HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-84 . MINUTES Of THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELV VECEMBER 4. 1984 PRESENT: Mayo/t I.6on, Comm.-i..6.6.-i.one/t.6 Cox; Rodge/t.6; Hage/t ana Bazeman, C.-i.ty Atzo/tney K/tuppenbac.he/t, C~ty Manage/t Ken G/t.-i.66.-i.n, and Vepuzy Cle/t~ Louloud.-i..6. ABSENT: None CALL TO ORVER Mayo/t I.6on c.al~ed ~he /tegula/tly .6c.hedu~ed meez.-i.ng to o/tde/t aZ 7:32 p.m.. Mayo/t I.6on zhen led tho.6e p/te.6enz .-i.n p/taye/t, ana to zhe Pledge 06 Alleg.-i.ance. MayoJt I.6on tnen welc.omed Comm~.6.6~one/t Bateman. APPROvALS Comm~.6.6~one/t Cox moved to d~.6pen.6e w.-i.zh the /tead~ng 06 the Comm~.6.6~on Meet.-i.ng M.-i.nute.6 On Novembe/t 20, 1984, and zhe canva.6.6.-i.ng BoaJtd M.-i.nute.6 06 Novembe/t 21, 1984. Comm. Hage/t .6econdea, and tne vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. Comm. Cox then moved to app/tove both .6et.6 06 m.-i.nute.6, Comm. Hage/t .6econded, and ~he vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. OLV BUSINESS . Mayo/t I.6on .6ugge.6ted to tak.e .-i.tem.6 #1, 4, and 5 all togethe/t .6-tnce they welte all O/td.-i.nance.6 wh.-i.c.h aJte .6ec.ond /tead.-i.ng.6, and publ.-i.c. hea/t.-i.ng.6. Comm. Rodge/t.6 moved to /tead O/td.-i.nanc.e.6 797, 798, and 799 by t.-i.tle only, Comm. Bateman .6ec.onded, and the vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. C.-i.tyManage/t G/t.-i.66.-i.n /tead the t.-i.tle.6 aloud. O/td-tnance #797 .-i..6 to amend O/td.-i.nanc.e # 787, Comm. Rodge/t.6 que.6t-toned why we ~eed to amend a legal O/td.-i.nance. C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t-t6n.-i.n expla.-i.ned that the O/tange County Zon.-i.ng Vept. wa.6 not .6at.-i..66.-i.ed w.-i.th the legal de~c./t.-i.pt.-i.on on O/td.-i.nance 787, and 60/t O/tange County to /teco/td the O/td.-i.nanc.e'.6 annexat.-i.on they mU.6t be .6at.-i..66.-i.ed w.-i.th the legal de.6c/t.-i.pt.-i.on. Comm. Hage/t moved to app/tove O/td.-i.nance 797, Comm. Bateman .6ec.onded, and the vote c.a/t/t.-i.ed w.-i.th Comm. Bateman, Cox, and Hage/t vot.-i.ng yeh, and Comm. Rodge/t.6 vot.-i.ng ney. Comm. Rodge/t.6 moved to app/tove O/td.-i.nanc.e 798, Comm. Bateman .6ec.onded, and the vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. Comm. Cox moved to app/tove O/td.-i.nanc.e # 799, Comm. Rodge/t.6 .6econded, and the vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. Item #2, P/topo.6ed O/td.-i.nanc.e.6 annex.-i.ng the Ha/tpe/t P/tope/tt.-i.e.6 wa.6 pulled 6/tom the agenda. PROPOSEV ORVINANCE REZONING COLVIN PROPERTY. . Comm. Rodge/t.6 moved to /tead the O~d.-i.nance by t.-i.tle only, wh~ch made th.-i..6 the 6.-i./t.6t /tead.-i.ng, Comm. Bateman .6econded, and the vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.n6.-i.n /tead the O/td.-i.nance t.-i.tle aloud. C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.66.-i.n .6tated the O/td.