HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-04-86 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 4, 1ge . PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Cox; Rodgers; Bateman; and Hager; City Manager Griffin, City Attorney Lang, City Engineers Kelley and Merkel, City Clerk Catron, Building Official Gerace, City Planner Wagner, and Deputy Clerk Lou]' ()ud is. ABSENT: l\Ioi'"le. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 7:46 p.m.. Mayor Ison then led those present in prayer and to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mr. Joe Stinnett was present to ask the Commission for a 5500.00 donation for sustaining membership to the West Oranqe YMCA. Mr. Stinnett thanked the Commission for their donation last year and explained the various activities of the YMCA. He stated this year they were not going to turn any child away, even if they are unable to afford the fees. Comm. Bateman moved to contribute $500.00 to the West Orange YMCA, Comm. Rodgers seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. . Mayor Ison announced held on February 5, financial policies and that there will be a Special Session 1986, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the procedures for the City of ocoee. Mayor Ison and Capt. John Boyd, Ocoee Police Dept., presented a certificate of thanks and appreciation to Bonnie Bailey for her efforts and work for the Toys for Tots program held ln December 1985. Because of her efforts many children had gifts at Christmas whose parents could not afford to purchase t hE~m. Mayor Ison announced that the Directors of the Dcoee Jr./Sr. Football League presented a placque to the Commission thanking them for their support and help in the past. CONSENT AGENDA Comm. Cox and Comm. Rodgers Recreational Fee Ordinance, (4l]Emda. Th i s CJ'r'd i i'"'.:~i'"Jce is resubmitted for first reading. aSH,ed that itE~rll ' C'. pr'opo!::;ed be pulled from the Consent to be re-worked and then Comm. Hager moved to approve the remaining items Consent Agenda; Commission Meeting Minutes of 1-21-H6 Commission Workshop meeting minutes of 1-23-86. Rodgers seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. on t h~? a',',d tl''t(7? Cornrn. . 1 __--------.J ~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1986 PAGE 2 TOWNE SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER, FINAL PLAT APPROVAL Mr. Rick Merkel, City ~ngineer, stated they are in compliance with all the conditions set from the preliminary aoproval, and recommended approval. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the final plat of Towne Square Shopping Center, Comm. Bateman seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Mr. Frank Cannon, developer, stated they expect to open sometime in 1'lay, 1'385 timf",f~'ame. CARRIAGE OAKS SUBDIVISION, FINAL PLANS APPROVAL Mr. Rick Merkel, City Engineer, recommended approval of the final plans, and stated they have complied with all tne conditions set forth. Mr. Ted Bolin, developer, understands that the Recreational Fee Assessment is to be paid a~ the time the final plat is recorded. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the final plans subject to the deletion of number five under General Notes on the plan, Comm. Cox seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. WEST ORANGE COMMERCIAL CENTER, APPROVAL FINAL SUBDIVISION PLANS -. Mr. Rick Merkel, City Engineer, recommended approval of tne final plans for West Orange Commercial Center, and stated they have worked all the bugs out except for a mathematical detai 1 on tt-",e plaYls. iYlr"'. Ted Allen, T~'ider"lt Const~'uct iOrl.! was present to answer any questions. