. Cook. .6econded, and the vote WM
UYLaMmOU.6 .
EMement fteque.6t; P!t.-i.ma V-uta UtiUtie.6, thltough Geneva Paltk. and the CemetVty.
MIt. M.<.chae.f. Gftay, A:t:toftney 60ft PM..ma V-uta UtiUtie.6, .6tated they do not k.now
why the .6ubjec.t hM come up on th-U agenda, they d.{.d n.ot want a on the agenda.
Mayoft I.6on .6tated that he healtd .6omeon.e oftom PM..ma V.-i..6ta had fteque.6ted a be
on. tonUe'.6 agenda. Comm. Rodge.M moved to .6~k.e the aem oftom the agenda, Comm.
Cook. .6econded, and the vote WM una~oU.6.
^,Vt. GJt.-i.oMn .6tated that MIt. Van. Gftaham could not mak.e tonUe'.6 meeting, but he would
be glad to oill the Comm-U.6.-i.on.e.M .-i.n on what hM been happeMng. MIt. GJt.-i.oo.-i.n .6tated
the Cay began. to pump Lak.e Moue .-i.nto Staltk.e Lak.e, ,tate.-i.n the aotVtnoon, on. the
.6econd. The Cay 00 Ocoee pftoceeded to pump the tMltd, 6oUltth, and the o.-i.oth.
OY\ Monday, the .6.-i.xthj VUltk. Schm.-i.dt, head 00 enooftcement OOft St. JohYl.6 WatVt V-u~c.t
called the Cay and told U.6 to quU pump.-i.n.g M we d.{.d not have a peJtmU. About
3:30 p.m. the Cay quU pump.-i.ng wa.:tVt .-i.nto Staltk.e Lak.e oftom Moue. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn
.6tated that MIt. Van. Gftaham had appUed 60ft the emVtgen.cy pump.-i.ng peJtmU oftom St.
John'.6, and that St. John.'.6 had .6a-i.d a would :ta.k.e appftoUmate.f.y 90 day.6 to pftOCe.6.6
the peJtma. MIt. Schm.-i.dt had told MIt. GJt.-i.oMn that .-i.o the CUy 06 Ocoee wanted to
appeal, we could go be60fte the St. John'.6 WatVt V-u~c.t Boaltd on TUe.6day , the
.6eventh, .-i.n Sanooftd, and appeaJto the Boaltd. Mayoft I.6on. and Ac.ting Cay ManagVt GJt.-i.oMn
d.{.d a:t:tend the meeting. MIt. GJt-i.6 n.-i.n plead the Cay'.6 CM e. The Boaltd .6tated the
Cay d.{.d not have an emVtgency .6Uuation, and we could not pump. I6 we get .-i.nto an
emVtgency .6Uuation, call them, they w.{.u come and .6ee, then. dec..{.de whahVt Oft not
to appltove pump.-i.ng pltocedUlte.6.
MIt. GJt.-i.66.-i.n. then ftecommen.ded the Comm-U.6.-i.on appJtove the $4,550.00 to do fteCOY/..6:tJtuc.t.{.on
on. the fteteYl.6.-i.o n po n.d.6, and .6WM-e.6. The cha!tg e would .-i.nclude a 0 eM.-i.b.-i.Uty .6tudy
06 dlta-i.n.age ftoute to Apopk.a, aeJUa1. .6tudy, a Me.f.d .-i.nve.6tigation., and a deteJtm.-i.nation
06 .6 Ultv ey lev w .
Comm. Rodge.M .6tated he would Uk.e 60ft U.6 to obta-i.n name.6 an.d phone numbe.M 06 aU the
pubUc membe.M on the Boaltd 06 St. John'.6 WatVt V-u~c.t. Then, when we get compla-i.YiU
we can fte6Vt them to talk. d.{.Jtec.tiy to the Boaltd membeJt.6.
Comm. Rodge.M a.f..60 .6tated that PEC, Inc. ought to tak.e oVVt OUlt pftoblem.6 wah the Lak.e.6,
.-i.Y/..6tead 0 n hav.-i.ng :two E ng.-i.newng Co Y/..6 uUaYiU 0 n boaltd wah the Cay 06 Oco ee.