-i.nanc.e would be numbe/t 800, and the .6ec.ond /tead.-i.ng and publ.-i.c hea/t.-i.ng would be Janua/ty 3, 1985. COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES VECEMBER 4, 1984 PAGE 2 . . I OTHER BUSINESS C.-i.ty Manage/t GJt.-i.nn.-i.n told On how he 60und that two hou.6e.6 welte on C.-i.ty /t.-i.ght-on-way, on Cumbe/tland St/teet. Then he .6tated that .-i.n May On 1965 the C.-i.ty Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on abandoned the no/tth end On the C.-i.ty ~.-i.ght-06-way on Cumbe/tland. C.-i.ty AttoJtney K/tuppenbache/t .6tated that he had con.6.-i.de/ted the C.-i.ty'.6 opt.-i.on.6, wh.-i.c.h a/te #1) Vac.at.-i.ng on the C.-i.ty'.6 pa/tt. #2) Convey.-i.ng .-i.t. and #3) Remov.-i.ng the hou.6e.6, and with the expen.6e con.6.-i.de/tat.-i.on.6, and de6en~e.6 ava.-i.lable, he adv.-i..6ed the Boa/td to do noth.-i.ng. Comm. Rodge/t.6 conc.u/t/ted w.-i.th C.-i.ty Atto/tney K/tuppenbac.he/t, .6tat.-i.ng that .-i.t wa.6 a homeowne/t.6 p/toblem, not a C.-i.ty p~oblem. C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.n6.-i.n .6tated the /te.601ut.-i.on abandon.-i.ng the no/tth end On the C.-i.ty'.6 /t.-i.ght-06-way wa.6 not /tec.o/tded w.-i.th O/tange County and the/teno/te .-i.t .-i..6 not platted. The C.-i.ty Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on advi.6ed the C.-i.ty Manage/t to d/tant an O/td.-i.nance to nollow th/tough w.-i.th the .-i.ntent.-i.on.6 06 the C.-i.ty Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on .-i.n 1965. EXTENSION OF SECURITY TRAILER AUTHORIZATION Comm. Rodge/t.6 moved to extend the .6ecu~.-i.ty t/ta.-i.le/t autho/t- .-i.zat.-i.on no/t Teak. I.6le, and Ronald Allen T/tuck..-i.ng no/t anothe/t yea/t, Comm. Hage/t .6econded, and the vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. . REPORT ON SET BACK ORVINANCE. Mayo/t I.6on .6tated that th.-i..6 wa.6 only a /tepo/tt, but .-i.t could be d/ta6ted .-i.nto an O/td.-i.nance. Comm. Rodge/t.6 a.6k.ed what the Comp/tehen.6.-i.ve Land U.6e Plan .6tated about the g/teen belt a/tound lak.e.6, and the owne/t.6h.-i.p 06 .6uc.h land. C.-i.ty Manage/t .6tated that th.-i..6 /tepo/tt d.-i.d not add/te.6.6 the owne/t.6h.-i.p 06 the g/teen belt, .-i.t wa.6 ba.6.-i.c.ally jU.6t .6tat.-i.ng that the/te would be no .6t/tuctu/te.6 bu.-i.lt on the g/teen belt. The Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on dec.-i.ded to let Plann.-i.ng and Zon.-i.ng Boa/td d.-i..6cu.6.6 .-i.t and mak.e a /tec.ommendat.-i.on to the C.-i.ty Comm.-i..6.6.-i.one/t.6. REPORTS ANV INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER GRIFFIN C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.66.-i.n .6ugge.6ted to tak.e the appo.-i.ntment.6 to the Boa/td.6 all togethe/t to .6ave t.-i.me. Comm. Rodge/t.6 moved to app/tove the appo.-i.ntment 06 Pat Bond a.6 a null membe/t to the Me/t.-i.t SY.6tem Boa/td; to appo.