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the final subdivision plans subject to the mathematical error Mr. Merkel mentioned and a $15.000.00 recreational fee assessment to be paid at the time the plat is recorded, plus the dedication of the road right-of-way. Comm. Cox seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. .r"~""le Cc,rnmissi()YI adJ()u~'necl at 8:212.'1 p. fIl. p. rll. . and reconvened at u~~~ PUBLIC HEARINGS MAGUIRE ROAD PROFESSIONAL PARK PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN APPROVAL Mr. Rick Merkel, City Engineer, recommended approval of the preliminary plan, subject to the conditions set forth on the Review Committee Report dated 1-30-85. Mr. Merkel pointed out several typographical errors within the report; Paoe 2, numbe"(' I.f, last ~:;e.ntence, ~'eplace "irlclude" with tile i,'J()l"'ci II a llow", <H"ld Paqe i.:::, I\;umbe~' 7A, second 1 i ne, chanqe tl"",e v,lo.,.""d "dece 1 et-"at i on II to" b i pass ". iT1r'. i'1e<r' f{f21 ex pla:i. "("Ieel t ha t.: t nE? developers wanted to allow a 50 foot right-of-way, and 24 "-, c CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1986 PAGE 3 . feet road widths for the subdlvision, which does not comply with the City's current subdivision regulations, which states 28 foot street width. The Commission agreed that the road widths should be kept at 28 feet. Mr. Marc Grlmes, developer, agreed to 28 feet road width for Professional Park Road, 50 foot road right-of-way, and 24 foot road widths for Anthony Ct. and Ashley Ct, the two cul-de-sacs of the subdivision. Mr. Wagner is to research the matter of the ~"ec~~eat ional fel-? assessment ancl corne bacf<, tel the Coml'ni"~~:~icln with a recommendation. Comm. Rodgers moved to approve the preliminary plans for Maguire Road Professional Park subject to the co'nditiol"ls set fo~~th or', the "Develc'(:Jment Reviel-'I C.;:)mmitteE~ r<epor-.t'l and the 5iL~ fE?et of r"'oad l"iql-.t-of-t'\lay, E:B feet road width of Professional Park Road, and 24 feet road width of Anthonv Ct. and Ashley Ct.. Comm. Cox seconded and the vote carried unanimously. SUN CENTRAL DEVELOPMENT INC., APPROVAL PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN . fYl'r.... Ric.\.{ jYif.-?r'.'kel" [~it:y E:-("I~.i"""ee'r.", statecJ the subdi\/i~:;ic..,rf i~:;. located south of the intersection of Bluford and Geneva, on the west side of Bluford. Mr. Merkel stated there still are details to be worked out, but assured the Commission that the details could be worked out during the final review. Mr. Jim Mitchell and Mr. Bill Harder were present to answer any questions. They objected to item '5' of the Development Review Committee's Report, and item #16. There objection was they are currently giving the City 17 feet bv 300 feet of road right-of-way, and asked if this could be used for the recreational fee assessment. They also objected to having to extend the water lines and bear the cost when other future developers would benefit. Mayor 1son felt the ~lrst developer in an area is held responsible by the Commission to f.?xtf?{',d the watel'-' I i!",es. In tUr~'n, that develclne~-' rllc:\Y wor"k wlth future developers to recooperate some of their monies. Mayor Iso!"1 aSkE?d f.;:w' allY citize'n/public inr:)ut. Ivlr-'. Br~l..lce Bf.'