HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-86 SS
Mayor lson, Commissioners Rodgers; Bateman~ anu
City Manager Griffin, City Clerk Catron, Finance
Poston, City Attorney Lang, and Deputy Clerk
Commissioner Cox.
Mayor lson called the scheduled Special Session to order at
7:35 p.m.. Mayor lson then asked City Atty. Lang to give the
Commission some background information on the financial
policies and procedures for the City of Ocoee.
Mr. Lang stated currently the value of the trust from GIC is
unknown. Our certificate IS not a secured investment,
therefore we will not get our full investment back. At this
point we can expect 30 cents to ~0 cents on the dollar, and
it could be a year or more before we get those funds. No
interest will be paid on the amount either. We will be paid
a prorata basis along with the other unsecured certificates.
Mr. Lang stated the City Charter provides that at the first
meeting of each year the City Commission shall designate the
depositories for that year. This has not been done in the
past. After this is done, City of Ocoee public funds may
only be deposited in those designated depositories. FDIC
carries $100,000 of insurance on each designated account.
FDIC is not willing to tell which accounts are definitely
covered. They say each account with a designated use and
designated custodian is covered with $100,000 worth of
Mr. Griffin asked It we set UP a designated account for tne
Police Dept. and place monies in the account with designated
custodians, but don't expend monies from the account, onlv
earn interest and roll the account over, would we be covered
by FDIC for those monies. Mr. Lang stated we could be put to
test whether that account is truly used for the designated
use. Mr. Griffin stated we could set up a desinnated account
for the Building Dept. as an Enterprise Fund, because the
Building Dept. generates revenue, unlike the Police Dept.,
Fire Dept., and Street Depts that do not generate revenue and
are currently all under the General Fund.
There ic no state law that requires who the City uses as a
depository, but that chosen depository must follow the state
requirements set for public funds. The state requires those
depositories to carry 50~ collateral on the amount of public
funds deposited in that depository or be FDIC insured.
Bateman reminded the City Atty. that the City
are discussing, 1.3 million dollars, are idle
FEBRUARY 5, 1986
which are not earmarked or pledged to anythinq. Mr.
realized this and stated as long as the funds are set
specific segregated accounts with designated custodians,
would be covered by FDIC.
Jim Reed, President of Orange Bank in Ocoee, was present to
explain to the Commission the collateral the bank currently
has to offset the public funds deposited into the Bank, the
assets and liabilities of the Bank, and so on. Orance Bank
has 32 million in total deposits, surplus stock and capital.
Orange Bank has 1.7 million in unencumbered government
securities which are held by Sun Bank. The State law only
requires they carry 1 million, so they have .7 million in
excess already. This pledged money can not be sold or
transferred by Orange Bank unless it is replaced, and
Tallahassee must approve any collateral. If a bank is ln
trouble, FDIC will usually require a bank merger. Mr. Reed
stated there have been no mergers with Orange 8ank since
1961, only a name change, and all the employees work and live
in Ocoee. Mr. Reed stated the more deposits Orange Bank has
the more money they can loan out, which benefits the citlzens
of Dcoee. Mr. Reed stated he would place 100% collateral on
all of the City's funds and felt if the Bank closed next
week, the City would get a faster payoff from the
collateralized funds than with the FDIC. Mr. Reed stated he
could insure the City funds with 100% collateral designated
for those funds without insuring the other public fundS
Orange Bank holds.
Comm. Bateman asked how long it would take, if the Bank
closed, to get a payoff from the securities pledged against
the public funds. Mr. Reed could not answer. Comm. Rodgers
felt more comfortable knowing that the City's fundS were
collateralized 100%, instead of banking on the FDIC
The Commission requested a letter from Mr. Jim Reed stating
Orange Bank will cover our deposits will 100% collateral and
Mr. Reed agreed to do so. Atty. Lang asked Mr. Reed if he
could identify which securities are for the City of Ocoee's
monies in writing, and Mr. Reed agreed to do so.
The Commission also asked Atty. Lang to research what would
happen in a situation where Orange Bank would close, and the
City would have to draw from those securities. (worst case
scenario) Mr. Lang is to check with the State and Federal
Comptrollers office. Mr. Lang stated that the Feueral
Comptroller will say it is a State law, and they deal with
FDIC not collateral and the state may not have had a clalm to
FEBRUARY 5, 1986
Comma Rodgers moved to adopt Resolution 86-02 designating
Orange Bank, Tucker State Bank, Osceola Federal Bank, Sun
Bank, and First Bankers otherwise known as First Union,
otherwise known as Atlantic Bank as the financial
institutions for 1986, and setting a flnancial POllCY.
Comma Hager seconded, and after much discussion the vote was
taken and carried unanimously.
Mayor Ison and Comm. Rodgers felt the $400,000.00 the City
has invested in Tucker State, Sun Bank, Osceola Federal, and
First Bankers should come before the Commission upon
maturity, for direction from the Commission where to transfer
the monies. They will be agendaed when they mature.
