HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-18-84 . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELV VECEMBER 18, 1984. PRESENT: Mayolt I.6on, Comm.; Cox; RodgeJt.6; Bateman; and HageJt, Cay ManageJt GJt.-i.6 Mn, Cay A:t:toltney KltuppenbacheJt, and Veputy CleJtk. Louloufu. ABSENT: None CALL TO ORVER Mayolt I.6on c.aUed the ltegulaJt.f.y .6c.heduled meeting to oltdeJt at 7: 40 p.m.. Mayolt I.6on then led .-i.n pltayeJt, and to the Pledge 06 Alleg.-i.ance to the Flag. APPROVALS Comm. Rodge.M moved to fupeYl.6e wUh the Itead-tng 06 the m.-i.nute.6 06 the Itegulalt Comm-u.6.-i.on Meeting M.<.nute.6 06 Vec.embeJt 4, 1984, Spec..{.al Se.6.6.-i.on M.<.nute.6 06 VecembeJt 6, 84, and Spec..{.al Se.6.6.-i.on M.<.nute.6 06 Vec.embeJt 12, 84. Comm. HageJt .6econded, and the vote wa..6 unaMmoU.6. Comm. Bateman moved to appltove the m.-i.Y!Ute.6 M typed, C omm. Hag eJt .6 ec.o nded, and the vote WM una~o U.6 . PROCLAMATIONS ANV PRESENTATIONS Mayolt I.6on Itead the Pltoc..f.a.mation aloud, to pltoc..f.a..<.m the Vec.ade 06 V-uabled Pe.MOYl.6. OLV BUSINESS ~ HEARINGS Comm. Cox moved to Itead .-i.te.m.6 one and two 06 the agenda by ti:t.f.e only, Comm. Bateman .6ec.onded and the vote WM unaMmoU.6. C.-i.ty ManageJt Itead the ltezoMng Oltd.{.nanc.e 601t WOllMCk. PltopeJtty a.toud. Comm. Bateman moved to appltove Oltd-i.nanc.e # 801 Itezon-tng, Comm. Rodge!t.6 .6econded, and the vote Wa.6 unaMmOU.6. Cay ManageJt Itead the Itezon-tng Oltd-tn.ance 601t the MM.6a1tO PltopeJtty aloud. MIt. GJt.-i.66.-i.n .6tated the pltO peJtty WM the noJtth -wut coltneJt 06 Magwilte Road and SR 50 exc..f.ud.{.ng the Mobile station. MIt. J.{.m Baltto, 900 N. M~and Ave., M~and FL, M k.ed who would be .6 eJtv.-i.c..{.ng that pltO peJtty wah .6 eweJt. Cay Aftoltney adv-u ed the Boaltd to g.-i.ve no ~omment, bec.aU.6 e 06 the Utigatio Yl.6 . The Boaltd co ncU!t!ted to have the Y.!~o neJt .6.-i.a n a .6tatement .6 ay.-i.ng he k.new no .6 eweJt .6 eJtv.-i.ce wil..t be .6uppUed by the. Cay. Comm. Bateman moved to appltove Oltd~ 802:oubj e.ct to the. fuc..f.a..hn-ing .6tatement bung .6.-i.gned by the pet.{.tioneJt, Comm. Cox .6econded, and the vote ca!t!t.-i.ed wUh Comm. Cox, and Bateman voting yeh, and Comm. Rodge.M and HageJt voting ney. The Mayolt vote.6 .-i.n the Ca.6e 06 a :t-i.e, Mayolt I.6on voted yeh, mo:t-i.on c.a!t!t.-i.ed. Cay A:t:toltney KltUppenbacheJt .6tated he would have the doc.ument Iteady on FJt.-i.day. Comm. HageJt moved to Itead Oltd.{.nanc.e.6 .-i.n aem.6 thltee thltough .6even, on the agenda, a..f.oud by title only. Comm. Bateman .6ec.onded, and the vote WM UnaMmOM. C.-i.ty ManageJt Itead the annexation Oltd-tnance on A. Ju.f..{.a.n PltopeJtty aloud. Cay ManageJt GJt.-i.6Mn Itead the .6et bac.k. Oltd.{.n.ance aloud by title only. Comm. HageJt moved 601t th-U Oltd-tnanc.e to be tabled bac.k. to the C.-i.ty Aftoltney, and Sta66 601t Ite-woltk..{.ng 601t anotheJt 6.-i.Mt Itead.{.ng. Comm. Bateman .6ec.onded, and the vote c.a!t!t.-i.ed una~oU.6ly. e Cay ManageJt GJt.-i.6Mn Itead the IJtJt.{.gation MeteJt Oltd.