HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-86 e MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION KEETING HELD AUGUST 19. 1986 PRESENT: Mayor Iaon. Co..i.sionera johnaon. Bate.an. Hager; City Manager Ryan. City Attorney Kruppenbacher. City Engineer Merkel. City Planner Wagner. Building O%~icial Gerace. Water Superintendent Cockrell. City Clerk Catron. and Deputy Clerk Green. ABSENT: Co..iaaioner Rodgera CALL TO ORDSR - MAYOR ISON Mayor then %la9. Iaon called the .eeting to order at 7:40 P.M.. led in prayer and the Pledge o~ Allegiance to the PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS No one was pre.ent from Windermere Boy Scout Troop. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA . Commiaaioner BateMan requested that Item C be pulled ~ro. the Con.ent Agenda %or %urther discusaion and noted that in the Minute. on page 4. paragraph 3 "'trout.. should be .pelled "trot.1I Co..i.sioner Bate.an Moved to approve all ite.. on the Con.ent Agenda with the exception o~ C. Co..i.sioner johnson seconded. and the .otion carried unaniMoualy. The ite.a approved were aa ~ollow.: A - Regulsr Co..ission Meeting Minute. 0% Auguat 5. 1986; B - Requeat Waiv.r o~ F.. %or U.e 0% Co..unity Center, We.t Orange High School Athletic Association; D - September 2. 1986 Me.ting to b. .oved to 8:30 P.M. due to Priaary Election; E - Approval 0% Merit Pay Rais.. given in May. In re%erence to Itea C.2!!Y~~ 2E~!ng~ g!~~~~ 8~g~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ !~~E~~~~~ !~~!!~~. Co..i.aioner Bate.an que.tioned why Ordinance ~795 was attached .ince it only applies to .ecurity trailers. City Manager Ryan explained that it was %or re~erence only. Trailers are allowed on the .ite o~ construction %or conatruction. but they are requesting the us. %or operation until the .eaaon i. over. COMMissioner Hager .oved to approve that Silver Spring. Citrua aay us. a trailer ~or operationa during construction until Auguat. 1987; Coa.iaaioner Bate.an seocnded. and the aotion passed unaniaoualy. i. 1 . Page 2 Ci~y Coaai..ion Mee~ing Augu.~ 19. 1ge6 LETTER OF RESIGNATION - COMMISSIONER RODGERS e Mayor Iaon read a letter of reaignation fro~ Co..issioner Ralph Rodger.. The re.ignation i. effective August 19. 1986. due to change of residence. Mayor Ison .tated that Co..is.ioner Rodgers had served very ably not only two ter.. on the Co..is.ion. but alao had served on aeveral boards, and wa. al.o the firat Pre.ident of tb. PTA at Dco.e Ele.entary. The Mayor co..ented that Mr. Rodger. wa. alway. w.ll prepared and well organized. contributing excellent solutions to a variety of probl.... Th. other co..i..ioner. echoed the aa.e aenti.ents about Mr. Rodgers~ contributiona. Mayor I son stated that according to the city chart.r. the Co..i..ion .ay appoint a co..iasioner to fill the vacancy until the next election. He reco..ended that the Co..iasionera deliberate until the next .eeting and it be placed on the agenda at that ti.e. Co..iaaioner Bate.an Moved to accept with regret Co..isaioner Rodger.1 re.ignation with the atipulation. indicated by the Mayor. Co..iaaioner Johnaon seconded. and the .otion wa. unani.ou.ly approved. The Mayor reque.ted the City Manager contact Mr. Rodger. to arrange at his plea.ure and ti.., a reception at the Co..unity Center in order to allow the co..unity to ahow appreciation for hia ti.e and contribution.. RECESS: Mayor I.on requested recea. at 7:5& P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor I_on called the .eeting back to order at 8:07 P.M. OLD aUSINSSS . Special S~a~~ Repor~. - Ci~y Engineer: FINAL COST CERTIFICATION OF FOREST OAKS WATER PLANT: Steve Miller. Consulting Engineer for the city on thi. proJect. reviewed co.t. in detail and sub.itted for review and approval a letter of 3uly 31. 