IYI~'. Reed
sea~'ch i ng
t ~'ans fe~"'s
()l'le bal'lk.
wi 11
suggested the City have
higher interest bearing
loose more money than if
trust in one bank as
banks and making the
the City leaves it in
Mayor Ison felt the elected officials of the City Should know
where the funds are and should move them when it is
necessary. Comm. Bateman felt the financial policy was good
for the City, but felt Mr. Poston could transfer the funds,
when they mature. Comma Bateman stated although the
Commission authorizes Orange Bank as the depository for the
City, the Commission is not responsible if Orange Bank should
fail. Mr. Lang stated the City Charter provides that the
Commission designates the depository, and must invest the
surplus funds, although Mr. Poston can transfer funds from
one authorized depository to another authorized depository.
The Commission agreed to have a special session the first
meeting of the fiscal year, each year in order to designate
the depositories and review investments.
Mayor Ison requested to go back to hand signing the checks
for the monthly and weekly bills, but not payroll checks.
Mayor Ison stated if he was out of town then Comma Rodgers
could be called to sign the checks. He felt a Commissloner
should be a co-signer on the checks. Mayor Ison stated this
will improve the accountability to the public, and he did not
mean to hurt feelings, it is because the elected officials
are held responsible for the City's funds.
COfrlfll. Bat efrlan
p. m. . Comfll.
unal'1 i mous 1 y.
mc.ved to
Rod ge~-"s
adjourn the Special Session at 9:30
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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
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February 7, 1986
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Mr. Kenton G. Griffin, MP~
City Manager
City of Ocoee
150 Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 32761
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Dear Mr. Griffin:
This will reply to your letter of January 24, 1986, in which you ask
about FDIC insurance of public unit accounts. You state that the City
of Ocoee has four certificates of deposit in an FDIC-insured bank in
the name of "City of Ocoee General Fund" and other certificates in the
names of "City of Ocoee Water Fund," "City of Ocoee Sewer Fund," etc.
You ask for the extent of FDIC insurance coverage of these accounts.
The deposit insurance coverage of public unit accounts is determined
as follows: Section 330.8(a) of the FDIC regulations, 12 C.F.R.
~ 330.8(a), provides that each official custodian of funds of a State,
county, municipality, or political subdivision thereof is insured up
to $100,000 in the aggregate for time and savings deposits in an insured
bank in the same state and up to $100,000 in the aggregate for demand
deposits in an insured bank in the same State. Additional insurance
coverage of up to $100,000 is provided for deposits in any form in an
insured bank outside the State.
Please be aware that, for insurance purposes, the official custodian
of funds belonging to a public unit, rather than the public unit itself,
is insured as the depositor. If there is more than one official custodian
for the same public unit, the funds deposited by each custodian are
separately insured up to $100,000 for time and savings deposits and
$100,000 for demand deposits in an insured bank in the same State and
$100,000 for deposits in any form in an insured bank outside the State.
Depositing funds belonging to the same public unit in separate accounts
solely for budgetary or accounting purposes does not increase insurance
coverage. Thus, designating different titles for the accounts of the
same custodian does not lead to separate insurance of those accounts.
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Mr. Kenton G. Griffin
- 2 -
February 7, 1986
In order to qualify as a "political subdivision" entitled to "public
unit" status, an entity: 0) must have been expressly created or
authorized as provided by State statute; (2) must have delegated functions
as provided by State statute; and (3) must have funds allocated to it
by statute or ordinance for its exclusive use and control 02 C.F.R
~ 330.8(c)). The term "political subdivision" also includes "drainage,
irrigation, navigation, improvement, levee, sanitary, school or power
districts, and bridge or port authorities and other special districts
created by state statute or compacts between the States." Subordinate
or nonautonomous divisions within political subdivisions do not satisfy
those requirements.
Your letter does not present any facts that indicate that the accounts
in question belong to separately recognizable political subdivisions.
Rather, it appears that they are all owned by the City of Ocoee and
that their designation as separate ~ccounts is merely for accounting
or budgetary purposes. Accordingly, it is my opinion that all the
accounts listed would be insured in the aggregate to a maximum of
Finally, you ask for the length of time to recover your insured deposits
in the event of the bank's fai lure and for the process which you must
follow in order to receive your insured funds. In the event of the
failure of an FDIC-insured bank, the depositor normally receives his
or her insured deposit within three to five days from the date of the
bank's closing. To receive your funds, simply present evidence of the
deposits, such as your certificates, to the FDIC Claims Agent for the
failed bank.
I am enclosing copies of two FDIC publications, "Your Insured Deposit"
and "When a Bank Fails," which should help to answer some of your
questions. Finally, if I can be of further assistance, please do not
hes~tate to write or telephone me at (202) 389-4171.
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Fredric H. Karr