{.nanc.e aloud. Th-U WM U.6 6.-i.M t Itead.{.ng. ~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING VECEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 2 . VE-ANNEX ORVINANCE: FIRST REAVING Comm. Rodge.M Mk.ed why we wVte go.-i.ng to de-annex .6ometh.-Lng that .-i..6 not legaUy annexed. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn .6tated the CUy can get a law-.6uU aga-i.Yl.6t them 601t an illega..f. annexation, and the pltopeJtty -u not contiguOU.6 to any CUy boundaJt.-i.e.6. Cay A:t:toltney Kltuppenbac.hVt .6tated that by de-anneung the pltOpeJtty, the CUy -u admUUng that we wVte .-i.mply.-i.ng the pita peJtty WM undVt Cay j ~ d.{.c.tio n. Comm. Bateman moved to tak.e out the woltd.{.ng 06 "de-annex" and jU.6t .6tate, "th-U Oltd-i.nanc.e -u to Itepeal Oltd.{.nanc.e # ." Comm. Rodge.M .6econded, and the vote WM unaMmoU.6. Cu.y Afty. then ltead"liYl Oltd.{.n.anc.e to ltepealOltcUnanc.e.6 557, and 573, by titl e 0 n..e. y . VACATION OF A PORTION OF CUMBERLANf} AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY: FIRST REAVING. Cay Manag Vt GJt.-i.n Mn Itead the title aloud. RESOLUTION: WEST ORANGE MATURE CITIZENS e Comm. HagVt moved to enac.t the 1te.601ut.-i.on. Comm. Cox .6ec.onded, and the vote c.a!t!t.-i.ed wUh Comm. Cox, HagVt and Bateman voting yeh, and Comm. RodgeJt.6 voting ney. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn expla-i.ned the lteMon the We.6t Oltange MatUlte C.{.tizeY/..6 wanted a lte.6o.tut.{.on WM when people wVte c.ampa-i.gMng 601t the e.f.ec.tion, .6omeone put doubt .-i.n the c.U.{.zeYl.61 m.-i.nd.6 whethVt the Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on would k.eep the.{.Jt woltd, and they would 6ee.f. be:t:tVt -i6 a wVte .-i.n W/U:l:.-tng. The pe.Mon who .6a-i.d th0.6e th.-Lng.6 WM not .-i.n the Itoom. Tho.6e ,cand.{.date.6 plte.6e.nt wVte J. L.-i.nebcuUe.It, T. Cox, and J. Bateman. RESOLUTION, OVERNIGHT PARJ<ING OF BOATS IN CITY BOAT VOCK AREA. Comm. Bateman moved to adopt the lte.6olution, Comm. Cox .6ec.onded, and the mo:t-i.on c.a!t!t.-i.ed wU.h Comm. Cox, and Bateman vo:t-i.ng yeh. Comm. Rodge!t.6 and Hage!t voted ney, the Mayolt Ca..6t a vote .-i.n the c.a..6e 06 a :t-i.e. Mayolt I.6on voted yeh. OTHER BUSINESS CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL FOR ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY ON AVAIR STREET. Comm. Rodge!t.6 moved to g.-i.ve conc.eptual appltoval 601t annexation, Comm. Bateman .6econded, and the vote WM unaMmoU.6. Mayolt I.6on caUed 60Jr. an .-i.nt~.6.-i.on bJteak., the meeting Itec.onvened at 9: 08 p.m.. HIVVEN OAKS SU8VIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW. MIt. KeUey Itecommended appltova..f. .6ubjec.t to MIt. SnydVt pav.-i.ng WMh.-Lngton We.6t 6ltom CumbeJt.f.and to K-u.6.-i.mmee, pav.-i.ng Ve.f.awalte 6ltom Blu60ltd to K-u.6.-i.mmee, and hav-ing d!ta-i.nage and ltueYl.6.-i.on pond alteM .6~ 6ac.tolty to MIt. KeUey. MIt. SnydVt'.6 a:t:toltney will d!ta6t an aglteement between MIt. SnydVt and MIt. Stuc.k.ey to .6pW the CO.6t 06 pav.