HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-08-86 e r tit '. MINuTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD APRIL B, 19B6 -~ -As Chairman Breeze has submitted his resignation to be effective immediately due to his appointment as Executive- Director of the Tri-County League of Cities, meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Brooklyn at 7:30 in the Community Center. Vice Chairman Brooklyn, Members Cook, Linebarier, Sanders, Smith, Swickerath and Alternate Member Bond were present. Member Colella was absent. Mayor Ison, Commissioners Bateman, Hager, Johnson, and Rodgers were present. There were no commissioners absent. After the Invocation was delivered by Mr. Swickerath and all Joined in the Pledge of Allegiance, Vice Chairman Brooklyn declared a quorum to be present. Upon a motion by Mr. vote was unanimous later in the meeting. Linebarier and second by Mr. Sanders, to delay approval of the minutes until CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN SELECTED Vice Chairman Brooklyn advised that nominations ~ere in order for both chairman and vice chairman as he is stepping down at this time along with Chairman Breeze. Mr. Linebarier nominated Mr. Swickerath as chairman. Mrs. Cook seconded the nomination and vote was unanimous in favor. Mr. Sanders then nominated Mr. Smith as vice chairman. Mr. Linebarier seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Mr. Brooklyn then turned the gavel over to Chairman Swickerath. MINUTES APPROVED Chairman Swickerath asked members to take a few moments to read the minutes of the meeting held March 11, 1986, after which he called for a motion. Mr. 'Sanders moved to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Brooklyn seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. RECESS 7:35 P.M. TO 7:52 P.M. NEW BUSINESS A. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN HEARINGS AMENDMENTS - PUBLIC Chairman meeting Swickerath advised that the next portion of would be held with Commission Jointly as the ttie Board 1 e would first amend the Comprehensive Land the amendments, and then forward their Commission for review and further action. v~i 11 the'("j follc<w as <::,...., trn~. age....,da i..... Item D. Use Plan, certify recommendations to Proposed rezoning Upon Chairman Swickerath's request, presented the items on the agenda: City Planner Russ Wagner 1. Land Parcels TA & TB, located north of Silver Star Rd., east of Johio Shores Rd. and west of Lake Stanley, involve approximately 90 acres. Parcel TB is to be considered later in this meeting for rezoning. The proposed amendment, from Orange County's Rural Residential to City of Ocoee's Residential, changes only the designation of the land, not its use. The County would like to see the lot sizes remain one- half to one acre per residence. Mr. Jeff Kennedy, 2519 Woodhaven Ct, Orlando, stated that he and his neighbors were not so much opposed to the plan change as they were to dead grove if Co~nty's recommendation for one-half to one acre lots is considered. Mr. Don Russell, 2209 Good H~mes Road, Orlando, spoke at length against excessive growth in that area because it is fragile. 'e l'r1r. Li....'eba.rier ame....,dme....'t. J'rtr. f avo.,..... moved to recommend approval of the proposed Sanders seconded and vote was unanimous in 2. Land Parcel TC, located north of Highway 50 and east of Bluford Avenue and east of Lake Blanchard, is presently designated Low-Density Residential by Orange County. This parcel has appeared on P & Z agenda before and has been approved for commercial use at a public hearing before the City Commission. The proposed amendment to Commercial will cause that action to be consistent with the Comprehen- sive Land Use Plan. The County has written a letter disap- proving the change to commercial, but there were no represen- tatives present to speak. Mr. Smith moved to recommend aoproval of the amendment. Mr. Linebarier seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. 3. Land Parcel TD and TE, located north of Silver Star Rd.. south of Spring Lake and west of Clark Road (extended), is presently designated Orange County Low-Density Residential and the proposed amendment is to Commercial. There were no objections to this change. e Mr. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the amendment and Mr. Brooklyn seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous in f avc,-r. .-, Co . Ie e B. CERTIFICATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS - /' l~ Mr. Smith moved to certify that the proposed Comprehensive - r-rl-ar, ATllel'"ldmerlts are irl compl ia'(".ce with Flcf'rida State Statute 163 and that the internal consistency of the 1979 Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, and particularly the Future Land Use Element, is preserved. Mr~ Linebarier seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. MEETING TURNED OVER TO MAYOR ISON FOR COMMISSION TO ACT C. FORWARD PROPOSED PLAN AMENDMENTS TO THE STATE Mayor Ison stated for the record that the public for the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments as and certified by the Planning and Zoning Board had with public comment on Items 1 & 2, and no public I t em 3. hec:~r' i '("II;) S fo'("'wa...