HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-18-84 WS ~ MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELV VECEMBER 18, 1984. e e PRESENT: Mayolt I.60n, Comm-u.6.-i.oneJt.6 Cox, Rodge.M, HageJt and Bateman, CUy A:t:toltney KltuppenbachVt, CUy Manag Vt GJt.-i.6 Mn, and Veputy ClVtk. Louloufu. ABSENT: None CALL TO ORVER Mayolt I.6on c.alled the Woltk..6hop to oltdeJt at 7:03 p.m.. Mayolt I.6on then tUltned the 6loolt oVVt to C.{.ty ManageJt GJt-i.66.-i.n who began to g.-i.ve the Sta66'.6 Itec.ommen- datioYl.6 on the Subd.{.v-u.-i.oYl.6. HIVVEN OAKS SUBVIVISI0N MIt. GJt.-i.66-in po.-i.nted out the 60Uow,Lng .6ta66 Itecommendatio Yl.6 to the Comm-u.6.-i.o n. 1. Re.f.oc.ate CumbVtfand Avenue appltoUmate.f.y MOty 6eet eMt - to aUgn wUh the ltema-i.ndVt 06 CumbVtfand. 2. Pave Ve.f.awa.!te 6ltom Blu60ltd Avenue to K-u.6.-i.mmee, .-i.nc.lud-i.ng cooltd-i.nating with the It~oad to MOM.{.t. MIt. SnydVt Mk.ed that he have an aglteement with the CUy to be ItUmbUMed by 6utUlte deve.f.opVt to the NoJtth 601t hal6 06 M.6 CO.6U, when U -u deve.f.oped. 3. Pave WMMngton 6ltom .-i.nte.Mec.tion wUh CumbVtfand to Blu60ltd. MIt. GJt-i.6Mn po.-i.nted out that the .6ta66 ltec.ommend.6 putting a T - pad Cum bVtfand . P lanMng and ZOMng Boa.!td and the deve.f.opVt agltee to put a c.ul-de-.6ac on CumbVtfand. 4. StOItm watVt Itetenilon 6ac..{.Utie.6 .6~ 6ac.tolty to CUy Eng.-i.neVt KeUey. 5. Upgltade 06 pltop0.6ed 8" watVt Une to 12" wUh d.{.66Vtence bung pa-i.d by the CUy 601t .6.-i.ze 06 p.-i.pe .-i.nc.JteMe only. 6. F.{.Jte hyd!tant Ite..tocatio n M d.{.Jtec.ted. HARBOR HIGH LANVS PHASE I I MIt. GJt.-i.66.-i.n .6tated the .6ta66 6 eU the plan -u not c.omplete M thVte -u no d!ta-i.nag e, wateJt Une.6, etc.. .6 howed. MIt. K e.f..e.ey .6 tated .-i.n J anualty he wo uld d!taOt up an agenda 601t Itev-ie.w.-i.ng Subd.{.v-u.-i.on PlaY/..6, and the Comm-U.6.-i.oneJt.6 could adopt tM.6 mod.{.Med agenda 601t Itev.-i.e.w.{.ng plaYl.6 .6ubm.{.:t:ted. The .-i.nglte.6.6 / eglte.6.6 plan would caU.6e :tJta6Mc. haZaltd.6 on Ch.-Lc.ago Avenue M thVte -u a bUnd .6pot .-i.n the Itoad. MIt. Kuh/tt .6tated he would c.ome back. wUh c.onc.eptual plan on a dove t~ c.oncept. The Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on .6tated they wanted a Homeowne!t.6 A.6.6oc. to be lte.6poYl.6.-i.ble 601t the ma-i.ntenance 06 the en.t!tance to the .6ubd.{.v-u.-i.on. FOREST OAKS PHASE II MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn .6tated the .6ta66'.6 Itec.ommendation WM not to appltove ,the plan, M they alte hav.-i.ng pltO blem.6 with PhM e I. OthVt Itec.ommendatio Yl.6 wVte made. 1. Pav.-i.ng 06 Hack.ney-PltaJt.{.e Road, WMc.h.-i..6 .6uppo.6ed to be done by the County. 2. Spaung 06 WatVt hyd!taYiU and va..tVe.6. 3. Pita pO.6 ed ltec.Jteatio n land .-i..6 low gltound 4. Vlta-i.nag e do ne to MIt. K eUey , .6, Cay E ng.-i.neVt., .6 pec..{.Mcatio Yl.6 . J . e . CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP VECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 2 CHESTERFIELV Th-U .6ubjec.t Wa..6 a..6k.ed to be withd!ta.wn 6/tom the agenda. At th-U po.-i.nt Mayo/t I.6on adjoUltned the WOJr.k.6hop meeting. The time wa..6 7:38 p.m.. ~ (2. /1 \.~ MAY R IS N . A TrEST: ~ J().~ lnv-dW [PUTY CLERK L IS ~.~