HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-86 MINUTES OF THE REGU1.ARLY SCHEDULED COMMISSION MEETING HE1.D MAY 20, 19.6 e PRESENT: Mayor Iaon. Co..iaaionera 30hnaon: Rodgers: Bate.an; and Hager, City Manager Preaton, City Attorney Kruppenbacher, City Engineer Kelley, Water Superintendent 30hn Cockrell, Building O~ficial Sa. Gerace, City Clerk Helen Catron, City Planner Ruaa Wagner, and Deputy Clerk Louloudia. '....Ta None. CALL TO ORDER - MAYOR ISOR Mayor Iaon called the regularly acheduled .eeting to order at 7:32 p.... Mayor Iaon then led in prayer and to the Pledge o~ Allegiance. Mayor Iaon then announced that Mr. and Mra. Kruupenbacher were the proud parenta o~ Matthew Charle., who was born on 5-19-86 and weighed 10 pounds 6 ounces. PRasaNTATIOMS ARD PROC1.AMATIONS Mayor Ison announced that the Planning and Zoning .inutea of 4-8-86 were ~or the Co..iaaioners in~or.ation only. Mayor Iaon then announced that the Muacular Dyatrophy Aasociation preaented a certi~icate o~ thanka to the ..ployee. who participated in the Bed Race. along with a picture o~ the e.ploye.a who participated in the race. Mayor Iaon thanked the. for their e~~orta. e APPROVA1.S - CORSERT AGaRDA Mayor Ison stated all the Ordinancea liated under Consent Agenda are for their firat r.ading only. Upon their second reading the City will hold. public hearing, at which ti.e i~ any citizen haa a co..ent, that will be the tiae they are heard. Mayor Iaon atated Ocoee waa known for their courteay therefore i~ anyone wiah.d to co..ent they would be heard. Mayor Iaon asked i~ any Co..iasioner wanted any iteM pulled ~ro. the Conaent Agenda. There were no ite.. pulled. Co... Rodgera .oved to approve the it..s liated on the Consent Agenda, Co... 30hnaon aeconded, and the vote carried unani.ously. The ~ollowing ite.s were approved: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. e L. Regular Co..ission Meeting Minutea of 5-6-86. Special Session Co..ission Meeting Minutes o~ 5-12-86. Workshop Co..i.sion Meeting Minutes o~ 5-6-86. Proposed Ordinance a.ending Ord. 710; Setbacks, 1st read Propo.ed Ordinance, F. Courtney rezoning. lat reading. Propoaed Ordinance, H. Harvey annexation. lat reading. Propos.d Ordinance, Lakendon, Inc. annexation, lat read Proposed Ordinance, Wescar, Inc. annexation, lat read Propoaed Ordinance, C. Hawthorne annexation, lat read Proposed Ordinance, 3. Pierce annexation, 1st reading Proposed Ordinance. E. Badger annexation, 1st reading. Propoaed Ordinance, M. Mulvey annexation. lat reading. 1 ~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 20, 198. PAGE 2 e M. Proposed Ordinance. R.C.A. Annexation. 1st reading N. Propoaed Ordinance, B. Goodaan annexation, lat reading O. Proposed Ordinance, B. Good.an annexation, 1st reading P. Propoaed Ordinance, 3. Seitz annexation, lat reading. Q. Propoaed Ordinance, 3. Seitz annexation, lat reading. R. Propoaed Ordinance, A. Hunt annexation, lat reading. S. Propoaed Ordinance, Road righta-o~-way annexation, 1st e Mr. Preaton read the propoaed ordinance to amend Ordinance 710; Setbacks by title only. There were no cOMMenta from the citizena. Mr. Preaton read the propoaed Ordinance rezoning the F. Courtney property by title only. Mr. Wagner pointed the property out on the aap, and atated it is north 0% Silver Star Road and west o~ Lake Stanley. It contain. approximately 68 acrea of property. Mr. Pre.tori then read the propoaed Ordinance rezoning the H. Harvey property by title only. The property ia located at the aouthweat corner of Ohio Street and Blu%ord Avenue. Mr. Preaton read the propoaed Ordinance Lakendon annexation by title only. This property containa approximately 7.45 acrea and ia located north 0% SR 50 and weat o~ the shopping center. Mr. Preaton read the propoaed Ordinance; We.car Inc. annexation by title only. This i. approxiaately 17 acrea and is located south 0% Silver Star Road and west o~ Clark Road. The aecond reading and public hearing will be held on 7-1-86. Mr. Preston read the proposed Ordinance; C. Hawthorne annexation by title only. Mr. Wagner stated there is approxiaately 88 acrea, and is located south o~ Silver Star Road, aurrounding the northern portion o~ Lake Olyapia. The second reading will be held on 7-1-86. Mr. Preaton read the propo.ed Ordinance; 3. Pierce annexation by title only. This contains approxi.ately 19 acre., which is located north of the Turnpike and