HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-86 MINUTES OF THE REGU1.AR1.Y SCHEDULED MEETING HELD 6-17-86 . PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson: Rodgers: Bateman: and Hager: City Manager Preston, City Attorney Kruppenbacher, City Engineers Merkel and Kelley, City Clerk Catron, City Planner Russ Wagner, Building Official Sam Gerace, and Deputy Clerk Louloudis. ABSENT: None. CA1.1. TO ORDER - MAYOR ISON Mayor Ison called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.. Comma Hager led in prayer and to the Pledge o~ Allegiance. Due to technical problems with the video, the meeting was not televised. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor lson announced that the Planning & Zoning minutes of 5- 13-86 were for information only. e Mr. Ed Shields. representative of the Ocoee Lions Club, addressed the Commission reference the fourth annual Fun Day, which will be held on October 3, 4, & 5th. He requested the Commission pass a Resolution temporarily waiving the permits %or their concession stands and the use 0% the municipal grounds and Community Center. Mr. Shields stated he would like to get the Historical Commission to put on their arts and crafts show again. He will get back with the Commission at a later date to inform them 0% the progress. Comma Rodgers moved to approve the Lions Club request, Comma Johnson seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. APPROVA1.S - CONSENT AGENDA e Mayor Ison asked the Commission if they wanted any item pulled %rom the Consent Agenda. Comma Bateman asked that item liD" be pulled from the Consent Agenda. Comma Hager then moved to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda, Comma Bateman seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. The following items were approved: A. Regular Commission meeting minutes 0% 6-3-86: B. Workshop Commission meeting minutes of 6-2-86: C. Proposed Ordinance, Florida Air Conditioners, Inc. Annexation, First Reading. Mr. Preston then read the proposed Ordinance to annex Florida Air Conditioners property by title only. City Planner Wagner pointed out the property on the map. The second reading will be held August 5, 1986. Comma Bateman asked Mr. Ivan Poston, Finance Director, to explain why the amendment to the pension plan is being proposed. Mr. Poston stated the change only covers deferred retirement: if an employee reaches retirement age and continues his employment with the City, this amendment enables him to collect his retirement at the same time. Mr. Kruppenbacher recommended Southern Business Group 1 e CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1986 PAGE 2 send a letter to the staff and Commission explaining the amendment. Comma Bateman did not want to delay the Pension Plan any longer therefore requested Southern Business Group give an explanation of the change be~ore the second reading o~ the Ordinance. Comma Bateman moved to approve the proposed Ordinance subJect to the letter ~rom Southern Business Group, Comma Hager seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Mr. Preston read the proposed Ordinance by title only. 01.0 BUSINESS CITY ENGINEER - CHANGE ORDER REQUEST HYG CORP e Mr. Kelley stated there had been a honest difference of opinion between PEC and MYG Corp. reference the proJect at WOUT. They agreed to reduce the original bid from S19,750.00 to S12,500.00, and carry a one year bond from the date of completion. Mr. Kelley in%ormed the Commission that they were continuing the studies calculating the flows at WOUT, and will report back to them at a later date. Comma Rodgers moved to approve the Change Order, Comma Johnson seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Mr. Kelley explained that the Commission had authorized an expenditure of no more than S2,000.00 to fix the remaining work. It has now been completed at a cost of Sl,OOO.OO. Mr. Kelley stated they will be wrapping up the Peach/Moxie proJect at the next meeting. HIDDEN GLEN PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION P1.ANS APPROVA1. AND PUBLIC HEARING This property is located west of Lake Stanley, contains approximately 40 acres, and planned %or 116 lots. Mr. Merkel informed the Commission that all of the items on the Development Review Committee Report have been worked out and agreed to by the developer. Mayor Ison stated the Commission had specifically asked for a corner lot %or the Recreational Fee assessment and wondered whether this was addressed. Mr. Merkel said it was agreed to. Mr. Bruce Stricker, developer, stated he did agree to all 0% the items except he had a concern with the upgrading of the water line. Mr. Stricker stated his development requires a 8" line, but he is required to install a 12" line. Mr. Wagner said they were going to work up a developers agreement whereby future developers would