HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-86 WS MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP HE1.D JUNE 2, 1986 . PRESENT: Mayor Iaon, Comaiasioners Johnson: Rodgers; BateMan; and Hager; City Manager Pre.ton, City Engineer TOM Kelley, City Attorney TOM Lang, Water Superintendent John Cockrell, City Clerk Helen Catron, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. AISINT: None. CAL1. TO ORDER - MAYOR ISDN Mayor Ison called the scheduled Workshop to order at 7:30 p.... COMma Rodgers aaked why the agenda read Workshop as he specifically asked %or a Special Ses.ion, not a Workshop. Mayor Ison questioned City Atty. Lang on whether they could take any action since the agenda read "Workshop". Atty. Lang advised that this would be a Workshop unless they deteraine that this i. a aatter of e.erg.ncy. The subJect is already agendaed on 6-3-86; there%ore, the Co..ission will take action at that tiMe, i% nece.aary. DISCUSSION OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH PRIMA VISTA UTI1.ITIES REF: TRANSFER OF THE WOUT PLANT e Mr. To. Kelley. City Engineer, stat.d as instructed at the laat Meeting as part 0% the negotiating teaa for the City, which cOMpriaea the City Attorney. City Engineer, and the City Manager, he .et with PriMa Vista Utilities~ attorney. Mr. Kelley stated he was unable to get everyone together. Mr. Kelley stated he received a rough dra%t of a letter late this a%ternoon which outlined %ive points Prima Vista is requesting. Mr. Kelley also preaented the COMMission with a copy of a l.tter that he sent to DER in which he requested a 90 day extension froa the June 1, 1986 deadline. Mr. Preston stated DER is usually patient as long as they aee progress is being aade. Mr. Kelley suggested the Coa.iasion %rame soae type 0% an agr....nt tonight. Mr. Kelley then briefly inforMed the Com.iaaion of Pri.a Vista~s rough-dra%t proposal. PriMa Vista ia requesting a co.plete evaluation 0% the on site collection syste. and a thorough analysis of the %lows. They are requ.sting the City try to reduce the flows down to 25,000 gpd. anything over 25,000 the City custoaers will pay for. The forc. .ains and pip.lines will be their exp.nse. All i.prove.enta will be .ade to the li%t station and collector lines be%or. Pri.a Vista will take ov.r the plant. At this point, the plant will have capacity for new custOMers and Pri.a Vista will collect the connection fees. Mr. Kelley stated the City can pass the expense 0% the iMprove.ents onto the plant~s current custOMers. The CO.Mission stated that these customers have already paid a .2,000.00 connection fee. Mr. Kelley estiaated the nuaber of current custo.ers to be 12 to 18. . 1 CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP JUNE 2, 1986 PAGE 2 . Comma Rodgers explained that at the Moment the City can not connect any new customera. Priaa Vista is requeating the City repair the Collector aystem~ Modi~y the li~t station, modi~y the flowa to 25,000 gpd and, a~ter this is cOMpleted, P.V. U. will take over the plant and be able to connect new customera and collect the connection fees. Mayor Ison asked about the condition of the connection ~ees, as he heard that they were in terrible condition. Mr. Kelley atated an expert has reviewed all the videos taken and beleives the collector ayste. is in fairly good condition. Mr. Kelley added they would be able to tell the Coaaiaaion more about the condition of the plant, and the ~lowa in about one week. Mr. Kelley stated the leak he aentioned last meeting has been fixed. Mr. John Cockrell aaked about the portion that says the City will cut o~~ citizens water for non-payment o~ their sewer bill. Mayor Ison recalled the City getting legal advice on this aatter and it was deterained the City could not take auch action. Atty. 1.ang warned the Comaiaaion to include everything they aay want in an agreeaant such as a service policy, ~ranchise agreeaent, or any special clauaea, such as any permits be also routed to the City. Mayor Ison stated the City owna that property, therefore. the City must begin public hearings to abandon the property and must address a franchiae agreeaent and deteraine whether the present ~ranchise agreement is valid or invalid and i~ it is valid, P.V.U. au at pay the 10~ ~ranchise fee to the City accrued since 1981. Then the City will address the actual trans~er of the aystem. Coam. Rodgers felt the City should trans~er the plant ~irst and get DER "o~f our backs". At that time, he would intereated in negotia~ing a ~ranchise agreeaent. Com.. 30hnson and Comma Hager agreed with Mayor Ison, and ~elt the City ahould begin with the ~ranchise agreement. Mr. John Cockrell stated he beleived the City and P.V.U. should hold a current ~ranchise agreeaent. Mayor Iaon stated he would be satis~ied with a standard ~ranchise agreement. Atty. Lang requested the Coamiaaion infora hia of anything they do or do not want in the agreeaent. Mayor Ison stated he doea not want the City cutting off citizena water because they did not pay their sewer bill, he wants the City to receive routine copies o~ inapections and iaprovements, and he wants some type o~ aaster plan which will be updated annually. Coma. Bateaan expressed concern with P.V.U. ~ixing linea in different areaa and then not replacing the streets and roads back to the way they were. Mayor Ison stated this could be handled with a perforaance bond. Mayor Ison beleives that P.V.U. is sincere, honest, and desires to negotiate in good ~aith and they should want a franchiae agreeaent. Coaa. Bateaan atated we are not getting rid o~ the sewer plant i~ we still Must pay for it. Co... Rodgers agreed to begin negotiating the agreeaent. Comma Rodgers ~e . 2 . e e CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP 3UNE 2, 1986 PAGI 3 .uggested City Atty. Lang and City Engineer Kelley draft a ~ranchise agree.ent. Mr. Bruce Beatty, 311 Hormigas St., stated he did not trust P.V.U., as he has seen docu.ent. which state their flows are ~X~ nu.ber, and then .een another notarized legal document with di~%erent ~igures. Mr. Beatty continued that the Com.is.ion could not spend .oni.s which are not budgeted, and stated he would take the. to court, i~ neceaaary. The citizens beleive their expense would be lesa if the City took over the sewer syste., and Mayor Ison and Mr. Beatty agreed the fee. would not be cheaper. Mayor Ison stated the franchise fe. the City charges Pri.a Vista is passed along to the custo.ers there~ore he would like to keep this at a .ini.u.. Mr. Beatty reco..ended the City put technical safeguards into the agree.ent and pas. an Ordinance to that ef~ect. Mr. Beatty asked why the City doesn~t simply turn the plant over to P.V.U. since they are certificated ~or that area pre.ently anyway. Mayor Ison .tated he did not want to do that as P.V.U. would upgrade the plant and pasa along the coat to all of the cu.to.era. The City o~ Ocoee should charge the usera only ~or the expenae. Mr. Beatty agreed with Mayor I.on that P.V.U. were good bu.ine...en, but reMinded hiM that they are in buaineas to .ake Money. In final co.ments, Co... Rodgera expreased concern with the ~igure o~ 25,000 gpd. and .tated he felt this was an arbitrary nuaber chosen and can be negotiated as soon as we find out the actual ~lowa o~ the plant. The Co.miasioners instructed Mr. Kelley to reaearch the actual flows of the plant, then negotiate the actual ~lows with P.V.U.. The ..eting wa. adJourned at 8:55 p.... MAYOR ISON ATTEST: 3