we.t of Marshall Farms Road. The second reading will be held on 7-1- 86. Mr. Dann, 1309 Marahall FarMa Road .aked who would be aaintaining Marahall Faras Road. Mayor Ison atated the Road righta-of-way would be annexed also. there~ore the City would aaintain theM. Mr. Dann also atated the aubJect property was sold to two people. Mr. Pierce stated the property was aold to two people in a Partnerahip, and either partner can act in behalf of the other. Mr. Kruppenbacher suggeated that the Ordinance. in the future be titled a. a partnerahip. Mr. Preaton read the propoaed Ordinance: E. Badger annexation by titla only. Thi. property ia approximately 10.7 acrea and is located aouth of White Road and west 0% Clark Road Extended. There were no cOM.enta froM any citizen. The second reading will be held on 7-1-86. Mr. Preaton read the proposed Ordinance; M. Mulvey annexation by title only. Thia is approxiMately 45 acrea, located aouth 0% White Road. west of Clark Road, and adJacent to the prior parcel. There were no co..enta and the second reading will be held on 7-1-86. Mr. Preston read the propoaed Ordinance: R.C.A. Inc. annexation e 2 CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 20, 1986 PAGE 3 . e by title only. Thia ia approximately 178 acrea located aouth of White Road and north o~ SR 50, adJacent to Roae Hill aubdiviaion. There were no co..enta ~ro. any citizen. The aecond reading will be held on 7-1-86. Mr. Preaton read the proposed Ordinance: B. Good.an annexation by title only. Thia ia approxi.ately 9 acrea located eaat of Lake Lotta, weat o~ Good Homea Road, and north o~ SR 50. The aecond reading will be held on 7-1-86, and there were no co.aenta ~rom any citizen. Mr. Preaton read the propoaed Ordinance: B. Good.an annexation by title only. Thia property is located northweat 0% Good Ho.ea Road and SR 50, and south of the previoua parcel. There were no co..enta fro. the citizens. The aecond reading will be held 7-1-86. Mr. Pre.ton read the propoaed Ordinance: 3. Seitz annexation by title only. Thia ia approxiaately 23.62 acrea. located south of Flewelling Avenue and ea.t of Ridgefield Avenue. There were no coa.enta ~ro. the citizena and the aecond reading will be held on 7-1-86. Mr. Preaton read the propoaed Ordinance: 3. Seitz annexation by title only. This ia approxiaately 24.5 acre. located north 0% Good Ho.ea Road and eaat of Clark Road Extended. There were no co..enta ~roa any citizen and the aecond reading will be held on 7-1-86. Mr. Preaton read the propoaed Ordinance: A. Hunt annexation by title only. Thi. contain. approxiaately 17.5 acrea and is located weat 0% Maguire Road and north o~ Roberson Road. There were no co.menta from any citizen. The aecond reading will be held on 7-1-86. Mr. Preston read the propoaed Ordinance: Road righta-o%-way annexation by title only. There were no co..enta %ro. any citizen and the aecond reading will be held on 7-1-86. 01.D BUSINESS WHITAKER OIL COMPANY STAFF REPORT - TABLED UNTI1. 6-3-86 Mr. Pre.ton atated Mr. Kelley and Sa. Gerace .et with Whitaker Oil to diacuas the i..ue. aa directed at the last regular meeting. Whitaker Oil aaked that the aubJect be tabled until 6-3-86, at that ti.e then they will aub.it their plana. WASTEWATER FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE . Mr. Kelley atated at the laat .eeting the Co.aiaaion agreed to adverti.e ~or a public .eeting to deter.ine i% any proapective developer. would be intere.ted in the City expanding the aewer ayate.. Mr. Kelley atated approximately 10 to 15 people attended and they received aeveral aupporting co.aenta. Mr. Kelley received a letter %rom Pri.a Viata Utilitiea which atatea they are in the poaition to aerve the subJect area and are o%%ering in good faith to 3 CITY COMMISSION KEETING KAY 20, 198. PAGE 4 . a.rve the area. The l.tt.r requeat. the City re.pond within 14 days o~ the date of the letter. Mr. Kelley recoa.ended the City conaider the of~er as they have a 6-1-86 deadline to reapond to DER d.picting. plan to correct the pr.s.nt proble.a with our a.w.r syat.a. Co... Rodgera reque.tad a Special Seaaion be call.d to di.cu.a this .att.r. A Special Seasion was called ~or Monday, June 2, 1986 at 7:30 p.... Co... Rodg.rs augg.at.d th.t a n.gotiating t..., including the City Manager. City Attorney, and City Engineer. .eet with Priaa Viata Utilitiea and subait a propoaal at the a.eting. The Co..iaaion al.o direct.d Mr. Kelley to contact DER and in~or. the. o~ the City#. po.ition, and ask th.. to wait until 6-2-86. Co... Rodg.ra aoved that the City o~ Ocoee enter into good ~aith n.gotiation. with Pri.a Viata Utiliti.. ~or tran.