pay Mr. Stricker a pro-rated share 0% the upgraded line. The Developers Agreement does not cost the City anything, although the City is obligated to recoup these pro-rated shares from future developers by making it one of the conditions for their development. Comma Rodgers %elt the , 2 e CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 1" 1986 PAGE 3 City should have a Master Plan ~or water lines, and the developer should pay the cost 0% the line the City has planned for that area. Mr. Kelley said he understands the City~s policy although we do not know how %ar the City limits will eventually be. The pro-rated share can be worked out in two basic ways: 1. Try to deter~ine the probable limit of the line and pro-rate those developers~ or 2. Have sequential Developers Agreements resulting with three or four developers paying pro-rated shares. Mr. Kelley stated it is not an un%air process. Comma Bate~an questioned why sta%f did not know where the water lines would probably end, when the Com~ission adopted a reserve planning area, agreed to by surrounding governments. He added that the City should plan to serve that reserve planning area. Co~m. Bateman approved the Hidden Glen preliminary subdivision plans subJect to the six items listed on the DRC report dated 6-13-86, and the Developers Agreement, Comma Hager seconded, and the vote carried unani~ously. (A copy of the DRC report is provided). e Mr. Kelley explained his understanding of the agreement between the City and RCA to be the certi%ied cost 0% the Forest Oaks Plant divided by S750.00 which is the number of connections they have reserved. This number o~ connections will be between 1500 to 1600. The plant~s capacity is 1700 plus, therefore there are not ~any connections left. Mr. Kelley stated the Com~ission is essentially borrowing connections until RCA requests theirs, at which time the City will have to expand the plant. Mr. Kelley stated this will be a cost effective expansion for the City. He esti~ated between S10,000 and S20,OOO %or the expansion. MINORVI1.1.E CENTER PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION P1.ANS APPROVAL & PUB1.IC HEARING e Mr. Wagner informed the Commission that the Planning and Zoning Board did not approve the plans by a unanimous vote and some of the members were present in case the Commission wanted to question the~. Mr. Merkel stated the development is located at the corner of Blu%ord and Hwy 50, there are 17 lots anticipated %or commercial use. Mr. Merkel recommended approval subJect to the conditions listed on the DRC report dated June 3, 1986. Mr. Bill Colburn, Box 689, Windermere, stated there was one problem, he owns lots 1 through 13, and Mr. Ron Stucki owns lots 15, 16, & 17. Mr. Colburn stated they were required by the City to plat these lots together. Mr. Colburn agrees to all 0% the conditions required although Mr. Stucki does not. Mr. Colburn asked if he could plat his own lots separately. Mr. Stucki, 2112 Chestnut Lane. Bay Hill. felt the conditions are too harsh and unfair. Mr. Stucki accused the City of shutting him out 0% the DRe meetings and the Planning and Zoning meeting, by not 3 CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1986 PAGE 4 e e contacting him of the dates and times of these meetings. Mr. Stucki expressed his obJections to putting his property with this plat. He stated he had asked the City repeatedly to plat the properties separately. Mr. Stucki stated the City is requiring the properties be platted together to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance. He did not beleive he should be penalized because of this Ordinance. Mr. Stucki stated the City then required them to swap land to give Mr. Colburn frontage, and now the City says they will not get approval on the plat unless they agree to the conditions set forth on the DRC report. Mr. Stucki stated he attended a meeting several weeks ago where the City stated they would use any means they had to to get the right-of-way to the property. Mr. Stucki stated it was relayed to him that City o~~icials were announcing publicly that the property is not buildable and urged the Commission to immediately stop this type of action. Mayor Ison asked for staf~ input. Mr. Wagner stated the narrow piece of property is not being addressed in this plat the City is requiring that the two properties be developed simultaneously because the tax rolls indicate two separate ownerships of property. He explained that there is a long history o~ memorandums ~rom the City Attorney referencing the Subdivision Ordinance. Basically this falls within the context of the Subdivision requirements, thereby creating two different lots which requires the subdivision plot. Mr. Wagner stated the land swap was not initiated or required by the City. He said he called Mr. Stucki and informed him of the