HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-86 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 1&. 1986 . PRESENT: Mayor 1son. Co~~i&&ioner& John&on. Dabb&. Bate~an. Hager: Ci~y Manager Ryan. Ci~y A~~orney Kruppenbacher. Ci~y Planner Wagner. Building Ozzicial Gerace. Water Superintendent Cockrell, Financial Director Poaton. City ~ngineer Kelley, City Clerk Catron. Deputy Clerk Creen. AaSENT: None. CALL TO ORDER - MAYOR ISON Mayor Ison Co~aiaaioner Allegiance ~o called the Dabba led the ~lag. meeting to order in prayer and in at the 7:42 P.M.. Pledge o~ PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS The .inutea 0% the Planning & Zoning/City Comaission Joint Meeting o~ July 8, 1986 and the ~inutes o~ the Code En~orceman~ Board 0% July 14. 1986 were preaentad ~or inzormation only. Mayor Iaon noted that aubatantial progress haa bean aade on the proJec~ ~or placement o~ ~he Maguire- Withera hoae on the National Hiatoric Regiatry. The application will be on ~he Nove.ber Agenda 0% ~he S~a~e Hiatoric Coamiaaion in Tallahaaaea. e APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Item. A and C. and l~em B with the stipulation that it be aubJect to the City A~~orney and ~he Ci~y Manager negotiating to improve our poaition and reach agreement on the 40 to 50 ~oot iaaue. Commiaaioner Dabba aeconded and ~ha .o~ion carried unanimoualy. Iteaa approved were as ~ollowa: A - Regular Com.iaaion Meeting Minutea 0% September 2. 1986; B Reaolution 86-8 - Agreement CSX Tranaportation. lnc./Ouest Propertiea. 1nc./Ci~y: and C - Propoaed Ordinance. Amending Zoning Ordinance Re Special ~~ception ~or Hoae Occupation. Fira~ Reading. The City Manager read the propoaed ordinance by title and aactiona 1 and 2. OLD BUSINESS A. SPECIAL STAFF REPORTS - REPORT ON PRIMA VISTA UTILITIES- Ci~y Manager City Manager Ryan reported that the City Stazz ha& ~et with a repreaentative o~ ~he Depar~aent 0% Environmental Regulation <DER) along with Mr. Jerry Sima and Mra. Cathie Pollack. reaidenta o~ the Spring Lake Circle area. When repre$en~atives ~rom the DER reviewed the proposed e~pansion plana. pond maintenance iaauea and graaa growth. the parties were in~ormed that the preaent par~it ~or ~ha plant allows 1 e Pas- 2 Ci~y Co..i..ion M_.~ins S.p~..b.r 1~. 198~ the ut~l~zat~on o~ both ponda. The expansion request by Prima Vista Utilities 20r the wastewater treatment plant poaes a di~~erent light on the utilization 0% the existing Ponds A & B. This additional prospective requires that Ponds A & B (the existing storage zacilitiea o~ a~~lu&nt discharge) must be brought to present standard.. DER is requirin~ that Prima Vi.ta Utilities install %rench drains on the Westerly side o~ the Ponds. These e~zorta are additional monitoring 1acilities to determine whether or not any seepage ~rom the Pond(s) is intruding into the residential area. 11 e11luent seepage is 1lowing to the West toward the residential area these ponds, aa Mr. Ryan understood it, will have to be abandoned with the new expansion. Seven additional ponds were requestad on the Easterly aide 01 the plant but have been reduced to ~our probable new ponds. Expansion o~ the plant by Prima Vista Utilit~es, under new and &trin~ent ~uidelina& should enhance the quality/utilization 01 the plant. e W~th respect to the graaa levels in the area, the Code En10rcement 011icer, Sam Cerace, haa been in with the operators and owners. He haa ordered the come into compliance with the City Code, with attention being given to the areas around ~ond A Northern part 02 the plant site. O~~icial contact area to special in the Further, discussiona with Mr. Jerry Sims, who ~~rat raiaed the ~ssue o~ FHA guidelines and restrictions on loans, ind~catea that the FHA dec~a~on ~a a local area iasue, %urther that this locat~on (PVU) may not be the only similar a~tuat~on in the Tri-County area. The Sta~1 ~a. however. thank1ul to Mr. Sims and neighbors 10r highlighting the need 10r increased en10rcement and regulatory activity. The City Sta11 will continue to monitor the activities with DER and with the maintenance o~ graaa and public health iasues there and continue to report to the