~atty asked about the sewer facilities they would be utilizinp; which is ~;,€?pt ic t2urd-l,s. COml'll. Cox the'('J rnovE.d 1:;0 appr~ovE:'! the Sun Central Development Preliminary Plans subject to the cO('ld i t i o '('I S ~:,et f or-,t h ':'1"1 the "Deve 1 0 (Hllent F<ev i eltl COI'Jlrn i t t ee r~epCt'r-,t" dated 1-23-'-86 al"ld the undel'~standi!"'g thc:d: lt is th(= developers responsibility to extend the water lines. Comm. Bateman seconded, which opened the discussion. Cornm. Rodgers asked if there would be a deceleration lane on Bluford. Mr. Rick Merkel did not ask for the deceleration lane. The Commissioners agreed the deceleration lane on Bluford was needed, and Comm. Rodpers suggested requiring the lane ln lieu of the recreational assessment. Mr. Merkel asked that the preliminary plan be tabled, re-worked to incluoe the deceleration lane, and then brought back before the (,,, 11 t1'UlfJtI . I/. /t.. C:J "" /71 ~.tI~(JI fir II. It./ /J ~ !..>J,L 3 --r ____ v "" ~J /1- A.4~. CtJ J(f( MoT: 6JJ,J ~ f Jf~1Z fi,1f~ tJo V"I.t:. w,+) -'k'& e.4./ v'" '-0,...., ,-" e CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1986 PAGE 4 - Commission. The vote was taken on Commission (~Clrl1fn. eel x' s ac.P'-'eed to tab 1 e, mot iOl'l. t her"efcl,"e Y"lel SECOND READINGS ORDINANCE 865, AMENDING PARKING Mr. Griffin read the Ordinance by title only, and pointed out that subparagraph 12 reflects the verbage change per the Commission request. There were no comments from the public. Comm. Cox moved to approve Ordinance 865, Comm. Bateman seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. ORDINANCE 866, CEMETERY REGULATIONS Mr. Griffin read the Ordinance by title only. Mayor Ison pointed out that the Ordinance would not be retroactive to include the l.;::d";s with mc.nurllet-,ts alt~eady iI", place. The'r'E~ WE~""'E'~ no comments from the public. Comm. Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 866, Comm. Hager seconded, and the vote carried unal'li mous 1 y. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC e Mr. Bruce Beatty asked the Commission to draft a letter to DER objecting to the location of the crematorium at Quality 'vaults, statil",!;l it is incoy',!";:,i!::.teY'lt \foJit!.." City pli::\n!5. j~h-'.. Griffin stated he thought the crematorium is an upgrade or secondary version to the one which is already installed.. Mr.. G'r~iffin sti::""d;ed the'r~e is a r)()~5~5ibility ti"Ji::d.' tnE:' Cornrni!:.;s:i.on agreed to the initial crematorium therefore the City may not have grounds to object this upgrade. Mr. Griffin asked for time to research this and get back with the Commission.. This report is to be brought before the Commission at the nex~ regularly scheduled meeting. NEW BUSINESS TAXI CAB FRANCHISE AGREEMENT . Atty. Lang stated the City no longer grants franchise agreements, but rather issue the party a license authorizing them to do business within the City limits.. If the Commission decides to approve the request they must deciue orl a fee amount for the permit, a fee for the Occuoational L.icense, establi!";:,h c:\ defil'titio""J elf a ti::-iHicab, (l--lCI\J') 1I1an:>/ people traveling in one vehicle constitutes a taxicab versus a bus, etc.), and approve the owner's rate structure, and advet~tise thf.'? ar,;rr~eefl1ent. r-ltty.. L.anr,~ r"ec()rnrne",(J0:~ci t:..,<,;t\~, Ordinance 521 be restructured.. A taxicab could be defined dS a five passenger car or less. The City's Ordinance l'equi~ 1.1' CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1985 PAGE 5 e $100,000 comoany liability insurance, pe'(' incider,t. IYj'r'. j:::illen Lawi"e'r"',ce, business, presently carrles $25,000 and $20.000 lnsurance for the City of Apopka. Commission to approve such a request $50,000 bodily injury ownel~~ o'f tl"le taxi(~(~l:) l:J.2'loilitv I ir, oi"oe'(" 'j- ()\..... t Ii t? lYlr" .. L.i:\w""'E-~nce rllu"o c: upg'("ade 1'''11\:> In<':;',,li''a'r'''lce C()\i(,?'r"'aq~"? (:,',,'" ti'E~ City rnus.t arll€~{',d Or'd i 'r"'lance 5:'~: 1. COfl1m. Cox s.u~! gE~\:;;t E~c:i tnt:::' C i t >/ l'i:i'.'\nc\r:jf.7~r'" c'orn::1i:\!,"IC-2 our requirements with surrounding cities, and research if ther.'e is a liability e:><[JOS'..