meeting times and asked him to attend, although Mr. Stucki declined. The Planning and Zoning Board felt strongly that all conditions should be required of both developers. Mr. Stucki said he had to call the City which is when he was told of the meeting and the meetings were held without any consultation with him. He also stated Mr. Colburn told him the land swap was in fact a requirement from the City. After much more discussion, the Commission felt the item should be tabled. Comma Bateman moved to table the Minorville preliminary subdivision plan approval until the next meeting, Comma Johnson seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Staff will come back with two separate subdivision plans, one for the east side of the road and one for the west side of the road. PROFESSIONA1. PARKWAY CENTER APPROVAL AND PUB1.IC HEARING, 1, AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF REVIEW OF DOCUMENTATIONS - PRE1.IMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN FINA1. SITE P1.AN APPROVAL OF 1.0T 1.0T 1 SUBJECT TO ADMINISTRATIVE e The proposed Urgent Care Center is located on a piece of property off of a larger tract owned by Heller Bros.. The developer has agreed to iteas 1 through 5 on the DRC report dated 6-13-86. (A copy o~ the DRC report is provided.) Mr. 4 e CITY COMMISSION MEETING 3UNE 17, 1986 PAGE S e Merkel stated there are some technical items to be worked out with item number 5. Items 6 through 8 are normally required although this developer is asking for a waiver because of the complexity of the State requirement for a "Certificate of Need", and a lack of funds. Mr. Merkel recommended that a motion to approve be subJect to the developer working out item number 5 to the City~s satisfaction. Mr. Mark Robitaille, representative from West Orange Memorial Hospital. asked for a waiver of items 6 through 8. Heller Bros. have stated they would address those conditions when they submit plans for the remainder of the land, which is 400 plus acres. Mr. Robitaille stated the Urgent Care Center would be an asset to Ocoee and benefit all citizens. He also asked the Commission to keep in mind they are a tax-based institution. Mr. Robitaille asked the Commission to approve the final plat subJect to the permits and the conditions numbered 1-5. He also stated their deadline to start the proJect is next month. Mayor Ison asked if there were any comments from the citizens. Mrs. W. H. Wurst stated she has lived in Ocoee for 15 years and the Urgent Care Center would be an asset to the City. Ms. Miriam Reid stated she is on the Board of Trustees for West Orange Memorial Hospital, and suggested the City research another way to help the hospital fund the deceleration lanes and sidewalks. Mr. W. H. Wurst stated he has lived in the City for 57 years and has no connection with the hospital, although he knows that Ocoee could use a medical center and would like to see it go in. Mr. Glen Jackson, representing Heller Bros., stated they were approached by the hospital and even agreed to let them purchase the land in installments. Heller Bros. is not ready to develop the entire property as of yet, although they will be submitting plans for the remainder of the property soon. Mr. Jackson asked that the Commission waive these conditions for the hospital. He stated Heller Bros. would address these conditions when they submit plans for the remainder of the land. Comma Hager asked Mr. Jackson to submit a letter to the City reiterating what he Just agreed to. Mr. Jackson agreed to do so. Comma Bateman moved to approve Professional Parkway Center subJect to the conditions set forth on the DRC report dated June 13, 1986, and subJect to Mr. Jackson~s representation for Heller Bros. to address items 6 through 8 on the DRC report when their plans are submitted, Comm. Rodgers seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Mayor Ison asked Mr. Jackson if he could give a time frame of when the City could expect the plans to be submitted. Mr. Jackson stated they are currently meeting with the Planner to rezone part of the property. Mr. Wagner asked the Commission about the Final Plat approval. Comma Bateman and Comma Rodgers agreed it was included in the motion. e 5 e CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1986 PAGE 6 ORDINANCE 879; AMENDING ORDINANCE 710 MODIFYING SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Mr. Preston read the Ordinance by title only. Mayor lson asked for any comments from the citizens present. Mr. Ron Stucki asked if this would change the setbacks on his property located on Blu~ord and Silver Star Road. Mr. Wagner stated the Ordinance applies to all property within the City limits. He stated the maJor change in the amendment is a 25 foot setback requirement for commercial developments. Mr. Stucki obJected to any change in the setback