Comm. Rodge.M moved to have a :tJtaYl.6.{.Uon tak.e p.ta.ce between Gee an.d JeYl..6en to PEC, Inc.
_ _~_~~~__.J
AUGUST 7, 1984
})AGE 3
beg-tnMng AugMt 8, 1984, and Gee & JeYl.6en would 6U1t~h all .-i.nnoltmation and ftecoftd.6
needed to mak.e the :tJtaYl.6.{.Uon. Comm. Cook. .6econ.ded, and the vote WM unaMmoU.6.
Pftooe..6.6.-i.ona..f. Eng.-i.neeJt.{.ng COYl.6u.ttan.t.6, Inc. alte to come be60fte the Comm-U.6.-i.on with a
StatU.6 Report 0 n The P .-i.ne.6, Le:t:tVt oJtom W. Kuh/tt pftov.-i.ded.
MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn .6tated the le:t:tVt WM 60Jr. .-i.nnoltmation only.
F.{.Jte Statio n # 2 - Gu-idanc.e and CU!t!tent StatU.6.
Mayoft I.6on .6tated that they had p.ta.Yl.6 out to d.{.66Vtent COYl.6:tJtuc.tion Company'.6 and
they wVte expecting b.-i.d.6 back. .6oon. Ch-i.en S:tJtMMdVt con6.{.Jtmed th-U.
Mayoft I.6on ca..t.f.ed a 6.-i.ve m.-i.nute ftece.6.6 6ftom 8:25 p.m. thltough 8:32 p.m..
MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn .-i.nnoltmed the Comm-U.6.-i.one.M that Maltgaltet Ryan, 6ftom Boaltd 06 AdjMtment
fte.6.-i.gned, and that Newy Bfte.f.and ha.6 changed h-U m.-i.nd a6te!t the agenda Wa.6 made.
The Comm-U.6.-i.o ne.M agfteed to let the Boaltd 06 Adj U.6tment mak.e ftecommendatio Yl.6 60ft
the AUVtnate PO.6.{.Uo n.
Colony Plaza Mote.f. Reque.6t: RepoJtt 6U!t~hed
C.-i.ty A:ttoftney KftuppenbachVt ftec.ommended we contact MBI (Me:tJtopo.tUan BUlteau 06 Inve.6t-
.-i.gatiOYl.6) to Mnd out whethVt oft not U -u cOYl.6.-i.dVted gambUng.
Pump CO.6t v.6. Lea.6.-i.ng - RepoJtt FUIt~hed.
Mayoft I.6on ftec.ommended that we do noth-i.ng until we Mnd out how .6oon we w.U1. be pump-tng.
Comm. RodgeJt.6 .6ugge.6ted we get a mofte exact CO.6t, be60fte any dec.-U.-i.on .-i..6 made.
.t.-i.cat-ion .-i.nv.-i.tat-ion;
Comm. Lyle .6:tated he accept.6 MIt. GJt-i.66.-i.n'.6 ftecommendation, then Comm. Lyle moved to
pUMue the.{.Jt own CommunUy Veve.f.opment Block. Gftant, wUhout Oftange County.
Comm. RodgeJt.6 .6econded, and the vote WM unaYL.-i.moU.6.
Spec..{.al Exception to ZOMng Oftd.{.nance - John Rank. - PaltUng CommVtc..{.al VeMc..f.e.6 -tn
Re.6.-i.denu.a..f. Aftea.
Comm. RodgeJt.6 a.6k.ed why the Comm.-i..6.6.-i.oneJt.6 couldn't ftule now.-i.Yl.6tead 06 MIt. Rank. go.-i.ng
be60fte the Boaltd 06 AdjU.6:tment. Comm. Lyle .6tated the CUy dOe.6n' t have a healtt an.y
longVt. CUy A:t:toftney KftuppenbachVt .6tated the Comm-U.6.-i.oneJt.6 needed to Me the
.6et Boaltd.6 and have MIt. Rank.'.6 CMe go thltough due pftOCe.6.6.
PeJt.6onne.f. Pftoblem.6, S.-i.ck. Leave PoUcy, ftepoJtt pftov.-i.ded.