~ded beer. held cCfmrOel"tt OJ'l Cc@m. Bateman, having made findings of fact that Public Hearings were held with due public notice, moved to direct staff to forward proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments to State as they have been re~iewed by the Board of City Commissioners as forwarded and certified by the Planning and Zoning Board. Comm. Hager seconded the motion. In the discussion that followed Comm. Rodgers obJected to Item 2, Parcel TC being commercial, favoring instead multi- residential with set-back from Lake Blanchard. Mayor Ison cautioned commissioners that this motion deals with Comprehensive Land Amendments and not with zoning. Comm. Bateman, acknowledging Mayor Ison's remark that this motion is not concerned with zoning, stated that he would rather see good commercial than multi-residential in that area. When Mayor Ison called for the vote, Commissioners Bateman, Hager and Johnson voted ~y~ and Comm. Rodgers voted n~Y" l'r10t iefr. carried. Comm. Hager moved to set July 1 and July 15, 1986 for the Public Hearing dates for the Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Comm. Bateman seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. MEETING RETURNED TO CHAIRMAN SWICKERATH D. PROPOSED REZONING - PUBLIC HEARING FRANK COURTNEY Mr. Frank Courtney requests rezoning to RiA for portions of Parcel TB, which is north of Silver Star Road and west of Lake Stanley. Mr. Courtney advised that he wished to amend his petition by excluding 9 acres next to the lake from the petition, as well as a strip of land closest to the road, leaving those parts RCE or unclassified. He wishes further to change the strip adjacent to the unclassified strlp next to the road to R1AAA. 3 e -l_ Area homeowners, wanting to keep the lake private, were very vocal in their objections to any development not including pie shaped lots extending into lake. Mr. Jeff Antis, 8505 Silver Star Rd., Mrs. Josephine Hammock, 3000 N. Apopka- Vineland Rd., and Mrs. Nellie Arthur, 8312 Northgate Dr., all of Orlando, own homes aCross the lake and spoke at length in favor of larger lots. Chairman Swickerath called a recess at 9:07 P.M. RECESS FROM 9:07 P.M. TO 9:18 P.M. After reconvening, in order to please other homeowners, Mr. Frank Courtney asked to amend his petition again, eliminating the RCE and making that portion next to the lake R1AAA with one-half acre lots. Mr. Linebarier moved to recommend the zoning be changed as outlined in Mr. Courtney's last proposal with R1AAA and one- half acre lots abutting the lake and R1A in the back with a strong recommendation that when-site plans are drawn up there be space dedicated for a public park at the lake. Mr. Brooklyn seconded. Mayor Ison pointed out that Commission reserves the right to ask for 5~ in money or land. Vote was Brc.c.l-<.lyrl, Cc.ok, L i rlebarier, Sarlders, Swickerath ~y'g: arid BC"l'ld and Smith n~y.. Motion carried. e E. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN APPROVAL Heller Brothers, developers of Professional Parkway Center, which is located south of Old Winter Garden Road Extended and east of Maguire Road, request permission to split one parcel from a larger tract so that construction of a medical center may proceed in a timely fashion. Mr. Mark Robitaille advised that West Orange Hospital proposes to put a 6500 sq. ft. building to house their ambu- lance service on this site, as well as a 3500 sq. ft. building for an urgent care center. "'1-rs. Cc.ol-<. pa'rce 1 arId be gra.,..,ted. favc,'r. moved to recommend that the request to split the continue with the plans for the medical center Mr. Sanders seconded and vote was unanimous in COMMENTS A. INTERIM CITY MANAGER PRESTON advised that he had spent the whole day with City Planner Wagner in briefing. - B. CITY PLANNER WAGNER, apologizing for the cumbersome- ness of the meeting, advised that he has been in touch with the State and they have assured him that we are on the right t -rack. 4 . C. CITY" riu I LD I NG OFF I C I AL GERACE had '('IC, cc'mmel'lt s. D. CITIZENS -There were none present. E. P & Z BOARD Mr. Smith asked what the members can do to plan (as title suggests) rather than Just act on matters brought before them. Chairman Swickerath suggested that the Board meet with the City Planner. Mr. Wagner advised that scheduling would be very difficult as his calendar is full Just keeping City in compliance with State requirements right now. F. CITY COMMISSIONERS Comm. Hager complimented Board for a commendable finding a workable solution with the developer under ccn",d it i C<l'IS. Job of try i 1'"1 9 Comm. Johnson said he was awed by proceedings, Board did a good Job. a1'"ld fel t the ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion by Mr. Sanders and second by Mrs. Bond, meeting unanimously adJourned at 9:50 P.M. . Chairman Swickerath " . 5