HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21-86 I I .~ MINUTES OF THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD JANUARY 21, 1986 PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Rodgers; Bateman; and Hager, City Manager Griffin, City Attorney Kruppenbacher, City Clerk Catron, City Planner Wagner, Water Superintendent Cockrell, Building Official Gerace, City Engineers Kelley and Merkel, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. ABSENT: Commissioner Cox. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.. Comm. Hager led those present in prayer and Mayor Ison led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Ison suggested that the City Clerk and Deputy Clerk get the citizens who want to address the Commission, to complete a form, stating their name, address and the subject they want to discuss, before the meeting. Mayor Ison feels that some of the citizens who come in to address the Commission with a problem, could get it solved by the City Clerk or City Manager before the meeting. If not, the citizens' comments will be addressed right after 'New Business' on the agenda. This procedure will be followed henceforth. . PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS The Planning and were included in information only. Zoning Board meeting the Commissioners' mi l'"lutes packets, of 11-12-85 fot~ theit~ Mr. Jim Sills, President of the Ocoee Lions Club, asked the City for a donation toward the City of Ocoee's exhibit at the Cel'"ltt~al Fl':lt~ida Fait~ this yeat~. Mr. Si lIs stated the City donated $3,500.00 last year, and they beleived the cost of the exhibit would increase this year. Last year's exhibit took approximately 700 man hours. The Lions Club can supply the man hours if the City can supply the money. Comm. Hager moved to approve $4,500.00 towards building the exhibit for the City of Ocoee at this year's Central Florida Fair. Comm. Bateman seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Comm. Rodgers thanked the Lions club for the time and work they put each year into Ocoee's exhibit. Comm. Rodgers asked the Lions Club to list the materials they will need and maybe someone will donate them. Mr. Alton Julian stated he would donate some of the materials for the exhibit. Mayor Ison announced the grand opening of Fire Station #2 which will be on Saturday, January 25, 1986, at 2:00 p.m.. All citizens are invited to attend. . Mayor Ison announced that the Winter Garden Rotary Club wlll be holding their annual Pancake Supper at the West Orange High school on Friday, January 24, 1986. There is a nominal 1 -~~--- . CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 2 fee of $2.5121. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ison pulled item 'C' from the Consent Agenda, City Manager's request. via the Commissioner Rodgers corrected the Commission Meeting Minutes of January 7, 1986, page 5, first paragraph, second line from the bottom should read, II Comprehensive Land Use Plan, " Comm. Rod ge~~s the!'1 moved to app~~clve items ' A', 'B' a1",d 'D'; Mil'"lutes of the JarH.la~~y 7, 1986 meeting; P~~oposed Ordinance to rezone the John's property, first reading; and the workshop for financial status review on January 23, 1986 at 7:3121 p.m.. Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Mr. Griffin read the proposed Ordinance to rezone the John's property by title only and Mr. Wagner pointed out the property on the map. The second reading will be held on 3-4-86. This property is to be rezoned to R-1A. OLD BUSINESS . SPECIAL STAFF REPORTS - CITY ENGINEER KELLEY Mr. Kelley received two bids on the repair work to the manhole at the sewer plant in Industrial Park. The low bidder, MYG Corp. bid $19,75121.121121, which includes two alternates, totalling $4,5121121.121121. Comm. Bateman moved to approve the repairs recommended by the City Engineer, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Comm. Rodgers had some concerns with this until the City Manager stated he thought these repairs would be a major investment in the collector system and correct the majority of the infiltration problems we are currently having. The City made an agreement with Alton Julian, Harbour Highlal'"lds II, il'"l ~~efe~~el'"lce to the wate~~ li1"le extel'"lsiol'"l. The City agreed to pay for 6121% of the line, excluding engineering fees. M~~. Kelley stated the wo~~k is cCtrl1plete, the 1 i1"le is functional now, and the City should pay this sum as soon as we get the rest of the documentation. $5,6121121.121121 has already been paid to Mr. Julian. Comm. Hager requested that Mr. Kelley write a letter to the City stating that the work is complete al'",d the cha~~ges listed a~~e fai~~ al'ld ~~easo1"lablr=,. TtH'? letter should be written this week, then the City will process the bill. . CARRIAGE OAKS PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN APPROVAL Mr. Rick Merkel stated the developer was in agreement with all the items on the punch list prepared by the City's staff 2 ----"" - ......".... ~- '.... . CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 3 and City Engineer. Mr. Ted Bolin, developer, asked about the recreational assessment fee, how it is determined and when it is payable. The