1986 and a letter of tran..ittal of August 14. 198&. The.e docu.ent. certify a total co.t of $1.111.836.09, total connections of 1,749 - with total prepaid connectiona of 1.489. The connections available to the city should b. 260. However. if the city return. the 85,000.00 depo.it to Florida Power that wa. paid by the developer. the prepaid connection. will be reduced to 1.482. thua giving the city the extra connectiona for a total of 267. City Attorney Kruppenbacher asked Mr. Miller if he is now prof..sionally reco..ending that everything ha. been done appropriately and that the Co..i..ion now 2 . Page 3 City Co..ieeion Keeting Auguet 19. 19.6 accept and approve the final certification for the Foreat Oaks Plant. Mr. Miller stated he was. Mayor Iaon aaked how .uch ti.e would b. requir.d to enhance the capacity o~ the Plant. Mr. Miller atated that a ~irat expansion - the addition o~ a high ..rvice pu.p - would require 60 daya. A aecond expansion including an additional well and atorage tank would require aout six .onth.. Baaed upon the engineers reco..endatiosp Mr. Kruppenbacher reco..ended that the c.rti~ication be accepted .ubJe~t to Mr. Ryan and Mr. Kruppenbacher concluding ao.e c10.ing it.... one o~ which being the per~or.anc. bond. Co..isaioner 30hnson .oved to accept the Final Coat Certification of the Foreat Oaks Water Treat.ent Plantp with the proviaion that the $5.000.00 d.posit to Florida Power be returned to the developer. baaed upon the pro~esaional reco..endation o~ the engineer and that the City Attorney and City Kanager take care o~ the ad.iniatrative ite.. that need to be c1.ared up. Commi.sioner Hag.r seeond.dp and the .otion was unani.ously approv.d. . An August 19p 198& inspection report for Foreat Oaks Unit 11. Phaae 11 by Mr. Miller is to be agendaed on September 2, 1986 if the Com.ission desir.. to do .0. CARRIAGE OAKS FINAL PLAT APPROYAL City Engineer Rick M.rk.l sub.itted the plat and an Addendum to the Developers Agree.ent in which the d.v.10per agr.ed to loop the wat.r line to the sati.~action o~ the City. He reco..ended that the Co..ia.ion approve the plat. City Attorney Kruppenbacher also reco.aended approval subJect to the Dev.1oper. Agr....nt. Co..ission.r Bat..an .oved to approve the ~inal plat ~or Carriage Oaks subJect to Mr. Bolin executing the Developers Agr....nt. Co..issioner 30hnson ..conded and the aotion was approved unani.ous1y. SUN CENTRAL DEVELOPKSNT. PLAN APPRYAL INC. PRBLIKINARY SU8DIYISION e City Engine.r Rick M.rk.1 pr..ented the Pr.li.inary Subdivision Plan and the D.velop.ent Review Co..itte. Report dated Augu.t 5p 1986. Need.d i.prov..entap auch a. ~or intersections. have been included in this plan and he i. pr.pared to reco..end approval subJect to the conditions as listed. The Final Engineering Plan was also sub.itt.d ~or approval. Length o~ dec.1eration lan.. ~or the proJ.ct re.ains a point o~ difference b.tw.en the d.veloper and the City. Th. State 3 e Pag. 4 Ci~y Coaai..ion K..~ing Auguat 19. 