-i.ng. Comm. Cox moved to appltove plte.f..{.m.-i.nalty plaYl.6 .6ubjec.t to MIt. Ke.f..e.ey'.6 .6ugge.6tiOYl.6, Comm. Bateman .6ec.onded and the vote WM UnaMmOM. . HARBOR HIGHLANfJS PAJrr II, PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW. Comm. Cox moved to c.onceptuaUy appltove Haltbolt H.-i.gh.e.and.6 PaItt II Plte.f..{.m.-i.nalty P.ta.Yl.6, agJteung wah the :two en.t!tance.6, eMt com.-i.ng down, back..-i.n to O!t.f.ando Avenue c.ul-de-.6ac. The .6ec.ond en.t!tanc.e pltoje.c.t WM d.<.!tec.ted back. to .6ta66. CITY COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER J8~ 1984 PAGE 3 . Comm. Bateman .6 ec.o nded and the vote ca!t!t.-i.ed unaMmoMly. fOREST OAKS PflASE 1l~ PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW. MIt. waUVt Kuh/tt Mk.ed why the agenda .6tated PIt~.-i.nalty Plan Rev.-i.ew, when .-i.n 6ac.t tVviA WM F.-i.nal Plan Rev.-i.ew. MIt. Kuh/tt .6tated PIt~nalty appltoval WM g-iven 601t both PhMe I and PhMe II at the .6a.me time. Cay ManagVt GJt-i.6Mn expla-i.ned a wa..6 a .6ta66 eJt!tOIt, but why d.{.dn' t they .6ay .6ometh.-Lng .6oonVt. The CUy A:t:toltney, Cay ManagVt, and MIt. M.{.UVt, the eng.-i.neVt ltece.6.6ed 601t a .6hoJtt meeting. MIt. M.{.UVt .6tated a,.dd.{.tional .-i.n60ltmation WM nec.e.6.6a1ty be60lte Mna.f. appltoval c.ould be gltanted. Comm. Bateman moved to table the -U.6ue until the next Itegu.f.a!t Comm.-i..6.6.-i.on Meeting 06 Janualty 3, 1985, Comm. Hage!t .6econded, and the vote WM una~oU.6. STAff REPORTS CITY ENGINEER KELLEY. MIt. Kelley adv-ued the Boaltd 06 Comm-U.6.-i.one.M that they wVte woltk..{.ng on getting a dlta-i.nage .6Y.6tem We.6t to Lak.e Apopk.a. MIt. KeUey .6tated U will C.O.6t $22,500.00 601t aU the WOltk. go.-i.ng to Lak.e Apopk.a. MIt. Kelley a.t.60 .-i.n60Jtmed a may tak.e an add.{.tiona.f. $5,000.00. Comm. RodgeJt.6 moved to applto pJt.{.ate 6und.6, Comm. Bateman .6 eco nded, and the vote WM UnaMmOM. e Cay ManagVt GJt.-i.6Mn will g.-i.ve a ltepoJtt on 1-3-85 on MIt. KeUey'.6 plaYl.6 601t watVt plant 6low mete.M. MIt. KeUey .6tated he hM plaYl.6 to get deve.f.opVt to paltliaUy pay 601t the Cay'.6 .-i.mpltovemen.t.6. NBII BUSINESS OPENING OF GAS BIOS fOR SUPPLIER Of BULK FUEL TO THE CITY. ThVte wVte :two b.-i.d.6 opened. They wVte M 60lloW6: Unleaded 86.15 78.1 Gul6 Oil Chevlton (92 Octane) (unk.nown 0 c.tane) V.-i. e.6 e.f. 93.4 #1 81.1 #2 Cay ManagVt M k.ed to do .6 ome molte c.heck..{.ng .-i.nto the.6 e pJt.{.Ce.6 be60lte mak..{.ng a dew.-i.on. REQ.UEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE VEHICLES nnw STATE CONTRACT. Cay ManagVt GJt.-i.6Mn .6tated he wanted to pUltc.hMe thltee veh-i.c..f.e.6 oltom the state Con.:tJtac.t. One 4x2 p.-i.c.k.-up 601t the Rec.!teation Vept., one 4 x 4 p.-i.c.k. up 60lt the WatVt Vept. and a 6 yd. Mat bed dump :tJtuc.k. 601t the S:tJteet Vept. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn Mk.ed the Comm-U.6.-i.on what they would plte6Vt gM Olt d.{.e.6U dump :tJtuck.. Comm. Bateman moved to appltove pUltchM.-i.ng the d.{.e.6 e.f. V.6. the gM, .Comm. Cox .6ec.onded, and the vote c.a!t!t.