recreational assessment is calculated by taking 5% of the raw land value, and it is normally payable all at once before the final plat is signed by the Mayor. . Mr. Kelley explained the water situation and availability. The City has an agreement with RCA to save them 850 plus water connections, Forest Oaks has 293, the plant is rated at 1250, this only leaves 200 plus to sell. Carriage Oaks will only need 28 hook ups. Mr. Kelley felt we could sell those connections to other developers, collect enough of a fee to put back monies to expand the water plant for additional connections in the future, and replace the connections we sell. Orange County's water connection fee is $750.00 to $1,000.00. Comm. Rodgers inquired how we could approve the connections when technically the water plant does not belong to the City of Ocoee. Mr. Kruppenbacher stated there is an understanding that the water plant doesn't belong to the City yet, and he didn't think this would be a problem. Mr. Kelley will verify if the present $750.00 water connection fee is enough to be able to expand the Forest Oaks water plant, which will be cost effective. The monies collected from the water connection goes into the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, a separate account. II Mr. Bolin thought it was unfair to ask a small developer to pay for the upsizing of the water lines. Comm. Rodgers' goal is to have a master plan for future water lines of the City, so developers can come in, look at the plan, and see what size lines the City will expect. Comm. Bateman feels the lines are sufficient if there is enough pressure to put out a fire in that neighborhood. Mayor Ison felt the first developer should expand the water system, and the second developer to benefit should pay their share to the first developet'. Mayor Ison beleives that growth pays its own way. Comm. Bateman stated he had two quick suggestions. Comm. Bateman commented on the masonry block on the homes in Harbour Highlands I, stating it is very nice and doesn't require painting every two years. Secondly, Comm. Bateman felt the retention pond was installed on the wrong side of the buildings in Harbour Highlands I. Carria~e Oaks will have a MSTU, and the retention pond will be required to be fenced. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the preliminary plans subject to the thirteen items listed on the 'Development Review Committee Report' dated 1-2-86. Comm. Bateman seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. (A copy of this document is supplied at the back of the minutes. ) Mr. Kelley informed the Board that a meeting will be held on Thm'sday, Jal'"luat'y 23, 1986, at 7:Q10 p. m. to discuss the ,.,...'~..~" _.-1iI:.'- I I j 3 . CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 4 proposed East/West Expressway extension, at Tabernacle Baptist Church Auditorium, 6000 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando. Mr. Kelley encouraged the City Planner and Board of Commissioners to attend this meeting and be involved in these upcoming decisions. THIRD READINGS - PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE 862, LAW ENFORCEMENT IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE 863, FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE Mr. Kruppenbacher recommended the Commission pull these Ordinances and workshop them to get a product that the HBR and the City mutually agrees to. All citizens are welcome to give their input to these Ordinances. Comm. Rodgers moved to pull these Ordinances until the City Attorney gets back with the Commission at a later date, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Mr. Marsh, who is Mr. Kruppenbacher's associate, and Mr. Kruppenbacher will get back with the Commission. Mr. Howell, HBA, was invited to attend the upcoming workshop on these Ordinances. . DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF THE CITY PENSION PLAN Mr. Griffin reported that the documents are held up between the proposed administrator and the attorney. This item will be scheduled at the next regular meeting. Mayor Ison asked that Comm. Bateman give a report on this item since he was instrumental in the decision as far as the type of pension plan we should get. DISCUSSION OF MEETING WITH MID-FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL DEV. COMM. Comm. Bateman felt Ocoee needs new employers in the area, and based on the list of accomplishments of Mid-Florida, it seems they have expanded the number of employees at businesses in ce.,.~t aiI'I a.,.~eas, i Y"lst ead clf t he Y"lurnbel"~ clf emp I oyel"~:~. Comrn. Bateman also felt since Comm. Cox brought it up, he should comment, or bring up the subject at a later date. Comm. Rodgers felt participation with Mid-Florida would be in direct conflict with the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. NEW BUSINESS CONCEPTUAL REVIEW - PROPOSED ANNEXATION - LAKE PROPERTY, Y. MOHAMAD STANLEY . Mr. Griffin stated he had a petition in hand to annex the property on the west shore of Lake Stanley whiCh extendS <,~cluth to Silvel"~ sta'r~. M.,.~. F.,.~ank. COlxr~tY"ley, 7i:::i PC:'1lrne.,.~ {-lve. Winter Park, stated the property is approximately 83 acres, '+ -- --.- . CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 5 currently zoned RCE2 in Orange County, and they plan to develop the property as RiA, single family community. The Commission gave conceptual approval of the annexation. INTERPRETATION OF ZONING CODE - MARK STRAWDER AND JODY LYNN . Mr. Strawder owns property located in the northwest side of Ocoee. The City thought the property was de-annexed by Court Order in 1970, although this particular piece of property was not, but everything around it was. The County shows no zoning, as they did not re-zone the property after it was de- annexed by the City. The City has old maps, not signed, showi Y"lg the pat~cel as '::]-2. The COU1'".ty has i':tJ:,p~eed to administratively assign A-2 to the property. Mr. Strawder is petitioning the Commission to verify the zoning either A-i or A-2. Mr. Strawder would like to place a mobile home on the bl"r'Opet"'ty. If the CClImnission vet'ifies A-l z(:)ninq, Mt~. Strawder may place a mobile home on the property. If the Commission verifies A-2 zoning, Mr. Strawder will have to get a variance from the Board of Adjustment and the Commission, in order to put a mobile home on the property. The Commission agreed to send this issue to the Board of Adjustment for their recommendation to the Commission. REQUEST TO REDUCE UTILITY EASEMENT FROM 15' TO 10' -C. DAVIS Mr. Davis asked that this item be pulled from tne agenda prior to the meeting. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER "NO PARKING" PIONEER KEY PARK II Mr. Griffin submitted a report to the Commission on where "No F'.::n~I-i"ing" sifJYfS viill be placed i1'"1 the City if the 1'"lew pat-"I-dng Ordinance is adopted. The report covers Pioneer Key Park I and II, Security Circle, and Mobile Lane. REPORT ON DREW THOMAS' CONTACT WITH PRIMA VISTA UTILITIES . Mr. Griffin reported that Mr. Thomas met with Mr. Goodman fn:@ Pt~ima Vista Utilities. Mt~. Goodman iY-lfot~med hirf! that they had no intention of assisting the City of Ocoee with the Peach and !'r1oxie dt'ainc\ge outfall pt~c'.Ject. Mt~. Gt~iffiY-. also informed the Commission that Mr. Goodman has a meeting with Mr. Thomas later this week. Mr. Kruppenbacher stated that he would call Mr. Thomas first thing in the morning to inform ~r. Thomas that he has no authorization to soeak on any other subject other than the Peach and Moxie issue with Mr. Goodman, on behalf of the City of Ocoee. ,- .:J -~- - . CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 6 FOLLOW-UP AGENDA REPORT A workshop has been rescheduled for 7:00 p.m. 1986 to discuss the Recreation Fee Ordinance. 01'"1 Febr~uar~y 4, The workshop was held at the Attorney's office on 1-17-86 at 2:00 p.m. reference the Law and Fire Impact Fee Ordinances. The City staff has sent a letter to the Mayor and Commissioners recommending approval of Forest Oaks, Phase I Unit II, with a condition of a fence being installed around the total retention pond/area. The City staff is checking into the telephone alarm system to be installed at Forest Oaks Water Plant. Comments from Citizens/Public will be put on the aqenda below New Business, per Mayor Ison's request. Each citizen will be limited to five minutes. . The workshop on the City of Ocoee's financial policy will be held on Thursday, January 23, 1986, at 7:30 p.m.. Mr. Griffin sent a memorandum to the Mayor and Commissioners reference information received from the Public Works Director of the City of Orlando in reference to the resource recovery of newspapers and aluminum cans. Mayor Ison instructed the City Manager to check with civic organizations to see if they al"'e i ntel"'€-?stf.?d. Staff has researched the 'No Parking' signs and situation in Pioneer Key Parks I and II, Security and Mobile Lanes. This item was on the agenda of 1-21-86 meeting. Mr"'. K"r~uppel'"lbacher' \l-Ji 11 call for' Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance at a wor~kshop on some future date. a CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Kruppenbacher had no further reports. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no citizen comments. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS . Commissioners Hager and Bateman had no comments. Comm. Rodgers announced that Mr. Jim Beech, Recreational Director f.::n' the City clf Dcoee r~eceived the "Educator"' of the Yf.?.:.H' n\o'lcn'd". Comm. Rodger~s cC1flHllel'"Ided f'rh'. Beech fOr~ his effO"r"'ts~ 6 .~~ ----- - ---- . . . CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 21, 1986 PAGE 7 and stated he is an outstanding citizen and has done a lot for young people. Comm. Rodgers also asked Mr. Griffin to check what figure Orange County is using from the 1980 census in computing the monies we receive from the Local Option Gas Tax. Comm. Rodgers stated he thought he remembered to that there was two census' taken, hence there is a possibility that Orange County is using the wrong population figure. Mayor Ison read a letter thanking Deoee for naming husband, John 'Tiger' Minor. he ~'ece i ved south pa~'I-<. f ~'o rn aftel~ '''' i no~.', be 1 ate(j ,....I~'s. he~' The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.. MAYOR ISDN ~:nTEST : ~fJv I ^'- ------.---.----.--"-- DEPUTY CLERK ~ DUDIS 7 ~