HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-04-84
PRESENT: Mayor Tom Ison, Commissioners Rodgers, Cook, Lyle, City Manager
Griffin, Deputy City Clerk Louloudis
ABSENT: Commissioner Hager
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ison call the meeting to order at 7:40 p.~..
City Manager, Ken Griffin, led those present in prayor and Mayor Ison led
those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Ison stated that the Ocoee-Bulldog football parade and jamboree was
scheduled for Saturday morning (9/8/84), and would begin at the Ocoee Elem-
entary school at 9:00 a.m., and that all the Commissioners,Hayor and the
City Manager was invited to be in the parade. He stated that they were to
be at the school at 8:00 a.m., that morning.
~ommisioner ROdgers moved to dispense with the reading of the
minutes of the August 21, 1984, meeting of the Commission. Commissioner
Cook seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously. Mayor Ison
gave one correction to the August 21, 1984, minutes. The correction was
on page two, under Contract proposal from Joint Venture;GMD, Inc., Mr. U.
Lassiter. The correction was to strike the last part of the paragraph
from After much discussion, to the end of the paragraph. Commissioner
Cook moved to approve the minutes with the above correction and Commissioner
Lyle seconded the motion. The vote was carried unanimously.
First reading of the proposed ordinance on city occupational licenses
Commissioner Rodgers moved to read the proposed ordinance on occupational
licenses by title only. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and che vote
was carried unanimously. City Manager, Griffin, read the proposed ordinance,
aloud, by title only. This was the first reading of the proposed ordinance.
Commissioner ROdgers asked Mr. Griffin if, on page 9, under Fortune Tellers,
was the amount of $650.00 correct and Mr. Griffin stated that it was to read
$50.00 instead. Commissioner Cook had a question for page 10, concerning
Sub-Contractors. She asked why Electrical, General, and House Aovers were
not the same price as all of the others. It was agreeded, by all, to make
all the Sub-Contractors, Item 50, to read the same price, $70.00.
~irst reading of the proposed ordinance, Amendment to Zoning Ordinance
City Manager, Griffin, stated that the only change to be made to the or-
dinance was to insert the word "primary" in the subparagraph "a" in each of
the sections indicated; as per the discussion with Mr. John Rhodes, several
. Page 2
weeks ago, the rest of the proposed ordinance was to remain the same.
Commissioner Lyle moved to read the ordinance by title only and Commissioner
Cook seconded the motion. The vote was carried unanimously.
Mayor Ison asked the City Manager to read the ordinance by title only and
Mr. Griffin did so.
Agreement between Seaboard Coastal Lines Railroad and the City of Ocoee
(and Amick Construction), Mr. Wayne Rich, Trustee
Mayor Ison introduced Mr. Wayne Rich. Mr. Rich gave an explaination of the
agreement, stating that Seabord Coastal lines sent the agreement, between the
City of Ocoee and Seaboard, pertaining to the railroad crossing at Praire
.Lake Blvd. and Forest Oaks. He stated that this was the portion that delt
with the specifics and in the amount of money that is needed to install the
grade crossing and the signal lignts. Mr. Rich stated tnat the amount for
the installations was Seventy Four Thousand dollars ($74,000). Mr. Rich
stated that he was asking for the City to adopt a resolution authorizing the
City to execute the agreement and then Amick Construction would put up the
funds as spelled out in the agreement and forward this to Seaboard Coastal
which would, in turn install the facility. After some discussion between
the Board and Mr. Lang, City Attorney, Commissioner Lyle moved to read the
resolution and to adopt same. Commissioner Rodgers seconded the motion and
Mr. Lang read the proposed resolution. The resolution was adopted with an
unanimous vote from the Board.
Request for authorization of trailer on Teak Isle property industrial park;
Mr. Wesley Jones
Hr. Wesley Jones stated his reasons for the need of a full time security
guard. After some discussion Commissioner Lyle moved to grant the request
for one year subject to renewal with the City Coamission this time and date
next year. Commissioner Rodgers seconded the aotion. Commissioner Rodgers
also stated that he would like the City Manager to check with the Dcoee
Police Department as to the reason for the need of on sight security at the
location. The vote was carried unanimously.
.Hr. Jones stated that he had bought the adjoining lot to the west of his
property and was getting ready to construct a fence around it and the drain-
age ditch there was approximately five or so feet over onto his property.
After some discussion the Commission directed 11r. Griffin, City Manager,
to meet with Mr. Jones, at the site, and see if the problem could be re-
.page 3
Request for authorization to sell alcoholic beverages - beer only - at
Sobiks Sub Shop; Tom Minella
Commissioner Rodgers asked the City Manager if Sobiks Sub Shop conformed
to all the zoning requirements and Mr. Griffin stated that they did.
Commissioner ROdgers moved to grant the request and Commissioner Lyle sec-
onded the motion. The vote was carried unanimously.