1986 Departm.nt 0% Tran.portation has approved the developer. plan %or the lan... but the City i. requ..ting a letter 0% approval %ro. DOT. Mr. Mitch.ll. the developer. obJect.d to Ite. *4 in the li.t o~ condition. - the 5% r.creational a.......nt. Mayor I.on .xplain.d that growth au.t pay %or it.el%. and a. the City has very ~.w impact %.... the ........nt would hay. to .t.nd. Co..i..ioner 30hn.on aoved to approve the Sun C.ntral Deve1 op..nt Preli.inary Subdivi.ion Pl.n subJect to condition. * 1 through *13. Coa.iaaioner Bateaan ..conded and the .otion was approved un.ni.ou.ly. <DRC Report o~ 8-5-86 to be attached). In reaponse to inquiry by Commis.ioner Bateman. Water Supervi.or 30hn Cockr.ll and the D.v.loper re.pond.d that they knew 0% no wat.r proble.. which .ight b. exp.cted to occur with the d.v.lopaent 0% Sun Central. Coaai..ioner Bateaan .ov.d to approve the Final Engineering Plan ~or Sun Central D.v.lopaent a. pr...nted by Engine.r M.rk.l. .ubJ.ct to r.ceipt o~ a letter 0% approval concerning the decel.ration lan.. %ro. the Stat. Depart.ent 0% Tran.portation. Co..i..ioner 30hn.on s.conded and the .otion wa. approved unaniaou.ly. e OTHRR aUSIIRSS FRANK COURTN&Y DEVILOP&RS AGR&EKENT City Manag.r pre..nted two ite.. covered in the Frank Courtn.y agre..ent %or approval. The ~ir.t provi.ion provide. ~or 1/2 acre aini.u. lot. surrounding Lake Stanl.y. and the .econd requir.. 75~ %rontage lota a. a .iniaua throughout. Coaai..ioner Bat.aan aoved to approve the D.velop.r. Agree..nt ba.ed on it... 1 and 2. Coaai..ion.r Hager .econded and the aotion carried unani.ou.ly. ORDINANCE 906 - FRANK COURTNEY REZONING - SECOND READING City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only. There were no co.aent.: ther.~ore. the Public H.aring was clos.d. Coaai..ion.r Hager aoved to approve Ordinance 906. Co..i.sioner 30hnaon aeconded and the aotion carried unaniaou.ly. RENAISSANCE INVESTMENT. INC. DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT . City Manager Ryan noted .inor .odi%ication. in the Developer. Agr....nt and r.co..ended approval by the Coaais.ion. Co..i..ion.r Bateaan~. concerns about the looping 0% the water line w.re allayed by It.. *4. Page 3 0% the a.end.d Develop.r. Agr....nt. Concerns about the salvaging 0% tree. were alleviated by Page 4. Item * 4 . Page 5 Ci~y Co..ieeion M..~ing AU9U.~ 19. 19.~ 7-B o~ the Coaaia.ioner Developers Coaaiaaioner unaniwaously. agree.ent and the Arbor Ordinance. 30hn.on aoved to approve the Renaiaaance Agree.ent .ubJect to City Ordinance.. Bateaan seconded and the aotion was approved ORDINANCE 90? - RENAISSANCE INVESTMENTS. READING INC. SECOND City Manager Ryan read the propoaed ordinance by title only. There were no coaaenta. so the Publio Hearing waa closed. Coa.iaaioner Bateaan .oved to approve Ordinanoe 907. Coaaisaioner Hager aeconded and the aotion carried unanimoualy. MODIFICATION OF FOREST OAKS SITE PLAN. PHASE II e As discussed in the workahop at 7:00 p.a.. %urther oonaideration will be postponed until the 9-2-86 aeeting. Thia will allow the City Manager and ata%% to aeet with Orange County Engineering nepart.ent and try to work out a .olution ~or the aoniea/paving 0% Haokey Prairie Road. The developer ia agreeable to plaoing %unds in e.crow %or %uture paving i% this .olution ia aooeptable to the City and County. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC SPRING LAKE CIRCLE - PRIMA VISTA UTILITIES . Mr. 3erry Sia. 0% 609 Spring Lake Cirole. who preaented a petition to the Co..ission on August 5. 