City Commiasion on an as needed baaia or .a otherwise directed. Mr. 3Qrry Sim$~ &09 Spring Lake Circlep s~a~&d th~t a DER report zrom Ernie Brown, Health Dept., documents complaints about PVU back in 19B2. Mr. Sims suggested the City shoot elevat~ona o~ where the water ~a now, .ake a pro~ile o~ the bottom, and look at old contours to determine why the water table ~s ao h~gh in the area now. Area reaidents are concerned that the high water table will prevent their cont~nuQd uae o~ septic tanka. . City Manager Ryan asked City En9ineer Kell~y i2 the proposal by DER and monitoring o~ the zlow would aerve the purpose o~ Mr. Sima' requeat. Mr. Kelley reaponded that he would have 2 -~ e Pag_ 3 Ci~y Coaai..ion M..~in9 S.p~.ab.r 1&. 198& to aee an actual detailed proposal be~ore he could that it would serve that purpose. con~irm Mayor Iaon asked Mr. Sima to read a 1e9al notice published Ln a newspaper on September 13~ 1986 concerning a hearing be10re DER in which Prima Viata Utilitiea will requeat a permit ~or expansion. Mayor Ison encouraged the PVU area residents to appear at the hearing. Commiaaioner Johnaon moved to request the City Engineer and the City Manager to overview the DER application by Prima Viata Utilities~ and Commiasioner Bateaan aeconded. Coaaissioner Bateaan and Mayor Ison noted that reaidenta make the most impression in such meetings and encouraged neighborhood participation. City Manager Ryan and City Attorney Kruppenbacher will review the proJect ~ile on record with DER and determine i~ there does appear to be Juati~ication or reaaon 10r the City to ~ile a petition. The aotion waa approved unaniaously. Mayor Ison asked that the Prima Vista/Spring Lake issue be placed under Old Business at the next aeeting. He alao noted that the 011iciala at Prima Viata expressed an attitude o~ cooperation. e STATUS REPORT ON CITY WASTEWATER PLANT/INDUSTRIAL City Engineer PARK City Engineer Tom Kelley~ aaaiated by Bill Senick~ a specialiat in the rehabilitation 01 sewage collection syatema~ preaented a status report on the Weat Orlando Utility Wastewater System Rehabilitation and Maintenance Program. The plant haa been owned and operated by the City 01 Ocoee aince June, 19B3. The collection systea consists 01 approximately 4~587 1eet 01 8-inch line~ 1~342 ~eet 0% 10- inch line and 1~941 1eet 01 is-inch line; all are vitri~ied clay pipe. . The system primarily serves approximately 44 customers in the West Orange Industrial Park. Water use recorda indicate an average daily 1low covering the period ~rom January 21~ 1986 to August 15~ 19B6 01 29~195 gallons per day <gpd) with additional cuatomera anticipated in the ~uture. The current capacity o~ the plant is 25,000 gpd with ba$Q 210ws nearing the deaign rate. The concerna o~ the City o~ Oeoee ~or the need to reduce the potential sources 0% in1iltration/in1low has reaulted in the ~ormulation o~ the comprehensive rehabilitation prograa consisting 01 tasting and sealing o~ individual aewer )ointa~ conatruction type point repairs on atructural de~ecta and the rehabilitation and repair o~ aanitary aewer manholea, wetwella and cleanouts. This has e1~ectively eliainated a signi%icant a~ount o~ in1iltration/in%10w. Baaed on the review o~ cloaed circuit 3 . P_g. 4, Ci~y Coaai..ion M..~ing S.p~.ab.~ 1~. 198& video t~pe~ o~ the ~y~tem and in view 01 the recent and related rehabilitation work, the total aolleation including manholea, ia conaidered to be in above condition. .se~ling ay.atSlrtl, average The report reco~mended th~t the City o~ Ocoee continue with the progra~ ~or the purpoaes o~ additional III removal and i~ple~ent repair o~ de~icienciea located during pressure amoke teating and continue to puraue the alternatives 01 taking thia ~acility out 01 service by connection to the Prima Viata aystem, andlor other appropriate alternatives. Mr. Kelley con1ir~ed re~diness now to certi1y the atructur~l integrity 01 the system to the City o~ Ocoee and Prima Vista Utilitiea. He will be aending a copy 01 thia report to both DER and Pri~a Vista. Co~~i~aioner Hager asked Mr. Kellay what per cent 01 preaently aealed lines were part o~ previous repair and