requirements which are dif~erent from those in effect when he purchased the property, especially because he knows the City has intentions to make Bluford a ~our-lane road. Comma Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 879, Comma Johnson seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Comma Bateman advised Mr. Stucki to get with Mr. Wagner in order to get a clear understanding of the amendment. OTHER BUSINESS FOREST OAKS WATER PLANT ACCEPTANCE - WAYNE RICH - Mr. Steve Miller, City Engineer ~or this proJect, advised the Commission that the last inspection was held on June 13, 1986. He stated that John Cockrell, Water Superintendent, Mr. Kuhrt, Kuhrt and Associates, Mr. Fuqua. Mr. DeMarst, and Mr. Allen Pozar, Orange Electric were present for the inspection. Mr. Miller stated there are a few minor items in the electrical panel which need to be ~ixed. Hr. Miller also asked Mr. Rich to provide a letter to the City guaranteeing that those minor items will be done at no cost to the City and in a timely manner. Mr. Miller quoted costs o~ the plant to date in his memo of June 13, 1986, although there are more invoices to come. I~ all the costs can be allocated RCA will have approximately 1500 connections reserved. Mr. Miller said Mr. John Cockrell agrees the plant is operational and in order with exception to those minor electrical problems. Mr. Miller recommended the City put in a third well when we expand the plant, which will give the City about 500 more connections and cost the City no more than S20,000.00. Mr. Wayne Rich submitted a letter to Mr. Preston guaranteeing that those items will be taken care of. Mr. Rich said once the City accepts the plant of~icially, the City Attorney will address the bond and the cost certification begins. Based upon a recommendation from Miller and Miller Pro~essional Engineering firm to accept the water plant, Comma Rodgers moved to approve the City of Ocoee accepting the Forest Oaks Water Plant on Friday, June 20, 1986, at 9:00 a.m., subJect to certi~ication of costs which - 6 CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1986 PAGE 7 - will begin upon approval, subJect to the items being completed which are listed on the letter from Miller and Miller, dated June 13, 86, and subJect to a performance bond for a period of two years. Comma Johnson seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. e Mr. Jeff Fuqua addressed the City reference Unit 2 Phase 3 where the original plan was that Rich Drive would end in a cul-de-sac. Then the Commission expressed a desire for it to extend to Hackney-Prairie Road. When going through the County process, they expressed concern with the tra%fic that would be generated onto Hackney Prairie~ which is a clay road and the County has the maintenance responsibility. Orange County feels that tra%fic on Hackney Prairie Road should be kept at a minimum and used only for emergency access until it is paved. Orange County would like to find out i% the City will consent to a FHA T turn-a-round on Rich Drive until Hackney Prairie is paved. Chief Strosnider did not like the idea 0% having one entrance and exit %or that size of a development. Mr. Fuqua stated they will have to address keeping other tra%fic off of Hackney Prairie. Mayor Ison asked how long it would be before it is paved. Mr. Fuqua stated the developer to the north is interested in participating in the paving. Mr. Kruppenbacher recommended Mr. Fuqua talk to the Chief of the Fire Dept., Police Dept., and Sanitation Dept., to find out their concerns. Comma Bateman stated he received a few reports 02 three homes in Forest Oaks having health hazards dealing with fiberglass and formaldehyde because the homes were not sealed properly. Comma Bateman asked sta%f and Mr. Sam Gerace, Building O%%icial, to check into these reports and submit a staff report to the Commission at the second meeting in July. Mr. Kruppenbacher recommended that the Commission direct the Police Dept. to suspend ticketing citizens for parking on that portion of the driveway which is considered to be a continuation of the sidewalk. Mr. Kruppenbacher asked the Commission %or authorization to request an interpretation of the law from the State Attorney General's o%fice. A%ter receipt 0% the interpretation the issue will be addressed before the Commission again. Comma Rodgers moved to approve the authorization, Comma Bateman seconded, and the vote carried unanimously. Mayor Ison warned the Commission to make sure the upcoming developments had enough driveway to park cars. Mayor Ison also suggested that Sam Gerace keep an eye on building permits being given to people who are closing in their garages for %amily rooms, to be sure they have enough room to park two cars in their driveways. . 