~er of the Indu.trial Park Sewer Plant and with the under.tanding that no agr....nt. will b. reached until the negotiating tea. co.ea back to the Co.ai.sion, Co... Hager second.d, and the vote carri.d unaniaoualy. e Mr. Kelley had previously infor.ed the Co..ia.ion of the proble. that exi.ted with the proJ.ct awarded to MYT Corp.. According to the bid ap.ca they ar. auppo.ed to ~ix the .anhol. leak proble.. Mr. K.ll.y atated th.y ara having a diaagr....nt about the work that waa done. Th. bid specified a c.rtain work area and a l.ak ha. coa. up right out.id. o~ thia "work area". PEC Ee.l. thia leak relate. to fixing the previous leak. MYT Corp. atat.. the l.ak ia out.ide of the work ar.a specified thereEor. it i. not th.ir reaponsibility. Mr. Kelley asked the Coa.i..ion to authorize an a.ount not to exceed .2,000.00, which would include .ealing work oE that Joint and co.plete re.toration o~ the .tre.t.. Mr. Kelley atated we could pull their bond in ord.r to get theae moniea back, this would be the ulti.at. recourse. Co... Bate.an aaked the coat 0% fixing the leak, and aecondly, the pav.aent. Mr. K.lley atated the l.ak will coat about $750.00 to .1,500.00 and the pav..ent .400.00 to .1,000.00. Theae coata ar. ..ti.at.s to ..al the pip.. Mr. Kell.y stat.d the a.al could hold up %or a long ti.e. Co... Hag.r .oved to authorize the .xpenditur. to %ix the l.ak to coat no .ora than .2.000.00, and in no way ia thia an adaia.ion of liability or guilt on the City#a part, Co... Johnson ..conded, and the vote carri.d unani.oualy. e Mr. K.lley atated Arora, Inc. wa. the low bidder to replace the veg.tation ar.a .urrounding lak.a Peach and Moxie, Eor *2.200.00. Mr. Pr..ton atated the proJect could not be done by the City sta%E. Mayor I.on aaked .taEE to re..arch a. he thought the inl.t .rea .hould have be.n f.nc.d as part 0% the original deal. Mayor I.on alao reque.ted Mr. Kelley aeet with hi. at Lak.. Peach and Moxie in ord.r to get a better id.a 0% what ne.da to be don.. Co... Hag.r atated anytiae a 4 CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 20, 1986 PAGI S . retention pond is built, conatructed around the pond. a five foot fence will be Mr. Preston inforMed the CO.Miasion that the State Flouridation PrograM is going to coat the City .34,903.00, aa they will not pay for two inatallations and the aafety equipMent. COMM. Rodgera atated the ~louridation prograM is not a priority. COMM. SateMan atated his notea did not re~lect that they would pay 100_ of the coata. COM.. Sat..an requeated a copy o~ the Minutea. Thia iteM will be tabled until the COMMiaaion receive. a copy o~ the Minute. from the .eeting where the prograM was pre.ented. Mr. Kelley atated the City needa to hire a full tiMe engineer. He strongly recoMMended the City hire a Site Civil Engineer to inapect water linea, grading, aodding, etc, and then PEC would Juat phase out of that portion of engineering. OTHBR 8USI...SS OOOBE HISTORIC OOKKISSIOM - BETTY ERVINE Mra. Ervine aaked that this be tabled until 6-3-86. HARBOUR HIGHLANDS II DISCUSSION OM CHECK LIST - A. 3ULIAN e e Mr. Alton 3ulian aaked the CO.Miaaion about the Recreational Fee, which i. a.aeaaed at 5_ o~ the aale price of the property. Mr. 3ulian paved the road and put in aidewalka in the park, which ia More than norMally required, he there~ore aaked the COM.iaaion to waive the fee or at least a portion of it. COMM. SateMan atated the record. ahould indicate what waa agreed upon and exactly what Mr. 3ulian did. Mr. Julian stated he paid $375,000.00 for the property. COMM. Bate.an auggeated the iteM be tabled until 6-3-86, so that ataff can check the Minutea. The check list ia co.plete, and the plans are now in the Review COMMittee. COMM. Rodgera Moved to waive the recreational ~ee in thia particular instance. The Motion died ~or lack of a aecond. COMM. 8ateMan Moved to permit staff no More than 50_ credit toward the Recreational Fee for Mr. 3ulian; subJect to any pre-exiating agreeMent, if there ia none, then ata~~ has the authorization to negotiate up to a 50_ credit towarda the Recreational Fee for the coata incurred by paving the road and aidewalk to the park. COM.. Hager aeconded, and atated