Mr. Kellay replied that there were none. e M~yor Ison re1erred to the report recommendations on page 7, and auggeated an additional alternative. He a_ked Mr. Kelley what _i2e and location would be needed 10r a li1t station and what alternative usa could be .ade 01 tha land. He requested a auamary report on this auggastion be presented to the Commiaaion. Co~miaaioner Bate~an questioned the City Engineer about the ongoing water study on the North and South ends and asked i* we were "in tha ball park." Mr. Kelley replied that he needed to discus. plant sitas with two maJor developers, and that a water lina extenaion ia needed along Blu10rd. Mayor Iaon aSKed Mr. Kelley i1 it would be wholeaale water to the co~~unity o~ Windermere down Maguire. 1ea~ible to aa we expand PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAN PRESENTATION - STORY PROP. P.U.D. City Planner Wagnar . City Planner Wagner preaented the baCKground 10r the presentation. U.S. Ho~as Corporation had submitted a revised Preli.inary Master Plan 10r their proJect. This proJect was originally subaitted in January 01 this year and has gone through a number 01 deaign iterations. They were caught up in the Plan Aaendment procsaa and added the Voss parcel. The Planning and Zoning Co~~iaaion reviewed thia proJect on Septaaber 9, 1986 and racoaaended approval subJect to the co.plete list o~ sta~1 co~~enta. 4. . Page 5 Ci~y Co..i..ion Mee~ing Septe.ber 16. 1986 Mr. Wagner introduced John Seitz. the repr~aentativ~ ~or U.S. Hoaes. who explained the iteas on the DRC report which are in dispute: Ite~s 3. 4. 18. 23. and 2~. All o~ th~a~ items relate to the paving 0% Clark Road. Mr. Seit2 expressed willingness to pave Clark Road up to the entry o~ the developaent with the provision i% the City adopts an iapact ~ee. they will receive credit. He recommended that the City adopt a Road Iapact Fee ordinance. Mr. Wagner noted that Clark Road is the back bone street o~ the entire area. He suggested an equitable solution would be ~or each developer to pave that portion adJacent to their property. However. when the City adopts an i.pact %ee. a policy will be needed to clari~y when an impact ~ee will apply and what should be the allocation oi the cost. Rick Merkle. City Engineer. stated that at thia time don~t have the 1inal alignaent 0% Clark Road. they e Commissioner Johnson expressed serious concern about the aaall lot sizea planned ~or the developaent. He moved to set ~orth a workshop session on Monday. October 6th. at 7:30 P.M. in the Coamunity Center to consider all the proJects compounded by this P.U.D.. Commissioner Bateman aeconded. and the aotion carried unanimously. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READINGS 2. ORDINANCE _910 - ESTABLISHING THE MILLAGE RATE FOR 1986/87 City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance in its entirety. This ordinance established the millage rate ~or ad valorem taxes ~or 19B~/19B7 at 2.9 mills. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing %or the proposed ordinance. there were no comments. so the Hearing was closed. Commissioner Sateman moved to approve Ordinance #910. Comaissioner Johnson seconded. Mr. Ryan noted that the ad valorem taxes represented only b.9% o~ the total budget. Commissioner Hager stated that during the period he had served on the Coaaission. the aillage rate had dropped %rom 10 to the current 2.9. The motion was approved unanimously. . 1. ORDINANCE _909 - ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR 19a~/19a? City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance in ita entirety. This Ordinance provides a budget ~or ~iscal year B~/B7 in the amount o~ $5.121.999.00. The Public Hearing was openedp and concluded with no comments %rom the citizens. Commiasioner Hager moved to approve propoaed Ordinance #909. Coaaiaaionar Bateman aeconcied. and the aotion carried unanimously. 5 . Pas- b C~ty Co..i..~on M..tinS S.pt..b.~ 1~. 