HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-86 WS MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELD MAY 19, 1986 e PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Rodgers: Bate.an (arrived 8:00 p...>; and Hager, City Manager Preston, Finance Director Ivan Poston, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. A8SEIIT: None. CA1.1. TO ORDER Mayor Ison called the scheduled workshop to order at 7:28 p... and turned the .eeting over to Mr. Pr.ston. BUDGET REVIEW/DISCUSSION Mr. Preston presented an Ordinance draft to amend and correct ordinance 843. which was passed to adopt the 85-86 budget. Ordinance 843 states the total budget to be $3.5 .illion and actually the total budget is $4.11 .illion, therefore the Ordinanc. .uat be a.ended. The Ordinance draft also provides for a "General Govern.ent Service Account.. which will hold a sizeable balance and only be expended by Co..ission action. This account would be utilized for those expenditures that can not b. allocated to a specific depart.ent. - Mr. Preston reco..ended the iMplementation of a requisitioning, central purchasing and encu.brancing systea which would require e.ploy.ent of a Finance Clerk. This would eli.inate the current concerns with outstanding bills and contract balances. The current co.puter prograM is capable o~ handling this. Mr. Poston stated he highly reco..ended this. Mr. Preston also reco..ended that the Local Option Gas Tax and the State Revenue Gas Taxes be in separate accounts, as the State is restrictive on how these ~unds can be expended. - Mr. Preston also reco..ended the City hire a sta%f Engineer/Public Works Director. Mr. Preston felt the City could hire an individu.l with 4-6 year. experience for .32,000.00 to $35,000.00. PEC ~eels the City should hire an inspection Engineer, .lthough Mr. Preston feels a Civil Engineer would be best. The Co..ission expresssed concern with the invoices the City receive. ~ro. PEC. They are listed with inclusive dates and then a total. Co... Rodgers suggested PEC could ch.ck in with City Hall before beginning work on a certain proJect. So.. o~ the developers have been protesting the charges fro. PEC, and Co... Rodgers was also conc.rn.d that the City would be h.ld responsible in the end. M.yor Ison sugg.sted talking with Mr. Kelley, PEC, and have the und.rstanding that any charges which the developer does not pay, PEC will ....t... 1 - e COMMISSIOK WORKSHOP KAY 19, 19.6 PAGE 2 - Mr. Preaton atated the City Manager~a budget is over because of the change. in City Managera. The in.urance account is over .44,000.00 and the Sanitation Departaent ia over $40,000.00. Mr. Preston also stated the revenue. were over- e.ti.ated in ao.. areas. He atated the Enterpri.e Funds should be sel~-supporting and the City should be banking approxi.ately .26,000.00 per year to purhcaae a new vehicle for the Sanitation Dept. every other year. Co... Johnson inquired about the Leaae/Purchase progra.s. Mr. Pre.ton ~elt they are good progra.s and was instructed to check into the. ~urther and report back to the Co..isaion. Mr. Preaton atated Ki..i.... charged for trash pick-up, trash being ite.s auch as old couches, re~rig.rators, and carpet. Ocoee does not charge for thia service. Mr. Preston also auggested placing a freeze on the Over 65 Prograa. Mr. Po.ton sugge.ted putting a cap on the Sanitation re~und for the Over 65 Prograa, ~or ex.aple, refunding $5.00 per month inatead of .8.00. Mayor Ison felt the senior citizens do not use the City services .. auch as other citizens and we should keep the prograa. Mr. Poston pointed out that the ~unds we re~und to the Over 65 prograa would purchase 1/2 o~ a vehicle. Mr. Poaton also explained that the City has di%~er.nt sized duapsters and ahould have di~~erent rates ~or the di~~erent aize.. The current ordinance provides ~or dif~erent rate. ~or the nuaber of pick-ups and the nuaber 0% duapaters only. Coaa. Rodgera felt we should charge for some of these things inatead 0% raising the residential rates. Mayor Iaon stated the Land~ill i. going to raise their rate. again. The Coaaission instructed Mr. Poaton to reaearch the Coaaercial Sanitation rates and the di~~.rent duapster .izea and coae back with a recoaaendation ~or the Coaaiaaion to conaider. Mayor Ison aaked Mr. Preaton how the City atands aa ~ar as the nuaber of eaployeea and Job claaai~icationa. Mr. Preaton did not %eel the aan who was Just hir.d in the Sanitation Dept. waa neceasary. ae ~urth.r atated the Police Dept. have 2.2 officer. per capita there~or. w. are right in line with the Stat.. Mr. Preaton did not fe.l the Police Dept. is top-heavy, aeaning too .any aupervisora coapared to police o~ficera. Mr. Preaton atated Moat o~ the departments are under-sta~fed. The Water Dept. and City Hall are definitely und.r-sta~%ed, and the Building and Planning Departaent could u.e their own secretary. Mr. Preaton stated City Hall i. craaped ~or space and we, alao, need a walk-in vault %or our historical recorda. The vault would have to be built so that City Hall could have daily acce... e Mr. Preston recoaaended the City hire a Purchaaing Agent, and believea we could hire one for approxiaately $16,000 to .20,000. Mr. Poaton .tated the co.puter syatem would not 2 .- . CITY OOMMISSION WORKSHOP MAY 19. 