HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-86 WS MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION WOR~SHOP SESSION HELD AUGUST 19, 1986 - PRESENT I Mayor 1 SOTI, Comm i ss i OYlers ..1 ohYISOY', Bat emay" Hager; City Attory,ey Krl.AppeT,bacher, City May,ager Ryay" City PlaY'Yler Wag~er, City Clerk Catro~, a~d Deputy Clerk Gree~. ABSENT I Cormn is lit i cll"Ier Rod gers CALL TO ORDER - MAVOR ISON Mayor Iso~ called the meeti~g to order at 7:00 P.M.. DISCUSSION OF MODIFICATION OF FOREST OAKS SITE PLAN PHASE II . City Ma~ager Rya~ prese~ted a brief overview of the site pla~ modi ficat iOYI req'.Aested by Victoria Equit ies, IT,C. , the ow~er/developer of the Forest Oaks Subdivisio~. That modificatio~ would elimi~ate the exit from Rich Drive to Hack~ey Prairie Road, which is cou~ty right-of-way. Mr. Rich asks that it be closed to public traffic, but that it be available to emerge~cy traffic. The City Staff recomme~ds the road stay ope~, but if the Mayor a~d City Commissio~ approve this cha~ge the followi~g co~ditio~s be i~corporated: 1) Tnat a chai~-li~k fe~ce be i~stalled alo~g Hack~ey Prairie Road the e~tire dista~ce of the Norther~ two adJace~t lots; 2) That a gate be i~stalled of sufficie~t width for a fire truck or other emergel'"'cy vehicles to gaiY, access tel the subdivisio~; 3) That a cul-de-sac desig~/co~structio~ be l.Atilized i'(', lieu of a "T" turl'"' aroul'",d. EveryoYle agreed tha'l:; this would be a temporary solutio~ a~d that Rich Drive would be opel" whey, Hacl-<,l"ley P',...airie is paved. WaYl'"le Rich aYld Jeff Fuqua explai~ed that the pavi~g of Hack~ey Prairie prese~ts a dilemma as Forest Oaks wi~ds dow~ developMe~t, a~d Forest Oaks is ~ot i~ a positio~ to pave all of the road. Per a~ Ora~ge Cou~ty letter of 8-05-86 to Russ Wag~er, they will recortlmeYld that Hac"',y,ey Prairie Road be paved from the Forest Oaks 8ubdivisio~ access poi~t to Apopka Vi~ela~d Road i~clusively, at the time the developer requests access o~to Hack~ey Prairie Road. Ora~ge Cou~ty e~gi~eerss prefer paviYlg be delayed u~til traffic warra~ts it. I~ his 1-28-B5 letter to Mr. Rich, George Cole, Ora~ge Cou~ty e~gi~eer, co~firmed that the developer will make a mutually agreeable cash cOl'",tributioy, to Ora'(',ge COUYlty to be used for the evel'",tl.1al pavi~g of Hack~ey Prairie Road. Mr. Rich expressed willi~g~ess to place a sum i~ escrow for his pro rata share to rneet this obligatiol''to This arnouy,t wOI.Ald be deterrniy,ed by the perce~tage of traffic ge~erated by the subdivisioy, as cornpared to the existi~g traffic o~ the road multiplied by the estimated cost of pavi~g the road. . Cornrnissio~er Baterna~ stated that he was i~ agreeme~t with the :&oard aYld the COUl",ty eYlgiy,eers, bl.At he is coy,cery,ed abol.At the large ~urnber of cul-de-sacs with o~ly o~e way out with 1 Page 2 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP SESSION AUGUST 19, 1986 . respect to safety for the reside~ts a~d the ~eeds of efflerge~cy vehiclesa City Ma~ager Rya~ suggested further contact with the county about the possibility of placi~g fu~ds i~ escrow u~til the pavi~g is scheduled to be do~e i~ the future, a~d perhaps, a satisfactory arra~geffie~t could be worked out betwee~ the two gover~ffle~tal e~tities. The workshop sessio~ adJour~ed at 7:30 P.M.. ~UL) Mayor 7v1 iL,. h 'LJcd~,~ Deputy Clerk Green . . 2