198& 3. ORDINANCE M911 - ADOPTING 5 YR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinanc8 by title only. Mayor Ison co~~ended the City Manager and Sta~~ ~or their reco~~endationa, noting the auditors had especially reco~~ended the adoption o~ such a program. Co~~issioner .Johnson ~oved to approve Ordinance #911, Co~~iaaioner Dabbs seconded, and the ~otion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS None. RECESS: Mayor Ison requested a recess at 9:20 P.M.. CALL TO ORDER: at 9:35 P.M.. Mayor Ison called the ~..ting back to order COMMENTS FROM CITI2ENS/PUBLIC e Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 7227 Brocbank, Orlando suggested that presentations be~ore the Commission be arranged ~or the citizens to aee aa well. Mayor Ison aaked the City Clerk and the City Manager to con~&r about implementing this sugge.Qt ion. NEW BUSINESS A. APPOINTMENTS TO THE RECREATION BOARD R&co~~endationa ~or appoint~ent to the Parka and Recreation Advisory ~oard were aa ~ollows: Co~~iaaioner Johnson: Willia~ Cha~b.ra 1405 Kimberly Street Co~~isaioner Dabbs: Reco~mendation de~erred to next 1ll.eeting Co~~i.saioner Bat&~an: Craig L. Martin 107 Rease Court Co~~iasioner Hager: Vyonne Ny tea 325 Tracua Court Mayor Ison: Terry Best 704 East Starke Lake Circle Co~~isaion&r Johnson ~ov&d to approve the appointments, C01ll..iaaioner Sateman aeconded, and the motion carried unani~ously. Mayor Ison said that Mra. Terry Best <Mona). and Sherry and Junior Wise will asaist aa needed in an uno~~icial capacity, and suggeatad Co~~iasioner Dabbs ~ight consider one o~ them. e B. APPOINTMENT TO CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD FOR ALTERNATE Co~~iaaion&r Johnson r&co~~&nded Mrs. Cathia Pollack o~ 613 Spring Lake Circle ~or appoint.ent as alternate to the Code 6 e Page 7 Ci~y Commiaaion M..~ing Septe.b.r 16. 198& En~orcement motion carried Board. Commissioner Dabbs seconded. and the unanimously. C. APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING ~ ZONING COMMISSION FOR TWO POSITIONS Mayor Ison recommended Mra. Pat Bello o~ 4bb New Meadowa Court ~or appointmant to the Planning and Zoning Commiasion. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve her appointment. Commisaioner Dabba aeconded. and the motion carried unanimoualy. Mra. Bello~a term will expire September. 19B7. In diacuaaion o~ a aecond appointment. the Commiaaionera questioned whether a Planning and Zoning Com.ission m.mbar is required to be a City reaident. City Attorney Kruppenbacher will reaearch the Ordinance and report back. The aecond appointmant will be de~erred to the next meeting. D. REQUEST OF RON STUCKI TO ADDRESS CITY COMMISSION Thia item waa pulled at the requeat o~ Mr. Stucki. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER e A. REPORT ON 3UNK VEHICLE ORDINANCE City Manager Ryan ra~erred to a memorandum to him o~ Police. William Brandt. dated September concerning Junk vehicle complaints in the City. provided to the Commiaaionera. ~ro. Chie~ 15. 19$6. Copiea were 8. FOLLOW-UP AGENDA City Manager Ryan reported that all items on the Follow-up Agenda were being handled. C. M ~ M UTILITIES The City Manager atated that he had received communication ~rom Orange County Health Departmant and DER that M & M Utilitiea had been given notice to remedy the unaatia~actory conditiona at their plant. D. GIC INVESTMENT In~ormation haa been received that the City may anticipate a poaaible 50150 return on the S100.000 inveatmant with GIC. CITY ATTORNay City Attorney Kruppenbacher re~erred to the GIC investment iaaue and racommended inveatigation o~ the auditor~a reporta ~or the period. . Mr. Kruppenbacher reported that he had received noti~ication that the Maguire Houae haa bean regiatered aa SOlC. a non- pro%it corporation under the IRS. 7 . Pase 8 Ci~y Coaai..ion K..~ing S.p~.ab.~ 1G~ 198G COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commi$aioner Dabba $tated that ha waa pl.aaad to be ~ part o~ the Commiaaion and ia doing aome reading and trying to catch up. Mayor Iaon aaked the Commiaaionara #S6.-9, aupporting "No Caainoa" Commiaaionar Dabbs moved to Coaaiasioner Johnson aeconded, unaniaoualy. to co-aponaor Resolution in the City o~ Dcoae. adopt the resolution, and the aotion carried The aeeting adJourned at 10:07 P.M.. -I/J 0 A , ---~~--~--- Mayor Toa Iaon ---~~-~~------ Deputy Clerk Grean - Ie S