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PRESENT: Mayor Tom Ison, Commissioners Rodgers, Cook, Lyle, Hager and
City Manager Ken Griffin, Deputy City Clerk Jones.
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m..
Mayor Ison then led those present in prayer, extending sympathy to the
families of Crawford and Henry for their recent losses. Mayor Ison then
led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Rodgers moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes
of the September 18, 1984 Commission Meeting. Commissioner Cood secon-
ded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Lyle moved to approve the minutes of the September 18, 1984
Commission Meeting as typed. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and
the vote was carried unanimously.
Former Mayor, Mr. Bill Breeze, introduced Mr. Dick Batchelor, Candidate
for the Florida House of Representatives. Mr. Batchelor spoke to the
Board of Commissioners and the citizens present. He spoke of his past
years in legislature and his familarity with the Ocoee/Winter Garden area.
Mayor Ison thanked Mr. Batchelor and invited him to the festivities
scheduled for the weekend.
Mayor Ison had two notices to announce to the Board of Commissioner and
the citizens present.
The first announcement was from the Florida Public Service Commission,
concerning a prehearing conference regarding the Prima Vista Utility
rate increase. Hearing will be held at 10:00, Friday, November 9, 1984.
The hearing will be held at Tanner Auditorium in Winter Garden. The
purpose of the conference is to hear testimony exhibits from the Utility
and all interested parties.
The second announcement concerned Fun Day. The Lions Club and many other
organizations have worked hard to organize these festivities. Mayor Ison
invited all to attend.
Re-adoption of the 1984-1985 Budget, due to technical difficulties; Ord-
inances # 792, 793 and 794.
Commissioner Rodgers motioned to read Ordinance # 792 in its entirety.
Commissioner Hager seconded the motion and the vote was carried unani-
mously.Mayor Ison directed the City Manager to read the Ordinance in its
entirety. After the City Manager read the Ordinance aloud, the Mayor
pointed out the change in Section III was due to building permits issued.
Mayor Ison also pointed out that the advertising of the 1/4 page ad in
the paper had caused some concern among citizens. He clarified that the
107% increase was the 100% adoption of the 1983 taxes and the 7% increase
of the 1984 taxes, totalling 107%. The millage roll back rate is 3.14
mills, which is approximately 2% decrease from last year.
Commissioner Rodgers motioned to approve the Ordinance #792. Commissioner
Hager seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimoulsy.
Commissioner Hager motioned to read Ordinance #793 by title only. Commis-
sioner Cook seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously. The
City Manager read Ordinance #793 by title only. This Ordinance regarded
the Federal Revenue Sharing. Commissioner Rodgers motioned to approve the
Ordinance. Commissioner Cood seconded the motion and the vote was carried
Commissioner Cook motioned to read the Ordinance #794 by title only. Com-
missioner Hager seconded the motion and the vote was carried unanimously.
The City Manager read the Ordinance #794 by title only. This Ordinance
regarded the Over All Budget. Commissioner Cook motioned to approve the
Ordinance #794. Commissioner Lyle seconded the motion and the vote was
carried unanimously.
First Reading: Proposed Ordinance, Annexing Road right-of-way on Maguire
road from North of 50 to Southeast of Kissimmee Avenue. The Mayor asked
the City Manager for any background on the proposed Ordinance. City Man-
ager, Ken Griffin, showed the proposed annexation on the map to all pre-
sent. He stated that this annexation would have the City owning all of
the Maguire road right-of-way its beginning to where it exits the City
Commissioner Hager motioned that the first reading of the proposed Ordi-
nance be read by title only. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion and
the vote was carried unanimously. The City Manager read the proposed
Ordinance by title only.
First Reading: Proposed Ordinance, Annexing Road right-of-way and Prop-
erties on Bluford, from Maine Street south to Hwy 50. The City Manager
showed to all present the area to be annexed on the map. Mr. Elwell
read from the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting concern-
ing this proposed Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Board approved
unanimously, but with several exceptions. There is a problem with the
Rail Road right-of-way blockage and condemnations should be considered
if necessary. Commissioner Rodgers motioned that this proposed Ordi-
nace be tabled until the next meeting, giving the City Attorney, City
Manager and the Planning and Zoning Board time to look into these prob-
lems further. Commissioner Lyle seconded the motion. The City manager
asked for two more weeks and that the Commissioners postpone tabeling
the Ordinance. There were 3 votes in favor to carry the motion to table
the Ordinance and one against. The motion was carried to table the pro-
posed Ordinance. The negative vote was cast by Commissioner Hager.
First Reading: Proposed Ordinance, Annexing Properties belonging to Emmett
Harper, located in Section 17, Township 22 South, Range 28 East. The City
Manager showed the four parcels to be annexed to the Board and all citizens
present on the map. Mr. Elwell, Director of Planning stated that the Plan-
ning and Zoning Board recommended annexing parcels 48,85 and 79, but not
parce 65. Commissioner Rodgers motioned that the four parcels be broke in-
to four seperate Ordinances and dealt with seperately. The City Manager
recommended that the Commission delete the parcels from the proposed Ordi-
nance. The motion to break the four parcels in seperate Ordinances was
seconded by Commissioner Lyle and the vote was carried unanimously. The
Board directed the City Manager to redraft the Ordinance into four seperate
Ordinances. The City Attorney suggested that the Board get Planning and
Zoning recommendations before drafting the Ordiances. The City Manager
pointed out this was already being done, specificall, that this Annexation
had been conceptually approved by the Commission prior to ever going to
the Planning and Zoning Board.