-i.nt F/tank. Tu/tne/t a.6 an alte/t- nate membe/t to the Me/t.-i.t SY.6tem Boa/td; to /te-appo.-i.nt M/t. Lahde to the Planning and Zon.-i.ng Boa/td; to /te-appo.-i.nt Jack. Ma/t.6den and Cl.-i.nn Rhode.6 to the Boa/td On Adju.6tment. Comm. Bateman .6econded, and the vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. REPORT ON MRS. REEVES' SERVICE STATION . Comm. Bateman moved to d.-i./tec.t Code Enno/tcement Boa/td to take ac.t.-i.on on M/t.6. Reeve.6' p/tope~ty, Comm. Cox .6econded and the vote c.a/t/t.-i.ed 3 to 1 w.-i.th Comm. Cox, Bateman, and Hage/t vot-tng yeh, and Comm. Rodge/t.6 vot.-i.ng ney. - COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES VECEMBER 4, 1984 PAGE 3 . . STREET ACCESS TO BURNT TREE SUBVIVISION C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.nn.-i.n /tepo/tted that the Bu/tnt T/tee Subd.-i.v.-i..6.-i.on c.ould loop w.-i.th the clay /toad wh.-i.c.h connect.6 Mob.-i.le and Secu/t.-i.ty Lane. F.-i./te Ch.-i.en St/to.6n.-i.de/t ag/teed w.-i.th the C.-i.ty Manage/t that the loop.-i.ng would be mo/te c.onven.-i.ent .-i.n ca.6e 06 o.-i./te haza/td. The con.6en.6U.6 On the Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on wa.6 to /telay the me.6.6age to the develope/t to .-i.nc.lude the clay /toad. FIRE STATION - ,VIGNETTI PARK C.-i.ty Manage/t GJt.-i.nn.-i.n .6howed p.-i.c.tu/te.6 on the land c.lea/t.-i.ng at V.-i.gnett.-i. Pa/tk. 60/t the new F.-i./te Stat.-i.on. C.-i.ty M~nage/t .6tated the F.-i./te, Rec/teat.-i.on, and St/teet Vepa/ttment.6 wo/tk.ed ve/ty ha/td, and .6howed p/tog/te.6.6. The land .-i..6 now /teady oo/t the 60undat.-i.on wo/tk.. CITY ATTORNEY KRUPPENBACHER THREE REMAINING SEWER TAP FEES UNPAIV . C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.on.-i.n .6tated that Southe/tn Seat.-i.ng had .6tated that they would be mak.-tng payment.6 on t.-i.me. Ronald Allen T/tuck..-i.ng on 370 Ente/tp/t.-i..6e St/teet wa.6 c.ontac.ted no/t payment, but M/t. G/t.-i.66.-i.n could not c.ontac.t Ron Allen h.-i.m.6eln. M/t. W.-i..6e 00 C.-i.t.-i.zen.6 and Southe/tn Realty, 60/t 319 Ente/tpJt.-i..6e St. told M/t. G/t.-i.06.-i.n that the C.-i.ty would /tece.-i.ve payment. ESTABLISH VATE FOR BREAKFAST MEETING. . C.-i.ty Atto/tney K/tuppenbac.he/t .6tated now that all the Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on .6eat.6 welte n-tlled, he wanted to .6et a date no/t a meet.-i.ng that he could .-i.nno/tm the Comm.-i..6.6.-i.one/t.6 on the Sun.6h.-i.ne Law and the.-i./t pe/t.6onal l.-i.ab.-i.l.-i.ty. Al.6o, M/t. K/tuppenbache/t .6tated he wanted to d.-i..6cu.6.6 the Pol.-i.ce Un.-i.on'.6 w/t.-i.tten p/topo.6al.6. Mayo/t I.6on .6et a meet.-i.ng no/t Wedne.6day, Vecembe/t 12, 1984, at 7:00 a.m. at the Hol.-i.day Inn We.6t .-i.n Oc.oee oo/t the meet.-i.ng. C.-i.ty Atto/tney K/tuppenbac.hen htated he had the c.on.6t/tuct.-i.on cont/tac.t.6 no/t the F.-i./te Stat.-i.on at V.-i.gnett.