198. P"SS need any upgrading. Mr. Pre.ton atated the Police and Street Depart.ents are the high purchase depart.ents. Also~ quite a few car. need replaced in the Police Dept. as they have over 100~000 .ile.. Mr. Pr.ston stat.d insurance and uni~or.s are our biggest probl.... He also infor.ed the Co..ission that the electrical expense was under-budget.d. Mr. Preston .tated h. sent out a ...0 that placed a freeze on any additional increas.s in p.rsonnel and on any purchases over *500.00. The Co..i.sion .trong1y augge.ted that Mr. Preaton put all o~ hi. directives to the D.part..nt Superviaors in writing, that way they can look back and .ee what was going on at a particular ti... Mr. Pre.ton atated the City ahou1d have a procedural .anual ~or all e.ployees. - In reference to the spot audit Co..isaioner Rodgera requeated~ Mr. Po.ton atated the auditor only checka bank ba1anc.., which h. already does periodically. The only way the auditor can deter.in. i~ there are any di.crepanciea in the expenditure of any fund. ia to take the preaent balance in the bank then check all the the invoices paid to be .ure they are valid expenditure.. Thia is a ~ull-scale audit which will b. done st the end o~ the siacal year anyway. Mr. Preaton atated all City Managera are bonded which is Juat aa good as a spot audit. The Co..i.sion wanted to find out how long City Managera are bonded ~or aster their departure. Mr. Pre.ton atated he received paper a ~ro. PEC that outlinea what need. to be done at the P.ach/Moxie proJect. DER reco..ends that we replace the vegetation surrounding the lakes, ~ix the retention pond.~and additionally add a ski..er. The Co..i.sion instructed sta~f to look into what PEC ia proposing and .ee if we have the capability to do this in-house. weigh the alternatives, and bring back a reco..endation to the Co..i..ion. The Co..iaaion had sincere concerns with the subcontractors. They co.e reco.mended highly although they are always the low bidder, so they receive 80~ o~ their .onies then leave the proJect not co.pleted. The Co..i..ion reque.t.d that sta~f place top priority into researching the possibility of an in-houae engine.r. e Mr. Preston then infor.ed the Co..isaion that the Flouridation Progra. i. not 100~ paid ~or, the City has an obligation of approxiaately *34.903.00. The grant will pay $12,535.00 not 100~ aa repre.ented to the Co..iaaion. Mayor Ison atated he had a blue ~older with infor.ation on this progra.. Alao. the loan on the water line. at Crown Point is co.ing due on 8/86. The Co..i..ion thought that they agreed to paying 1/3 of the loan a.ount per year ~or three years at no intere.t. Mr. Poston insor.ed the. that the note states it will be paid 100~ on 8/86. 3 e CITY CO..ISSION WORKSHOP .AY 19, 1986 PAGE 4 The Comai..ion reque.ted that .taff re.earch who is paying ~or having water line. .oved fro. back yards to front yards. Apparently. the line. have been .oved but the ho.eownera are .till hooked up to the back yard line.. e Mr. Preston atated we needed to get the Co..iaaionera input on a five year plan for capital iaproveaents. The City should adopt a five year plan .nd then .aend it yearly. Mr. Pre.ton .tated that Mr. Gri~fin had coapleted a brief ~ive year plan. Mr. Pre.ton .t.ted th.t proble.a have coapounded over the year. and the City i. trying to take the yearly budget to ~ix the coapounded probleaa. Mr. Preston reported that the City can prob.bly borrow aoney ~ro. the b.nk as cheap a. bond.. The Coa.i..ion' asked ~or ways to cut expen.e. now, .uch as e.ploye.. who are driving City vehicl.. hoae. The 8uilding O~~icial, Plann.r, .nd City M.n.ger drive City vehiclea ho.e although it ia re~lected on their taxea. A couple ..ployee. drive a di.t.nc. of 20 .ile. one way. The other e.ployee. who drive City vehicle. .re conaidered to be on c.ll. Mr. Po.ton .t.ted Darrel De.a. Sanitation Supervisor, put. in 10 gallon. o~ gas per week out of his pock.t. Mayor Iaon .aid this .hould b. di.cu.aed during a regular ....ion. Mayor I.on .tated h. had received a co.plaint on the Shop working on vehicle. other than City v.hicl.., in the ev.ning. Mayor I.on waa conc.rned that .o..one would get hurt, or tool. could co.e up .iasing. Mr. Pr..ton .tated h. would rather ..e the Merit Increa.es aa a p.rcent os the .alary given a. a ca.h bonua. Co... Rodger. .tated h. did not like the 5~ incr.... or nothing. Mr. Preaton .ugge.ted the Co..i..ion build up the .alary baaea, which would insure th.t Oco.. i. not a tr.ining ground ~or other citie.. Th. ca.h bonus would eliainate the .erit incr..... co.pounding y.ar aft.r year. Mayor Iaon atated this w.. .n .re. of concern for hi.. The Co..is.ion aak.d i~ Mr. Pre.ton had .o.e ti.e to look into reorganizing the d.part.enta. Mr. Pre.ton stated he haa not had ti.e to do thi., but would try to so.e ti.. in the suture. Co... Bateaan .tated h. would like to aee Mr. Pre.ton .t.y with the City .fter Mr. Ry.n co.e. on-board to do extra proJects the Co..is.ion wants don.. Mr. Preaton stat.d h. would .tay a. h. haa only had ti.. to get two r..ua.l. out aince he atarted with the City, and as long aa the Co.ai..ion understand. that when h. ia o~~er.d a poaition he will have to go. Th. Co.ai..ion agr.ed to have Mr. Pre.ton atay aa long a. he can. . The .e.ting was adJourn.d at 9:30 p.... 4 . CITY OOMMISSION WORKSHOP KAY 19.. 1.,.. PAGE $ ~~_t~_______ MAYOR-iSOM ATTEST; e . 5