\l''''E' to t:.''i(;o' C:i,ty L,y' c""l'tJ,u('i:;::.,(,:~: !:::',c: ta:><icio\i:J tCe do bu~;;:i.nE~~;;!:',.. Attv. Lio\'r'11;:} ~;::.tatF~d ti"lF2 Ci-!:,y v,,(;'I,,:~C: i'l'..-'C be 1 ie-tole as lC''('lg a~:; t:h(e [:ity' did c\ bc~ck~l"("()u'ncr C';'''IE':'C';'';. ()'f" ";..:;d'rC;:. compa'r""y i::\nd r~eC:II..\ i f"'e and V l'?j'" i fy i n!:::,U'r"'c~j'ICE? covc:!".a !::l e I:::,e f 01'\.0 i ss u i 'r"', 9 t 1'''1 E-' pe r"'ln 1 'r . Corm,-I. R()d q E~i''''S El ~:. ked t i"'l Ell: rH t ''1'. c,.. d rH.,! S u bm i t f:f'arnl-2\AlOI'''l-t, t () de pi. c.t the \:)i"0 1:::, 1 E'rll~::;' ,oJ:i. t h D'r'd i ni:'l nCE~ '5;~::, .. ;'ltty. La'r"'Ir,;1 ~;;tatE?ci l~lr"'. C-:;'r~iffin could c:io t,')f.'2 initiiiill w,::",,"'!( by' obtaining a coPy of Orlando's Ordinance, WhlCh Mr. Lang drafted, and making 'some minor changes, then submit it to the Boai"d feel'" j"evievI. This itE'm Vias ti:d:::,led lJntil tl'iE' 'ne~d~ t'e 9 u 1 en' r"J€:~et in i;!.. REPORTS AND INFORMATION CITY MANAGER e Mr. Griffin informed the Commission that DOT is proposing to upgrade the intersection of Bluford and Silver Star to a four 1 al"',e i 'nt (~i"Sf.~ct i. on wit h t '-n"'Y', 1 anE~S. l~h'.. Ch'i ffl.!"I "",,,"'I;)e<..: t:, <-:0 Commission to adopt the standard Resolution submitted bv DOT. Comm.. Cox moved to adopt Resolution 86-01, Comma 8aLeman seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. 1'1'('. [3'1'" i. f f i 'n a 'r"'lno 1..1 !"Ie.pd .;;:,n FE" bf'I..\i::\'l"y 1 (:3, ::, '3E:iC, t, e C i t: Y v'. 1 .. .l haVE' a clE'c\'n up di':'lY, PE;:>i'" oubl:i.c:.,....eque~:;t, in \',.hici', l,i"'E' ban ita t i O'r"', Dept. v. i 11 I:) i ci-<. up ()], d couchf?<;:'.. ci""iiiI :i. "'0:',,1 ca,' i::)E?\.: ') i:'\I:Jp 1 i 2'\'r"',CE'2S, f2t C. .. iYir~.. Gt' :i. f fin Sl:: Dr; ed if l.: n("~ c:1 edn u () c; ,,;..y :. ~:: well-"f"eceivec3 we wi 11 de:::. it agai'n =;.f.?Y'E"f'i::d rl1ol',th~:;;. li::d::F"'r' The Recreational Fee Ordinance will be re-drafted Dnd bro~glt back before the Commission, the workshop was held orevious to the 2-4-86 regular meeting. Thel'-'e will b(~ i:\ Spec i i:.'< 1 Se=;~:> i 0-1"1 eel", F'(~bi"'..\'~'<('y '~5, 1 ':38(;" p.m. to discuss the financial policies and procedures City ()f Occ<eE~.. <::\ t '"7: ~:.;; (?i fOt". l:;"I(':::' The City ;'ltto'r"'ney is~ wOf'kinr..J or', ti'H0 Li:.'lvJ and Fi,,"'e IlilO<'\ct FeE' Ordinances, which are being re-drafted and will be submitted to the Commission at a future date. Mi'.... Gi'~iffi'n f'eceived tl"le lettE-?I.... f'r'orn thf5.' Cit'..,.. l::,nl,iJ.'1"E'F:'" recommending approval for final payment Dfter reCE-'lVlng all supportinq documentation, and DeRae Builders have been pai~. . 0=- d CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1986 PAGE 6 e The City Engineer and staff is working on tne future water line requirements of the City so when approvinq developments in the future everyone will know what is needed. Comma Batemal'"l Bus i ness Gr~ou p come up \i'Jith tt\(;:! Comrn. BatE!maY", and s;,taff ",Ii 11 to cI i ~.;;cuss ~:;,orl1f::? pe'nsiol'"' pIal"', vJ ill make be meeting with Southern further prOblems wnich nave and after they are resolved his reoort/overview to the Commission.. Comma Cox urged the Commissioners to Join the MId-Florida Development commission as individuals, but stated they wete not interested in the City Commission Joining as they try to stay out of the political aspects.. Mark Strawder is scheduled to go to the Board of Adjustment. e Mr. Griffin advised that the Miami Powerboat Association has not supplied the City with a certificate of liability insurance as of yet. The City's insurance company has reservations with the City taking the liability. The City's