-i. Pa/tk.. In the aote/tnoon On Vec.emben 4, 1984, at a meet.-i.ng .-i.t wa.6 dec.-i.ded that the C.-i.ty 06 Ocoee had enough to place a law .6u.-i.t aga.-i.n.6t RCA. C.-i.ty Atto/tney K/tuppenbac.he/t a.6k.ed the Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on .-i.n they wanted h.-i.m to .6e/tve .6u.-i.t aga.-i.n.6t RCA and get th.-i.ng.6 go.-i.ng, Oft .-i.o they wanted to wa.-i.t and d.-i..6cu.6.6 .-i.t. C.-i.ty Atto/tney K/tuppenbac.he/t al.6o told On the Statute On L.-i.m.-i.tat.-i.on.6, t.-i.me l.-i.m.-i.t. Comm. Cox moved to have C.-i.ty Atto/tney move w.-i.th the law .6u.-i.t, Comm. Bateman .6econded, and the vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. NO COMMENTS WERE MAVE FROM THE CITIZENS . COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES VECEMBER 4, 1984 PAGE 4 COMMENTS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS Comm. Rodge/t.6 a.6k.ed that the Pol.-i.c.e Vept. not del.-i.ve/t pack.- age.6 to h.-i..6 home at 11:30 p.m. any longe/t. Comm. Rodge/t.6 .6tated he thought .-i.n.6tead On c.ha/tg.-i.ng $250.00 no/t a .6econd mete/t, .-i.t .6hould be a nlat /tate 06 the C.O.6t On a wate/t mete/t and the t.-i.me .-i.t tak.e.6 to put .-i.t .-i.n. C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.6n.-i.n .6tated that the .6econd wate/t mete/t CO.6t the C.-i.ty about $100.00 no/t .-i.n.6tallat.-i.on and eve/tyth.-i.ng. Comm. Rodge/t.6 .6tated he would l.-i.k.e to .6ee th.-i..6 .-i.n the no/tm On an O/td.-i.nance. Comm. Rodge/t.6 .6tated he /tec.e.-i.ved a lette/t n/tom a g.-i./tl .-i.n Oc.oee wh.-i.c.h .6tated what they te.6ted ou/t wate/t and nound EVB .-i.n .-i.t. C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.nn.-i.n .6tated we have no EVB .-i.n ou/t wate/t. Comm. Rodge/t.6 a.6k.ed the C.-i.ty Manage/t to w/t.-i.te to he/t and g.-i.ve heft ou/t te.6t /te.6ult.6. C.-i.ty Manage/t G/t.-i.6n.-i.n .6tated that a boy .6c.out c.ame to h.-i.m w.-i.th the .-i.dea On /tenovat.-i.ng the B/tentwood .6.-i.gn. The .6cout told M/t. G/t.-i.nn.-i.n he would .6ee the homeowne/t.6 no/t money to do the /tenovat.-i.on. . M/t. Gene V.-i.c.k.e/t.6on .6tated that the/te .-i..6 a mete/t out on the ea.6t end On Sleepy Ha/tbo/t, and a.6k.ed .-i.& anyone k.new what the p/toblem .-i..6. C.-i.ty Manage/t G/tinn.-i.n .6tated he would c.heck. .-i.nto .-i.t. Mayo/t I.6on .6tated the/te .-i..6 a Publ.-i.c Se/tv.-i.ce Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on Meet.-i.ng on Vecembe/t 12, 1984 at 10:00 a.m. at the Tanne/t Aud.-i.to/t.-i.um .-i.n W.-i.nte/t Ga/tden. Mayo/t I.6on .6tated the Ch/t.-i..6tma.6 Pa/tade wa.6 the be.6t eve/t, and he thank.ed eve/tyone on the n.-i.ne job they d.-i.d. Comm. Rodge/t.6 moved to adjou/tn the Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on Meet.-i.ng at 8:55 p.m., Comm. Bateman .6ec.onded, and the vote wa.6 unan.-i.mou.6. ::f~ eLJ Mayo/t I.6on ~~~ Veputy Cle/tk. Lou au .-i..6 .