1986. spoke %or aany reaidenta 0% hi. neighborhood a. he voioed aeriou. concern about the Pri.a Vista Utilities aa a neighbor. The proxiaity 0% a retention pond to area homea has cau.ed the FHA to re%uae new loan coaaittaent.. This position by the FHA a%%eots 141 properties in a 400 %oot bu%%er zone which i. required by thea. Mr. Si.a ooaplained that the city did not properly noti%y area resident. 0% the rezoning and looation 0% the wa.tewater plant: 1) Ads were published in the Winter Garden Ti.e. which he %eels is not adequate oirculation: 2) Two %oot signs were posted on the property. but no residents recalled .eeing thea: 3) All property owner a within 300 %eet .hould have been noti%ied by .ail - no residents reported reoeiving noti%ioation and no reoord 0% letters could be %ound in City Hall. The %irst knowledge area property owner. had 0% Pri.a Vista Utili tie. was the arrival %or work 0% heavy oonatruotion equipaent. Mr. 5i.s oontend. that neither retention pond (A or B) is sati.%actory %or 5 . Pag. & Ci~y Coaai..ion "ee~in9 A\ag\a.t. 19~ 19as. use: Pond A becaus. o~ deleterioua a~~ect on groundwater. and Pond B becau.e o~ low elevation providing a breeding ground %or aoaquitoe.. anake., etc. and drainage to nearby lawn.. Several citizens spoke in aupport o~ Mr. 5i.a~ contentions. including Cathy Hannon Pollock o~ 613 Spring Lake Circle. 3ean Si.a o~ 609 Spring Lake Circle. 30.eph Corvi 0% 502 Spring Lake Circle. and Patti Saling o~ 603 Spring Lake Circle. They agreed that Priaa Vista was not re.ponsive to their co.plainta. that reaale o~ their ho.es was a .erioua concern because 0% the utility. and they voiced concern ~or .a~ety o~ neighborhood children aa well aa adulta because 0% rats. anakes. and aosquitoe.. City Attorney Kruppenbacher recoaaended that because o~ the aultiplicity 0% issu.. involved. the coaai.sioners r.~rain ~ro. aaking coaaent. tonight. Mayor leon coa.ended Mr. 5i.. %or a well prepared presentation to the Coaaission and a.ked hi. to co.e back to the next .eeting. He al.o a.k.d that Mr. Si.. .ak. hi...l~ available to the City Attorney and the City Manager in the .eantiae. He .ugge.ted that all three speak about this aatter at the next .eeting. . RECESS: Mayor Ison requested rece.. at 9:36 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor I.on called the .eeting back to order at 9:51 P.M. MEW BUSINBSS . Propoa.d a~~ilia~ion be~w.en We.~ Orange M.aorial Ho.pit.al and Orlando Regional Medical Cent.er. Coaai.sioner Bate.an e~pr.s.ed .erious concern about the propoa.d a~~iliation between the two inatitutions. Since this decision a~%ects everyone in the county west 0% Kirk.an Road. he strongly urge. con~erring with WOMH Board 0% Truate.. ~o get all the %acts and that the Ocoee City Co..ission take a position on the isaue. Mr. Bat..n is priaarily concerned that .anaging abilities 0% ORMC adainiatration aa he haa obaerved the. would not be an a..et to WOMH, and that ORMC would be uaing WOMH to shirk ita reaponaibility ~or the care o~ the indigent. Mark Robitaille. Chie~ E~ecutive O%~icer 0% West Orange Meaorial Hoapital. atated that the proposal waa a poaaible alternative to inaure aurvival 0% WOMH in a changing aedical aarket. Utilization o~ the hoapital has declined about 5~. So.. reason. %or this decline involve HMO's. PPO's and other insurance changea. So.. health insurancea provided by large ..ployer. in the area require treataent in apeci~ic hoapitala. causing 6 . Peg- 7 C1~y Co..1..1on K__~1ng Augu.~ 19. 