insurance company also stated the amount of coverage the Powerboat Association is proposing is inadequate. Comma Cox stated the event exposes the City and gives us cheap public relations. COMm. Bateman was also in favor of continuing tne races, if we can work something out. The City has moved "Corflments f'r~om Citi:ze'n~3/Public" ,3bo\lE! tt"f:? "New Busil'less" on tl'''lt? City Comrnissic)I", ~1g(:='l"Idi::'l. Mr. Griffin checked with Orange County in reference to the census figures they are using for the City in computing the amount of the Local Option Gas Tax we are receiving, and discovered that the County's updated 1980 census fiqure l~ 7, BIZl3 a'(',d the Cc.unty upclc:d;es this by a '('I est irnated CE'YI~;;U~", eii~c:-, YE~~':\j"'. The est i rn<'3t ed fig I-\'r~e feel'" 1 ':385, fOr"' t i'IE~ C :i, t, y C< f UCC<E,!(':~ i~_~ 10, '::j.~~:::'j. I"h". Gr"'iffin can y',Ctt, <:\',;; of yet, qet iiH', ar'~",'.."i,::)f"' fr"'c'ril the C::01,,\nty on whicl') fiq.,,\'r"e thf'o'Y I_\!,>t:~ lY'( cornpl..\t:i,'r~<::! 0'.11'-' rnon 11:25. CITY ATTORNEY Atty. Lang had no further reports. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS e Comm. Bateman requested that staff check into the Citv adopting an Ordinance to enable the City to pass the actual cost;;; of lc.cal l'-'E.'?views and pli::1nninq iiH'lcl pey"mittil"f1::i c'rlto thF! developer~s. I'ill"'. Gr"'iffil'l supplied a c:opy of an a'r"ticlr::? Ii/iil?'r f::? this was done in Sarasota County, Florida. 6 CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1986 PAGE 7 e Cornrn. Bat ema lr, a 1 so ~-'f.?q l..lpst; E,d t n i':\ t a pr-'c, Dosa:1. t Co i::"nE~ (iC; :t ;::.I"....E, 0 ',' the City Code to be agendaed as soon as possible. Comm. Rodgers and Comm. Hager made no comments. Cornm. Cox stated as of today his Job requirements have doublpd, and it is a financial strain living in Dcoee and partially in Eustis; therefore, he reluctantly will resign his position the first meeting in March. Mr. Griffin stated we need to contact Betty Carter's Office, Supervisor of Elections. Comm. Cox holds Seat :t of tne Cltv Commission, and qualifying for the seat will open on Fehruary 5, 1986 at 12:00 noon. The qualifying wlll end on February 14, 1'386, and we cc.uld schedule l:he el<;?c-l;;ie,n fen'" iYii:l{'C',", U:L, 1985. If this is", dcqrle, Cc.rllfn. CCIX~S seat C()l..lld bf.~ f:i.ll(;~d bv the sec'CI\rld rlleet i \rl gir-l M a. y"c'h.. orh e C:c,rflfll i !::~!?:. :i. Ct'r',(~?\.....s ,":.'\ rJ '("E~<:-;,Id t () this schedule. e Mayor Ison announcpd he recpived a letter from Orange County's Assistant County Administrator, Phillip Brown, whic'1 ~~tates that Or'cinqf': COU1",ty is t~-'yinl,;l to pa~:;~:; an D,'c:lir'I<::,nc::'('7' which would allow Dran~e County to appoint a COGe Enforcement Officer who would have authority to go into City limits, site [:lersons who do ne.t comply witi-', COU1",ty l-'F:quli:-d.:ions, i::u",d tal'.';:" those people before their Code Enforcement Board. Mayor IS00 urged the City Commission to object to l:his proposed Ordinance strongly. !Y!ayo(' 1 son a 1 so st i:;d:: ed he ('F.?ce i V f.", c:i i:i gooc: r-'E,pof''L f,,-'cIJJl [>, i t~f St(-'osnidf.=~'-', Dcoee F:il"'e Dept., a~,~, '::l!:',.ked whei"'Ee tl.,t:;; 'r"E-,pc.I(..t is from Chief Brandt, Ocoee Police Deot., as he understood tney would also submit a report. Mayor Ison also asked Atty. Lang to look into ttle possibility of the City receiving tax revenues from the sewer company which is currpntly ooerating in the City, they 00 not pay any now. Atty. Lanq will look into thi'3 i~'1:::; it i~s hl~::; i:~.('(:.:!,:1 U';- exoe'r't ise. The rr1E'et i 1"lg was adJc.ur"..d :.' ~O-k---......u._._...- !'rl~'~OI'.,J {4TTEST: . -;