Request to address the Commission on Police Department Administration;
Mrs. Dolores Spurlin.
Mayor Isons stated that after reading her letter he felt that l1rs. Spurlin
was possibly going before the wrong Board. He stated that he did not feel
that the Commission had any jurisdiction over such a matter but that they
would be glad to hear her complaint.
.Mrs Dolores Spurlin stated her name and the fact that she and her family
resided at 10 South Bluford Avenue. She then stated she had tried to give
her cowplaint to the Cheif of Police, Mr. Leroy Turner, and had been thrown
out of the Police Department. She stated that on August 29, 1984, Captain
John Boyd did not want to listen to her complaint. She stated that her son,
Russell Spurlin, III, had turned eighteen years of age in the Orange County
jail. She stated that Russell has been continuously harassed by the Ocoee
Police Department from the age of fifteen. She stated that SODe of the
charges were justified but that she had three witnesses who had been ques-
tioned by the Ocoee Police concerning possible crimes pertaining to her son.
The follOWing is the list of alligations given by Mrs. Spurlin against the
Ocoee Police department:
1. Mrs. Spurlin alleged that Robby Spurlin had been and is harassed by our
police officers, being stopped, accused, and also being the first sus-
pect on any unusual or unique situation which occurs in the City of
2. Mrs. Spurlin also alleged that people, friends, or acquaintances of
Robby's have been questioned by the Ocoee Police Department, specifically
our detectives, and stated that our detectives told that they would see
that the charges were dropped if these people currently being questioned
had evidence that would bring charges against Robby Spurlin. Further-
more other suspects, and people were questioned and told that they would
be paid a reward if they would testify against Robby.
. The Ocoee Police Department is also accused of having seal'ched ;.Irs.
ep ag e 4
Spurlin's property at Woodson Drive, Orange County, by eight police
officers, without a deputy sheriff present. The questioned the reason for
the search.
5. Mr. Spurlin alleges that he was stopped three times within one hour, by
reservist Frank Pearse, here, in front of City Hall, and Mr. Spurlin was
laughed at when he attempted to go into the Ocoee Police Station to find
out what the problem was.
6. Mr. Spurlin also alleged that his sons, which he admitted have been in
trouble for a while, but are now trying to go straight, have been unduly
harassed by the Ocoee Police. Mr. Griffin was directed to report on the
subject at the next scheduled Commission Meeting.
Recommendation for Board of Adjustments Alternate Member; Albert G. Nettles;
1110 Kimball Drive; submitted by William Goff, Member.
COLloissioner Rodgers moved to accept Mr. Nettles to the Board of Adjustments
4I{nd Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously.
Request for $6,000.00, out of court settlement on R.Davidson property to be
taken from idle funds.
After some discussion between the City Attorney and the Commission, Commis-
sioner Rodgers moved to pay the $6,000.00, to Mr. Davidson, out of idle funds.
Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and the vote carried in this manner:
Commissioners Rodgers and Coo~ voting "yea" and Commissioner Lyle voting "no".
Hr. Tom Lang, Swann and Haddock, stated that Mr. Frank Kruppenbacher, City
Attorney, sent his regrets and that he, Mr. Lang, was standing in for Mr.
Kruppenbachers this night. Mr. Lang stated that pertaining to item "a",
under heading New Business, when the Commission allowed the security trailer,
there was no provision in the ordinances for this. He recommended that the
Commission amend the City Code to allow for it. He suggested that the City
Hanager be authorized to work on a proposed ammendment to the City Codes.
The Commission agreeded to have the City l1anager draft a revision to the Code.
4Itomoissioner Lyle stated that he
iate bargaining between the City
had, stated to him, that PBA wished to init-
of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department.After
considerable discussion on the subject, Commissioner Lyle moved to removed the
members of the Police bargaining unit from the merit system and to have their
salaries frozen. Commissioner Rodgers seconded the motion and the vote was
carried unanimously.
Cocmissioner Lyle stated that he had had several complaints from citizens
against other citizens leaving their garbage containers, by the road side,
continually; never taking them back to their homes. After considerable dis-
cussion on the subject the Commission directed the City Manager to draft a
letter to the citizens and have it hand delivered to all of Ocoee.
Commissioner Rodgers asked the City Manager to give an approximate time that
the sidewalk project would be completed. Mr. Griffin stated that he had been
given the date of September 15, 1984.
Commissioner Rodgers stated that he had had various complaints, froQ citizens,
conserning the up keep of the dirt road, Third Street. After discussion be-
tween the Commission and Mr. Griffin, Mr. Griffin was directed to lOOK into the
matter and report back to the Commission at the next scheduled Commission Heet-
Commissioner Lyle moved to adjourn and Commissioner Cook seconded the motion.
The vote was carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m..
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