1986 pe~ien~a who co.. ~o WOMH ~o b. ~rena%.rred to another %acility. Mr. Robitaille aaid that the Board 0% Truatees ia looking into aeveral optiona and will be %or the next few montha. He aaid that the Board encouragea public attendance at ita aeetinga. They are intereated in coaaunity %eed-back and will eatablish public hearinga i% needed. e Mayor Iaon o%%ered the us. of the Co..unity Center for a Public Hearing %or ORMC, WOMH representatives and intereated citizen.. Mr. Robitaille atated that thia is a coaplex and iaportant isaue and the aain responsibility at thia tiae is comaunication and education about what the issue. are. Mr. Robitaille alao aaserted that there would be no retaliation toward any eaployee who apoke in the public aeetings about ~heir concerna. Several concerned citizena apoke about di%%iculties between sta%% and the Board 0% Truatees and also voiced concern about the proposed a%%ilia~ion with ORMC. The consensus was that the a%filiation could cauae a decline in quality 0% patient care. Soae 0% those who spoke were: Lynda Black 0% 1500 Doreen Avenue, Debi S~a%%ord 0% 600 Owl Tree Way, Lou Curey 0% 535 Woodson Avenue, and Ted Lynch 0% 2424 Fuller Cross Road. Mayor Iaon a~ated tha~ the ul~i.a~e concern. were: 1) What is best for patients; 2) What level of aervice will be extended to the patient; 3) What impact will there be on the tax diatrict itaelf: 4) What will be the i.pact on the community; and 5) Where will it lead eventually. He pointed out that the board 0% Truateea 0% WOMH will be deciding the isaue. PROPOSED ORDINANCE. EXCAVATING/STREET OPENING PERMITS: Commiasioner 30hnson atated th.~ developera are not putting atreet. and .idewalks back in good condition. City Attorney Kruppenbacher augge.ted tha~ requiring perait. would help to avoid soae 0% the problea. we have had with contractors in the pas~. He reco..ended a first reading at the next aeeting for an ordinance to regulate excavating or a~reet opening by persona or coapanie. other than the City. . APPROVAL OF THE 198& PROPOSED PAVING PROGRAM: Ci~y Manager Ryan preaented a proposed paving program for 1986. Mayor Ison requeated that two itema on the lia~ - Geneva Street to the park and Story Road be deleted, and Lyle S~reet added, aa it haa a greater need %or iaproveaent. The Coaaiaaioner. decided to conaider this program further as there are some developers who will be taking care of .o.e of the road i.prove.ents. City 7 . Page a Ci~y Co..i..ion M..~ing Augu.~ 19. 198& Managar Ryan tha money. later tia.. aaid that they were in no hurry to so the proposal will be brought back apend at a REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER M.ri~ Sy.~.. R.vi.w R.por~: City Manger Ryan presented hi. report 0% the review 0% the Merit System. Coaaiaaioner Bateaan aoved to instruct the City Manager and City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to diaaolve the Merit Systea and to dra%t "Personnel Rules and Regulations" which would i.ple.ant a claa.i%ication rating system and wage .tructure which allows achieveaent within a period 0% not aore than 36 aonths. Coaai..ioner 30hnson .econded. and the aotion was unani.oualy approved. Coaaiaaioner Bate.an agreed to work with the 5ta%% on this aatter. w..~ Orang. Girl. Coaaiasionera agread suatain the electrical ball%ield 20r the West Club El.c~ric.l Exp.n..: by a straw vote %or the City expenae %or the lighting %or Orange Girl. Club. The to the e Follow-Up Ag.nda: City Manager Ryan atated that all it.as are being dealt with. CITY ATTORNIY. Co..i..ion.r John.on ..pr....d ..riou. conc.rn about ~h. probl.. ~ha~ crack cocainei. cau.ing ~or .oci.