HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-84 . MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1984 Present: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager, Lyle, Cook, Rodgers, City Attorney Kruppenbacher, Acting City Manager Griffin, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. Absent: None CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regularly scheduled Commission Meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.. City Manager Griffin led those present in prayer. Mayor Ison then led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor 1son then told of Proclamation 84-3, which is an I WILL HELP YOU campaign. The campaign will heighten the City employees' awareness of who they serve, the citizens of Ocoee. The month of August will be proclaimed I WILL HELP YOU month for the City of Ocoee. APPROVALS . Commissioner Rodgers moved to approve the Workshop Minutes of July 17, 84; Workshop Minutes of August 7, 84; and the Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of August 7, 84. Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. OLD BUSINESS Ordinance # 789, Water Extension POlicy, Second Reading and Public Hearing Comm. Hager moved to read the Ordinance by seoonded, and the vote was unanimous. Griffin read the Ordinanoe by title only. from the oitizens present. There were Comm. Cook moved to approve Ordinance seconded, and the vote was unanimous. title only, Comm. Cook Acting City Manager There were no comments no legal objections. I 789, Comm. Hager Resolution 84-9, Variance to John Rank's property for parking Commeroial truoks thereon. . Comm. Hager moved to read the Resolution by title only, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Griffin read the title of Resolution 84-9. Mr. Beatty, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment, explained why the Board had voted against the exoep- tion, 4-2. The reason being they felt it was not within their jurisdiotion according to the Code to vote for it. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the Resolution 84-9, after hearing oomments from Mr. Paul Bellew, Pres. of the Sleepy Harbor Homeowners Assoo., who was speaking as a citizen of Oooee, and Mr. John Rank. Comm. Cook seoonded, and the vote was unanimous. Comm. Rodgers apolo- gized as a Commissioner for the so-oalled run around Mr. Rank was faoed with. Comm. Rodgers also added that from now on City Hall was not aooepting any complaints unless they were written, and 1 . . . signed. Contract proposal from Joint Venture; GMD, Inc. Mr. W Lassiter. City Attorney Kruppenbacher asked that if a motion is made that it be worded, "subject to review and appropriate revision by Mr. Roland," the attorney representing the City of Ocoee on the Prima Vista lawsuit. Atty. Kruppenbacher also stated that from a legal point it would be better to wait for a motion until after Mr. Roland has approved the paperwork. Comm. Lyle expressed concern when addressing this item. Comm. Rodgers pointed out two typographical errors. After much discussion with Mr. Lassiter Comm. Cook moved to approve the Resolution subject to review and appropriate revision by Mr. Roland and Mr. Kruppenbacher. Comm. Hager seconded, and Comm. Rodgers expressed concern on the wording of the motion. Comm. Hager withdrew his second and Comm. Cook withdrew her motion. Comm. Rodgers moved giving authorization to Mr. Roland and Mr. Kruppenbacher to proceed with a final document on the joint venture between the City of Ocoee and GMD. Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote carried with Commissioners Cook, Rodgers, and Hager voting yeh and Comm. Lyle voting ney. Mayor Ison called for a break at 8:30 p.m. and the reconvened at 8:38 p.m.. meeting Proposals from PEC Re: Lakes Drainage problems at Peaoh and Moxie Mr. Tom Kelley stated that PEC will be sitting down with Gee and Jensen within the next week and get the information which they have already gathered on the drainage problem. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve Addendum 12, which is the proposal for preliminary Engineering Services to Lakes Peach and Moxie Drainage problem. Comm. Lyle seconded and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Kelley then discussed Addendum number 3, Preliminary Analysis of Water System, Water System Mapping, and Design of Water Plant Flow Meters. PEC feels that the priority items at this time are to commence the installation of flow meters at the City's two existing water plants immediately, and to commence preliminary analysis and development of a workable water distribution system map. PEC proposed to provide such services on an hourly basis not to exceed $7,500.00. PEC will be reporting back to the Commission with several proposed neighborhood type water distribution system improvement projects to improve water pressure to residential customers. Comm. Lyle moved to approve Addendum 13, Comm. Rodgers seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Status report on storm sewer malfunctions at Spring Lake Circle Mr. Kelley stated PEC would try fixing the problem in Phases, Phase I - they would grout the manhole, not to exceed $1,000.00. If that did not fix the problem PEC would proceed with Phase II, 2 MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1984 e which is to grout the line, not to exceed $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 Comm. Lyle moved to approve both Phases but for PEC not to proceed with Phase II unless necessary, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Comm. ROdgers asked Mr. Kelley for a timetable showing the progress and completion date for the drainage problems at Lakes Peach and Moxie. Mr. Kelley stated he would have a timetable by the next Commission Meeting, which is September 4, 1984. City Manager Griffin informed the Board of two bills we received from Gee and Jensen. The first, for $1,621.00 for Peach and Moxie Water Quality Improvement. The second, $3,500.00 for professional services rendered in the emergency pumping of Lakes Peach and Moxie, from July 27 through August 10th. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve payment of both bills from Gee and Jensen, Inc., Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Employment of City Manager - Commissioner ROdgers . Comm. Rodgers stated on 7-3-84, by a 3 to 1 vote, Mr. Griffin was appointed Acting City Manager, for the City of Ocoee. Comm. Rodgers stated he had voted against the motion for two reasons, the position of Acting City Manager is not defined in the Charter; and Mr. Griffin needed more direction than he had received. Comm. Rodgers stated he came to Mr. Griffin the next morning offering help, and since that time Comm. Rodgers has spent alot of hours with Mr. Griffin. With this Comm. Rodgers moved to appoint Mr. Griffin City Manager, Comm. Lyle seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Comm. Rodgers then addressed the budgeted Assistant City Manager's position, stating he was proposing to eliminate the position and insert the position of City Clerk, to do many of the duties of Assistant City Manager. Comm. Rodgers moved to strike the position of Assistant City Manager from the budget and insert a full-time City Clerk, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Comm. Lyle stated he like the concept of moving up within if there was anyone qualified for the position. Comm. Rodgers suggested to increase Mr. Griffin salary to the minimal City Manager's salary until Oct. 1, 84. Comm. Lyle moved to increase Mr. Griffin's salary to $25,000.00, and make the raise retroactive to 7-3-84, Comm. Rodgers seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Employee's Salary Pay Proposal; Proposed Tentative Budger 84-85 Comm. Rodgers living raise on was unanimous. to take care efficient, with moved to give a 4%, across the Board, cost of October 1, 84, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote Comm. Hager stated the Board and employees needed of the citizens. The employees should be more increased productivity. . The Pines - Final Plat Approval Mr. Kuhrt informed the Board that on August 8, 84, the work was completed at The Pines, and he requested final approval of the Plat. Mr. Kuhrt stated there were eleven lots, just east of 3 MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1984 e Ocoee Hills Road, which are guaranteed for one year. Mr. Kuhrt stated that Mr. Mike Sims is representing the City of Ocoee. Mayor Ison stated he was holding a check for $3,200.00 for the recreation assessment. Comm. Lyle moved to give final approval of the Plat for The Pines, Comm. Rodgers seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Conceptual Approval of Retirement Apartment Complex on White Rd Mr. Griffin explained that he had brought this before the Board previously, and the Board suggested to bring it before the Planning and Zoning Board, which City Manager Griffin did, and their vote was a tie 2-2, on 8-14-84. City Manager Griffin stated he is requesting permission to submit a letter for conceptual approval of retirement apartment complex. The consensus of the Board gave authority to City Atty. Kruppenbacher to write a letter at the present time services are available to the said property. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the concept, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote was unanimous. NEW BUSINESS Easement on Lyle Street; Mr. Hattaway, 141 Lyle Street . Mr. Hattaway, 141 Lyle St., asked the Board for the drainage easement, which he has been using for the last sixteen years, to be vacated. City Manager Griffin explained that the City needs to go investigate into the rights of way, the water line easements, and drainage easements, to see what the City has, what we need to get, and so on. Mr. Griffin stated his report will be brought before the Board at the first meeting in October. Comm. Rodgers asked if Planning and Zoning would be involved, City Manager agreed. Proposed Agreement for Bellows Advertising Co., Inc. Bus Bench Advertising. Mr. Bellows asked the Board for permission to place his benches within City limits, the City has a choice of whether or not advertisments are placed on the benches, where the benches will be placed. Mr. Bellows Company has a $500.00 performance bond, and insurance to pay for any liabilities that may arise. Mr. Beech stated he is for the benches, placed maybe in the park. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the agreement subject to City Atty. Kruppenbacher's changes, and revisions, Comm. Cook seconded, and the vote carried with Comm. Rodgers; Cook; and Hager voting yeh, and Comm. Lyle abstaining. Proposed Arbor Ordinanoe, Commissioner Rodgers e Comm. Rodgers explained that this Ordinanoe would protect the trees, locating them on preliminary plans, and will prevent them from being totally destroyed. Comm. Lyle stated you can not tell existing land owners they can't out down a tree in their own yard. Comm. Cook and Hager ooncurred with Comm. Lyle. City 4 MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMmISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1984 . Atty. Kruppenbacher stated that developers are property owners also, and he didn't see how we could govern them without governing residential land owners also. Mr. Griffin was instructed to look into including the intent of this Ordinance in the pending re-write of the Subdivision Regulations. Preliminary Approval of Moseley Estates Plat e Mr. Walter Kuhrt is representing RCA in the Moseley Estates Development. Mr. Kuhrt explained there is 135 lots, at the SE quadrant of Adair St., and Ocoee Clarcona Rd. Mr. Kuhrt explained in detail the storm drainage system. He also stated the water supply would come from the Forest Oaks Water Plant. Mr. Kuhrt suggested the City not issue any Certificates of Occupancy until Forest Oaks Water Plant is in full operation. Mr. Kuhrt explained that John Cockrell, Water Superintendent, asked that some of the Water lines, and hydrants be relocated, which has been done. Submission of the sewerage plan ,and a letter from the Power Co., stating they will be able to supply power to the subdivision has been completed. Mr. Griffin stated the City needed to discuss several points, the concrete wall surrounding the subdivision, monetary contribution vs. developed land contribution for recreational assessment, and roads. The consensus of the Commission was to have a north-south throughfare on Adair St. to Clarcona Ocoee road. Mayor 1son asked Mr. Goodman about the possibility of having a turn lane put in at the intersection of Adair and Wurst Road. Mr. Goodman said that would be no problem. Mr. Kuhrt stated that RCA would like to put a partial wall with landscaping and shubbery around the east side of the subdivision. The majority of the Commission concurred. Comm. Lyle and Hager voted for monetary contribution, and Comm. Cook and Rodgers voted for land, Mayor Ison, casts in tie vote, for land. The Commission would like to have less land, and have it developed. Comm. Cook moved to approve the preliminary plat, subject to the following, 11. No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until Forest Oaks Water Plant is in operation. 12. Make a turn lane on South Adair, if no other right of way needs to be purchased, with proper engineering gUidelines. 13. A final drawing of the wall and landscaping to be done on Adair and Ocoee Clarcona Road will be submitted for final approval. 14. Disposition of recreational assessment to be developed land. 15. Those other conditions agreed to by developer, and City Engineer/Planning as per staff report of 8-10-84. 16. Conceptual deed restrictions on trees, two live Oaks per each lot. Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Goodman, and Mr. Kuhrt agreed there was no problem with the motion on their part. Conceptual Approval; proposed annexation on Bluford Avenue . Mr. Ulay Thompson, Real Estate Agent, was representing the owners of the property, Bill Coleburn, Ms. Gibson, and Ms. Echols. Comm. Rodgers moved conceptual approval of the proposed annexation of the said property, Comm. Lyle seconded, and the 5 - MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1984 vote was unanimous. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER Mr. Griffin stated he had reoeived a report from Wynn, Dexter and Sampey, Aooountants. All City of Oooee monies were where Mr. Poston olaimed, and is aooounted for. Mr. Griffin asked permission to spend an estimated $300.00 to have tests run on Lakes Peaoh, Moxie, and Starke. The Commission stated to try and get the test results from Gee and Jensen first, and then spend the money. CITY ATTORNEY KRUPPENBACHER City Atty. Kruppenbaoher stated he reoeived notifioation that Prima Vista has filed suit against the City of Oooee onoe again. Mr. Kruppenbaoher stated that Mr. Roland will oommunioate baok with the Commissioners within one week about their litigations. He also stated that both insuranoe oompanies have no ooverage for paying for damages and defense as yet. Mr. Kruppenbaoher suggested the City ohange insuranoe oompanies so the Commissioners will be oovered individually. e Mr. Kruppenbaoher stated he is going to oontaot Mr. Norman Burke and tell him to oontinue working on the Pamela Dassdorf oase. Mr. Kruppenbaoher assured the Commission that Mr. Burke was an exoellent attorney, and the Commission would do well to have Mr. Burke oontinue with the oase. COMMENTS FROM THE CITIZENS/PUBLIC - NONE COMMENTS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS Comm. Cook did not have any oomments. Comm. Rodgers asked about the drainage ditoh at the Shopping Center, and Bluford - Silver Star Rd. Mr. Griffin informed him that they were on the list of things that needed to be done. Comm. Hager stated the lilly pads were up about 4 feet high in the ditoh that dead ends in Lee Street. Mr. Griffin stated he would get them out down. Mayor 1son reoommended to exohange insuranoe pOlicies, it was better coverage for the same money as the City was spending now. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the exohange of insurance, Comm. Cook seoonded, and the vote was unanimous. - 6 . MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMM:DSSION MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1984 Comm. 11:34 Lyle p.m., moved to adjourn the regular Commission Meeting at Comm. Rodgers seoonded, and ~ote was unanimous. --~~--------- MAYOR ATTEST: , ~61C1JJfJMdU:L---- DEPUTY CLERK . . 7