Report by Mr. T. Kelley, Public Engineer Consultants, Inc. will be discussed
when Mr. Kelley arrives, he has been delayed. The City Attorney will give
a report on Peach and Moxie Lake Drainage Options. The City Attorney stated
that the Consulting Engineer's report is not final at this point. He also
stated that if the Engineer's report shows improper design of the construc-
tion around the lakes, then some one should be held responsible. He stated
that we can not hold the developer responsible until the report comes back.
Report on Lyle Street by City Manager: The City Manager distibuted maps to
the Commissioners showing where the road right-of-way actually is as opposed
to where it is platted. The major problem is that as the street comes down
East and West and turns to the North on the Plat, it goes thru private lots
and ignores private property, additionally, there is a house a few feet off
of Oakland Street as it goes North on the platted Lyle Street. It is too
close to the set backs and the road turns the corner where there is a house
that appears to sit on the right-of-way. The road then turns to the West
again, where it coincides with the platted road right-of-way. Then it turns
North and goes out thru railroad right-of-way and not thru any platted road-
way at all. The portion that proceeds from the railroad due West on the
platted Lyle Street to what is known as Bowness Road was vacated by Commis-
sion Action. Mr. Prose's Wrecker Service is located in that vacated right-
of-way. The drainage and water easements and locational lines were not put
on the map, as the map is already confusing as is. The City Manager conti-
nues to say that he feels it is a mistake to allow the situation to continue.
He suggest that the City vacate the platted easement and replat where the
actual easement exist. Citizen, E. Haddaway of 141 Lyle Street asked to be
heard. He requested the City do as the City Manager suggested and vacate
the platted easement and replat as is. He stated that his house is not in
the right-of-way, but his garage is. The City Attorney stated that this
is a serious matter and wants to get with his real estate people to find
out how long this situation has been going on and to get a survey. Mayor
Ison concluded that the City Manager and the Commissioners and Mr. Haddaway
were in agreement in vacating the platted right of way and replatting the
existing one. Mayor Ison directed the City Manager and City Attorney to
proceed with this matter.
Report by Mr. T. Kelley, Public Engineering Consultants, Inc.:
Mr. Kelley stated that the Water Systems Improvements Contract should be
ready for approval within the week. He also stated that they have initi-
ated aerial photography work, which will be City property when completed.
The attempt to seal a man-hole at Spring Lake Circle wan unsuccesful, at
no cost to the City. He stated that the City needs to authorize drilling
in that area. The approximate cost of drilling will be $750.00. They may
have to put in under drains. He stated that all of this goes back to the
early development of subdivisions, where work was done at different times.
Some of the drainage improvements did not match the existing ones. He
stated that this could be fixed, but must proceed with the study to see
how cost efficient it will be. He stated that the most important thing
is to build up the City records, the records are spread in different
places, Ocoee, Orange County, etc...., we must complete these records to
be more efficient.
The City Manager brings to the attention of the Board the vacant lot be-
tween Scotty's and Shopping Center on Hwy 50. The Planning and Zoning
Board will hear a staff report and Zoning Board recommendations of a
subdivision going on the vacanct lot. The subdivision would be commer-
cial rather than residential. Hardees will go on a 200' by 200' piece
and a Bank Building on the rest of the lot. Hardees and the Bank are
anxious to proceed with this, therefore the Board will hear on this
matter at the next meeting.
The City Manager brought before the Commission a request form the United
Way for a donation from the City. He stated that the employees are wor-
king on individual donations. Commissioners Lyle and Rodgers replied
negatively to fue request. The request was denied.
The Womens Club will hold a Meet Your Candidate Dinner on October 23rd
at 6:30. At 7:30 the meeting will be open to the public.
The City Manager asked for input at a future time from the Commissioners
regarding a Memo sent to them concerning the possibility of a new industry
in Ocoee.
The City Attorney stated that Orange Co. wants to hold the City's road
and bridge monies to pay the Dasseldorf case. He recommends that the
city object to this. The Commissioners agreed and directed the City
Attorney to find out what Orange €ounty is trying to do, and their reasons
for doing so.
Commissioner Lyle asked if the commission had approved the carnival for Fun
Day. Mayor Ison confirmed, that yes the commission had approved it.
Commissioner Lyle also publicly stated that he will not run for Commissioner
in the upcoming elections. He stated that he has made commitments to
family and friends and will not run for the Commission seat.
Commissioner Rodgers announced that he will run and that he has qualified.
Adjournment was made from the regularly scheduled Commission Meeting to the
Executive Session at 9:10.
Mayor Ison
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