~y. H. requ..t.d the City A~torn.y to dra~t a r.aolu~ion to d.al with ~h. i..u.. Mr. Krupp.nbach.r pr...n~.d a r..olution (No. 8&-?) of the 80ard o~ City Co..i..ion.r. o~ ~h. Ci~y o~ 000... Florida. pl.dging i~. .uppor~. cooperation and .ncourag...nt to all appropriate ~.d.ral. .~a~. and local gov.rn..n~ l.gi.la~or. and law enforc...n~ o~~icial. and calling for a .p.cial ....ion o~ the Florida L.gi.latur. ~o ~i9h~ the .pr.ad o~ crack cocain.. On. po..ibl. way ~o ~ight thi. .igh~ b. to have liai.on o~fic.r. in ~h. .l...n~ary .chool.. Co..i..ion.r John.on .ug...t.d a public awar.n... ...~ing in the Co..uni~y C.n~.r. Mayor I.on r.co...nd.d appear ana.. on PTA a..nda. would b. no.t .ff.a~iv.. Co..i..ion.r John.on .ov.d to adopt ~h. r.aolution. Co..i..ioner Hag.r ..aonded. and the .otion aarri.d unani.ou.ly. . Mayor I.on r.qu..t.d tha~ the City A~torn.y r.vi.w ~h. l.~t.r and r..olu~ion h. r.c.iv.d ~ro. Law.on La.ar. Sheriff of Orang. Coun~y and Chair.an o~ No Ca.ino.. Inc. wi~h the po..ibili~y o~ reco...nding a r..olution 8 . llage 9 City Co..i..ion Meeting Auguat. 19. 1986 ~or ~h. n..~ ...~ing. lIayor I.on r.qu..~.d ~h. Ci~y Attorney, ~o bring back a propo.al at ~h. S.pt..ber 2. 1986 ...ting ~or the pY~poa. o~ ..tabli.hng a policy/.pok..p.r.on ~o d.al with the ..dia. Al.o. along with ~hi.. h. r.qu..t.d ~h. Ci~y lIanag.r contact .ill .r..... Rx.cutiv. Dirr.c~or o~ Tri Coun~y L.agu. o~ Citi.. and r.qu..t that Mayor I.on be on an ag.nda in ord.r to .p.ak on ~h. ~opic o~ ..dia r.lation.. Co..i..ion.r .at..an .tat.d that h. wa. oppo..d to a d.l.gat.d .pok..p.r.on. a. h. would not r.linqui.h the right to ..pr... hi. opinion. Th. lIayor .~at.d that hi. conc.rn in thi. .att.r r.lat.d to ..ploy.... not the Co..i..ion.r.. City Manag.r Ryan .aid that could be handl.d ad.ini.~rativ.ly. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - Co.. i.. ion.r 30hn.on ..pr...d conc.rn abou~ .~a~...nt. .ad. r.c.ntly in an ..ploy..~. l.tt.r o~ r..ignation ~hat the Co..i..ion.r. in~lu.nc.d the hiring o~ ..ploy.... H. a.k.d City Manag.r Ryan ~o inv..tigat. to con~ir. that ~h. .tat...nt. w.r. without ba.i. in ~.ct. Co.. i.. ion.r 30hn.on r.qu..t.d th.t it b. a .att.r o~ Public R.cord that h. ha. not and will no~ .v.r .tt..pt to in~lu.nc. hiring polici... Ci~y lIan.g.r Ryan .ta~.d ~hat no co..i..ion ...b.r. .ay a~~.c~ hiring. a. ~h.y .r. pr.clud.d ~ro. doing .0 by chart.r. Co..i..ion.r Hag.r co...n~.d ~ha~ ~h. hou.. on ~h. corn.r o~ Taylor .nd L.. n..d. to hay. .o..thing don. about it. .uilding O~~icial G.rac. advi..d ~hat ~h. grand.on o~ the own.r and an attorn.y h.v. b..n contact.d to trac. own.r.hip .0 that the .att.r could b. d.alt with. Co..i..ion.r Hag.r al.o raqu..~.d ~hat . ditch n.ar hi. ho.. (w..~ o~ Taylor). n..d. to b. cl.ar.d o~ gr.... cat~ail.. and lily pad.. Co..i..ion.r Bat...n r.qu..~.d .or. infor..tion b. eought abou~ a recycling" progra. fro. Rob.rt Wall ick. who had ..nt a l.tt.r in 3uly about the progra.. lIayor I.on ..k.d ~h.t the S~r..t D.p.r~..nt ch.ck .11 ~h. .id.walk. to the .l...ntary .chool. and .aintain a. n..d.d. H. a.k.d that To. W..t b. contac~.d about a clu.p o~ pal..tto. at the corn.r o~ Orlando Av.nu. and Lakewood. . Th. ...~ing adJourn.d .~ 11:53 P.II. 9 - Page 10 City Coaai.aion Meeting Auguat. 19~ 1986 ---~Q~~'~-~~-------- Deput.y Cl.Z'k - . 10 :!12-iL -------------------------- lIeyoZ'