-i.ed with Comm. Cox, Bateman and Hage!t vot-tng yeh, and Comm. RodgeJt.6 vot-tng ney. . REQUEST TO PURCHASE COURIER VEHICLE fOR ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL: $1,500.00 Comm. Bateman moved to pUltcha.6e Amwc.an made U.6ed veh.-Lcle 601t $1,500.00, Comm. Hage!t .6econded, and the vote ca!t!t.-i.ed wUh Comm. Cox, HagVt, and Bateman voting yeh, and Comm. RodgeJt.6 vot-tng ney. . e . CITY COMMISSION MEETING VECEMBER IB, 19B4 PAGE 4 OPENING BIVS FOR NEW FIRE TRUCK. The b.-i.d.6 wVte M 60lloW.6: Eme.!tgency Pltod. Inc.. 1985 $100,022.00 $ 6,000.00 Tltade In $ 94,022.00 F.-i.na..f. CO.6t $99,484.49 $10,000.00 Tltade In $89,484.49 F.-i.na..f. CO.6t $95,979.49 $10,000.00 Tltade In $85,979.49 F.-i.nal CO.6t The Boaltd Mk.ed that Ch.-Le6 S:tJto.6MdVt go thltough the b.-i.d.6 and be .6U!te each b.-i.d -u talUng about the .6ame veh.-Lc..f.e wUh the .6ame equ-ipment. AVto Pltoduw EmVtg ency I Re.6 cue I V. REPOJUS ANV INFORMATION CITY MANAGER LETTER FROM WALTER SIMS: HEALTH FACILITIES BOARV. The Boaltd 06 Comm-U.6.-i.one.M Mk.ed that MIt. Blteeze hand .-i.n a lteque.6t to c.anc.e.f. out the Hea.Uh Fac..{.Utie.6 Boaltd. REQUEST FOR FENCE ON PETERS' AVENUE BY CITIZENS OF THE AtEAVOO1S. Cay Manag Vt GJt.-i.6 Mn expla-i.ned that the c.U.{.z eYl.6 wo uld Uk.e the C omm-u.6.-i.o n to authoJt.-i.ze 6und.6 to COYl.6t!tUc.t a nence. The COnCeYl.6M 06 the Boaltd WM not to COYl.6:tJtuc.t the 6ence 601t the nollow.,tng lteMOYl.6. The pJzopeJtty -u pJt.-i.vate pltopeJtty. The people would have to g.-i.ve the pltopeJtty to the Cay. Then who would ma-i.nta-i.n a. PlU.6 the land .-i..6 not exc..tM.-i.ve.f.y .-i.n the County Olt the Cay. GUIVANCE FOR FLOURIVATION GRANT TO WATER SUPPLY. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn expla-i.ned the State would Uk.e to come and talk. to the Comm-U.6.-i.one.M on the FlouUdation Gltant. The BOOJi.d aglteed to futen to the plte.6entation. GUIVANCE ON PAYING INTEREST ON tfATER VEPOSITS. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn expla-i.ned that up until now the CUy 06 Ocoee hM he.f.d people.6 WatVt Vep0.6m 601t Mve yeaM and then lte6und.{.ng U wUh no .-i.ntVte.6t. MIt. GJt.-i.n n.-i.n .6tated the CUy .-i..6 about to lte6und ev Vttjo ntZ..6 depo.6a bac.k. to 0 ne yealt and then hold a. The c.onceYl.6U.6 06 the Boaltd WM not to pay 5% -intVte.6t on the watVt de.po.6m, M the net amount wa..6 too U:t:t.e.e. MIt. GJt.-i.6 Mn told the Boaltd that ]0.6 eph Kowa1.c.huk. hM 1te.6.-i.g ned h-U pO.6ilio n M Ch.-Le6 V-upatc.hVt. MIt. GJt.-i.66.-i.n .6tated he would Uk.e to vo.-i.d the p0.6.{.tion M CMe6 V-upatchVt and Iteplace a w.Uh anothVt fupatchVt pO.6.{.tion, WMch the pa-i.d .6alalty would be le.6.6. The Comm-U.6.-i.one.M aglteed. . e . CITY COW.fISSION MEETING OfCfUBER 11, 1984 PAGE 5 MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn Mk.ed the Comm-U.6.-i.on 60/t gu.-Ldanc.e on /toad ma-i.ntenanc.e. He .6tated that /te.6ealtc.h hM .6hown that the County, by State Leg-ulation, M.6umed ma-i.nten- anc.e /te.6poYl.6.