HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-84
. OCOcE. FLOHIU^ J;l7~
Buard d f (CdllUlI i BB i dne rs
7:30 pm
Ocoee C i t Y Ha 11
21 Aug 84
I. caU to O/tdVt - Mayo/t I.6on
a. Invoc.a.t.{.on
b. P ledg eOn AUeg.-i.a.nc.e
c.. Roll c.aU and VeteJu1l,[na.t.{.on On Quo/tum
II. AwaJr.d6/P/te.6en.:ta.t.{.on/P/to~oYl..6
a. P/toc..e.amt:tt-ton 84-4: I wi.U. he.f.p you - c<ilzeYl..6 on Oc.oee Month, AugU6t 1984.
III. Appltova.f..6
Wo/tk..6hop Minute.6 n/tom July 17, 1984
Wo/tk..6hop m.{.nute.6 n/tom AugU6t 7, 1984.
Regutalt Se.6-6-ton AUnute.6 n/tom AugU6t 7, 1984
BoaJu:1 on AdjU6tmen.:t Minute.6 n/tom AugU6t 13, 1984
- unonn-te..<.at - (Not appltoved); nOJt .-i.nnoJtma.tlon only
Code fnnoltc.e.ment BoaJu:1 M-tnute.6 n/tom AugU6t 13, 1984
- un06nic.-i.al - (Not appltovedl; nolt inno/tmation on..ty
PlanMng and ZOMng BOa/Ld AUnute.6 nltom AugU6t 14, 1984,
app/toved by thltee me.mbenh via hand c.a.Jt!ty; nolt innoltmation
o n..ty .
I V . Old BU6-tne.6-6
I e
a . H e.a.JUng-6
1. O/tcUnlUlc.e numbVt 789, Wate!t Ex:teYl..6-ton Polic.y;
.6ec.ond /tea.ding and pubUc. he~g.
2. Re.6o.tution 84-9, Valtianc.e to John Rank'.6 p/topeJtty nolt
paIL k-tng Co rrrn e!te..<.at :tJtuc.k..6 th eJl.Q n .
b. Othe/t BM.-i.ne.6.6
1 . Con.tJta.c.t p/top0.6a..f. 6/tom J o-tn.:t Ven.tU!te; GMD, Inc.., MIt. W. LM.6aVt
2, P/top0.6a..f..6 nltom PfC ItV dltainage pJLoble.m.6 at Peac.h and Moue Lake.6
3. PJtopO.6a..f..6 nltom PfC /te: .6toJtm .6e.we!t ma..f.nunc.UoYl..6 at Spung Lake C-Utc..te-
Spung Lak.e H~ Subdiv.-i..6-ton.
4. Employment 06 the Cay ManagVt; Comm-U.6-tonVt Rodge.M
5. Employee'-6 Sa.f.a.Jty/Pay P/topO.6a..f.; P/topo.6ed Tentative Budget FY '84-'85;
Commt.6.6.-i.onVt RodgeJt.6
6. F .-i.na..f. Plat App/to vaf.- The P .-i.ne.6; MIt. Leon VunMng and MIt. W. KuhJtt, P. Eo
7. Conc.eptua..t App/tova..f. 06 Reti!tement Apalttment Complex 60/t Sen.-Lo/t C.{.UzeYl.6
on While Road; .6ee PlanMnQ and ZOMnQ BaoM M-tnute.6 '
liCE: Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting wi II need d f
d. d f h" a recor 0
t e procee Ings an or t IS purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of th .
. d h' h' I d h . d'd e proceedings
IS ma e W IC Inc u es t e testimony an eVI ence upon which the appeal is to be based.
AUGUST 21, 1984
Page 2
V. New BM.-i.neM
EMement on Lyle Sbteeti MlL. Hattaway, 141 Lyle Sbteet, 656-5896.
P/topo.6ed ag/teement ooJt Be.f..e.o~ AdvVttM.-i.ng Company, Inc..; BM Benc.h
P~opo.6ed AJtbo~ O~dinaneei Com~.6-tone.Jt RodgeJt.6
P~eUm.ina.!tY App~oval. 06 MO-6eley E6tettU Pletti ~e6e.Jt to -6ta66 ~epoJLt and
PlanrUng and ZOrUng Minu:tu. .
Conc.eptual. App/tova..f.; p/topo.6ed a.Yl.nexa.:t-i.on on B.tu6o/td Avenuei between
Geneva and Stette Road 50
VI. Repo~ and Inooltmation - Ac.ting C.-i.ty Manage.Jt
a. Code Enoo/tc.emen.t Boa.!tdi MIt. ColbUltn exc.hang~d with M~. Jamu
b. F iAe and Building T Mdu Boa.!tdi M/t. L. M. Z ugleJt /tu-tg ned;
need ~ep.ta.c.emen.t
C.-i.ty Atto/tney
Commen.:t.6 o/tom C~zen.6/Pub.e.-tc
Commen.:t.6 6~om Com~.6-toneJt.6