the City wa. not setting a precedent, Mr. 3ulian ia a good quality developer. The vote carried unaniMously. Mr. 3ulian requeated an iteaized state.ent frOM PEC, as he was billed .7,000.00, and he knows there are More charges COMing. Mayor Iaon atated that was a reaaonable requeat. Mayor Iaon stated the City would not be caught in the Middle if a developer obJect. to a bill frOM 5 CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 20, 1986 P~E6 . PEC. CARRIAGE OAKS UPDAT& ON LOOPING OF WAT&R 1.INES - T. BOLIN e Mr. Ted Bolin atated they have run into a probleM obtaining an eaa..ent to loop the line. He aaked for an extenaion of tiMe in order to loop the lin.a through the Railroad right- o%-way inatead of going through the adJacent property, without holding up their conatruction. Mr. Krupp.nbacher had no probleM with thia aa long .s Mr. Bolin underatanda that no C.O.~a will be iasued until the looping ia co.plete. The line they are proposing to place within the Railroad right- of-way ia approxi.ately 30~ away froM the center line 0% tracka, running parallel to the tracks and about 50~ in length. Mr. Bill Burns, engineer, atated the Railroad has indicated that thia will not be a proble., but i% thia route %alla through they will go a different route. Mr. Kelley and Mr. Cockrell aaw the propoaed line and neither obJected to this route. The installation 0% the line will be Mr. Bolin~8 reaponaibility, then the City will aign a letter atating they will Maintain the water line. The Railroad deterMinea how Much right-of-way will be given, although Mr. Kruppenbacher stated they uaually gave an adequate aMount to cover the Maintenance on the line. Co... Bate.an suggested the City get 80Mething in writing, %or the record. COMM. BateMan Moved to grant the 60 day extenaion 0% ti.e, subJect to the City Engineer~a approval, and aubJect to getting the.e underatandinga in writing. COMM. BateMan then withdrew his Motion. After Much diacuaaion, the COMMiaaion did not take any action. All that i. neceaaary for Mr. Bolin to loop the linea ia John Cockrell and Mr. Kelley~a approval of the propoaed route %or the looping. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUB1.IC There were no cOMMenta. NEW BUSINESS APPOINTMENT OF PENSION PLAN COMKITTEE FROK MAYOR/COKKISSION Staff haa plana to have the repreaentative from the COMpany COMe out with booka %or the e.ployeea, and to anawer any questions they May have. COMM. John.on Moved to nOMinate COM.. Bate.an to the Penaion Plan COM.itte., Comma Rodgers aeconded, and the vote carried 3-0. R&PORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER . Mr. Pre.ton satiafactory, atated %or the Moat part the atreets are although there are a few placea that will be 6 . - . L CITY COMMISSION MIETING MAY 20, 19M PAGE ? fixed by the contractors. COMM. BateMan stated there were three places where the paveMent was broken by heavy trucks. The COM.ission requested that the streets have a load li.it sign put up. Co... Rodger. Moved to approve a full co.plete audit of the City1a records i..ediately, .0 that the new City Manager can feel comfortable that there are no discrepancies. The aotion died for lack of a .econd. Mr. Poaton atated there ia an annual audit which will atart in Septe.ber and coats .13,000.00. It coat a *400.00 to .2,000.00 to check bank balances. The Co..ia.ion did not take any action. DISCUSSION or A PROPOSID ORDINANea TO REGULATE SkATE BOARDS - CHI." IRANDT Chief WilliaM Brandt atated the City haa a growing and continuing probleM with skate boards. Chief Brandt requested an Ordinance be drafted by the City Attorney giving the Police officer. authority to regulate the.. Chief Brandt stated he wanted the. to stay off of the streets and out of shopping centers. Mr. Kruppenbacher will draft an Ordinance and the subJect will be brought up before the COM.ission. Mr. Brandt stated they have no "bitell at this ti.e under existing Ordinances. CITY ATTOR.IY Mr. Kruppenbacher had no co.aenta. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS There were no CO.Ments from the COMmissioners. Mayor Iaon reminded the COMmiasion of the Special Session scheduled for 6-2-86 at 7:30 p.... Mayor leon stated the Election will be held on 6-3-86, which is the sa.e as their .eeting, therefore he suggested the regular .eeting be moved to 8:30 p.... The CO.Mia.ion agreed. --~--- The Meeting wae adJourned at 10:10 ATTEST: 7