-i.b.-i.Uty, on..f.y, not owne.Mh.-Lp 06 the Jt.-i.ght-06-way.6, 60/t WUMt and A. V. M.{.m.6 Road n/tom Wut CUy UmU, to eMt CUy Umu; SR 437 6/tom Silv Vt stalt Road noJtth to C.-i.ty Um.<.:t.6; and Oc.oee-Cla.Jtc.ona Road 6/tom Rewi.6 Avenue noJtth to CUy Um.<.:t.6. MIt. GJt-i.6Mn Mk.ed .-i.6 the Comm-U.6.-i.on wanted to 60/tc.e the County to pltopvr.1.y ma-i.nta-i.n the /toad.6, 0/t.-i.6 the CUy wanted to /tega-i.n ma-i.ntenanc.e /te.6poYl.6.-i.b.-i.Uty 6/tom the County. The Comm-u.6.-i.one.M adv-ued MIt. GJt-i.66.-i.n to get the County to ma-i.nta-i.n the /toad.6. MIt. GJt.-i.6 Mn .-i.n60ltmed the CUy Comm-U.6.-i.one.M that the CUy C~:tmM Pa.!tty -u on SatUltday, Vec.embe!t 22, 1984. MIt. GJt.-i.6Mn .-i.n60ltmed the C.-i.ty Comm-U.6.-i.one.M that on Vec.embVt 19, 84 an Almanac. would be deUvVted to eac.h /te.6.-i.dent 60/t C~:tmM. The A.tmanac..6 C.O.6t the CUy app/toUmate.f.y 22. 80~ eac.h. CITY ATTORNEY KRUPPfNBACHER MIt. K/tuppenbac.hVt .6tated he /tec.uved a p/topo.6ed ag/teement 6/tom the PBA, and wanted authoJt.-i.zatio n 6/tom the Comm-U.6.-i.o n to /te.6 po nd wUh a le:t:tVt .6tating he would /tev.-i.ew the p/to pO.6 ed ag/teement. CUy A:t:to/tney K/tuppenbac.hVt .6tated he wa..6 bM.-i.C.aUy j U.6t buy.-i.ng time. The CUy A:t:to/tney a.f..60 .6tated he had /tec.uved a WlU:t:ten c.ompla-i.nt 6/tom the PBA /tegaltd.{.ng MIt. GJt-i.6 Mn'.6 le:t:tVt to the Ewo/t 06 The T.{.me.6, c.o nc.VtMng PBA te.f.epho ne c.anVM.6.-i.ng. The A:t:to/tney plle.6ented the Comm-U.6.-i.on wUh a d!ta6t le:t:tVt 06 /te.6pOY/..6e on the c.ompla-i.nt; he /teque.6ted the Comm-u.6.-i.on'.6 authoJt.-i.zation to .6end the le:t:tVt. The /te.6poYl.6e bM.-i.c.aUy .6tated that thVte wa..6 noth.-Lng un:tJtue.-i.n MIt. GJt-i.6Mn'.6 le:t:tVt, and he WM ac.ting upon d.<.!tec.tion 6/tom the Comm-U.6.-i.on. The Comm-u.6.-i.on g/tanted autho Jt.-i.z atio n. MIt. K/tuppenbac.hVt p/te.6 ented a Re.6 olut.-i.o n # 84- 14 wh.-Lc.h .6tate.6 that the 1981 ag/tee- ment wUh P!t.-i.ma V-uta Utility Co. -u .-i.nvaUd. The next .6tep -u to get U .-i.nto c.ouJtt and get .-i.t dec..f.alted .-i.nvaUd. Comm. Bateman moved to adopt the /te.601ution, Comm. Cox .6ec.onded, and the vote WM UnaMmOM. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC/CITIZENS Gene V.-i.c.k.eJt.6on c.ommended to Comm.{..6.6.-i.oneJt.6 60/t g.-i.v.-i.ng aU the C.-i.ty employee.6 the C~:tmM bonU.6. He .6tated he hM healtd alot 06 pO.6.{.tive thoughU about U. MIt. V.-i.c.k.eJt.6on a..t.6o c.ommended the Comm-U.6.-i.oneJt.6 60/t "tak..{.ng the bull by the ho/tYl.6" with the deve.f.ope!t.6. COMMENTS FROM THE COMMISSIONERS AU 06 the Comm-U.6.-i.one.M wiAhed evVtyone a MeJt!ty C~:tmM and a Happy New Yealt. Comm. Bateman .6tated the Comm-u.6.-i.o n had 60/tgo:t:ten 21 /te.6 Vtv-UU 06 the F.{.Jte Vept. and the PoUc.e Vept.. Comm. Bateman moved to g.-i.ve eac.h 06 the.6e pe.MOYl.6 a $25.00 C~:tma..6 bonU.6. Comm. Cox .6ec.onded, and the vote c.a!t!t.-i.ed. The meeting ..... ad~OU1t"ed :to :the Exec~ve S""..[O" a:t l~ ~ ~ ArrEST, 1~ ~1~ '1 JWo - ~eputy c. Vt L au MAYOR r