7 CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1986 PAGE 8 e COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS Mr. Ron Stucki stoted he owns property west 0% Bluford on Story Road. He said the storm drainage has been diverted to run onto his property. This is causing the water is lay on his property instead 0% draining o%f through the natural ditch system. Mr. Stucki stated he had a memo from former City Manager, Ken Griffin, which stated the water has been flowing onto the property since 1980-81. Mr. Stucki stated he has been very cooperative with the City as far as cutting grass, letting the Little League meet on the property and demolishing old buildings the City requested, and he would like this matter looked into. The Commission directed staff to check into Mr. Stucki's drainage problem and report back to them. NEW BUSINESS TWIN 1.AKES DRIVE - CITY ATTORNEY - Mr. Kruppenbacher stated Mr. Eogan, Attorney, is present to explain the situation re%erence Twin Lakes Drive, of which a portion is in the City. There is a desire to close the road and there is an issue whether or not this is a formal road, therefore Mr. Kruppenbacher wanted to bring the issue be%ore the Commission. Mr. Eagan stated the property was purchased years ago. He spoke to the County and they have no dedicated right-of-way. The City of Ocoee shows the road is not platted, although it is paved. The County did maintenance on the road~ although they have no Jurisdiction on the road. There%ore, Mr. Eagan said, they are proceeding to close the road to the public. They have posted the road and placed portable barricades, along with having security people on guard. Mr. Kruppenbacher stated through the courts the City might be able to obtain right-of-way because of the continued use of the road by the public. The Commission agreed it was not a City road, they are not involved, there%ore no action on their part is necessary. Mr. Jackson, Heller Bros., stated Heller Bros. have always considered the road to be a private drive. Mr. Kruppenbacher stated he would draft an Ordinance de- annexing the Dann property. Mr. Dann had contacted the City stating he never wanted the property annexed into the City. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER SANITATION UTILITY RATES e Mr. City Preston submitted 0 report on the Sanitation Rotes is currently charging along with a comparison of the rates 8 . CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1986 PAGE 9 from Dump-All, and three Test Rate Schedules for Ocoee~s rates. Mr. Preston stated Test Rate Schedule #3 is placing a maximum refund on the Over 65 program, raising residential Sanitation rates, and commercial rates. This schedule would raise the funds that the City needs in order to have a vehicle replacement program. Comma Hager agreed something needed to be done as the Sanitation Dept. should be self- suf~icient. The Sanitation Dept. must support itsel~ along with building funds 10r replacing equipment. The Commission agreed to have sta1f do a cost analysis and come up with a rate schedule. Mr. Preston requested the Commission set a date for a Preliminary Budget Plan Review. Mr. Preston asked that it be scheduled so that Mr. Teddy Ryan could be present also. Mayor Ison called a Workshop to be held on July 2, 1986, at 7 : 30 p. m. . LEAGUE MUNICIPAL 1.0AN PROGRAM - Mr. Preston submitted a report to the Commission on the funds available through the Florida League Municipal Loan Program. The funds are available on a first come first serve basis. Mr. Preston asked for direction 1rom the Commission, first if they wanted to participate, and secondly, what they wanted to use the money 10r. Mr. Kruppenbacher advised Mr. Preston to contact Attorney Tom Lang as he has extensive knowledge about the program. The Commission took no action. Mr. Preston stated he was contacted by Florida Dept. of Transportation reference the traffic light former City Manager Ken Griffin requested at the intersection of 437 and 438. DOT in10rmed Mr. Preston that this was scheduled for 1988-1989, but they could possibly do it sooner. They are requesting the City help identify the right-of-way in that area and help acquire the right-of-way. Mr. Preston stated the signal light would cost approximately S30,000.00, the biggest expense being the deceleration lane. The Commission wanted to know how much right-01-way is there and how much DOT wants to acquire from the City. Staff will report back to the Commission on this subJect matter. CITY ATTORNEY Mr. Kruppenbacher reported that he and Mr. Kelley are working on setting up a taxing district for Industrial Park to pay for the ditch cleaning. e Mr. Kruppenbacher stated he checked other cities~ Ordinances reference Skate Boards. He said those Ordinances were written to restrict skate boards, roller skates, etc. from 9 e e . CITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1986 PAGE 10 