MIt. GJt.-i.6 6.-i.n, Acting CUy Manag Vt, .6tated .-i.n. ev Vty depalttment except thltee thVte WM a
pa.:t:tVtn deve.f.op.-i.ng 06 day.6 066, 60ft .-i.Yl.6tance, ~ve!ty Monday. Comm. Lyle ftecommended
AUGUST 7, 1984
employee d-Uc.-i.pUne Jtathe!t than a c.ompany doc.toft.
Bath Tub Rega:t:ta; RepoJtt FUIt~hed.
Comm. Lyle ftecommended the C.-i.ty 06 Oc.oee not get .-i.nvolved at a..e..e.. Comm. Lyle .6tated
;the le:t:tVt .6 hould be pM.6 ed alo ng to the L.-i.o Yl.6 Club, and let them fte.6 po nd to the le:t:tVt.
MIt. GJt.-i.66.-i.n M k.ed the Comm-u.6.-i.o ne.M 60ft the.{.Jt .-i.nput on the .-i.dea 06 the ca.mpa-i.g n.
The c.onCeYl.6M 06 the Comm-U.6.-i.one.M WM to do U.
Cay A:t:toftney Kftuppenbac.hVt 6.-i.Mt thank.ed the Comm-U.6.-i.on 60ft letting h.<.m have the
c.hance M the Cay A:t:toftney.
Sec.ondly, MIt. KJtUppenbac.he!t a..6k.ed 60ft authoJt-i.zation to mak.e the lega.f. adjU.6tment.6
on the PEC, Inc. c.on.:tJtact dea.Ung with the altb.{.:tJta.t.{.on. Comm. Rodge!t.6 .60 moved, Comm.
Cook. .6ec.onded, and the vote WM una~oU.6.
TMltd.e.y, MIt. Kftuppenbache!t .6tated thatthe;eomm.-i..6.6-ton d-i.d not need an .-i.nd.{.v.-i.dua.f.
a:t:toftney 60ft the law .6uU aga-i.Yl.6t eac.h On them by PM..ma V-uta U~e.6 Co.
MIt. Kftuppenbac.hVt .6tated the TJtave.f.eJt.6 IYl.6U1tanc.e Co. .6hould de6end them .-i.n th-U c.Me.
MIt. KftuppenbachVt .6tated he would .6end a le:t:tVt to eac.h 06 the Comm-U.6.-i.one.M to k.eep
them updated.
MIt. Gene V.-i.ck.e.M 0 n, M k.ed how we could 6 allow up 0 n a c.omplMnt 60ft wh.-Lc.h the pe.M 0 n
d.{.d not g.-i.ve h-U name, Oft 60ltmaUy .6.-i.gn a c.ompla-i.nt. The c.OYl.6eYl.6M 06 the Comm-U.6.-i.on
WM 6ftom now 0 n, aU c.ompla-i.n.t.6 alte to be .-i.n WJt.i;tten le:t:tVt noltm and .6.-i.g ned by the
Comm. Cook. Mk.ed about the fteteYl.6.-i.on pond at the H.-i.ghway 50 Shopp.-i.ng CentVt, .6he
.6tated a .6me.f..t.6 bad.
Comm. Cook. Mk.ed about an AMmal Con.:tJtol Oftd.{.nance on unleMhed a~a.f..6. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn
.6tated the AMmal Con.t!tol will not come out to the CUy 06 Oc.oee M we do not have
an AMmai Con.t!tol Oftd.{.nanc.e, and they w.{.U not .6Vtv-tc.e the CUy un.u..e. we have an
Oftd.{.nanc.e. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn w.{.U g.-i.ve a c.opy 06 Oftange Co. AMma.f. Con.:tJtol OJtd.{.nance to
Comm. Cook..
Comm. Rodge.M .6tated the Cay -u hav.-i.ng a pftoblem at the Old Shopp.-i.ng CentVt wUh
:tJtuck.e.M dump.-i.ng oil .-i.n the dUc.h, and paltk..{.ng ovVtnUe .-i.n the paltk..{.ng lot. Comm.
Rodge.M a.f..60 Mk.ed that the S:tJteet Vept. c..tean out the Umb.6 that they have cut
down .-i.nto the dUch.
Comm. Lyle moved to adjoUltn at 9:47 p.m..
una~oM .
Comm. CO~d, r;;;;-.;::; <<1M