public right-of-ways only. Some cities simply say proceed at your own risk. The o%ficers can stop and get them out of the streets. Chief Brandt said there have been some maJor inJuries with the skate boards, and Clermont has an Ordinance which prohibits skateboards anywhere in the City. Comma Johnson and Comma Bateman were interested in dra%ting an Ordinance prohibiting skate boarding in the streets and parking lots. Comma Rodgers and Comma Hager felt the Police should be controlling the speeders in the City instead 0% emphasis on the skate boarding. . COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioners Rodgers, Johnson, and Hager did not have any comments. Comma Bateman simply reiterated his reports on the health hazards in three homes in Forest Oaks. Sam Gerace and staff will research this and report back to the Commission on 7-15-86. Comma Bateman suggested using the news media to get the homes fixed. Mr. Gerace stated a current Certificate of Occupancy could not be held back to force them to fix those homes. Mr. Kruppenbacher advised Mr. Gerace to keep his %indings directed to staf% and the Commission only. The meeting was adJourned at 11:02 10 \\'\"\1.;';:. \ J.....,~;...... ( "'.... THO\,t-\S R. ISO~ TE.L.~PrH )'\,f t)::;r,.~ )~~ e CU"'U........I( )'E.~'" CITY OF OCOEE I jO S L-\"ESHORE DRI\ E UCOEE. FLURID.\ 12~fll RALPH RODGERS JOHN BATEMAN VARD J. HAGER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITrEE REPORT OR.-\'.CE CO"L'. n Preliminary Subdivision Plan Project: Date: Hidden Glen Subdivision (Plans Resubmitted 6/3/86) June 13, 1986 A. Project Analysis - B. - l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Project Area = 39.4 Ac. ~ Number of Lots = 116 Gross Density = 2.94 Units/Acre . . . Zoning - RlA Water Supply: City of Ocoee Sewer System: Private Septic Tank Soils: Ba, La, Lb & Sb Flood Hazard: None Stormwater Outfall: Lake Stanley Findings/Recommendations: The DRC recommends approval subject to the following: 1. In addition to the one acre of park land indicated on the plan, the developer shall contribute $10,500.00 to the City for park land im- provements prior to Final Plat approval. 2. The Dovetail Drive street stub is in excess of 250 feet. A tempo- rary cul-de-sac turn-around shall be provided. 3. Phasing of the project shall be in a manner so as to provide no dead end water mains. 4. If a positive outfall is not available or discharge into a lake wi~~- out a positive outfall is proposed, the pond design shall retain tr-e 100 year storm event. The pond shall be designed to evacuate a daily volume equivalent to one (1) inch of runoff from the total area con- tributing to the pond. 5. A Special Improvement District for the ponds shall be established and the tracts' dedicated to the City for maintenance. 6. The improvements ~f Phase I shall include paving of Johio Shores Road from A. D. Mims Road to the southern phase line. The remainder of Johie Shores Road shall be improved to the southern most property line wi~h the Phase III improvements. "CENTER OF COOD L1VI,'JC - THE PRIDE OF WEST ORA,\'CE" THOM/-\S R. ISO:~ TELEPH( )'-E '130.2 L~2 \.\.\'11 l;.o: . \ ( ,,\\.\I...."d( l'i;': . CITY OF OCOEE CO\.t\.H'''I( ):'\.t:R5 150 S. L-\I\ESHORE ORI\'E OCOEE. FLORIDA 12;'61 RALPH RODGERS JOHN BATEMAN VARD J. HAGER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITl'EE REPORT . ORA'-GE COL'- n Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Final Site Plan Project: Date: Professional Parkway Center (Plans dated 6/10/86) June 13, 1986 The DRC recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. A right-of-way utilization permit shall be secured from Orange County to allow removal of the existing paved road to facilitate the proposed drainage outfall. . 2. A Department of Transportation discharge permit shall be secured prior to issuance of a building permit. - 3. Sideslopes on the retention ponds shall be secured prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The legal description for the project site shall be corrected to reflect the actual limits of Lot 1. 5. Drainage calculations for the site shall be modified to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 6. The developer shall provide general access road improvements to serve the project including: 1. A northbound deceleration lane on ~~guire Road 2. An eastbound deceleration lane on Professional Parkway leading into the development 3. A by-pass lane with left turn stacking on Professional Par~Nay at t~e intersection with Professional Center Boulevard 7. A 5' sidewalk shall be provided along Professional Par~Nay and Professional Center Boulevard. 8. A cash fee in lieu of the 5% park land dedication requirement shall be pro- vided based up~n the land value of Lot 1. . "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING - THE PRIDE OF I.VEST OR,';NGE"